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  1. This is a magnifier-color-picker thing mostly based on some code I found on Stack Overflow, of all places. At least all the clever bits are from there. I'd love to use this code inside an app I'm working on. But it has an issue. The first time the mag pops up it works perfectly, but the second and subsequent times, it's a boring grey square. One of you smart dudes will probably look at this and go, "Aha!", but I'm stumped. #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> MagWindow() MagWindow() ; Magnifier-Color-Picker.. ; Props to McBarby for the cross-hairs. func MagWindow() global $iMagZoom = 5 global $iMagWidth = Ceiling(100/$iMagZoom) global $iMagHeight = Ceiling(100/$iMagZoom) global $hDCDesk, $hDCZoom, $hPen global $hUser32 = DllOpen("user32.dll") global $hGDI32 = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") global $pixel_color, $mag_open = false local $mX, $mY global $hCross = GUICreate('', 48, 48, -1, -1, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) WinSetTrans($hCross, '', 0) GUISetCursor(3, 1, $hCross) global $hZoom = GUICreate("MagPicker", $iMagWidth * $iMagZoom, $iMagHeight * $iMagZoom, _ MouseGetPos(0), MouseGetPos(1), $WS_POPUP+$WS_BORDER, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) global $mag_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("placehold", (($iMagHeight * $iMagZoom)/2)+2, ($iMagHeight * $iMagZoom) - 13, _ (($iMagHeight * $iMagZoom)/2)-3, 12, $SS_RIGHT) ; put this after the GUICreate()s so that it will not error on startup with mouse already moving. (now trapped! but we will leave them here.) global $__hMouseProc = DllCallbackRegister("_MouseProc", "long", "int;wparam;lparam") global $__hHook = _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx($WH_MOUSE_LL, DllCallbackGetPtr($__hMouseProc), _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle(0)) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hCross) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hZoom) $mag_open = true ; once at start, then from the mouse-callback-function.. _Magnify() while $mag_open Sleep(50) $mX = MouseGetPos(0) $mY = MouseGetPos(1) $pixel_color = Hex(PixelGetColor($mX, $mY), 6) GUICtrlSetData ($mag_label, $pixel_color) wend GUIDelete($hZoom) GUIDelete($hCross) ReleaseHooks() endfunc func _Magnify($_iX=-1, $_iY=-1) local Static $fInit = true if $fInit then $fInit = False $hDCDesk = (DLLCall($hUser32, "int", "GetDC", "hwnd", 0))[0] $hDCZoom = (DLLCall($hUser32, "int", "GetDC", "hwnd", $hZoom))[0] $hPen = (DLLCall($hGDI32, "int", "CreatePen", "int", 0, "int", 3, "int", 0x008b9094))[0] ; 0=PS_SOLID, dark-blue (0x00BBGGRR) DLLCall($hGDI32, "int", "SelectObject", "int", $hDCZoom, "hwnd", $hPen) $_iX = MouseGetPos(0) $_iY = MouseGetPos(1) endif local $iW = $iMagWidth * $iMagZoom, $iH = $iMagHeight * $iMagZoom if not @error then DLLCall($hGDI32, "int", "StretchBlt", "int", $hDCZoom, "int", _ 0, "int", 0, "int", $iW, "int", $iH, "int", $hDCDesk, "int", _ $_iX - $iMagWidth/2, "int", $_iY - $iMagHeight/2, "int", $iMagWidth ,"int", $iMagHeight, _ "long", $SRCCOPY) ; draw the crosshair (start x, start y, end x, end y) _GDI32_DrawLine($hDCZoom, ($iW/2)-2, $iH/8, ($iW/2)-2, 4*($iH/8)-6, $hGDI32) ; vertical top _GDI32_DrawLine($hDCZoom, ($iW/2)-2, 5*($iH/8)-10, ($iW/2)-2, 7*($iH/8), $hGDI32) ; vertical bottom _GDI32_DrawLine($hDCZoom, $iW/8, ($iH/2)-2, (3*($iW/8))+6, ($iH/2)-2, $hGDI32) ; horizontal left _GDI32_DrawLine($hDCZoom, 4*($iW/8)+3, ($iH/2)-2, 7*($iW/8), ($iH/2)-2, $hGDI32) ; horizontal right endif endfunc func _GDI32_DrawLine(ByRef $_hDC, $_iX0, $i_Y0, $_iX1, $i_Y1, $_hDll=-1) If $_hDll = -1 then $_hDll = "gdi32.dll" Local $tCurrent = DllStructCreate("struct; long X;long Y; endstruct") DllCall($_hDll, "int", "MoveToEx", "int", $_hDC, "int", $_iX0, "int", $i_Y0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tCurrent)) DllCall($_hDll, "int", "LineTo", "int", $_hDC, "int", $_iX1, "int", $i_Y1) return $tCurrent endfunc func _MouseProc($_nCode, $_wParam, $_lParam) local $tMSLLHOOKSTRUCT = DllStructCreate("struct; long X;long Y; endstruct; " & _ "DWORD mouseData; DWORD flags; DWORD time; ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo;endstruct", $_lParam) if $_nCode < 0 Then Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($__hHook, $_nCode, $_wParam, $_lParam) local $iX = $tMSLLHOOKSTRUCT.X, $iY = $tMSLLHOOKSTRUCT.Y switch $_wParam case $WM_LBUTTONDOWN CloseMag() case $WM_MOUSEMOVE if not $mag_open then return WinMove($hCross, "", $iX -24, $iY -24) Local $iXz = ($iX +24 + $iMagWidth*$iMagZoom > @DesktopWidth) ? $iX -(24 + $iMagWidth*$iMagZoom) : $iX +24 Local $iYz = ($iY +24 + $iMagHeight*$iMagZoom > @DesktopHeight) ? $iY -(24 + $iMagHeight*$iMagZoom) : $iY +24 WinMove($hZoom, "", $iXz + $iMagWidth/2, $iYz) _Magnify($iX, $iY) endswitch return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($__hHook, $_nCode, $_wParam, $_lParam) endfunc func ReleaseHooks() DLLCall($hUser32, "int", "ReleaseDC", "int", $hDCZoom, "hwnd", $hPen) DLLCall($hUser32, "int", "ReleaseDC", "int", $hDCDesk, "hwnd", 0) DLLCall($hUser32, "int", "ReleaseDC", "int", $hDCZoom, "hwnd", 0) DllClose($hUser32) DllClose($hGDI32) _WinAPI_UnhookWindowsHookEx($__hHook) DllCallbackFree($__hMouseProc) endfunc func CloseMag() ; called by mouse left click $mag_open = false endfunc Thanks for any and all insights! ;o) Cor
  2. From the manual: "DllOpen: Opens a DLL file for use in DllCall." But I see everywhere in the distribution UDFs, no use of it for DllCall(). In the manual, the example is: Local $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") DllCall($hDLL, "int", "MessageBox", "hwnd", 0, "str", "Some text", "str", "Some title", "int", 0) DllClose($hDLL) but what I actually see is the UDFs, is more along the lines of: ; Calling the MessageBox API directly. DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MessageBox", _ "hwnd", 0, _ ; Handle to the parent window "str", "Some text", _ ; The text of the message box "str", "Some title", _ ; The title of the message box "int", 0) ; Flags for the message box. So, "to DllOpen or not to DllOpen, that is the question."
  3. Hello, I have compiled a reference DLL in VS 2015 Community and this DLL works fine with project for which it is used. There is an interface from which u can access functions in DLL. Developers stated that this DLL is almost universal and can be used with any language with minor changes. I am trying to access its function from Autoit script and got an error 3, after calling DLLCall - "function" not found in the DLL file. Please have a quick look, I feel I miss something in C++ library with exporting functions and I do not know what to add as I am new to C++. Thank you. Source files and script also attached. Here is my script. Local $dll = DllOpen("C:\Users\Home\Desktop\dll\user.dll") ConsoleWrite("$dll handle = " & $dll & @CRLF) ;$dll handle = 1 Local $result = DllCall($dll, "double:cdecl", "ProcessQuery", "str", "dll$mynumber") If @error > 0 Then ConsoleWrite("Error: " & @error & @CRLF) ;Error = 3 If IsArray($result) Then ConsoleWrite("Array returned!" & @CRLF & "dll$mynumber: " & result[1]) Else ConsoleWrite("$result is not array. : " & $result & @CRLF) ;$result = 0 EndIf DllClose($dll) And here is dll source. As I understand, function "ProcessQuery" exported with help of DLL_IMPLEMENTS user.h //****************************************************************************** // // This file is part of the OpenHoldem project // Download page: http://code.google.com/p/openholdembot/ // Forums: http://www.maxinmontreal.com/forums/index.php // Licensed under GPL v3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // //****************************************************************************** // // Purpose: Very simple user-DLL as a starting-point // // DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN THIS FILE! // // This Header defines an interface // Functions and data-types must exactly match. // //****************************************************************************** #ifndef _INC_USER_H #define _INC_USER_H // Import and export directives // for use by this DLL and by OpenHoldem #ifdef USER_DLL #define DLL_IMPLEMENTS extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) #define EXE_IMPLEMENTS extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) #else #define DLL_IMPLEMENTS extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) #define EXE_IMPLEMENTS extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) #endif // Number of saved table-states // This number must not be changed, as we do a "& 0xFF" // at various places to normalize the index. const int kNumberOfHoldemStatesForDLL = 256; // SHoldemePlayer // used for sequence of 256 consequive table-states // !!!! Needs 2 more cards for Omaha, if not entirely removed struct holdem_player { char m_name[16] ; //player name if known double m_balance ; //player balance double m_currentbet ; //player current bet unsigned char m_cards[2] ; //player cards unsigned char m_name_known : 1 ; //0=no 1=yes unsigned char m_balance_known : 1 ; //0=no 1=yes unsigned char m_fillerbits : 6 ; //filler bits unsigned char m_fillerbyte ; //filler bytes }; struct holdem_state { char m_title[64] ; //table title double m_pot[10] ; //total in each pot unsigned char m_cards[5] ; //common cards unsigned char m_is_playing : 1 ; //0=sitting-out, 1=sitting-in unsigned char m_is_posting : 1 ; //0=autopost-off, 1=autopost-on unsigned char m_fillerbits : 6 ; //filler bits unsigned char m_fillerbyte ; //filler byte unsigned char m_dealer_chair ; //0-9 holdem_player m_player[10] ; //player records }; // Functions implemented and exported by the DLL, // imported by OpenHoldem DLL_IMPLEMENTS double __stdcall ProcessQuery(const char* pquery); DLL_IMPLEMENTS void __stdcall DLLOnLoad(); DLL_IMPLEMENTS void __stdcall DLLOnUnLoad(); // Functions implemented and exported by OpenHoldem, // imported by the DLL EXE_IMPLEMENTS double __stdcall GetSymbol(const char* name_of_single_symbol__not_expression); EXE_IMPLEMENTS void* __stdcall GetPrw1326(); EXE_IMPLEMENTS char* __stdcall GetHandnumber(); EXE_IMPLEMENTS void __stdcall ParseHandList(const char* name_of_list, const char* list_body); EXE_IMPLEMENTS char* __stdcall ScrapeTableMapRegion(char* p_region, int& p_returned_lengh); EXE_IMPLEMENTS void __stdcall SendChatMessage(const char *message); EXE_IMPLEMENTS void __stdcall WriteLog(char* format, ...); // Variables exported by OpenHoldem // avoiding the message-mess of WinHoldem, // no longer sending any state-messages // http://www.maxinmontreal.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=174&t=18642 EXE_IMPLEMENTS extern holdem_state state[kNumberOfHoldemStatesForDLL]; EXE_IMPLEMENTS extern int state_index; #endif // _INC_USER_H user.cpp Here is dll$mynumber parameter. //****************************************************************************** // // This file is part of the OpenHoldem project // Download page: http://code.google.com/p/openholdembot/ // Forums: http://www.maxinmontreal.com/forums/index.php // Licensed under GPL v3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // //****************************************************************************** // // Purpose: Very simple user-DLL as a starting-point // // Required OpenHoldem version: 7.7.6 // //****************************************************************************** // Needs to be defined here, before #include "user.h" // to generate proper export- and inport-definitions #define USER_DLL // #define OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT if you are a beginner // who wants to see some message-boxes with output of game-states, etc. // It is disabled upon request, // * as it is not really needed // * as some DLL-users don't have MFC (atlstr.h) installed // http://www.maxinmontreal.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=156&t=16232 #undef OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT #include "user.h" #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #ifdef OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT #include <atlstr.h> #endif OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT // Supporting macros #define HIGH_NIBBLE(c) (((c)>>4)&0x0F) #define LOW_NIBBLE(c) ((c)&0x0F) // Card macro #define RANK(c) ( ISKNOWN(c) ? HIGH_NIBBLE(c) : 0 ) #define SUIT(c) ( ISKNOWN(c) ? LOW_NIBBLE(c) : 0 ) #define ISCARDBACK(c) ((c) == CARD_BACK) #define ISUNKNOWN(c) ((c) == CARD_UNDEFINED) #define ISNOCARD(c) ((c) == CARD_NOCARD) #define ISKNOWN(c) (!ISCARDBACK(c) && !ISUNKNOWN(c) && !ISNOCARD(c)) // ProcessQuery() // Handling the lookup of dll$symbols DLL_IMPLEMENTS double __stdcall ProcessQuery(const char* pquery) { if (pquery==NULL) return 0; if (strncmp(pquery,"dll$mynumber",13)==0) { return 12345.67; } return 0; } // OnLoad and OnUnload() // called once and at the beginning of a session // when the DLL gets loaded / unloaded // Do initilization / finalization here. DLL_IMPLEMENTS void __stdcall DLLOnLoad() { #ifdef OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT MessageBox(NULL, "event-load", "MESSAGE", MB_OK); #endif OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT } DLL_IMPLEMENTS void __stdcall DLLOnUnLoad() { #ifdef OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT MessageBox(NULL, "event-unload", "MESSAGE", MB_OK); #endif OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT } // DLL entry point // Technically required, but don't do anything here. // Initializations belong into the OnLoad() function, // where they get executed at run-time. // Doing things here at load-time is a bad idea, // as some functionalitz might not be properly initialized // (including error/handling). BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: #ifdef OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT AllocConsole(); #endif OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: #ifdef OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT FreeConsole(); #endif OPT_DEMO_OUTPUT break; } return TRUE; } Source.zip DllAccess.au3
  4. Hi I am trying to open a dll using DLLOpen, however everytime i try to do so the function fails and returns -1 result. I have the dll in the same folder as the auto it script. Local $hDLL = DllOpen("C:\Users\310255155\Downloads\COMMGvv2\commg.dll") DllCall($hDLL, "int", "MessageBox", "hwnd", 0, "str", "Some text", "str", "Some title", "int", 0) DllClose($hDLL) MsgBox(0,'result',$hDLL)
  5. When i try to use nss3 library; DLLOPEN("c:\Program Files (x86)\Firefox\nss3.dll") It return -1. Why?
  6. I have written a script that I want to use to call a DLL. However, when I call it using DLLOpen, it returns an integer rather than a handle. This would make sense if it was a "-1" error code, but instead it is a "1". If FileExists ( @SystemDir & "\MyDLL.dll" ) Then ConsoleWrite ( "DLL exists and is located here: " & @SystemDir & @CRLF ) Else ConsoleWrite ( "DLL not found in " & @SystemDir & @CRLF ) Exit EndIf Global $hDll = DllOpen(@SystemDir & "\MyDLL.dll") ConsoleWrite ( "DLLOpen MyDLL returns " & $hDLL & @CRLF ) If $hDll = -1 Then Exit MsgBox(0, "", "Failed to open MyDLL.dll") Global $aDLL = DllCall($hDLL, "BOOL", "Output", "str", "AdSec_Driver", "str", "ETABS" ) ConsoleWrite("!" & @error & "-" & @extended & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite ( "MyDLL returns data of type " & VarGetType( $aDLL) & @CRLF ) _ArrayDisplay($aDLL) MsgBox(0, "", $aDLL[0]) DllClose($hDll) When I run this I get the following output on the console: DLL exists and is located here: C:\Windows\system32 DLLOpen MyDLL returns 1 !3-0 MyDLL returns data of type Int32 "C:\Users\andrew.mole\Documents\autoit\AdSec_Driver\trunk\AdSec_Driver.au3" (197) : ==> Subscript used on non-accessible variable.: MsgBox(0, "", $aDLL[0]) MsgBox(0, "", $aDLL^ ERROR Any idea why this is?
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