#region Directions: ;<-- Adjust size to minimum distance to read instructions --->; ;;;; Please, if you find this script useful, I accept L$ donations of any ;;;; ammount. ; ;;;; WARNING: If you received this script from anyone other than ;;;; me (Heuvadoches Naumova) or my vendors, then it's possible ;;;; it was tampered without my knowledge or consent. I am not responsible ;;;; for any damage to your system, account, or anything else. ;;;; WINDOWS ONLY! ;;;; ;;;; FIRST THINGS FIRST: NOT A KEY LOGGER!!! HACKING SUXXORZ!!! ;;;; 1. Key loggers are not generally released as source code. ;;;; 2. An efficient keylogger in AuotIt is best accomplished by using an ;;;; explicit DLLCall() function to the Windows Kernel. ;;;; This code does not have any explicit DLL calls! ;;;; I RELEASE CODE THAT WORKS ON MY SYSTEM. If you follow the directions, ;;;; it should also work correctly on yours. I test this extensively ;;;; before releasing it. ;;;; Heuvadoches Naumova ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; NOTES: ;;;; At this time: Second Life WINDOW MUST BE OPEN FIRST!!!!! ;;;; Running in a window isn't required, but it helps. ;;;; You must also log completely into second life before running ;;;; this. Not only does this help prevent a keylogger from getting your ;;;; information, it makes it a hell of a lot easier on me to code. ;;;; ;;;; INSTRUCTIONS: (Leik, OMFG...RTFM!!1!!1) ;;;; First, download and install AutoIt v3 from ;;;; http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/downloads.php ; ;;;; Second, download SciTE for AutoIt. Install it as well. ;;;; http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/downloads.php ;;;;(install notes: Edit script should be selected for default) ; ;;;; Next, Copy and paste this ENTIRE script into Scite. ;;;;; Ctrl-A (select all) Ctrl-C (copy) Ctrl-V (paste) ; ;;;; Then, SAVE THE FILE as .au3 (the name isn't important ;;;; but the extention .AU3 is.) ;;;; Finally, Hit F5 while in SciTE ;;;; Happy AFK camping! #endregion #region TO DO, Version History, Bug list ;;;; TO DO LIST: ;;;; 1. Activate button to fire up notepad to edit current witty text file. ;;;; 2. Add a button to add current custom text line to current witty text file. ;;;; 3. Add Options GUI ;;;; 3a. Add a text entry box for time adjustments on the min/max on Options GUI ;;;; 4. Create an installation program. ;;;; 5. Add TCP/IP updating possiblities through my home webserver. ;;;; VERSION HISTORY ;;;; ************************************************************ ;;;; ************************************************************ ;;;; - Shut off some of the /1 /0 prompts. Changed the quit key to the ;;;; close bracket. It is modifiable for those who like escape. ;;;; ************************************************************ ;;;; ************************************************************ ;;;; 0.1.4 - Worked out the bug in the Options GUI where the min/max would ;;;; not calculate properly.7 ;;;; 0.1.3 - Fixed another sleeper error. The file handler for the witty text ;;;; would fail if a non-existant path/file was manually inserted. ;;;; Now reverts to the default if the user's file is not found. ;;;; + Added comment ability to the Witty Text files. ;;;; + Minor cosmetic change on frmEditText. ;;;; 0.1.2 - "Sleeper" error in text parsing fixed. No longer sends control, alt, ;;;; shift or windows keystrokes in front of random (or any other) text. ;;;; + Remembers last position closed at and will attempt to open there. ;;;; + Work continues on the edit text GUI. Button placed for a future Options GUI ;;;; + Not released. Planning on releasing a beta of this 11/06 ;;;; 0.1.1 + Minor tweaking, some comsmetic changes, small idiotic bug fixed. ;;;; + Added an escapable sleep timer. - Released to AutoIt forums. ;;;; 0.1.0 + began building the GUI interface, converted main program to a function. - NOT RELEASED ;;;; 0.0.3 + added text to random channels - Released ;;;; 0.0.2 + added random movements and start/stop notifications - Released ;;;; 0.0.1 + initial development, not much more than a mouse mover/clicker - Released ;;;; KNOWN BUGS ;;;; + all (GUI ONLY) versions prior to 0.1.3 will contain a file handling error where it is ;;;; possible to manually input a non-existant folder/file. Added code to force ;;;; the file handler to fall back to the default.txt in this situation only. ;;;; ;;;; + all (GUI & NON-GUI) versions prior to 0.1.2 will contain a text parsing error where it's possible ;;;; for the script to randomly (probably 1 : 1,000,000,000 odds) quit the user from ;;;; the viewer due to the way AutoIt handles the sending of text strings. Special ;;;; characters simulate the use of the "CTRL", "ALT", "SHIFT", or "WINDOWS" keys. ;;;; (the carat (^), exclaimation point (!), plus (+), and hash (#) respectively). ;;;; If the ^ and the Q or q is sent then the viewer will quit back to the desktop. ;;;; Random, but extremely rare. More common was the appearance of the chat window, the build menu, ;;;; and other menus within the Second Life viewer. The workarounds are: Disable the ;;;; sending of text by commenting out the appropriate lines, restrict the random ;;;; number generation from CHR(65) to CHR(90), or modify the statement to send only the ;;;; text string as raw characters (implemented as of 0.1.2). #endregion #region Header #include #include #include opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) opt("MouseCoordMode", 0) opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) opt("SendKeyDelay", 2) opt("SendKeyDownDelay", 7) HotKeySet("]", "MyExit") ; ] will stop this program HotKeySet("^{pause}", "_Pause") ; ctrl + pause will halt the program momentarialy. #endregion #region Build GUI #region Global Variable and GUI Variable Declaration ; Main GUI variables Global $script = "Second Mouse v0.1.4" Global $frmMainGUI, $txtMinWait, $txtMaxWait, $mnuFile, $mFileSave, $mFileEdit, $mFileExit, $mnuOpts, _ $mHelpDevMode, $mnuHelp, $mHelpAbout, $btnEditText, $btnEditOpts, $primary, $secondary Global $rbtnSideTop, $rbtnSideLeft, $rbtnSideRight, $rbtnSideBottom, $lstStatusMsg, _ $btnStart, $btnExit, $btnTemp, $rbtnGroup01, $rbtnGroup02, $rbtnGroup03, $funcEReturn, $funcOReturn Global $guiMSG, $Exit = 0, $guiWidth = 300, $guiHeight = 350, $guiTemp, $imgFiles = 0, $running = 0, _ $paused, $iniFile = @ScriptDir & "\SMOptions.ini", $yes = 6, $no = 7, $frmPositionX, $frmPositionY Global $txtDefault = @ScriptDir & "\default.txt", $imgLocation = @ScriptDir & "\images\" Global $rbtnZoneOn[3] Global $rbtnClickZone[5] Global $imgClickZone[5] Global $lblClickZone[5] Global $rbtnSendText[4] Global $lblSendText[4] #endregion ; opening functions MouseButtons() ScriptVer($script) ; Configuration Options: Check for INI. If not, create it. If Not FileExists($iniFile) Then CreateFile("ini") ; Configuration Options: Check for default.txt If not, create it. If Not FileExists($txtDefault) Then CreateFile("txt") ; Build Main GUI $frmPositionX = IniRead($iniFile, "MAIN", "PositionX", @DesktopWidth - $guiWidth - 10) $frmPositionY = IniRead($iniFile, "MAIN", "PositionY", 0) $frmMainGUI = GUICreate($script, $guiWidth, $guiHeight, $frmPositionX, $frmPositionY) $mnuFile = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") $mnuHelp = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Help") $mFileEdit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Edit Options", $mnuFile) $mFileExit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("E&xit", $mnuFile) $mHelpAbout = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&About", $mnuHelp) ; developer mode menu item. Comment the SetState for production release $mHelpDevMode = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Developer Mode", $mnuHelp, 1, 1) ;;;; GUICtrlSetState($mHelpDevMode, $GUI_CHECKED) ; Text Control Group $rbtnGroup01 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Send Text", $guiWidth - $guiWidth + 10, $guiHeight - $guiHeight + 10, 136, 90, $BS_CENTER) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmMainGUI, "", $rbtnGroup01) $rbtnSendText[1] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Text Off", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 20, 80, -1) $rbtnSendText[2] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Text On:Public", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 40, 100, -1) $rbtnSendText[3] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Text On:Private", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 60, 100, -1) GUICtrlSetState($rbtnSendText[IniRead($iniFile, "MAIN", "TextControl", 1) ], $GUI_CHECKED) $lblSendText[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text Off: The program will not send text to the Second Life client", _ $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 52) $lblSendText[2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text On: The program will send text to the Second Life client on the public channel.", _ $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 52) $lblSendText[3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text Private: The program will send text to the Second Life client to random private channels", _ $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 52) For $x = 1 To 3 GUICtrlSetState($lblSendText[$x], $GUI_HIDE) If GUICtrlRead($rbtnSendText[$x]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($lblSendText[$x], $GUI_SHOW) Next ; On/Off control Group $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmMainGUI, "", $rbtnGroup01) $rbtnGroup03 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Click Control", $guiTemp[0], $guiTemp[1] + $guiTemp[3] + 10, 136, 48, $BS_CENTER) $rbtnZoneOn[1] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("On", $guiTemp[0] + 20, $guiTemp[1] + $guiTemp[3] + 30, 40, 20) $rbtnZoneOn[2] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Off", $guiTemp[0] + 65, $guiTemp[1] + $guiTemp[3] + 30, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetState($rbtnZoneOn[IniRead($iniFile, "MAIN", "ClickControl", 1) ], $GUI_CHECKED) ; Click Zone control Group $rbtnGroup02 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Monitor Click Zone", $guiTemp[0], $guiTemp[1] + $guiTemp[3] + 50, 136, 110, $BS_CENTER) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmMainGUI, "", $rbtnGroup02) $rbtnClickZone[4] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Left Side", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 20, 80, -1) $rbtnClickZone[1] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Top Side", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 40, 80, -1) $rbtnClickZone[2] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Right Side", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 60, 80, -1) $rbtnClickZone[3] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Bottom Side", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 80, 80, -1) GUICtrlSetState($rbtnClickZone[IniRead($iniFile, "MAIN", "ClickSide", 4) ], $GUI_CHECKED) ; buttons $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmMainGUI, "", $lblSendText[1]) $btnEditText = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&dit Text", $guiTemp[0], $guiTemp[1] + $guiTemp[3] + 10, 50, 20) $btnEditOpts = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Options", $guiTemp[0], $guiTemp[1] + $guiTemp[3] + 35, 50, 20) $btnTemp = GUICtrlCreateButton("KEYSTONE", 10, $guiHeight - 60, 80, 30) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmMainGUI, "", $btnTemp) GUICtrlSetState($btnTemp, BitOR($GUI_HIDE, $GUI_DISABLE)) $btnStart = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start &Camp", ($guiWidth / 2) - ($guiTemp[2]), $guiTemp[1], $guiTemp[2], $guiTemp[3], BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_BUTTON, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON)) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmMainGUI, "", $btnStart) $btnExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit", $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1], $guiTemp[2], $guiTemp[3]) ; image/label creation If FileExists($imgLocation & "clicktop.gif") And FileExists($imgLocation & "clickright.gif") _ And FileExists($imgLocation & "clickbottom.gif") And FileExists($imgLocation & "clickleft.gif") Then ; if the images are found, use them. $imgFiles = 1 $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmMainGUI, "", $rbtnGroup02) $imgClickZone[1] = GUICtrlCreatePic($imgLocation & "clicktop.gif", $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 96) $imgClickZone[2] = GUICtrlCreatePic($imgLocation & "clickright.gif", $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 96) $imgClickZone[3] = GUICtrlCreatePic($imgLocation & "clickbottom.gif", $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 96) $imgClickZone[4] = GUICtrlCreatePic($imgLocation & "clickleft.gif", $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 96) For $x = 1 To 4 GUICtrlSetState($imgClickZone[$x], $GUI_HIDE) If GUICtrlRead($rbtnClickZone[$x]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($imgClickZone[$x], $GUI_SHOW) Next Else ; otherwise, use text labels $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmMainGUI, "", $rbtnGroup02) $lblClickZone[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("The script will send a single left click in the top area of the monitor, 30 pixels from the edge, avoiding a 30x30 pixel square at the corners.", _ $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 96) $lblClickZone[2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("The script will send a single left click in the right area of the monitor, 30 pixels from the edge, avoiding a 30x30 pixel square at the corners.", _ $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 96) $lblClickZone[3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("The script will send a single left click in the bottom area of the monitor, 30 pixels from the edge, avoiding a 30x30 pixel square at the corners." & @LF & "NOT RECOMMENDED", _ $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 96) $lblClickZone[4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("The script will send a single left click in the left area of the monitor, 30 pixels from the edge, avoiding a 30x30 pixel square at the corners.", _ $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 12, 136, 96) For $x = 1 To 4 GUICtrlSetState($lblClickZone[$x], $GUI_HIDE) If GUICtrlRead($rbtnClickZone[$x]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($lblClickZone[$x], $GUI_SHOW) Next EndIf ; miscelleny. Check for some states before enabling/disabling buttons or fields. If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($rbtnSendText[1]), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($btnEditText, $GUI_DISABLE) If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($rbtnZoneOn[2]), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($rbtnGroup02, $GUI_DISABLE) For $loop = 1 To 4 GUICtrlSetState($rbtnClickZone[$loop], $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblClickZone[$loop], $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($imgClickZone[$loop], $GUI_HIDE) Next EndIf ; Garbage cleanup, release memory used by temporary variables. $guiTemp = "" ; Finally: show the GUI GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $frmMainGUI) #endregion #region Primary GUI Data Loop While $Exit = 0 Sleep(10) $guiMSG = GUIGetMsg() Select ; on/off button clicked Case $guiMSG = $rbtnZoneOn[1] Or $guiMSG = $rbtnZoneOn[2] If GUICtrlRead($rbtnZoneOn[2]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "ClickControl", 2) ; on(1)/off(2) GUICtrlSetState($rbtnGroup02, $GUI_DISABLE) For $loop = 1 To 4 GUICtrlSetState($rbtnClickZone[$loop], $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblClickZone[$loop], $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($imgClickZone[$loop], $GUI_HIDE) Next Else GUICtrlSetState($rbtnGroup02, $GUI_ENABLE) IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "ClickControl", 1) ; on(1)/off(2) For $loop = 1 To 4 GUICtrlSetState($rbtnClickZone[$loop], $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblClickZone[$loop], $GUI_ENABLE) If GUICtrlRead($rbtnClickZone[$loop]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($imgClickZone[$loop], $GUI_SHOW) Next EndIf ; text control button clicked Case $guiMSG = $rbtnSendText[1] Or $guiMSG = $rbtnSendText[2] Or $guiMSG = $rbtnSendText[3] For $zloop = 1 To 3 If GUICtrlRead($rbtnSendText[$zloop]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ClickZone(1, $zloop, $imgFiles) IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "TextControl", $zloop) ; off(1)/public(2)/private(3) EndIf If $zloop = 1 And GUICtrlRead($rbtnSendText[$zloop]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($btnEditText, $GUI_DISABLE) If $zloop > 1 And GUICtrlRead($rbtnSendText[$zloop]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($btnEditText, $GUI_ENABLE) Next ; clickside button clicked Case $guiMSG = $rbtnClickZone[1] Or $guiMSG = $rbtnClickZone[2] Or $guiMSG = $rbtnClickZone[3] Or $guiMSG = $rbtnClickZone[4] For $zloop = 1 To 4 If GUICtrlRead($rbtnClickZone[$zloop]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ClickZone(2, $zloop, $imgFiles) IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "ClickSide", $zloop) ; top(1)/right(2)/bottom(3)/left(4) EndIf Next Case $guiMSG = $btnEditText $funcEReturn = 0 $funcOReturn = 0 $funcEReturn = GUIEditText() $Exit = $Exit - 1 Case $guiMSG = $btnEditOpts Or $guiMSG = $mFileEdit $funcEReturn = 0 $funcOReturn = 0 $funcOReturn = GUIEditOpts() $Exit = $Exit - 1 Case $guiMSG = $btnStart SecondMouse() $Exit = $Exit - 1 Case $guiMSG = $mHelpDevMode If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($mHelpDevMode), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($mHelpDevMode, $GUI_UNCHECKED) MsgBox(0, "", "Developer Mode disengaged.") Else $guiTemp = MsgBox(0x24, "Developer Mode", "Configuration and default.txt will be deleted upon exit" & _ @LF & @LF & "Are you sure you want to do this?") If $guiTemp = $yes Then GUICtrlSetState($mHelpDevMode, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf EndIf Case $guiMSG = $mHelpAbout MsgBox(0, "About " & $script, $script & " design and code by Heuvadoches Naumova." & @LF & @LF & _ "Beta tested by: Underflow Quasimodo" & @LF & @LF & "Special Thanks to: Underflow Quasimodo for valuable suggestions.") Case $guiMSG = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $guiMSG = $mFileExit Or $guiMSG = $btnExit MyExit() EndSelect If $funcEReturn = 1 Then ControlClick($frmMainGUI, "", $btnEditOpts, $primary, 1) If $funcOReturn = 1 Then ControlClick($frmMainGUI, "", $btnEditText, $primary, 1) WEnd #endregion $guiTemp = WinGetPos($frmMainGUI) IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "PositionX", $guiTemp[0]) IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "PositionY", $guiTemp[1]) If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($mHelpDevMode), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then If FileExists($iniFile) Then FileDelete($iniFile) ConsoleWrite("INI Deleted. ") If FileExists($txtDefault) Then FileDelete($txtDefault) ConsoleWrite("TXT Deleted.") EndIf ConsoleWrite(@LF) EndIf EndIf GUIDelete($frmMainGUI) Exit #region Function List Func GUIEditOpts() ; option buttons: Radio for window/fullscreen, text for min/max times ( min >= 5.000 <= max <= 25.000 ) ; button for manual checking for new versions. Local $frmEditOpts, $guiOptsMsg, $btnOptsUpdate, $btnOptsOK, $btnOptsCancel, $btnOptsTemp, $txtOptsMin, $txtOptsMax, _ $rbtnOptsGroup, $iUpdate, $iUpdateErr, $iResponse, $fileUpdateEXE = @TempDir & "\SMUpdate.EXE", $lblOptsUpdate, _ $lblOptsUpdateText, $lblLastUpdate = IniRead($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "LastUpdate", "2001/01/01"), $position Local $lblOptsMin = IniRead($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "MinTime", "10.00"), $lblOptsMax = IniRead($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "MaxTime", "25.00"), $lblTime Local $rbtnOptsWindow[2] Local $lblOptsWindow[2] $position = WinGetPos($frmMainGUI) $frmEditOpts = GUICreate("Options", $position[2], $position[3], $position[0], $position[1], -1, -1, $frmMainGUI) $rbtnOptsGroup = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 10, $position[2] - 20, $position[3] - 125) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmEditOpts, "", $rbtnOptsGroup) $rbtnOptsWindow[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("SecondLife is FULLSCREEN", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 20, 160, 20) $rbtnOptsWindow[1] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("SecondLife is WINDOWED", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 40, 160, 20) GUICtrlSetState($rbtnOptsWindow[IniRead($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "Windowed", 0) ], $GUI_CHECKED) $txtOptsMin = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "MinTime", 10.00), $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 120, 48, 20) $lblOptsMin = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Minimum time", $guiTemp[0] + 63, $guiTemp[1] + 120, 80, 20) $txtOptsMax = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "MaxTime", 25.00), $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 145, 48, 20) $lblOptsMax = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Maximum time", $guiTemp[0] + 63, $guiTemp[1] + 145, 80, 20) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmEditOpts, "", $lblOptsMin) $lblTime = GUICtrlCreateLabel("The values to the left represent the min and max time in minutes between iterations of moving the mouse and/or sending text.", _ $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 5, $guiTemp[1] - 15, $position[2] - ($guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 5) - 20, 80) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmEditOpts, "", $rbtnOptsGroup) $btnOptsUpdate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Update", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[3] - 20, 48, 20) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmEditOpts, "", $btnOptsUpdate) $lblOptsUpdate = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Update has not yet succeeded", $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 5, _ $guiTemp[1], $position[2] - ($guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 5) - 20, 20) If Not $lblLastUpdate = "2001/01/01" Then $lblOptsUpdateText = _DateDiff("D", $lblLastUpdate, _NowCalcDate()) GUICtrlSetData($lblOptsUpdate, "Last update: " & $lblOptsUpdateText & " days ago.") EndIf ; main buttons $btnOptsTemp = GUICtrlCreateButton("KEYSTONE", 10, $guiHeight - 60, 80, 30) GUICtrlSetState($btnOptsTemp, BitOR($GUI_HIDE, $GUI_DISABLE)) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmEditOpts, "", $btnOptsTemp) $btnOptsOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", ($guiWidth / 2) - $guiTemp[2], $guiTemp[1], $guiTemp[2], $guiTemp[3], BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_BUTTON, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON)) GUICtrlSetTip($btnOptsOK, "Save options and return to main menu") $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmEditOpts, "", $btnOptsOK) $btnOptsCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1], $guiTemp[2], $guiTemp[3]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $frmEditOpts) If BitAND(WinGetState($frmMainGUI), 2) Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $frmMainGUI) #region Primary Options Data Loop While $Exit = 0 Sleep(10) $guiOptsMsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $guiOptsMsg = $btnOptsUpdate ; user clicked the update button ; update is currently causing problems. $iUpdate = GetUpdate() $iUpdateErr = @error Select Case $iUpdate = 0 And $iUpdateErr = 0 ; no update MsgBox(0, $script, "Second Mouse is current") Case $iUpdate = 0 and ($iUpdateErr = 1 Or $iUpdateErr = 2 Or $iUpdateErr = 3) ; unable to get file, unable open file, unable to get update MsgBox(0x30, $script, "Update Error Code: UEC-" & $iUpdateErr & @LF & "Unable to update at this time.") Case $iUpdate = 1 And $iUpdateErr = 0 ; update successful IniWrite($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "LastUpdate", _NowCalcDate()) $iResponse = MsgBox(0x24, "Ready!", "Run update now?") If $iResponse = $yes Then ; run update and quit main program Run($fileUpdateEXE) WinWait("SecondMouse Updater") Exit EndIf Case Else MsgBox(0, "Major Error", "Someone threw a spanner in the gearbox." & @LF _ & "The update didn't fail, but it didn't succeed either.") EndSelect Case $guiOptsMsg = $btnOptsOK Local $min = StringFormat("%.2f", GUICtrlRead($txtOptsMin)) Local $max = StringFormat("%.2f", GUICtrlRead($txtOptsMax)) Select Case $min < 5 or (100 * $max) < (100 * $min) ; goofy kludge to get it to work. ; do error trap for bad min/max values. MsgBox(0, "Error", "Invalid value(s) for Minimum." & @LF & "Please set values between 5.00 and 25.00 and less than the Maximum." & @LF & "Thank you") Case $max > 25 ; do error trap for bad min/max values. MsgBox(0, "Error", "Invalid value(s) for Maximum." & @LF & "Please set values between 5.00 and 25.00 and greater than or equal to the Minimum." & @LF & "Thank you") Case Else If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($rbtnOptsWindow[0]), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "Windowed", "0") Else IniWrite($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "Windowed", "1") EndIf $guiTemp = StringFormat("%.2f", GUICtrlRead($txtOptsMin)) IniWrite($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "MinTime", $guiTemp) $guiTemp = StringFormat("%.2f", GUICtrlRead($txtOptsMax)) IniWrite($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "MaxTime", $guiTemp) MyExit() EndSelect Case $guiOptsMsg = $btnOptsCancel Or $guiOptsMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE MyExit() EndSelect WEnd #endregion #region Edit Options Garbage Cleanup $position = WinGetPos($frmEditOpts) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $frmMainGUI) GUIDelete($frmEditOpts) WinMove($frmMainGUI, "", $position[0], $position[1]) #endregion EndFunc ;==>GUIEditOpts Func GUIEditText() #region Build Edit Text GUI ; Edit Text GUI Variables Local $frmEditText, $txtInputString, $btnEditOK, $btnEditCancel, $temp, $file, $btnEditTemp, $guiEditMsg, $position, _ $rbtnEditGroup, $txtWittyLocation, $btnWittyBrowse, $txtCustomText, $value, $text, $min = 10, $max = 15, $btnWittyEdit Local $rbtnEditText[4] $position = WinGetPos($frmMainGUI) $frmEditText = GUICreate("Edit Text", $position[2], $position[3], $position[0], $position[1], -1, -1, $frmMainGUI) ; Text Option Group $rbtnEditGroup = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Text Control", 10, 10, $position[2] - 20, $position[3] - 125) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmEditText, "", $rbtnEditGroup) $rbtnEditText[1] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Random Text", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 20, 96, 20) $rbtnEditText[2] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Witty Text", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 40, 96, 20) $txtWittyLocation = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "File", $txtDefault), $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 60, $guiTemp[2] - 20, 20) $btnWittyBrowse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", $guiTemp[2] - 101, $guiTemp[1] + 35, 48, 20) $btnWittyEdit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Edit File", $guiTemp[2] - 48, $guiTemp[1] + 35, 48, 20) $rbtnEditText[3] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Custom Text", $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 80, 96, 20) $txtCustomText = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "Text", "AFK!"), $guiTemp[0] + 10, $guiTemp[1] + 100, 180, 20) GUICtrlSetState($txtWittyLocation, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($txtCustomText, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyBrowse, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($rbtnEditText[IniRead($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "Option", 1) ], $GUI_CHECKED) ; main buttons $btnEditTemp = GUICtrlCreateButton("KEYSTONE", 10, $guiHeight - 60, 80, 30) GUICtrlSetState($btnEditTemp, BitOR($GUI_HIDE, $GUI_DISABLE)) $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmEditText, "", $btnEditTemp) $btnEditOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", ($guiWidth / 2) - $guiTemp[2], $guiTemp[1], $guiTemp[2], $guiTemp[3]) GUICtrlSetTip($btnEditOK, "Save options and return to main menu") $guiTemp = ControlGetPos($frmEditText, "", $btnEditOK) $btnEditCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", $guiTemp[0] + $guiTemp[2] + 10, $guiTemp[1], $guiTemp[2], $guiTemp[3], BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_BUTTON, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON)) For $loop = 1 To 3 $guiTemp = BitAND(GUICtrlRead($rbtnEditText[$loop]), $GUI_CHECKED) Select Case $guiTemp = $GUI_CHECKED And $loop = 1 ; random GUICtrlSetState($txtWittyLocation, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyBrowse, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyEdit, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($txtCustomText, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $guiTemp = $GUI_CHECKED And $loop = 2 ; witty GUICtrlSetState($txtWittyLocation, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyBrowse, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyEdit, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($txtCustomText, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $guiTemp = $GUI_CHECKED And $loop = 3 ; custom GUICtrlSetState($txtWittyLocation, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyBrowse, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyEdit, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($txtCustomText, $GUI_ENABLE) EndSelect Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $frmEditText) If BitAND(WinGetState($frmMainGUI), 2) Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $frmMainGUI) #endregion #region Edit Text Primary Data Loop While $Exit = 0 Sleep(10) $guiEditMsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $guiEditMsg = $rbtnEditText[1] Or $guiEditMsg = $rbtnEditText[2] Or $guiEditMsg = $rbtnEditText[3] For $loop = 1 To 3 $guiTemp = BitAND(GUICtrlRead($rbtnEditText[$loop]), $GUI_CHECKED) Select Case $guiTemp = $GUI_CHECKED And $loop = 1 ; random GUICtrlSetState($txtWittyLocation, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyBrowse, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyEdit, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($txtCustomText, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $guiTemp = $GUI_CHECKED And $loop = 2 ; witty GUICtrlSetState($txtWittyLocation, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyBrowse, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyEdit, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($txtCustomText, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $guiTemp = $GUI_CHECKED And $loop = 3 ; custom GUICtrlSetState($txtWittyLocation, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyBrowse, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnWittyEdit, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($txtCustomText, $GUI_ENABLE) EndSelect Next Case $guiEditMsg = $btnWittyBrowse $file = FileOpenDialog("Load Text File", @ScriptDir & "\", "Text files (*.txt)", 8, "default.txt") GUICtrlSetData($txtWittyLocation, $file, "") Case $guiEditMsg = $btnWittyEdit Run('notepad.exe "' & GUICtrlRead($txtWittyLocation) & '"') Case $guiEditMsg = $btnEditOK For $count = 1 To 3 If GUICtrlRead($rbtnEditText[$count]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $value = $count $file = GUICtrlRead($txtWittyLocation) $text = GUICtrlRead($txtCustomText) EndIf Next IniWrite($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "Option", $value) IniWrite($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "File", $file) IniWrite($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "Text", $text) MyExit() Case $guiEditMsg = $btnEditCancel Or $guiEditMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE MyExit() EndSelect WEnd #endregion #region Edit Text Garbage Cleanup $position = WinGetPos($frmEditText) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $frmMainGUI) GUIDelete($frmEditText) WinMove($frmMainGUI, "", $position[0], $position[1]) #endregion EndFunc ;==>GUIEditText Func SecondMouse() #region Default functions, hot keys and variables. GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $frmMainGUI) ; regular variables Local $window = "classname=Second Life", $x, $y, $z, $loop, $primary, $paused, _ $timecounter = 0, $min = 10, $max = 15, $channel = -1, $text = " AFK!", _ $TextOpts = 0, $txtDirWitty, $txtCustom = IniRead($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "Text", "AFK!"), $eof, $fileHandle Local $textType = IniRead($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "Option", -1) Select Case GUICtrlRead($rbtnSendText[1]) = $GUI_CHECKED ; off $TextOpts = 1 $channel = -1 Case GUICtrlRead($rbtnSendText[2]) = $GUI_CHECKED ; public $TextOpts = 2 $channel = 0 Case GUICtrlRead($rbtnSendText[3]) = $GUI_CHECKED ; private $TextOpts = 3 $channel = Random(10000, 90000000, 1) EndSelect Select Case $textType = 1 Or $textType = -1 ; random Case $textType = 2 ; witty $txtDirWitty = IniRead($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "File", $txtDefault) Case $textType = 3 ; custom $txtCustom = IniRead($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "Text", "AFK!") EndSelect #endregion #region SecondMouse Primary Data Loop ; user clicked "Start Camp" If WinExists($window) Then WinActivate($window) WinWaitActive($window) Sleep(5000) ;~ Send("/0 " & $script & " Activated.{enter}") $running = 1 While $Exit = 0 WinActivate($window) WinWaitActive($window) Sleep(250) For $loop = 1 To Random(7, 18, 1) If Not $Exit = 0 Then $running = 0 ExitLoop EndIf $x = Random(30, @DesktopWidth - 30, 1) $y = Random(30, @DesktopHeight - 30, 1) $z = Random(1, 15, 1) MouseMove($x, $y, $z) Next ConsoleWrite($loop & @LF) Select Case BitAND(GUICtrlRead($rbtnClickZone[1]), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED ; top $x = Random(60, @DesktopWidth - 60, 1) $y = Random(30, 60, 1) $z = Random(1, 10, 1) Case BitAND(GUICtrlRead($rbtnClickZone[2]), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED ; right $x = Random(@DesktopWidth - 60, @DesktopWidth - 30, 1) $y = Random(60, @DesktopHeight - 60, 1) $z = Random(1, 10, 1) Case BitAND(GUICtrlRead($rbtnClickZone[3]), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED ; bottom $x = Random(60, @DesktopWidth - 60, 1) $y = Random(@DesktopHeight - 60, @DesktopHeight - 30, 1) $z = Random(1, 10, 1) Case BitAND(GUICtrlRead($rbtnClickZone[4]), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED ; left $x = Random(30, 60, 1) $y = Random(60, @DesktopHeight - 60, 1) $z = Random(1, 10, 1) EndSelect HotKeySet("{]}") BlockInput(1) If GUICtrlRead($rbtnZoneOn[1]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then MouseClick($primary, $x, $y, 1, $z) Sleep(125) ; set text for next iteration. If Not $TextOpts = 1 Then Select Case $textType = 1 ; random $text = " " For $x = 1 To Random(4, 10, 1) $text = $text & Chr(Random(33, 126, 1)) Next Case $textType = 2 ; witty $fileHandle = FileOpen($txtDirWitty, 0) If $fileHandle = -1 Then BlockInput(0) MsgBox(0x30, "File Error", "The Witty Text file you have specified does not exist." & @LF & _ "Switching to the default Witty Text file.", 5) BlockInput(1) $txtDirWitty = $txtDefault $fileHandle = FileOpen($txtDirWitty, 0) IniWrite($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "File", $txtDefault) EndIf $eof = _FileCountLines($txtDirWitty) Do $text = " " & FileReadLine($fileHandle, Random(1, $eof)) Until Not StringInStr($text, "//") > 0 FileClose($fileHandle) Case $textType = 3 ; custom $text = " " & $txtCustom EndSelect EndIf ; If text is public or private, send the text. If Not $TextOpts = 1 Then ; if send text is not off If Not $Exit = 0 Then $running = 0 ExitLoop EndIf ControlSend($window, "", "", "{esc 5}/" & $channel, 0) If Not $TextOpts = 3 Then ControlSend($window, "", "", "{backspace 10}", 0) ; allows for custom emotes and gestures in custom text. ControlSend($window, "", "", $text, 1) ControlSend($window, "", "", "{enter}", 0) EndIf BlockInput(0) HotKeySet("{]}", "MyExit") ; If the text is private, change the channel. If $TextOpts = 3 Then $channel = Random(10000, 99999999, 1) ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(472) : channel changed to: ' & $channel & @LF) ;### Debug Console EndIf If Not $TextOpts = 1 Then ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(547/552/568) : text changed to: ' & $text & @LF) ;### Debug Console ; Sleep for somewhere between $min and $max MINUTES. Sleeping loop is escapable. For $loop = 1 to (600 * Random($min, $max, 1)) Sleep(100) If Not $Exit = 0 Then $running = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next WEnd Else MsgBox(0x30, "Critical Error", "Second Life window must exist and be logged in!") MyExit() EndIf #endregion GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $frmMainGUI) EndFunc ;==>SecondMouse Func MouseButtons() ;Determine if user has swapped right and left mouse buttons Local $k = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse", "SwapMouseButtons") ; It's okay to NOT check the success of the RegRead operation If $k = 1 Then Global $primary = "right" Global $secondary = "left" Else ;normal (also case if could not read registry key) Global $primary = "left" Global $secondary = "right" EndIf EndFunc ;==>MouseButtons Func ScriptVer($s_szVer) If WinExists($s_szVer) Then MsgBox(0, $s_szVer, "Script is already running." & @LF & "Script will now exit.") Exit ; It's already running EndIf AutoItWinSetTitle($s_szVer) EndFunc ;==>ScriptVer Func MyExit() Local $window = "classname=Second Life" Send("{numlock on}") If WinExists($window) And $running = 1 Then WinActivate($window) WinWaitActive($window) ; Send("/0 Script deactivated{enter}") $running = 0 EndIf BlockInput(0) $Exit = $Exit + 1 EndFunc ;==>MyExit Func _Pause() $paused = Not $paused Send("/0 Script paused{enter}") While $paused Sleep(500) ToolTip('Script is "Paused"', 1, 1) WEnd ToolTip("") EndFunc ;==>_Pause Func ClickZone($iGroup, $iNum, $iImages) Select Case $iGroup = 1 For $count = 1 To 3 GUICtrlSetState($lblSendText[$count], $GUI_HIDE) Next GUICtrlSetState($lblSendText[$iNum], $GUI_SHOW) Case $iGroup = 2 If $iImages = 1 Then ; swap the images For $count = 1 To 4 GUICtrlSetState($imgClickZone[$count], $GUI_HIDE) Next GUICtrlSetState($imgClickZone[$iNum], $GUI_SHOW) Else ; if images don't exist, swap the labels. For $count = 1 To 4 GUICtrlSetState($lblClickZone[$count], $GUI_HIDE) Next GUICtrlSetState($lblClickZone[$iNum], $GUI_SHOW) EndIf EndSelect EndFunc ;==>ClickZone Func CreateFile($s_opt) Local $file, $fileHandle Select Case $s_opt = "ini" IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "TextControl", 1) ; off(1)/public(2)/private(3) IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "ClickControl", 1) ; on(1)/off(2) IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "ClickSide", 4) ; top(1)/right(2)/bottom(3)/left(4) IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "PositionX", @DesktopWidth - $guiWidth - 10) IniWrite($iniFile, "MAIN", "PositionY", 0) IniWrite($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "LastUpdate", "2001/01/01") IniWrite($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "Windowed", 0) IniWrite($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "MinTime", 10) IniWrite($iniFile, "OPTIONS", "MaxTime", 25) IniWrite($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "Option", 1) ; random(1)/witty(2)/custom(3) IniWrite($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "File", $txtDefault) ; default witty text location IniWrite($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "Text", "AFK!") ; default custom text Case $s_opt = "txt" $file = IniRead($iniFile, "TEXTOPTIONS", "File", $txtDefault) $fileHandle = FileOpen($file, 2) FileWriteLine($fileHandle, "// COMMENTS ARE ANY LINE WITH A DOUBLE SLASH ANYWHERE IN THE TEXT!!") FileWriteLine($fileHandle, "// THIS MEANS THAT IF THE PARSER FINDS A DOUBLE SLASH IT WILL SKIP THE ENTIRE LINE") FileWriteLine($fileHandle, "// PHRASES MUST BE ON A SINGLE LINE") FileWriteLine($fileHandle, "Script created by Heuvadoches Naumova. Please donate to hir if you find SecondMouse useful.") FileWriteLine($fileHandle, "Edison was deaf in one ear and had partial hearing loss in the other, yet he invented the phonograph.") FileWriteLine($fileHandle, "Hi there! I'm camping! You can too, IM Heuvadoches Naumova for info!") FileWriteLine($fileHandle, "Rocking the campers of SecondLife. One chair at a time. " & $script) FileWriteLine($fileHandle, "I haven't edited my default.txt file yet!") FileWriteLine($fileHandle, "I am the camping god(ess). All hail me!") FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Cloud') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Barret') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Tifa') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Aeris') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Red XIII') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Yuffie') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Vincent') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Cait Sith') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Rufus') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - Sephiroth') FileWriteLine($fileHandle, 'Famous Final Fantasy VII Quotes: "..." - The Turks') FileClose($fileHandle) EndSelect EndFunc ;==>CreateFile Func GetUpdate() Local $url = "http://dragonpen.dyndns.org/files/SMversion.txt", $fileTextUpdate = @TempDir & "\SMVersion.txt", _ $fileUpdateEXE = @TempDir & "\SMUpdate.EXE", $fileHandle, $netGetFile, $line $netGetFile = InetGet($url, $fileTextUpdate, 1, 0) If $netGetFile = 0 Then ; unable to get the file SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $fileHandle = FileOpen($fileTextUpdate, 0) If $fileHandle = -1 Then ; unable to open file SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf $line = FileReadLine($fileHandle, 1) If $line = $script Then ; no update FileClose($fileHandle) SetError(0) Return 0 EndIf FileClose($fileHandle) $netGetFile = InetGet($url, $fileUpdateEXE, 1, 0) If $netGetFile = 0 Then ; unable to get update SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf SetError(0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>GetUpdate #endregion #region GNU Public License #cs #ce #endregion