#NoTrayIcon global const $core=envget("corenr") ; cpu unit (0..) global $N=envget("theN") ; N global $test=envget("candfloor") ; first candidate in allocated segment global const $coupure=envget("candceiling") ; last candidate in allocated segment global const $inc=envget("increment") ; step global $chup="" ; storage of upwards divisors global $chwn="" ; storage of downwards divisors global $dtrv=0 ; last upwards found divisor if $test=1 then $chup=" 1" $dtrv=1 if $N>1 then $chwn=" "&$N endif while True $test+=$inc if $test>$coupure then exitloop if mod($N,$test)=0 then Stock() endif wend Ecriture() Exit Func Stock() Local $i=$N/$test if $i>$dtrv then $chup=$chup&" "&$test $dtrv=$test if $i<>$test then $chwn=" "&$i&$chwn endif endif EndFunc Func Ecriture() Local $fname="Journal_"&$core&".txt" Local $ch="" $ch=$chup&"_"&$chwn Local $fnom=FileOpen($fname,2) FileWriteLine($fnom,$ch) FileClose($fnom) EndFunc