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Found 10 results

  1. How can I get a full name for a folder that starts with "data_" and ends with random numbers and characters? I want to get a folders name inside Temp Directory. Not sure how to even start. 🤭 Any suggestions? 🤔
  2. Hi guys In this publication I will share with you a function i have written it This function enables you to get names of days in three languages English, French and Arabic It automatically recognizes the language of your system If you want, you can customize the display language you want English = 0 Arabic = 1 French = 2 get_day_name.au3
  3. Could someone please explain to me how you can use Func_SearchLastState more than once in the same script. My situation is I am trying to use it in the same script under different case scenarios: e.g. Case 1 Func_SearchLastState($sMachine) Case 2 Func_SearchLastState($sLaptop) Even though these are under different case scenarios the Func_SearchLastState is getting picked up as a duplicate function name. How can I use this function more than one in my script without getting the error?
  4. For example, I have this code to get the object of an opened Microsoft Word document: #include <Word.au3> Global $oWord = _Word_Create() Global $oDoc = _Word_DocGet($oWord, 1) Now my question is, how can I get the current file name of that opened Microsoft Word document?
  5. How can I take the title of a link, just like the browsers does ? For example , as you know, all the tabs from the browser, have a name, based on what link is opened in them. So how can I take that name of a link with AutoIT and without the help of the browser ?
  6. How to _IEFormElementRadioSelect a radio button that doesn't have a radio group's name or ID? _IEFormElementRadioSelect($o_object, $s_string, $s_name) <fieldset class="share-item"> <legend>share a link or news</legend> <div class="share-item-types"><span class="radio-group-label">Discussion type:</span> <span class="radio-group"> <input type="radio" class="fancy" id="discussion-type-general" name="forumtype" value="7" checked="true" tabindex="0"><label class="radio-label" for="discussion-type-general">General</label> <input type="radio" class="fancy" id="discussion-type-job" name="forumtype" value="5" tabindex="0"><label class="radio-label" for="discussion-type-job">Job</label> <input type="radio" class="fancy" id="discussion-type-promotion" name="forumtype" value="8" tabindex="0"><label class="radio-label" for="discussion-type-promotion">Promotion</label> </span> </div> <div class="share-item-group"> <input type="hidden" value="0" name="contentImageCount" id="share-img-total"> <input type="hidden" value="-1" name="contentImageIndex" id="share-img-selected-idx"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="contentImage" id="share-img-selected-url"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="contentEntityID" id="share-entity-id"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="contentUrl" id="share-entity-url"> <div id="share-mode" class="share-mode"> <div class="share-loading"></div> <div id="share-view" class="share-preview"></div> <div class="share-edit"> <ul id="share-edit-list" class="form"> <li id="share-edit-title-wrapper"> <input type="text" name="contentTitle" value="" id="share-edit-title" tabindex="0" class="text share-edit-title" maxlength="70"> </li> <li id="share-edit-meta"></li> <li id="share-edit-summary-wrapper"> <textarea name="contentSummary" id="share-edit-summary" tabindex="0" class="text" maxlength="250"></textarea> </li> <li id="share-include-photo-wrapper"> <input type="checkbox" name="contentImageIncluded" value="true" id="share-include-photo" class="check" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <label for="share-include-photo">Include Photo</label> </li> <li> <input type="button" name="#" value="Save" class="btn-primary" id="share-edit-submit" tabindex="0"> or <a href="#" tabindex="0" id="share-edit-cancel">Cancel</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="post-actions"> <div class="post-actions-row"> <div class="submit"> <input type="submit" name="postItem" value="Share" class="btn-primary share-submit disabled" id="share-submit" tabindex="0" disabled=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </fieldset> This is what I want to select: <input type="radio" class="fancy" id="discussion-type-job" name="forumtype" value="5" tabindex="0"><label class="radio-label" for="discussion-type-job">Job</label>
  7. I have a list view (first two colums are Name and Surname). Now I want to sort the items by alphabet. It should sort the names from A to Z and if the Name is teh shame it should sort it by the surname, too. I know about the _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort() Function, but that only sorts one column. My problem is, that I want to save a value with the number in the list view (first is number one, second is number two...) in a file so when I need to retreive that value I search for the number of the item in the file. Thank you!
  8. I need to search for a certain file name "msflx.ocx" on the entire harddrive and to return its path. Is there any function or UDF for this ? I searched on the forums too but I wasn't satisfied with the results. thx
  9. Hey all Alright so I have few files which looks something like this: 1) abc_123_---.txt 2) def_456_(((.txt 3) ghi_789_***.txt What I would like to do is chceck the file name (let's take number 1 for example), and if it consists "123", then change the file name to "x123.txt". I know how to use FileMove to change the file name, but how do I check if a file name consists a word / phrase? Thank you
  10. Hey all So I was trying to change a file name using FileMove, but it didn't work for me. (Maybe I just didn't use it in the right way?) Is there another way to change a file name? Thank you!
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