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58 files

  1. AD - Active Directory UDF

    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Active Directory.

    Threads: Development - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
    Previous downloads: 30467
    Known Bugs: (last changed: 2020-10-05)
    None Things to come: (last changed: 2020-07-21)
    BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort


       (2 reviews)



  2. ADFunctions.Au3 -- Active Directory Functions

    UDF Library containing functions for manipulating data in Active Directory / Exchange


       (7 reviews)



  3. OutlookEX

    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Outlook. This UDF holds the functions to automate items (folders, mails, contacts ...) in the background. Can be seen like an API.
    There are other UDFs available to automate Outlook:
    OutlookEX_GUI: This UDF holds the functions to automate the Outlook GUI. OutlookTools: Allows to import/export contacts and events to VCF/ICS files and much more.  Threads: Development - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
    BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort

    KNOWN BUGS (last changed: 2020-02-09)


       (2 reviews)



  4. Image Search UDF

    Use MouseClick()  need:
    Dll is already integrated in UDF !
    ; #INDEX# =============================================================== ; Title .........: ImageSearch ; AutoIt Version : 3.x ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Check image Appears or Not and Return the position of an image on the desktop ; Author(s) .....: Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE ; ======================================================================= ; #CURRENT# ============================================================= ; _ImageSearch ; _ImageSearch_Area ; _ImageSearch_Wait ; _ImageSearch_WaitArea ; ======================================================================== ;========================================================================= ; ; Author:...........: AutoIT VietNam : Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE ; Description:......: Check image Appears or Not ; Find and return the position of an image on the desktop ; Syntax:........... _ImageSearch_Area, _ImageSearch ; Parameter(s):..... $_ImagePath: The image to locate on the desktop ; May be a list of image by delimited by "|" ; i.e: $_ImagePath = "image1.bmp|image2.bmp|image3.bmp" ; $P_x1 $P_y1: Position of 1st point ; $P_x2 $P_y2: Position of 2nd point - Default is last botton right of desktop ; $_Tolerance: 0 for no tolerance (0-255). Needed when colors of image differ from desktop. e.g GIF ; $_CenterPos: boolen. True will return $array[1] x $array[2] is center of image found. ; False will return top-left position ; Return Value(s):.. Return an array has 3 item ; On Success: $array[0] 1 ; On Failure: $array[0] 0 ; DLL not found or other error: $array[0] -1 ; $array[1] x $array[2]: position of image what found on desktop ; ; Note:............. Use _ImageSearch to search the entire desktop ; _ImageSearch_Area to specify a desktop region to search ; $_ImagePath with more item need more time appear on screen before function can detect. ; Decrease sleep time in the loop to detect faster. But less performance. I.e CPULoad increased ; ;======================================================================== EG 1:
    ;~ Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #RequireAdmin #include "_ImageSearch_UDF.au3" HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_Exit") ; Press ESC for exit Func _Exit() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>_Exit Global Const $Ask_On_Found = 0 Global Const $Mouse_Move_On_Found = 1 Global Const $Mouse_Click_On_Found = 0 Global Const $iSleep_Time=500 Global $sCount = 0, $_Image_1 = @ScriptDir & "\example.bmp" ; First, use this function to create a file bmp, maybe a desktop icon for example') MsgBox(64 + 262144, 'ImageSearch', 'At first, create a file bmp,' & @CRLF & 'photos that will search on the screen!') _ImageSearch_Create_BMP($_Image_1) ConsoleWrite("! Search for images: " & $_Image_1 & @CRLF & '! Searching on the screen ...' & @CRLF) While 1 ToolTip('(Press ESC for EXIT) Searching ...', 1, 1) Sleep($iSleep_Time) $sCount += 1 Local $return = _ImageSearch($_Image_1) If $return[0] = 1 Then ConsoleWrite('- [' & $sCount & '] Image found:' & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2] & @CRLF) If $Mouse_Move_On_Found Then MouseMove($return[1], $return[2]) Sleep($iSleep_Time) EndIf If $Mouse_Click_On_Found Then MouseClick("left", $return[1], $return[2]) ToolTip('(Press ESC for EXIT) - [' & $sCount & "] Image found:" & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2], 1, 1) If $Ask_On_Found Then Local $ask = MsgBox(6 + 262144, 'Success [' & $sCount & ']', 'Image found:' & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2]) If $ask = 2 Or $ask = 3 Or $ask = 5 Or $ask = 7 Then Exit ;No, Abort, Cancel, and Ignore If $ask = 10 Then _ImageSearch_Create_BMP($_Image_1) ; Continue ;Try Again EndIf EndIf Sleep(200) WEnd  
    Video demo:
    [+] When any problem or error occurs, please make sure that:
    - Downloaded and used the latest version.
    - Set screen Screen Scale and layout = 100%
    - Installed display driver.
    - Tried turning off the antivirus
    - Full installation: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable  2005->2022
    [+] You can download the AIO version of the Visual C++ Redistributable here: 
    -> https://www.mediafire.com/file/0ak8dcj9mdn7nyq/VisualCppRedist_AIO_2005-2022_x86_x64_%5Btrong.live%5D.zip/file
    -> FOR Windows XP: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5m5lnr1kfg73tc9/VisualCppRedist_AIO_2005-2019_x86_XP_%5Btrong.live%5D.zip/file
    <!> Password for Extract: trong.live
    [+] The last full version of SCITE4AutoIT supports windows XP:


       (1 review)



  5. Opera Library

    Opera Browser Automation UDF Library!

    32 (and more to go) adapted functions to manipulate the most common routines for Opera Browser!

    Note: This UDF Library tested on Opera versions: 8.54-9.5, 10.63.3516, few critical functions tested also on 11.x-12.x.

    Change Log:
    v1.08 [21.Jun.2013]
    Fixed issue with getting opera profile path (mostly related to _OperaGetMailDir).

    v1.07 [04.Jun.2013]
    + Added _OperaGetDownloadsDir function.
    + Added _OperaGetSessionFiles function.
    + Added global $i_Opera_SearchAllDrives variable to allow profile dir detection on other drives. Usefull when installed more than one OS.
    + Added global $s_Opera_ProfileDir variable to specify custom profile dir (this variable should be empty if you need to use _OperaGetProfileDir).
    Fixed few functions to work better with new Opera versions.
    Fixed internal __Opera_GetOperaPageHandle function (used in public _OperaScreenCapture function).

    v1.06 [12.Jul.2012]
    Fixed _OperaGetDir function:
    - To be compatible with x64 system.
    - Changed/expanded parameters, now used $iFlag to determine the function behavior, see function header for more details.
    _OperaIsRuning function renamed to _OperaIsRunning. Old function name still supported.
    Renamed internal functions to __Opera_*.

    v1.05 [08.Jul.2012]
    Fixed _OperaGetTitle function, the title was incorrect if $sOpDir was specified and $iRet <> 2.
    Fixed __Correct_Opera_Path internal function to replace back slashes (/).

    v1.04 [26.Jun.2011]
    Fixed following functions to be more compatible with Opera 11.x:
    Fixed major bugs with recognizing Opera Dir (if $sOpDir parameter is passed as wrong Opera dir path).
    Fixed _OperaGetUserJSDir function (now working better with relative pathes).
    Renamed and changed _Opera_Integration_Example function. Now it's considered active function and named _Opera_Integration_Module.
    Changed _OperaSelectFolder function. Added new optional parameter $hParent.
    Changed _OperaAddMenuItem and _OperaRemoveMenuItem functions. Added new optional parameter $iBackup.
    Fixed _OperaAddMenuItem function. Encoding issues.
    + Added _OperaGetCacheDir function.
    + Added optional $iGetLastInstallPath parameter to _OperaGetDir function.
    If this parameter is 1, then function will try to detect the last installed Opera path,
    instead of the path that Opera.exe was last time launched from.

    v1.03 [16.May.2011]
    UDF renamed to Opera.au3.
    Fixed _OperaScreenCapture function (now compatible with Opera 10.6, but still having an issue with capturing panels).
    Fixed few major issues with getting preference file's pathes.
    Fixed _OperaGetDir() function.
    Fixed _OperaGetProfileDir() function (errors when getting profile dir on multiuser mode).
    Changed _OperaFindDir function.
    - Now the $sInitPath parameter can accept pathes (delimited with "|").
    - Now -1 as second parameter ($iRetCount) tels to the function to return all found Opera dirs.
    - Also the function now works faster.
    + Opera 10.6 support.
    + Added _OperaToggleMenuItemState function.
    + Added optional $sStandard_Name parameter to _OperaSetConfigFile function:
    If this parameter is a string (default is -1), then it's used as standard file name
    (instead of "standard_" & $sConfig_Prefix & ".ini").

    v1.02 [03.Jul.2009]
    Now compatible with AutoIt
    + Opera 10 support.
    + Added _OperaGetBookmarksFile() function.
    + Added _OperaScreenCapture() function...
    ATTENTION: supported only for v3.2.10.0 or higher, due to (lack of) callback support.
    + Added _OperaAddMenuItem()/_OperaRemoveMenuItem() function.
    Fixed few function to read relative paths in opera prefs file.

    v1.01 [5.Jan.2008]
    Now compatible with AutoIt
    Variable names and spell corrections.
    + Added 2 more UDFs:


    v1.0 [28.Dec.2007]
    First Release..


       (3 reviews)



  6. IE.au3

    Title: Internet Explorer Automation UDF Library for AutoIt3
    Filename: IE.au3
    Description: A collection of functions for creating, attaching to, reading from and manipulating Internet Explorer
    Author: DaleHohm
    Version: T3.0-0
    Last Update: 9/3/12
    Requirements: AutoIt3 3.3.9 or higher

    This version is checked into the development stream for the next AutoIt beta release, but will work with the most recently released V3.3.9.x beta.

    I am releasing it here so that it can get some testing now and help some people with some of the issues it fixes in the realm of COM error handling (and "the WEND error").

    This file will be removed when it is included in a public beta release.



       (0 reviews)



  7. AutoIt Menu for Opera Browser

    This menu is designed for easy/convenient access to the AutoIt language tools and AutoIt forums from Opera Browser.


    Main Menu [AutoIt Forum Expanded]

    Tools Menu

    Preferences Dialog ("Items Prefs" Tab)

    Preferences Dialog ("Sel.Code Prefs" Tab)

    Integration Dialog ("Main" Tab)

    Integration Dialog ("Tools" Tab)

    Read AutMenu_Readme.txt (in the archive) for more details.

    * Source/Resources available here.


       (2 reviews)



  8. Winamp Automation Library

    Name/Title: Winamp Automation Library (Winamp 2.x +).

    34 Functions to handle Winamp Media Player (http://winamp.com).
    This library written base on the SDK that provided at Wanamp's home page: http://www.winamp.com/development/sdk

    Version: 1.3
    Requirements: AutoIt or higher, Winamp 2.x or higher.
    Note: This UDF Library tested on Winamp v5.x.


       (1 review)



  9. Task Scheduler

    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Task Scheduler Service.
    Please check this site for the implementation status! Please check the History.txt file in the archive for the changelog. Please check the WIKI for details about how to use the UDF.
    BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    KNOWN BUGS (last changed: 2021-02-03)
    None Things to come (last changed: 2021-02-03)


       (0 reviews)



  10. ADAT - Active Directory Administration Tool

    ADAT is a tool to simplify common AD administration tasks. Every administration task has its own tab. It is easy to add new functions (tabs) to the tool. Some often used functions are already available: list users, computers, OUs. File ADAT.ini can be customized to hold the AD logon information if necessary.
    Known Bugs:
    2018-03-07: If the Script started from SciTE works but the "Process" button in the compiled exe does not do anything then please add the following line at the top of your script:
      BTW: If you like this tool please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort


       (0 reviews)



  11. OutlookEX_GUI

    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Outlook. This UDF holds the functions to automate the Outlook GUI.
    There are other UDFs available to automate Outlook:
    OutlookEX: Automates the processing of items (folders, mails, contacts ...) in the background. Can be seen like an API. OutlookTools: Allows to import/export contacts and events to VCF/ICS files.
    Theads: Development - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki

    Known Bugs: (last changed: 2020-03-27)
    None Things to come: (last changed: 2020-03-27)
    BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort


       (0 reviews)



  12. silent-ninite

    (almoast) Silent Ninite visite ninite.com
    Put the ninite.exe file into the same folder as the silent-ninite.exe.
    Run 'silent-ninite.exe' and 'See' the beauty!!! :-)


       (0 reviews)



  13. ExcelChart

    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Excel charts.
    Written by GreenCan and water.
    Theads: General Help & Support - Example Scripts
    BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort

    KNOWN BUGS (last changed: 2017-07-21)
    None. The COM error handling related bugs have been fixed.


       (2 reviews)



  14. ADCU - Active Directory Compare Users

    ADCU displays two Active Directory users and their group membership in two listviews. You can filter and export the data to Excel, Outlook mail and the clipboard.
    Before running the script you need to change file AD-Tools.ini and function _Check_Access in AD-Tools_User.au3.
    BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    Needs to be run with the latest AutoIt production version (>=
    Needs to be run with the latest version of the AD UDF (>=


       (0 reviews)



  15. Network Adapters Info

    Network Adapter Info use WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) 
    Features : 
    Show information network card. Easily copy information, for copy just click on the line want to copy. Notifications connection, connection loss. Supports exporting information to file (CSV/INI format). Run: 
    Export to file INI format:   NetStatus.exe "PathFileOut.INI"   
    Export to file CSV format:  NetStatus.exe "PathFileOut.CSV" CSV
    Global Const $sNotAvailable = "N/A" Global Const $sBlankIP = "" Global Const $sBlankMAC = "00:00:00:00:00:00" ;~ #include <Array.au3> ;~ _ArrayDisplay(_GetListAdaptersInfo(".")) Func _GetListAdaptersInfo($sComputer = ".") Local $Cols = 13, $strIndex, $objVAR, $objVARx, $zAdapter, $zAdapterName, $zSpeed, $zIndex, $zInterfaceIndex, $zGetIPType, $zAdapterStatus, $zIP, $zMAC, $zSubNetIP, $zGetwayIP, $zDNS1, $zGetwayMAC, $zDNS2 Local $aReturn[1][$Cols] = [[0, $Cols]] If $sComputer = Default Then $sComputer = @ComputerName Local $sListIndexInterfaceName = _ListIndexInterfaceName() Local $objWMI = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $sComputer & "\root\cimv2") Local $objWQLx = $objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetConnectionID != NULL", "WQL", 0x30) ;~ Local $objWQLx = $objWMI.ExecQuery('Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapter', "WQL", 0x30) If Not @error And IsObj($objWQLx) Then For $objVARx In $objWQLx $zAdapterName = $objVARx.NetConnectionID If (StringStripWS($zAdapterName, 8) = "") Then ContinueLoop $zSpeed = _ByteSuffixRound($objVARx.Speed) ; Vista+ If Int($zSpeed) <= 0 Then For $z = 0 To UBound($sListIndexInterfaceName) - 1 If $sListIndexInterfaceName[$z][1] = $zAdapterName Then $zSpeed = _ByteSuffixRound(InterfaceIndexSpeed($sListIndexInterfaceName[$z][0])) Next EndIf $zAdapterStatus = $objVARx.NetConnectionStatus Switch $zAdapterStatus Case 0, 3 $zAdapterStatus = "Disable" Case 1, 2 $zAdapterStatus = "Connected" Case $zAdapterStatus = 7 $zAdapterStatus = "unPlugged" Case Else $zAdapterStatus = $sNotAvailable EndSwitch $strIndex = $objVARx.Index Local $objWQL = $objWMI.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE Index=' & $strIndex, "WQL", 0x30) If Not @error And IsObj($objWQL) Then For $objVAR In $objWQL $zAdapter = $objVAR.Description $aReturn[0][0] += 1 $zIndex = $aReturn[0][0] ReDim $aReturn[$zIndex * 2][$aReturn[0][1]] $zInterfaceIndex = $objVAR.InterfaceIndex If Int($zInterfaceIndex) <= 0 Then For $z = 0 To UBound($sListIndexInterfaceName) - 1 If $sListIndexInterfaceName[$z][1] = $zAdapterName Then $zInterfaceIndex = $sListIndexInterfaceName[$z][0] Next EndIf $aReturn[$zIndex][0] = $zInterfaceIndex $aReturn[$zIndex][1] = $zAdapter $aReturn[$zIndex][2] = $zAdapterName $aReturn[$zIndex][3] = $zAdapterStatus $zGetIPType = $objVAR.DHCPEnabled If $zGetIPType Then $zGetIPType = "DHCP" Else $zGetIPType = "StaticIP" EndIf $aReturn[$zIndex][4] = $zGetIPType $zIP = $objVAR.IPAddress(0) If StringStripWS($zIP, 8) = "" Then $zIP = $sNotAvailable $aReturn[$zIndex][5] = $zIP $zSubNetIP = $objVAR.IPSubnet(0) If StringStripWS($zSubNetIP, 8) = "" Then $zSubNetIP = $sNotAvailable $aReturn[$zIndex][6] = $zSubNetIP $zMAC = $objVAR.MACAddress If StringStripWS($zMAC, 8) = "" Then $zMAC = $sNotAvailable $aReturn[$zIndex][7] = $zMAC $zGetwayIP = $objVAR.DefaultIPGateway(0) If StringStripWS($zGetwayIP, 8) = "" Then $zGetwayIP = $sNotAvailable $aReturn[$zIndex][8] = $zGetwayIP $zGetwayMAC = $sNotAvailable If $zGetwayIP <> $sNotAvailable Then $zGetwayMAC = _GetMACFromIP($zGetwayIP) $aReturn[$zIndex][9] = $zGetwayMAC $aReturn[$zIndex][10] = $sNotAvailable $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $sNotAvailable If Number($zSpeed) = 0 Then $zSpeed = $sNotAvailable $aReturn[$zIndex][12] = $zSpeed Local $zDNS = $objVAR.DNSServerSearchOrder() If IsArray($zDNS) Then If (UBound($zDNS) - 1) > 0 Then $aReturn[$zIndex][10] = $zDNS[0] $aReturn[$zIndex][11] = $zDNS[1] Else $aReturn[$zIndex][10] = $zDNS[0] EndIf EndIf Next EndIf Next Return $aReturn EndIf Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndFunc ;==>_GetListAdaptersInfo Func _ListIndexInterfaceName() Local Const $tagIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = "ulong Length;dword IfIndex;ptr Next;ptr AdapterName;ptr FirstUnicastAddress;" & "ptr FirstAnycastAddress;ptr FirstMulticastAddress;ptr FirstDnsServerAddress;ptr DnsSuffix;ptr Description;" & "ptr FriendlyName;byte PhysicalAddress[8];dword PhysicalAddressLength;dword Flags;dword Mtu;dword IfType;int OperStatus;" & "dword Ipv6IfIndex;dword ZoneIndices[16];ptr FirstPrefix;" & "uint64 TransmitLinkSpeed;uint64 ReceiveLinkSpeed;ptr FirstWinsServerAddress;ptr FirstGatewayAddress;" & "ulong Ipv4Metric;ulong Ipv6Metric;uint64 Luid;STRUCT;ptr Dhcpv4ServerSockAddr;int Dhcpv4ServerSockAddrLen;ENDSTRUCT;" & "ulong CompartmentId;STRUCT;ulong NetworkGuidData1;word NetworkGuidData2;word NetworkGuidData3;byte NetworkGuidData4[8];ENDSTRUCT;" & "int ConnectionType;int TunnelType;STRUCT;ptr Dhcpv6ServerSockAddr;int Dhcpv6ServerSockAddrLen;ENDSTRUCT;byte Dhcpv6ClientDuid[130];" & "ulong Dhcpv6ClientDuidLength;ulong Dhcpv6Iaid;ptr FirstDnsSuffix;" Local $aRet, $nBufSize, $stBuffer, $stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, $pIPAAStruct, $nIPAAStSize Local $pTemp, $nTemp, $nEntries, $aIndexEntries $aRet = DllCall("iphlpapi.dll", "ulong", "GetAdaptersAddresses", "ulong", 0, "ulong", 0x86, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ulong*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") If $aRet[0] Then If $aRet[0] <> 111 Or Not $aRet[5] Then Return SetError(2, $aRet[0], "") EndIf $nBufSize = $aRet[5] $stBuffer = DllStructCreate("int64;byte [" & $nBufSize & "];") $aRet = DllCall("iphlpapi.dll", "ulong", "GetAdaptersAddresses", "ulong", 0, "ulong", 0x86, "ptr", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stBuffer), "ulong*", $nBufSize) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") If $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(2, $aRet[0], "") Dim $aIndexEntries[Floor($nBufSize / 72)][2] $nEntries = 0 $pIPAAStruct = DllStructGetPtr($stBuffer) While $pIPAAStruct <> 0 $stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = DllStructCreate($tagIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, $pIPAAStruct) $nIPAAStSize = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "Length") $nTemp = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "OperStatus") If ($nTemp = 2 And Not False) Or DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "IfType") = 24 Then Else $pTemp = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "FirstUnicastAddress") If $pTemp <> 0 Then $aIndexEntries[$nEntries][0] = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "IfIndex") $aIndexEntries[$nEntries][1] = _GetStringW_FromPtr(DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "FriendlyName")) $nEntries += 1 EndIf EndIf $pIPAAStruct = DllStructGetData($stIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "Next") WEnd If $nEntries = 0 Then Return SetError(-1, 0, "") ReDim $aIndexEntries[$nEntries][2] Return SetExtended($nEntries, $aIndexEntries) EndFunc ;==>_ListIndexInterfaceName Func InterfaceIndexSpeed($IfIndex) Local $tBuffer, $pBuffer, $iResult, $iSpeed $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[256];dword[5];byte[8];dword[16];char[256]") $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer) DllStructSetData($tBuffer, 2, $IfIndex, 1) $iResult = DllCall("iphlpapi.dll", "long", "GetIfEntry", "ptr", $pBuffer) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) $iSpeed = DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 2, 4) ;~ $sDescr = DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 5) $tBuffer = 0 Return SetError($iResult[0], $iSpeed / 1000 / 1000, $iSpeed) EndFunc ;==>InterfaceIndexSpeed Func _GetStringW_FromPtr($pStr) If Not IsPtr($pStr) Or $pStr = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aRet = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "lstrcpynW", "wstr", "", "ptr", $pStr, "int", 32767) If @error Or Not $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") Return $aRet[1] EndFunc ;==>_GetStringW_FromPtr Func _GetMACFromIP($rMAC) If ($rMAC = "") Or ($rMAC = $sNotAvailable) Then Return $sNotAvailable Local $sbMAC = DllStructCreate("byte[6]") Local $siMAC = DllStructCreate("int") DllStructSetData($siMAC, 1, 6) Local $rHexMAC = DllCall("Ws2_32.dll", "int", "inet_addr", "str", $rMAC) $rMAC = $rHexMAC[0] $rHexMAC = DllCall("iphlpapi.dll", "int", "SendARP", "int", $rMAC, "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sbMAC), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($siMAC)) $rMAC = "" For $i = 0 To 5 If $i Then $rMAC &= ":" $rMAC = $rMAC & Hex(DllStructGetData($sbMAC, 1, $i + 1), 2) Next If ($rMAC = "") Or ($rMAC = $sBlankMAC) Or ($rMAC = $sNotAvailable) Then Return $sNotAvailable Return $rMAC EndFunc ;==>_GetMACFromIP Func _ByteSuffixRound($iBytes, $iRound = 2) $iBytes = Number($iBytes) If $iBytes > 1000000000 Then Return $sNotAvailable Local $A, $aArray[5] = ["Bps", "Kbps", "Mbps", "Gbps", "Tbps"] While $iBytes > 999 $A += 1 If $A > 3 Then ExitLoop $iBytes /= 1000 WEnd Return Round($iBytes, $iRound) & " " & $aArray[$A] EndFunc ;==>_ByteSuffixRound ;==>CreateContentCSV  


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  16. PowerPoint UDF

    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft PowerPoint.
    Threads: Help & Support, Wiki
    BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort


       (0 reviews)



  17. StringFinder

    StringFinder - Find String in Files.


       (0 reviews)



  18. OutlookTools

    Built on top of the OutlookEX UDF it offers some often needed extended functionality (import/export ics/vcf/csv files etc.) (former name: iCal UDF).
    Note: This is a beta version - script breaking changes may occur at any time!
    Prerequisite: OutlookEX UDF.
    Details about all functions can be found in the Wiki.
    ICS (iCalendar) import - Import iCal events from an ICS file to an Outlook calendar
    VCF (vCard) import - Import vCard contacts to an Outlook contacts folder
    CSV import - Import data from a CSV file and create Outlook items in a specified folder
    Export - Export Outlook items (contacts, appointments) in VCF, ICS, CSV or Excel format
    https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545 (ICS - iCalendar)
    https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350 (VCF - vCard)
    General Help & Support
    Known Bugs: (last changed: 2019-01-22)
      Things to come: (last changed: 2022-01-25)
    Support for EML mails (email contents as plain text in MIME format) will be added
    BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort


       (0 reviews)



  19. AutoIt Protocol

    A small script that allows you to run AutoIt code from any web browser by creating a special 'autoit:' protocol. Before you use the protocol, run 'install.au3'!


       (0 reviews)



  20. ADAudit - Active Directory Report

    On one/multiple big sheet(s) you get users (columns) and groups (rows). The list is sorted descending by number of members so you get the users with most groups and the groups with most members on top of the page. You can filter by (multiple) samaccountname(s), department or you can create your own LDAP query filter. You can filter the resulting list of groups using a Regular Expression.
    Version 2.0 uses maps so at the moment it requires the latest beta version of AutoIt!
    BTW: If you like this tool please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort


       (0 reviews)



  21. SciTE Hopper

    For more details go to the Topic


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  22. Chilkat UDF

    ; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: Chilkat.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: A collection of Function for use with Chilkat component ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; URL ...........: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/refdoc/activex.asp ; URL ...........: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/downloads_ActiveX.asp ; Date ..........: 2017/02/01 ; Version .......: 0.1.1 BETA - Work in progress ; ================================================================================ This is an UDF modest beginning for Chilkat component:
    Some of AcitveX object bundled int this component (dll file) are Free, some other are commercial.

    Support topic:


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  23. ADCG - Active Directory Compare Groups

    ADCG displays two Active Directory groups and their direct members in two listviews. You can filter and export the data to Excel, Outlook mail and the clipboard.
    Before running the script you need to change file AD-Tools.ini and function _Check_Access in AD-Tools_User.au3.
    BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    Needs to be run with the latest AutoIt production version (>=
    Needs to be run with the latest version of the AD UDF (>=


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  24. CoreTempAidThrottler - CPU throttle automation

    The back story:
    I've got a Dell XPS w/ i7-8700K. The fastest, by single core, I could get, by well known PC maker.
    The problem is that the fan can get so loud, like, REALLY LOUD, I can not use the CPU at its max. clock speed.
    I could leave it at 90% all the time and not use this but I want to have the full 4.x Ghz and no parked cores, at all times, if I can.
    But as room temperature and CPU load changes, a set throttle, may still make fan noise.
    The solution:
    To avoid the fan from going "airplane turbine mode", the utility gets the temp. from "Core Temp" ( you can google it )
    It has a"plug-in" called "Core Temp Remote Server". The utility gets the values via TCP.
    When it "feels" it's gonna get hot, drops the CPU throttle to a selected value, lets say 99% ( where is quieter ) and back up to 100% when it "feels" is ok to go back.
    Now temperature can creep up to higher than expected if load is sustained or room temperature changes. So there is an "anti creep up" feature, to temporarily set the throttle even lower, 5% at a time, until the known quiet temperature is achieved.
    If don't know how to find the temperature you should use, check out these videos. They will tell you how.
    The end result:
    Any thermal problem, is a hardware problem. No way around that, other than attending to the CPU cooling and case ventilation. Software can not fix that.
    But without this utility, the PC would slow down the CPU anyway, to keep it from melting.
    This software preemptively slow down the CPU, keeping the CPU related fan speeds from going to maximum RPM. Hence having a slower, but a quieter box.


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  25. Full Package of computer Inventory and File Manageent Software

    System Requirements : It will run on all windows operating system : Windows server 2003, 2008, 2012 and also Windows XP, 7,8,10 and other windows platform.

    This is full package of the software  which includes
    Automatic webpage refreshment,  Changing date stamp of files from one to many files or any extension type,   File Management (Transfer files from data centre with network path and direct directory either by Date (from last to first modified date or from first to last modified date) and also by Name Computer Inventory- Display hardware and software information in text file and also can use to centralize all your computer information Automation to zip and unzip files and folders. Paste file to many folders Recycling Empty files and folders Searching files and folders Trim Filenames automatically (from end or beginning or combined) Note: If you are having problem using the application, do not hesitate to contact me or comment on it . I am still working on improving it and also adding some features.
    Computer Information Inventory program :
    The Files :
    Get Computer Detailes.exe - This application will create path C:\M-Omega containing two folders for  hardware info and one for software info.  You can use One2many tasks in Logmein to put info in that path for many computers. It can work to centralized about thousands of computers. 
    Centralized_all_Computer_Details Folder :  You will find 3 files in this folder. Right click the central.ini file and select Edit and change the path name in the file as Input1="\\network_path\pathfile\". Make sure all the computers have access to this share network path... Copy also the user_interface_combo in the same place where the \\network_path\pathfile is located.
    After this, select all the computers you will like to get their computer information. For example, if using Logmein, use one2many tasks. Double click the replicate_inifile.bat. This will copy the cenral.ini to all the required PC path into this location -- "C:\M-Omega\Config_centralize_inventory\central.ini". If your PC is not using C drive, then you can change the C drive to D or E or F which is available. Please note this is when you do not have C drive, that is when you can change the C Drive in the batch script to D or E or F
    You can now use other remote software such as LogmeIn  (One2Many tasks) to run this application "Centralize_all_Computer_details.exe" on all your target computers selected. This will look for the network path you inputed into the central.ini file located in each computer and Within 1 minutes, the hardware and software info is generated on two folders on the network path provided. This can work on thousands of computers.
    User Interface Combo... This is GUI of the application which can help you interact with the software and hardware info in these folders.  I have included files in these folders to understand how this combo GUI works. Make sure this file is located in the same place where you define your network path in the central.ini file.


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