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System Idle Time


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Yes, I did search the forums :)

I found a few scripts which can do this. The first that I came across was this one:


But I find if you check too often it causes quite a bit of CPU load, and I do want this script to be accurate.

The second was this: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4361

Very clean, but unfortunately the windows I tired typing in report a static caret position regardless of the true position.

On doing a little bit of googling, I found this seems to be a reliable way of finding idle time on NT systems:


But I have no idea how to use DLLCalls. Can anyone lend me a hand? A general note to developers, it'd be great if there was an easy way to detect system idle time via an AutoIt command.

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create a dllstruct of an "uint;dword"

set the uint to 8 with dllstructsetdata()

use dllstructgetptr() to pass a 'ptr' to the dllcall.

Edited by w0uter

My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll

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Thanks for the pointers w0uter, I'm hoping I have in fact made progress thanks to it! Never thought I'd understand DLLCalls :)

I'm still looking for a little bit of advice though.

My test code:

$struct = DllStructCreate ( "uint;dword" );
DllStructSetData ( $struct, 1, 8 );

while ( 1 )

    DllCall ( "user32.dll", "int", "GetLastInputInfo", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr( $struct ) )
    ConsoleWrite ( "Data:" & DllStructGetData($struct,2) & @LF)

The returned data:


Unless I've done something wrong I assume this must be a relative time to something, as I assumed it more to be based on a starting point of 0. That's something I can work out okay, I really just want to know if my code is okay because.. if the system has been running a long time I assume the number could become greater than the max value int can hold.

If it's all okay, I'm going to turn it into a function and stick it into the UDF forum I guess.. Seems a very efficient way of getting idle time on 2k/XP and created 0 CPU load even running with a sleep(200). Kinda surprised no-one else has looked into this way :mellow:


Ah, silly me. On re-reading the documentation I somehow overlooked the obvious at the top: The GetLastInputInfo function retrieves the time of the last input event. I'm still unsure what the chances of a number greater than what the int can hold is, and what would happen. I'm not very mathamatical :)

Edited by Suxen
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Maybe something like?

#include <Date.au3>
HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_Terminate")

Local $last_active = 0, $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs
$not_idle = _CheckIdle($last_active, 1)
while (1)
    $not_idle = _CheckIdle($last_active)
    _TicksToTime($not_idle, $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs)
    If $iHours Or $iMins Or $iSecs Then
        ConsoleWrite("Was Idle for: Hours: " & $iHours & " Minutes: " & $iMins & " Seconds: " & $iSecs & @LF)

Func _CheckIdle(ByRef $last_active, $start = 0)
    $struct = DllStructCreate("uint;dword");
    DllStructSetData($struct, 1, DllStructGetSize($struct));
    If $start Then
        DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetLastInputInfo", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($struct))
        $last_active = DllStructGetData($struct, 2)
        Return $last_active
        DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetLastInputInfo", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($struct))
        If $last_active <> DllStructGetData($struct, 2) Then
            Local $save = $last_active
            $last_active = DllStructGetData($struct, 2)
            Return $last_active - $save
EndFunc  ;==>_CheckIdle

Func _Terminate()
EndFunc  ;==>_Terminate

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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You guys are geniuses, thanks! :mellow:

Would be cool to release this as a UDF, but as it's not my work and such, I'm going to leave it to the more talented! Absolutely perfectly what I was after! :)

EDIT: Although, one more question though :) What'd be the easiest way to return the time as seconds only? Just iMins * 60 and iHours * 60 * 60? Can't decide if I want purely seconds or properly formatted for what I'm after yet. But again I say, awesome :o

Edited by Suxen
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You guys are geniuses, thanks! :mellow:

Would be cool to release this as a UDF, but as it's not my work and such, I'm going to leave it to the more talented! Absolutely perfectly what I was after! :)

EDIT: Although, one more question though :) What'd be the easiest way to return the time as seconds only? Just iMins * 60 and iHours * 60 * 60? Can't decide if I want purely seconds or properly formatted for what I'm after yet. But again I say, awesome :o

should be something like

If $iHours Or $iMins Or $iSecs Then
        ConsoleWrite((($iHours * 60) * 60) + ($iMins * 60) + $iSecs & @LF)
        ConsoleWrite("Was Idle for: Hours: " & $iHours & " Minutes: " & $iMins & " Seconds: " & $iSecs & @LF)
Edited by gafrost

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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