; AutoIt Version: ; Author: Stephen Podhajecki eltorro ; Modified by: WeaponX ; Version: 0.5 ; ; Script Function: Populate Array from cookbook.xml, display in listview ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>; change this to your needs #Include #include ;_SetDebug(True) opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;=============================================================================== Global $xmlFile Global $count = 0 Global $sNxPath, $fHwnd Global $ARRAY[1][1] Global $ARRAYX Global $ARRAYY ;=============================================================================== ;Manual XML path for testing, comment out ;$xmlFile = "D:\Design\Archrival Assembler\Old Versions\cookbook.xml" If $xmlFile = "" Then $xmlFile = FileOpenDialog("Open XML", @ScriptDir, "XML (*.XML)", 1) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "File Open", "No file chosen , Exiting") Exit EndIf EndIf Main() Gui() Exit Func Main() Local $szXPath1,$szXPath2, $aNodeName1,$aNodeName2, $find, $oXSD,$iNodeCount,$aAttrName1[1],$aAttrVal1[1],$aAttrName2[1],$aAttrVal2[1],$ret_val,$X $oXSD = _XMLFileOpen ($xmlFile, "") If @error Or $oXSD < 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "There was an error opening the file " & $xmlFile) $oXSD = 0 Exit EndIf $szXPath1 = "//DATAPACKET/METADATA/FIELDS" $szXPath2 = "//DATAPACKET/ROWDATA" $ARRAYX = _XMLGetNodeCount($szXPath1 & "/*") $ARRAYY = _XMLGetNodeCount($szXPath2 & "/*") ReDim $ARRAY[$ARRAYX][$ARRAYY+1] $aNodeName1 = _XMLGetChildNodes ($szXPath1) $aNodeName2 = _XMLGetChildNodes ($szXPath2) If $aNodeName1 <> -1 Then ;LOOP THROUGH //DATAPACKET/METADATA/FIELDS For $find = 1 To $aNodeName1[0] _XMLGetAllAttrib($szXPath1 & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']',$aAttrName1,$aAttrVal1) ;ADD TO ARRAY $ARRAY[$find-1][0] = $aAttrVal1[0] ;LOOP THROUGH //DATAPACKET/ROWDATA For $X=1 To $aNodeName2[0] _XMLGetAllAttrib($szXPath2 & "/*" & '[' & $X & ']',$aAttrName2,$aAttrVal2) ;ONLY APPEND IF CURRENT FIELD NIMBER IS LESS THAN NUMBER OF ATTRIBS FOUND IN EACH ROW If $find <= Ubound($aAttrName2) Then $ARRAY[$find-1][$X] = $aAttrVal2[$find-1] EndIf Next Next Else MsgBox(0, "Error:", "No nodes found for " & $szXPath1) EndIf $oXSD = 0 EndFunc;==>Main Func GUI() Local $msg Local $listview Local $X = 0 Local $Y = 1 Local $HEADER Local $COL Local $ROW GUICreate("Cookbook",600,300) ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) ; will display an empty dialog box ;CREATE HEADER FOR LISTVIEW While $X < Ubound($ARRAY) $HEADER = $HEADER & $ARRAY[$X][0] & "|" $X=$X+1 WEnd $listview = GUICtrlCreateListView ($HEADER ,5,5,590,290);,$LVS_SORTDESCENDING) ;Loop through $ARRAY (from "//DATAPACKET/ROWDATA") $Y = 1 While $Y < Ubound($ARRAY,2) ;Loop through $ARRAY (from "//DATAPACKET/METADATA/FIELDS") $X=0 $ROW = "" While $X < Ubound($ARRAY) $ROW = $ROW & $ARRAY[$X][$Y] & "|" $X=$X+1 WEnd GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($ROW,$listview) $Y=$Y+1 WEnd While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop Wend EndFunc