#include "_Base64.au3" Local $TextIn, $file, $Base64Text, $TextOut, $type, $name, $fsize, $fsizeOrg, $filehand, $Wfilehand, $iTime, $tmp, $TimeEnd, $line, $line2, $out, $loc ;FIRST EXAMPLE basic encode and decode Base64 $TextIn = InputBox("Encode", "Enter String to Convert to base64") If @error Then Else ;Encode the text, with no line breaks(faster) $Base64Text = _Base64Encode ($TextIn, False) MsgBox(0, "Result of string to base64", "Base64" & @CRLF & "->" & $Base64Text & "<-") ;Decode the string $TextOut = _Base64Decode ($Base64Text) MsgBox(0, "Result of base64 to string", "String" & @CRLF & "->" & $TextOut & "<-") EndIf ;SECOND EXAMPLE encode & decode a file If MsgBox(260, "Warning", "This is a slow process! Please do not pick a file over 50k" & @CRLF & "This will encode then decode any file" & @CRLF & "THIS WILL OVERWRITE FILES FROM PREVIOUS RUNS OF THIS PROGRAM") = 6 Then $file = FileOpenDialog("Image To Html, Base64 Encoder", "", "All (*.*)", 1) If @error Then Else $type = StringSplit($file, ".") $name = StringSplit($type[$type[0] - 1], "\") $name = $name[$name[0]] $type = $type[$type[0]] $fsize = FileGetSize($file) $fsizeOrg = $fsize $filehand = FileOpen($file, 0) $Wfilehand = FileOpen($file & '.base64', 2) $iTime = TimerInit() ;Encode the file, with line breaks (Slower) and show progress (slower) $tmp = _Base64Encode (FileRead($filehand, $fsize), "", "File Size: " & StringTrimRight($fsize, 3) & "KB") $TimeEnd = Round(TimerDiff($iTime) / 1000, 3) FileWrite($Wfilehand, $tmp) FileClose($Wfilehand) MsgBox(0, 'Finished Encoding', 'Time: ' & $TimeEnd & ' seconds') $fsize = FileGetSize($file & '.base64') $filehand = FileOpen($file & '.base64', 0) $Wfilehand = FileOpen($file & '.original.' & $type, 2) $iTime = TimerInit() ;Decode the file, show progress (slower) $tmp = _Base64Decode (FileRead($filehand, $fsize), "File Size: " & StringTrimRight($fsize, 3) & "KB") $TimeEnd = Round(TimerDiff($iTime) / 1000, 3) FileWrite($Wfilehand, $tmp) FileClose($Wfilehand) ;Comparing Files If $fsizeOrg <> FileGetSize($file & '.original.' & $type) Then $tmp = "False" Else $filehand = FileOpen($file, 0) $Wfilehand = FileOpen($file & '.original.' & $type, 0) While 1 $line = FileReadLine($filehand) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop $line2 = FileReadLine($Wfilehand) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If $line = $line2 Then ContinueLoop Else $tmp = "False" EndIf WEnd $tmp = "True" EndIf MsgBox(0, 'Finished Decoding', 'Time: ' & $TimeEnd & ' seconds' & @CRLF & "Files are the same: " & $tmp) EndIf EndIf ;Third EXAMPLE encode a picture directly into a html page If MsgBox(260, "Warning", "This is a slow process! Please do not pick a file over 50k" & @CRLF & "This will encode a picture into a html page" & @CRLF & "The html file will will be appened if it all ready exists") = 6 Then $file = FileOpenDialog("Image To Html, Base64 Encoder", "", "Images (*.png;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*tif;*.tiff)", 1) If @error Then Exit $type = StringSplit($file, ".") $name = StringSplit($type[$type[0] - 1], "\") $name = $name[$name[0]] $type = $type[$type[0]] $fsize = FileGetSize($file) $filehand = FileOpen($file, 0) $iTime = TimerInit() ;Encode the file with no line breaks (Faster) $tmp = _Base64Encode (FileRead($filehand, $fsize), False) MsgBox(0, "Time Difference", 'Time: ' & Round(TimerDiff($iTime) / 1000, 3) & ' seconds') $out = '' $loc = StringReplace($file, $name & "." & $type, "") & $name & "[" & $type & "].htm" FileWrite($loc, $out) MsgBox(0, "Done!", "File has been converted and saved as:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $loc & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Use Firefox to view html page") EndIf