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  1. When ever you hover your mouse over a native function, user defined function, or an AutoItObject method then you will see the calltip for that function. Click "Like This" if you found this useful! To use this just place the following lua file in the "...AutoIt3\SciTE\lua" directory. MouseHoverCallTips.zip downloads:741 After you have done that then open SciTE and click 'Options' --> 'Open Lua Startup Script' and paste this line after the other lines (may require administrative rights): LoadLuaFile("MouseHoverCallTips.lua") Updates and changes:
  2. In the console under the editor in SciTE: if I add @@ Debug(line,column) then it goes there. if I add "script.au3" (line,column) then it goes there if loaded. if I add "c:\path\script.au3" (line,column) then it loads the file and goes there. ...so far so good. Since I don't know LUA, nor where that is at, my question is ... where is it at ? A silly question because once there I would not know what to do, since I don't know LUA. What I want to achieve is, that since there is something delimiting the script and editor position (li,co), a way to have, let's say: +I like this color and the text that I care for on the left ["c:\path\script.au3" (line,column)] and by having this ["" ()] format ( or anything else, it don't have to be this exact format ), the console would know to jump there. If DClick to jump/goto Line,Column can trigger an external EXE or script, I'd take it from there. If it all can be done from LUA then, I'd do it there. So I don't mind or know how. I just would like that functionality. In a way that don't require a recompile of SciTE. Thanks
  3. AutoIt3 Lua Wrapper This is an AutoIt3 wrapper for the Lua scripting language. Consider it beta software, but since I will be using it in commercial product, expect it to evolve. It has been developped with Lua 5.3.5. Updates will come for new Lua version. Everything works just fine, except one (big) limitation: Anything that throws a Lua error (using C setjmp/longjmp functionality) will crash your AutoIt program. That means that it is impossible to use throw errors from an AutoIt function called by Lua (luaL_check*, lua_error...). It is hosted in Github: https://github.com/matwachich/au3lua Simple example #include <lua.au3> #include <lua_dlls.au3> ; Initialize library _lua_Startup(_lua_ExtractDll()) OnAutoItExitRegister(_lua_Shutdown) ; create new execution state $pState = _luaL_newState() _luaopen_base($pState) ; needed for the lua's print function $iRet = _luaL_doString($pState, 'print("Hello, world!")') If $iRet <> $LUA_OK Then ; read the error description on top of the stack ConsoleWrite("!> Error: " & _lua_toString($pState, -1) & @CRLF) Exit EndIf ; close the state to free memory (you MUST call this function, this is not AutoIt's automatic memory management, it's a C library) _lua_close($pState)
  4. Hello, I've read a article about lua functions here: https://debian-administration.org/article/264/Embedding_a_scripting_language_inside_your_C/C_code There are two ways of include lua scripts to your AutoIt code. 1. Run lua functions by Autoit. 2. Register Autoit function and run as lua. It's even possible to apply second way to AutoIt? As we can see on example there a few functions to make it possible. It's a lua file save as average.lua avg, sum = average(10, 20, 30, 40, 50) print("The average is ", avg) print("The sum is ", sum) This is a C functions to run lua. Can be convert to AutoIt ofc. There is a problem with func lua_register(L, "average", average) this function is not even detected in Lua51.dll We can use lua_pushcclosure instead. #include <stdio.h> #include "lua.h" #include "lualib.h" #include "lauxlib.h" /* the Lua interpreter */ lua_State* L; /* The function we'll call from the lua script */ static int average(lua_State *L) { /* get number of arguments */ int n = lua_gettop(L); double sum = 0; int i; /* loop through each argument */ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (!lua_isnumber(L, i)) { lua_pushstring(L, "Incorrect argument to 'average'"); lua_error(L); } /* total the arguments */ sum += lua_tonumber(L, i); } /* push the average */ lua_pushnumber(L, sum / n); /* push the sum */ lua_pushnumber(L, sum); /* return the number of results */ return 2; } int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { /* initialize Lua */ L = lua_open(); /* load Lua base libraries */ lua_baselibopen(L); /* register our function */ lua_register(L, "average", average); /* run the script */ lua_dofile(L, "average.lua"); /* cleanup Lua */ lua_close(L); return 0; }
  5. This lua script gives you the ability, to search for selected text or word from cursor in an search engine or on an search site of your choice.You can select the engine/site from a list, that you have defined in your user properties. To get the right call for your search engine, open the engine and search for one word. You need the url without the searched word. Write to your properties an display name for this engine and, separated by a comma, the url. See my example in the script header. For the list with search sites, you need display name and site address (without http://). It will searched for the full selected text or, if none selection exists, for the word touched by the cursor. You can allow in the properties, that also will recognized words with dots (like objVar.Property). The script uses the shell.dll. But if you don't have installed it, the browser will opened with an command line call. Thats why the command window will pop up for a short moment. You'll find details for installation and key bindings inside the script. Look for free command numbers in SciTE. By default installation, the numbers must be greater than 35 (max. 49). -- TIME_STAMP 2018-09-02 09:22:03 --[[ This script publicates two functions - InetSearch.Engine() You can search for the selected/touched text in SciTE and can select a search engine of your choice. - InetSearch.Site() You can search for the selected/touched text in SciTE with a defined search engine and can select a search site of your choice. Copy this script in your Lua scripts folder. Load this file in the Lua startup: dofile("Full\\Path\\InetSearch.lua") Add in "SciTEUser.properties" the following properties with search engines and search sites of your choice: #~ Inet Search Settings #~ List of engines. "display-name,search-url" (if not set: google.com will used) #~ If only one entry exists, the selection box will not shown. Inet.Search.Engines= \ Google,https://www.google.de/search?q=| \ MetaGer,https://metager.de/meta/meta.ger3?focus=web&eingabe=| \ Bing,https://www.bing.com/search?q=| \ Ask,https://de.ask.com/web?q=| \ Yandex,https://www.yandex.com/search/?text= #~ Engine for site based search #~ Use display name from engines list (if not set: google.com will used) Inet.Search.SearchOnSite.Engine=Google #~ List of sites for site based search. "display-name,site-url" #~ If not set, it searches without a special site. #~ If only one entry exists, the selection box will not shown. Inet.Search.SearchOnSite.Sites= \ AutoIt DE,autoit.de| \ AutoIt EN,autoitscript.com| \ MSDN,msdn.microsoft.com #~ By default, words will detected without dots. (0) #~ You can allow dots, to detect object variables with properties or methods too. Inet.Search.Allow.Punctuation=1 #~ Search commands #~ Search word from cursor with engine selection command.name.9.*=Search with engine selection command.9.*=dostring InetSearch.Engine() command.mode.9.*=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no command.shortcut.9.*=Ctrl+Shift+F8 #~ Search word from cursor with search site selection command.name.5.*=Search with site selection command.5.*=dostring InetSearch.Site() command.mode.5.*=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no command.shortcut.5.*=Ctrl+Shift+F9 --]] InetSearch = {} InetSearch.Handler = EventClass:new(Common) do ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local engineFallback = "Google,https://www.google.com/search?q=" -- default search engine: "display-name,search-url" local search_type = nil local engine_url = nil local search_item = nil local search_site = nil local tableSelection = nil local list_type = 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load library protected local require_protected = function(_lib) local loaded_lib if pcall(function() loaded_lib = require(_lib) end) then return loaded_lib else return nil end end --> require_protected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local shell = require_protected("shell") -- loads the shell library if exists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Starts the search local RunSearch = function(_item, _url, _site) local sSite = '' if _site ~= nil then sSite = "%20site:".._site end local sCmd = _url.._item..sSite if shell then shell.exec(sCmd) else os.execute('start "" "'..sCmd..'"') end end --> RunSearch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show the user list local ShowSelectionList = function() -- create the selection list (display names from engines or sites) local sep, list = '_', tableSelection[1][1] for i = 2, #tableSelection do list = list..sep..tableSelection[i][1] end local sep_tmp = editor.AutoCSeparator editor.AutoCSeparator = string.byte(sep) editor:UserListShow(list_type, list) editor.AutoCSeparator = sep_tmp end --> ShowSelectionList ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select the user list function InetSearch.Handler:OnUserListSelection(_tp, _sel) if _tp == list_type then local url for i = 1, #tableSelection do if tableSelection[i][1] == _sel then url = tableSelection[i][2] break end end if search_type == 'site' then search_site = url else search_site = nil engine_url = url end RunSearch(search_item, engine_url, search_site) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- List of search engines from properties local GetEngines = function() local sEngines = props['Inet.Search.Engines'] -- without settings, the default search engine will used if sEngines == '' then sEngines = engineFallback end local tEngines = {} for entry in sEngines:gmatch('([^|]+)|-') do for name, url in entry:gmatch('([^,]+),(.+)') do table.insert(tEngines, {name, url}) end end return tEngines end --> GetEngines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- List of search sites from properties local GetSearchSites = function() local sSites = props['Inet.Search.SearchOnSite.Sites'] if sSites == '' then return nil end local tSites = {} for entry in sSites:gmatch('([^|]+)|-') do for name, url in entry:gmatch('([^,]+),(.+)') do table.insert(tSites, {name, url}) end end return tSites end --> GetSearchSites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get search item local GetSearchItem = function() local sSelect = editor:GetSelText() if sSelect ~= '' then return sSelect end local allowDots = false if props['Inet.Search.Allow.Punctuation'] == '1' then allowDots = true end local caret = editor.CurrentPos local iLine = editor:LineFromPosition(caret) local iZero = editor:PositionFromLine(iLine) editor:LineEnd() local iLineEnd = editor.CurrentPos editor.CurrentPos = caret editor:SetSelection(caret,caret) local iStart = editor:WordStartPosition(caret) if allowDots then while iStart > iZero and editor:textrange(iStart -1, iStart) == '.' do iStart = editor:WordStartPosition(iStart -1) end end local iEnd = editor:WordEndPosition(caret) if allowDots then while iEnd < iLineEnd and editor:textrange(iEnd, iEnd +1) == '.' do iEnd = editor:WordEndPosition(iEnd +1) end end sSelect = editor:textrange(iStart, iEnd):gsub('^([^%w]+)', ''):gsub('([^%w]+)$', '') return sSelect end --> GetSearchItem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Search with engine selection local SearchEngineBased = function() search_type = 'engine' search_item = GetSearchItem() if search_item == '' then return nil end tableSelection = GetEngines() -- only one entry: selection box will not shown if #tableSelection == 1 then RunSearch(search_item, tableSelection[1][2], nil) else ShowSelectionList() end end --> SearchEngineBased ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- Search with search site selection local SearchSiteBased = function() search_type = 'site' search_item = GetSearchItem() if search_item == '' then return nil end -- get the default engine for site based searching for _, url in engineFallback:gmatch('([^,]+),(.+)') do engine_url = url end -- if is set, use search engine from properties local sEngine = props['Inet.Search.SearchOnSite.Engine'] if sEngine ~= '' then local tEngines = GetEngines() for i = 1, #tEngines do if tEngines[i][1] == sEngine then engine_url = tEngines[i][2] break end end end tableSelection = GetSearchSites() -- if none entries for search sites, use simple search if tableSelection == nil then RunSearch(search_item, engine_url, nil) else -- only one entry: selection box will not shown if #tableSelection == 1 then RunSearch(search_item, engine_url, tableSelection[1][2]) else ShowSelectionList() end end end --> SearchSiteBased ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publicate functions InetSearch.Engine = SearchEngineBased InetSearch.Site = SearchSiteBased ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InetSearch.lua
  6. I looked at ScriptControl. I wonder if using this, can I do IPC solution in AutoIt. I also wonder whether some extent, ScirptControl can be compared to the use of LUA. Below is what I have read so far. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365574(v=vs.85).aspx http://support.microsoft.com/kb/184739/EN-US http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa227413(v=vs.60).aspx http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=1949 '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> btw. Please, share with other interesting links that according to you is worth reading on the subject (links not directly related to the AutoIt).
  7. I looked at the description of AutoItTools:ExportLibrary() and added it to my Tools menu, but I can't seem to make it work. Perhaps the format of my UDF headers is wrong. Can anyone give a short sample that shows the format required? I currently get the following lines (I added the region): #Region Members Exported #cs Exported Functions #ce Exported Functions #endregion Thanks, Frank
  8. With reference to I found an intresting SciTE console example https://code.google.com/p/scite-for-lua/ '> Does SciTE using ConsoleWrite is possible to display the message in the console with backlight as it is shown in the example. If it is not currently possible, and taking into account that it was hard to develop a beta version of AutoIT is it possible to add such functionality?
  9. I need to elevate certain applications, when launched, to run with an elevated (administrator level) security token. The token swap can happen on the fly or as an application wrapper. I have looked at several applications and find them ok, one even stands out above the rest, however my company is in extreme cost savings and are unable/unwilling to spend the money. I have seen Functions such as _Security__CreateProcessWithToken and _Security__AdjustTokenPrivileges, but I am still relatively new to AutoIT and am not sure how to utilize some of the advanced features. I appreciate any help. Thanks, Joshua Barnette
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