#include ;The following IF statement allows the compiled script to be started twice only ;if it's started with "/restart" parameter, otherwise there can be ;only one instance of it. If Not $CMDLINE[0] Then If UBound(ProcessList(@ScriptName)) > 2 Then Exit ElseIf $CMDLINE[1] <> "/restart" Then Exit EndIf Global $HK=CheckINI() ;Filling the array with the hotkeys from the INI file ;and checking for some errors Opt("TrayMenuMode",1) Opt("TrayOnEventMode",1) $Settings_tray = TrayCreateItem("Settings") TrayItemSetOnEvent($Settings_tray,"_Settings") $Current_tray = TrayCreateItem("Current HotKeys (Ctrl+Alt+H)") TrayItemSetOnEvent($Current_tray,"_HOT") $Restart_tray = TrayCreateItem("Restart") TrayItemSetOnEvent($Restart_tray,"_Restart") $exit_tray = TrayCreateItem("Exit (Ctrl+Alt+X)") TrayItemSetOnEvent($exit_tray,"_Exit") TraySetState() HotKeySet ( "^!x","_Exit") HotKeySet ( "^!h","_HOT") For $i=1 to $HK[0][0] HotKeySet ( "^"&$HK[$i][0],"StartEvent") ;setting the HotKeys Next While 1 sleep (100) WEnd Func StartEvent() ;starting the event corresponding to the pressed HotKey $Pressed=StringTrimLeft(@HotKeyPressed,1) For $i=1 to $HK[0][0] If $Pressed=$HK[$i][0] Then DllCall("shell32.dll", "long", "ShellExecute", "hwnd", 0, "string", "", "string",$HK[$i][1], "string", "", "string", "", "long", @SW_SHOWNORMAL) exitloop EndIf Next EndFunc Func CheckINI() ;checking for errors in the INI file and returning an array $var = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir&"\HotKey.ini", "HOTKEYS") If @error Then MsgBox(16,"HotKey","Error! Probably missing INI file.") exit ElseIf $var[0][0]>64 Then MsgBox(16,"HotKey","You have defined more than 64 (max)hot keys!") exit Else For $i=1 to $var[0][0] If StringLen($var[$i][0])>2 Then MsgBox(16,"HotKey","Error! The KEY """&$var[$i][0]&""" in the INI file consists of more than 2 sybmols!") exit ElseIf $var[$i][0]="!x" Then MsgBox(16,"HotKey","Error! The combination ""!x"" is for exiting the HotKey program!") exit ElseIf $var[$i][0]="!h" Then MsgBox(16,"HotKey","Error! The combination ""!h"" is for viewing the current set HotKeys!") exit ElseIf $var[$i][0]="" Then MsgBox(16,"HotKey","Error! Missing key for the value """&$var[$i][1]&""" in the INI file!") exit ElseIf $var[$i][1]="" Then MsgBox(16,"HotKey","Error! The key """&$var[$i][0]&""" in the INI file has no value!") exit EndIf Next return($var) EndIf EndFunc Func _Settings() ;Calling Notepad to edit the INI file Run("notepad.exe "&@ScriptDir&"\HotKey.ini") EndFunc Func _HOT() ;printing out the current set HotKeys $Hkeys="" For $i=1 to $HK[0][0] $ALTreplace=StringReplace($HK[$i][0],"!","+") $SHIFTreplace=StringReplace($ALTreplace,"+","+") $Hkeys=$Hkeys&"+"&$SHIFTreplace&" = "&$HK[$i][1]&@CRLF Next MsgBox(64,"Current set HetKeys",$Hkeys) EndFunc Func _Exit() exit EndFunc Func _Restart() If @Compiled Then Run(@ScriptFullPath& " /restart") exit Else MsgBox(64,"HotKey","The Restart works only when the script is a compiled executable.") EndIf EndFunc