;xlpassword.au3 #include"ExcelCom.au3" global $oXLApp $PassPath="c:\backup\password1.xls" $OrigPath=$PassPath $NewPath="c:\backup\book3.xls" $OrigNew=$NewPath $NewPath2="c:\backup\book4.xls" $Pass1="hi" $PassWrite="hi" _XLReadPassword( $PassPath,$NewPath, $Pass1 , $PassWrite , 1) _XLshow($PassPath,1) MsgBox(0,"","You can now use $NewPath as the functioning copy; save later") ;============================================================== ;processes with $PassPath [is now actually the proxy] ;============================================================== _XLSaveAsPassword( $PassPath,$OrigPath, $Pass1 , $PassWrite , 1) _XLSaveAsPassword( $OrigNew,$NewPath2, $Pass1 , $PassWrite , 1) _XLshow($OrigNew,1) msgbox (0," visible if shown", "Proxy file still present, opens OK") _XLshow($NewPath2,1) msgbox (0," visible if shown", "Demo 2nd password file has password (as does orig and now changed Password file), opens OK") if IsObj($oXLApp) then $oXLApp.quit _XLexit($NewPath,0); no changes and close workboot; not Excel