#cs vi:ts=4 sw=4: DLLStruct.au3 Ejoc Add easier support for structs within structs #ce #include-once ;===================================================== ; _DllStructGetSizeFromStr($szStruct) ; $string The string you would use in DllStructCreate ; Returns The size of the struct ; 0 on error and sets @Error To the DllStructCreate Error ;===================================================== Func _DllStructGetSizeFromStr($szStruct) Local $a SetError(0) $a = DllStructCreate($szStruct,1);dont allocate memory If @Error Then Return 0 Return $a[0][1] EndFunc ;===================================================== ; _DllStructSubStruct(ByRef $p, $iElement, $szStruct) ; $p The return from DllStructCreate() ; $iElement The element where the sub struct is located ; $szStruct The String representing the Sub Struct ; Returns a new struct for use in DllStructGet/DllStructSet ; Sets @Error to -1 if $iElement is outside, -2 sub struct ; would go outside the bounds of the struct ; $p's elements are decreased as the substruct elements are removed ; ; $RECT_STR = "int;int;int;int" ; $POINT_STR = "int;int" ; $p = DllStructCreate("ptr;" & $RECT_STR & ";" & $POINT_STR) ; $rect = _DllStructSubStruct($p,2,$RECT_STR) ; $point = _DllStructSubStruct($p,3,$POINT_STR) ; DllCall("some.dll","int","func","ptr",DllStructPtr($p)) ; $point_x = DllStructGet($point,1) ; $point_y = DllStructGet($point,2) ; $left = DllStructGet($rect,1) ; $top = DllStructGet($rect,2) ; $right = DllStructGet($rect,3) ; $bottom = DllStructGet($rect,4) ; DllStructFree($p) ;===================================================== Func _DllStructSubStruct(ByRef $p,$iElement,$szStruct) local $array,$iSubSize,$szSplit,$i,$iSubOffset=0 SetError(0) $szSplit = StringSplit($szStruct,";");count the semicolons $iSubSize = $szSplit[0] if StringRight($szStruct,1) = ";" Then $iSubSize -= 1;ingnore a trail ';' ;check if it is a valid element if $iElement > $p[0][2] Or $iElement < 1 Then SetError(-1) return Endif ;check if the substruct would go beyond the struct if $iElement + $iSubSize > $p[0][2] Then SetError(-2) return EndIf Dim $array[$iSubSize+1][3] For $i = 1 To $iSubSize $array[$i][0] = $iSubOffset;new offset $array[$i][1] = $p[$iElement + $i - 1][1];sizeof(datatype) $array[$i][2] = $p[$iElement + $i - 1][2];flags If $iElement + $i <= $p[0][2] Then ;isnt the last element of the struct $iSubOffset = $p[$iElement + $i][0] - $p[$iElement][0] Else;this is the last element of the struct $iSubOffset = $p[0][1] - $p[$iElement][0] EndIf Next $array[0][0] = $p[0][0] + $p[$iElement][0];ptr to the substruct $array[0][1] = $iSubOffset ;substruct size in bytes $array[0][2] = $iSubSize ;elements in substruct $p[$iElement][1] = 1 ;set the datatype size for the sub struct to 1 ;shift the elements down For $i = $iElement + 1 To $p[0][2] - ($iSubSize - 1) $p[$i][0] = $p[$i + $iSubSize - 1][0] $p[$i][1] = $p[$i + $iSubSize - 1][1] $p[$i][2] = $p[$i + $iSubSize - 1][2] Next ;decrease the number of elements $p[0][2] -= $iSubSize - 1 ReDim $p[$p[0][2]+1][3] Return $array EndFunc ;=============================================== ; _FileReadToDLLStruct($szFileName) ; Read a file into a DllStruct, which you must delete ; $szFileName Name of the file to read ; Return DllStruct which element 1 is an ; array of bytes = file size ; element 2 is the number of bytes ; read. Access the data with: ; $n = DllStructGetData($p,2) ; DllStructGetData($p,1,1..$n) ; On Error @Error is set to ; -1 File does not exist ; -2 DllStructCreate Failed ; -3 Could not open File ; -4 DllCall Failed ; -5 ReadFile Failed ;=============================================== Func _FileReadToDLLStruct($szFileName) Local $p,$ilen=0,$ret,$file SetError(0) If Not FileExists($szFileName) Then ; File doesn't exist SetError(-1) return EndIf $iLen = FileGetSize($szFileName) $p = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iLen & "];int") if @error Then ; DllStructCreate Failed SetError(-2) return EndIf ; Open the file for reading $ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","CreateFile", _ "str",$szFileName, _ "int",0x80000000, _ "int",0, _ "ptr",0, _ "int",3, _ "int",0x80, _ "ptr",0) if @error OR Not $ret[0] Then ; CreateFile or DllCall failed SetError(-3) $p = 0 return EndIf $file = $ret[0] $ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","ReadFile", _ "int",$file, _ "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($p), _ "int",$iLen, _ "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($p,2), _ "ptr",0) if @error Then ; DllCall failed SetError(-4) $p = 0 DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","CloseHandle","int",$file) return EndIf If Not $ret[0] Then ; ReadFile failed SetError(-5) $p = 0 DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","CloseHandle","int",$file) return EndIf DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","CloseHandle","int",$file) Return $p EndFunc ;=============================================== ; _FileWriteFromDLLStruct($p,$szFileName) ; Write a Struct to a file ; $p Struct to write ; $szFileName Name of the file to write ; Return Bytes Written ; On Error @Error is set to ; -1 invalid Struct ; -2 DllStructGetSize Failed ; -3 Could not open File ; -4 DllCall Failed ; -5 WriteFile Failed ;=============================================== Func _FileWriteFromDLLStruct($p,$szFileName) Local $ilen=0,$ret,$file SetError(0) If Not IsArray($p) Then SetError(-1) return EndIf $iLen = DllStructGetSize($p) If @error Then SetError(-2) return EndIf ;if the struct passed is the struct created from _FileReadToStruct, ;Dont write the int If $p[0][2] = 2 AND $p[2][0] = DllStructGetData($p,2) Then ; $iLen -= 4 EndIf ; Open the file for writing $ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","CreateFile", _ "str",$szFileName, _ "int",0x40000000, _ "int",1, _ "ptr",0, _ "int",4, _ "int",0x80, _ "ptr",0) if @error OR Not $ret[0] Then ; CreateFile or DllCall failed SetError(-3) return EndIf $file = $ret[0] $ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","WriteFile", _ "int",$file, _ "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($p), _ "int",$iLen, _ "int_ptr",0, _ "ptr",0) if @error Then ; DllCall failed SetError(-4) DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","CloseHandle","int",$file) return EndIf If Not $ret[0] Then ; WriteFile failed SetError(-5) DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","CloseHandle","int",$file) return EndIf DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","CloseHandle","int",$file) Return $ret[4] EndFunc ;=============================================== ; _DllStructCreateFromString($szString) ; Create a DllStruct That is a string, and copy $szString into it ; $szString String to be in the new struct ; Return Success a new struct, Failure @error = -1 ;=============================================== Func _DllStructCreateFromString($szString) Local $p SetError(0) $p = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($szString) + 1 & "]") If @Error Then SetError(-1) Return EndIf DllStructSetData($p,1,$szString) Return $p EndFunc ;=============================================== ; _GetLastErrorMessage($DisplayMsgBox="") ; Format the last windows error as a string and return it ; if $DisplayMsgBox <> "" Then it will display a message box w/ the error ; Return Window's error as a string ;=============================================== Func _GetLastErrorMessage($DisplayMsgBox="") Local $ret,$s Local $p = DllStructCreate("char[4096]") Local Const $FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000 If @error Then Return "" $ret = DllCall("Kernel32.dll","int","GetLastError") $ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","FormatMessage", _ "int",$FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, _ "ptr",0, _ "int",$ret[0], _ "int",0, _ "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($p), _ "int",4096, _ "ptr",0) $s = DllStructGetData($p,1) $p = 0 If $DisplayMsgBox <> "" Then MsgBox(0,"_GetLastErrorMessage",$DisplayMsgBox & @CRLF & $s) return $s EndFunc