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Debugger Help


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Anybody please help me about this problem

I have a program sends debug message to its default debugger, this debugger has classname=#32770 and windows title=Debugwin

Can you help me to get debug message from that program to my au3 script or only show me how to change my script classname to #327770

You can see this below :

[Program.exe] -->> [Debug message] -->> [Debugwin.exe(has classname=#32770)]

(all content of debug message show in listbox1 control of Debugwin.exe)

How to :

[My AU3 Program] how to get [Debug message]


[My AU3 Program] how to change [classname=#32770]

Thanks for your attention.

Edited by _akari_
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dbg("The value of Variable 1 at this time is " & $var1)
Func dbg($msg)
    DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "OutputDebugString", "str", $msg)

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Ups, read your first post the other way around. Catching the debug output is probably another ball game..

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The obvious place to start is the debugger API from Microsoft.

After that I found this code posted by a fellow named Randy Charles Morin. I have not tested it but it's probably a place to start:

#include <windows.h>

#include <iostream>

int main( int argc, char ** argv )




sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);

sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;

sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd;

std::cerr << "*********************\n"

"Debug Monitor Started\n"





std::cout << "InitializeSecurityDescriptor failed"

<< std::endl;

return 1;


if(::SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, (PACL)NULL,



std::cout << "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed"

<< std::endl;

return 1;


HANDLE bufferready = ::CreateEvent(&sa, FALSE, FALSE,


if (bufferready == NULL)


std::cout << "CreateEvent failed" << std::endl;

return 1;


if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)


std::cout << "Debugger Already Running" << std::endl;

return 1;


HANDLE dataready = ::CreateEvent(&sa, FALSE, FALSE,


if (dataready == NULL)


std::cout << "CreateEvent failed" << std::endl;


return 1;


HANDLE buffer = ::CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,


if (buffer == NULL)


std::cout << "CreateFileMapping failed" << std::endl;



return 1;


void * str = ::MapViewOfFile(buffer, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0,


if (str == NULL)


std::cout << "MapViewOfFile failed" << std::endl;




return 1;


char * string = (char *)str + sizeof(DWORD);

DWORD lastpid = 0xffffffff;

bool cr = true;

while (true)


if (::SetEvent(bufferready) == FALSE)


std::cout << "SetEvent failed" << std::endl;





return 1;


if (::WaitForSingleObject(dataready, INFINITE)







DWORD pid = *(DWORD *)str;

if (lastpid != pid)


lastpid = pid;

if (!cr)


std::cerr << std::endl;

cr = true;



if (cr)


std::cerr << lastpid << ":";


std::cerr << (char*)string;

cr = (*string &&

(string[::strlen(string) - 1] == '\n'));



std::cout << "WaitForSingleObject failed" << std::endl;





return 1;


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As far as I can see the code does not "capture" debug information. It sends a msg to window that there are data to be copied, or write a log to stdio?.

So If that is what you want you can use the dbg func I posted. Put a call to dbg in your AutoIt3 code and capture the output with your debugger or use debugview from Sysinternals (now Microsoft).

If you want AutoIt to be the capturing application and the code you posted is the sending code in the other application then you have to use GuiRegisterMsg and monitor WM_COPYDATA (search for it in the forum). The obstacle here is that you don't have a native way in autoit to change the window class name. So you would probably have to create the monitoring window with dllcalls. I belive you will find samples on how to do this from before autoit got it's own GUI functions (believe @Larry has some samples from 2004 or something)

hmm, don't know if this made any sense to you. And I don't have the time to explore this in code at the moment. Would be cool thought to create something similar to debugview (the userspace part) in AutoIt.

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