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Found 11 results

  1. my FF.au3 does get included but my script does not open firefox. here is my code so far: #include <FF.au3> _FFStart("https://www.google.com", Default, 0) I am using firefox portable version 52.0 Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. The code runs but nothing happens. I think the FF.au3 cannot find or connect to the firefox portable.
  2. Hi Folks, I've been very fond of portable software. Some of the portable programs are quite large, so to make the using fancier, I started to compress the portable applications into a WinRar SFX Archive which extracts the software to the tempdir, starts the software and afterward deletes the whole temp Dir. But it got cumbersome to manually extract the icon from the exe, make all necessary settings in the WinRar GUI - so I wrote this script. Nothing spectacular, but (in my eyes) very useful. After that, I added some other options to make it a little more versatile. Features: if we have a 32Bit and a 64Bit version, it can launch the correct Version (32Bit or 64Bit) fitting to the system the SFX is started on (contains a small exe file "universal_launcher.exe" which expects two parameters for the 32Bit.exe and 64Bit.exe, checks the current system for 64Bit and then runs the correct file). Powerbasic Sourcecode of the exe file is included, of course. automatically extracts the icon from the chosen exe and uses it as icon for the SFX if the chosen exe file has a version number in it, the version is put in the resulting SFX's filename can just extract the files to a user-chosen directory OR can just extract the files to the program files directory (and, optionally, create a desktop shortcut) OR extract the files to a temp directory and run an exe Have fun with it best regards, Marc MakeSFX v1.2.zip MakeSFXv1.3.zip
  3. Hi. I can open the editor with out problems but I can not compile because it is placed on another partition diferent from C. Can you provide an update of this bug?
  4. Well an Implementation of IPortableDeviceManager Interface to get all Portable Device conected to our pc. #include <Array.au3> #include <WinAPICom.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global Const $sCLSID_PortableDeviceManager = "{0af10cec-2ecd-4b92-9581-34f6ae0637f3}" Global Const $sIID_IPortableDeviceManager = "{a1567595-4c2f-4574-a6fa-ecef917b9a40}" Global Const $sTagIPortableDeviceManager = "GetDevices hresult(ptr;dword*); RefreshDeviceList hresult(); " & _ "GetDeviceFriendlyName hresult(wstr;wstr;dword*); GetDeviceDescription hresult(wstr;wstr;dword*); " & _ "GetDeviceManufacturer hresult(wstr;wstr;dword*); GetDeviceManufacturer hresult(wstr;wstr;ptr;dword*dword*); " & _ "GetPrivateDevices hresult(ptr;dword*)" Global Enum $eDevID, $eDevName, $eDevManufacturer, $eDevDescription Local $aPnPDevices = GetPortableDevices() If IsArray($aPnPDevices) Then _ArrayDisplay($aPnPDevices) ;~ Success: Return 0 ;~ Failure: Return 2DArray [n][4] |;[n][0]$eDevID, [n][1]$eDevName, [n][2]$eDevManufacturer,[n][3] $eDevDescription Func GetPortableDevices() Local $aDevicesInfo[0][0] ;[n][0]$eDevID, [n][1]$eDevName, [n][2]$eDevManufacturer,[n][3] $eDevDescription Local $oPortableDeviceManager = 0 Local $SizeofArray = 0 Local $hr = 0x80004005 ;E_Fail Just to Initialized <0 Local $taPnPDeviceIDs = 0 Local $tName = 0 $oPortableDeviceManager = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_PortableDeviceManager, $sIID_IPortableDeviceManager, $sTagIPortableDeviceManager) If Not IsObj($oPortableDeviceManager) Then Return 0 If FAILED($oPortableDeviceManager.GetDevices(Null, $SizeofArray)) Then Return 0 If $SizeofArray < 1 Then Return 0 $taPnPDeviceIDs = DllStructCreate("ptr[" & $SizeofArray & "]") If FAILED($oPortableDeviceManager.GetDevices(DllStructGetPtr($taPnPDeviceIDs), $SizeofArray)) Then Return 0 ReDim $aDevicesInfo[$SizeofArray][4] For $i = 0 To $SizeofArray - 1 $tName = DllStructCreate("wchar[512]", DllStructGetData($taPnPDeviceIDs, 1, $i + 1)) $aDevicesInfo[$i][$eDevID] = DllStructGetData($tName, 1) $aDevicesInfo[$i][$eDevName] = _GetFriendlyName($oPortableDeviceManager, $aDevicesInfo[$i][$eDevID]) $aDevicesInfo[$i][$eDevManufacturer] = _GetDeviceManufacturer($oPortableDeviceManager, $aDevicesInfo[$i][$eDevID]) $aDevicesInfo[$i][$eDevDescription] = _GetDeviceDescription($oPortableDeviceManager, $aDevicesInfo[$i][$eDevID]) $tName = 0 _WinAPI_CoTaskMemFree(DllStructGetData($taPnPDeviceIDs, 1, $i + 1)) Next Return $aDevicesInfo EndFunc ;==>GetPortableDevices Func _GetDeviceManufacturer($oInterface, $PnPDeviceID) Local $sString = "" $oInterface.GetDeviceManufacturer($PnPDeviceID, $sString, 128) Return $sString EndFunc ;==>_GetDeviceManufacturer Func _GetDeviceDescription($oInterface, $PnPDeviceID) Local $sString = "" Local Const $Size = 128 $oInterface.GetDeviceDescription($PnPDeviceID, $sString, 128) Return $sString EndFunc ;==>_GetDeviceDescription Func _GetFriendlyName($oInterface, $PnPDeviceID) Local $sString = "" Local Const $Size = 128 $oInterface.GetDeviceFriendlyName($PnPDeviceID, $sString, 128) Return $sString EndFunc ;==>_GetFriendlyName Func _GetProperty($oInterface, $PnPDeviceID) Local $sString = "" Local Const $Size = 128 $oInterface.GetDeviceFriendlyName($PnPDeviceID, $sString, 128) Return $sString EndFunc ;==>_GetProperty Func FAILED($hr) Return ($hr < 0) EndFunc ;==>FAILED Saludos
  5. How do I sync portable SciTE4AutoIt3 with portable AutoIt3 ? I have spent hours trawling through FAQs, this forum, and general searches on the web, without any luck I would prefer to use portable setup for AutoIt and SciTE etc. I have downloaded portable ZIP but have not extracted it in case the order of extracting is critical. Thank you
  6. Just like it says in the title. A scripter from my company gave me a script to make it run, but he's not around anymore, and my drive finally failed with no working backup. I run PortableRoboForm (http://www.roboform.com/for-usb-roboform2go-windows) version 6 from a USB drive to automate password management for hundreds of accounts with different passwords.RoboForm lets me do this, and they even have a Portable version, but it's not that portable and I'd like to use it inside a PortableApps (http://portableapps.com/) launcher. I'd like to create a script to go to the root of the USB drive and run "PortableRoboForm.exe". PortableApps only sees executables in subdirectories of the \PortableApps folder of the USB drive. RoboForm2Go only installs and executes in the root directory of the USB drive. I tried using the fantastic little _GetFileDrive function, but I keep getting an error indicating it's trying to run the file in the subdirectory so obviously I'm not using _GetFileDrive right. Any help for a newbie would be appreciated. ; Change the working directory to the root of this file. FileChangeDir(_GetFileDrive(@ScriptDir)) ; Run the PortableRoboForm executable. Run(PortableRoboForm.exe,"") ; Get the drive letter of a filepath. Idea from _PathSplit. Func _GetFileDrive($sFilePath) Return StringLeft($sFilePath, StringInStr($sFilePath, ":", 2, 1) + 1) EndFunc ;==>_GetFileDriveEDIT: Nevermind, found the option to set it up to run from the PortableApps menu.
  7. AutoIt Portable Workstation AIP allows you to carry a light AutoIt script editor and compiler with you to use on the fly. This program can run x86 and x64 scripts or compile them to EXE. When the program is launched, it will create a temp work folder in the script directory. Once the program is closed this folder will be automatically deleted. When you compile a script it will output in the the script directory in a folder named "compiled". Current version: 0.0.2 Version 0.0.2 updates: Added more options to the comiler Planned Updates: Script editor font appearance. Automaticly color coded tags in editor Built In Includes: APIComConstants.au3 APIConstants.au3 APIDiagConstants.au3 APIDlgConstants.au3 APIErrorsConstants.au3 APIFilesConstants.au3 APIGdiConstants.au3 APILocaleConstants.au3 APIMiscConstants.au3 APIProcConstants.au3 APIRegConstants.au3 APIResConstants.au3 APIShellExConstants.au3 APIShPathConstants.au3 APISysConstants.au3 APIThemeConstants.au3 Array.au3 AutoItConstants.au3 AVIConstants.au3 BorderConstants.au3 ButtonConstants.au3 Clipboard.au3 Color.au3 ColorConstants.au3 ComboConstants.au3 Constants.au3 Crypt.au3 Date.au3 DateTimeConstants.au3 Debug.au3 DirConstants.au3 EditConstants.au3 EventLog.au3 Excel.au3 ExcelConstants.au3 File.au3 FileConstants.au3 FontConstants.au3 FrameConstants.au3 FTPEx.au3 GDIPlus.au3 GDIPlusConstants.au3 GuiAVI.au3 GuiButton.au3 GuiComboBox.au3 GuiComboBoxEx.au3 GUIConstants.au3 GUIConstantsEx.au3 GuiDateTimePicker.au3 GuiEdit.au3 GuiHeader.au3 GuiImageList.au3 GuiIPAddress.au3 GuiListBox.au3 GuiListView.au3 GuiMenu.au3 GuiMonthCal.au3 GuiReBar.au3 GuiRichEdit.au3 GuiScrollBars.au3 GuiSlider.au3 GuiStatusBar.au3 GuiTab.au3 GuiToolbar.au3 GuiToolTip.au3 GuiTreeView.au3 HeaderConstants.au3 IE.au3 ImageListConstants.au3 Inet.au3 InetConstants.au3 IPAddressConstants.au3 ListBoxConstants.au3 ListViewConstants.au3 Math.au3 Memory.au3 MemoryConstants.au3 MenuConstants.au3 Misc.au3 MsgBoxConstants.au3 NamedPipes.au3 NetShare.au3 NTSTATUSConstants.au3 Process.au3 ProcessConstants.au3 ProgressConstants.au3 RebarConstants.au3 RichEditConstants.au3 ScreenCapture.au3 ScrollBarConstants.au3 ScrollBarsConstants.au3 Security.au3 SecurityConstants.au3 SendMessage.au3 SliderConstants.au3 Sound.au3 SQLite.au3 SQLite.dll.au3 StaticConstants.au3 StatusBarConstants.au3 String.au3 StringConstants.au3 StructureConstants.au3 TabConstants.au3 Timers.au3 ToolbarConstants.au3 ToolTipConstants.au3 TrayConstants.au3 TreeViewConstants.au3 UDFGlobalID.au3 UpDownConstants.au3 Visa.au3 WinAPI.au3 WinAPICom.au3 WinAPIConstants.au3 WinAPIDiag.au3 WinAPIDlg.au3 WinAPIError.au3 WinAPIEx.au3 WinAPIFiles.au3 WinAPIGdi.au3 WinAPIInternals.au3 WinAPIlangConstants.au3 WinAPILocale.au3 WinAPIMisc.au3 WinAPIProc.au3 WinAPIReg.au3 WinAPIRes.au3 WinAPIShellEx.au3 WinAPIShPath.au3 WinAPISys.au3 WinAPIsysinfoConstants.au3 WinAPITheme.au3 WinAPIvkeysConstants.au3 WindowsConstants.au3 WinNet.au3 Word.au3 WordConstants.au3 Source Code: #NoTrayIcon #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=..\AIP\Icon.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Compile your AutoIt scripts on the fly! #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Copyright 2014 zelles #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1033 #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Region Begin Startup Settings _Singleton("AutoItPortableByzelles") Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("TrayMenuMode", 3) #EndRegion End Startup Settings #Region Begin Startup Globals Global $DIR_complier_output = @ScriptDir & "\compiled" Global $DIR_TEMP = @ScriptDir & "\temp_appdata" Global $DIR_includes = $DIR_TEMP & "\includes" Global $FILE_icon = $DIR_TEMP & "\Icon.ico" Global $FILE_TEMP = $DIR_includes & "\aip_temp.au3" Global $FILE_TEMP_EXE = $DIR_TEMP & "\aip_temp.exe" Global $IMG_Splash = $DIR_TEMP & "\splash.gif" Global $Last_Opened = "AIPScript.au3" #EndRegion End Startup Globals #Region Begin Startup Functions GUI_Splash() Create_Temp_Workstation() GUIDelete($GUI_Splash) GUI_Workstation() #EndRegion End Startup Functions #Region Begin Idle Loop To Keep Program Alive While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd #EndRegion End Idle Loop To Keep Program Alive #Region Begin Splash GUI Creation Func GUI_Splash() If Not FileExists($DIR_TEMP) Then DirCreate($DIR_TEMP) FileInstall("C:\AIP\splash.gif", $DIR_TEMP & "\splash.gif", 0) Global $GUI_Splash = GUICreate("Starting AutoIt Portable", 401, 257, 192, 124) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) Global $splash_image = GUICtrlCreatePic($IMG_Splash, 0, 0, 400, 250) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE, "Close_Spash", $GUI_Splash) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Close_Spash", $GUI_Splash) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc #EndRegion End Splash GUI Creation #Region Begin Workstation GUI Creation Func GUI_Workstation() Global $GUI_Workstation = GUICreate("AutoIt Portable Workstation", 701, 431, 174, 115) Global $File_Menu_File = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") Global $File_Menu_New = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("New File", $File_Menu_File) Global $File_Menu_Open = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open File", $File_Menu_File) Global $File_Menu_Save = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save File", $File_Menu_File) Global $File_Menu_Exit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $File_Menu_File) Global $File_Menu_Options = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Script Options") Global $File_Menu_Runx86 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Run x86", $File_Menu_Options) Global $File_Menu_Runx64 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Run x64", $File_Menu_Options) Global $File_Menu_Compiler = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Run Compiler", $File_Menu_Options) Global $File_Menu_Help = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Help") Global $File_Menu_About = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About", $File_Menu_Help) Global $GUI_Workstation_WorkArea = GUICtrlCreateEdit('MsgBox(0, "Welcome Note:", "Thank you for using AutoIt Portable!")', 0, 0, 700, 409, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_WANTRETURN,$WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($File_Menu_New, "GUI_File_New") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($File_Menu_Open, "GUI_File_Open") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($File_Menu_Save, "GUI_File_Save") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($File_Menu_Exit, "Close_Workstation") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($File_Menu_Runx86, "GUI_Run_x86") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($File_Menu_Runx64, "GUI_Run_x64") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($File_Menu_Compiler, "GUI_Compiler") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($File_Menu_About, "GUI_About") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Close_Workstation", $GUI_Workstation) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI_Workstation) EndFunc #EndRegion End Workstation GUI Creation #Region Begin Compiler GUI Creation Func GUI_Compiler() Global $GUI_Compiler = GUICreate("AICompiler GUI", 234, 447, 325, 143) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("App Name:", 8, 11, 57, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("App Icon:", 8, 35, 50, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Product Name:", 8, 59, 75, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Company Name:", 8, 83, 82, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Copyright:", 8, 107, 51, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Trademarks:", 8, 131, 63, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("File Version:", 8, 155, 61, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Product Version:", 8, 179, 82, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Description:", 8, 203, 60, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Comment:", 8, 227, 51, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label11 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ignore Directives:", 8, 251, 87, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label12 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Compile For:", 8, 275, 62, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label13 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Compression:", 8, 299, 67, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label14 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Comp. w/ UPX:", 8, 323, 78, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label15 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Execution Level:", 8, 347, 83, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label16 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Compatibility:", 8, 371, 65, 17) Local $GUI_Compiler_Label17 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("App Type:", 8, 395, 53, 17) Global $GUI_Compiler_OutputFile = GUICtrlCreateInput("My App", 72, 8, 153, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_IconFile = GUICtrlCreateInput($FILE_icon, 72, 32, 105, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_LoadIcon_Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Load", 184, 32, 43, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_ProductName = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 88, 56, 137, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_CompanyName = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 88, 80, 137, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_Copyright = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 72, 104, 153, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_Trademarks = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 72, 128, 153, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_FileVersion = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 88, 152, 137, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_ProductVersion = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 88, 176, 137, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_Description = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 72, 200, 153, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_Comment = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 72, 224, 153, 21) Global $GUI_Compiler_IgnoreDirectives = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Ignore", 120, 248, 65, 17) Global $GUI_Compiler_x86 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("x86", 120, 273, 49, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) Global $GUI_Compiler_x64 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("x64", 176, 273, 49, 17) Global $GUI_Compiler_Compression = GUICtrlCreateCombo("None", 88, 296, 137, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Compiler_Compression, "Low|Medium|High|Highest", "None") Global $GUI_Compiler_UPXCompression = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Dont Compress", 88, 320, 137, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Compiler_UPXCompression, "Compress", "Dont Compress") Global $GUI_Compiler_ExecutionLevel = GUICtrlCreateCombo("None", 88, 344, 137, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Compiler_ExecutionLevel, "AsInvoker|Highest Avail|Require Admin", "None") Global $GUI_Compiler_Compatibility = GUICtrlCreateCombo("All", 88, 368, 137, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Compiler_Compatibility, "Windows Vista|Windows 7|Windows 8", "All") Global $GUI_Compiler_AppType = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Default", 88, 392, 137, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Compiler_AppType, "GUI|Console", "Default") Global $GUI_Compiler_Compile_Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Compile", 136, 416, 91, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($GUI_Compiler_LoadIcon_Button, "Compiler") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($GUI_Compiler_Compile_Button, "Compiler") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Close_Compiler", $GUI_Compiler) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI_Compiler) EndFunc #EndRegion End Compiler GUI Creation #Region Begin Splash GUI Events Func Close_Spash() TrayTip("AIP Response", "Please wait for AIP to finish initializing", 6) EndFunc #EndRegion End Splash GUI Creation #Region Begin Workstation GUI Events Func GUI_File_New() GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Workstation_WorkArea, "") EndFunc Func GUI_File_Open() Local $f_open_script = FileOpenDialog("Open AutoIt Script", @ScriptDir, "au3 (*.au3)|All (*.*)", 1, $Last_Opened, $GUI_Workstation) $Last_Opened = StringTrimLeft($f_open_script, StringInStr($f_open_script, "\", $STR_NOCASESENSE, -1)) Local $f_open_script_Script = FileRead($f_open_script) GUICtrlSetData($GUI_Workstation_WorkArea, $f_open_script_Script) EndFunc Func GUI_File_Save() Local $f_save_script = FileSaveDialog("Save AutoIt Script", @ScriptDir, "au3 (*.au3)|All (*.*)", 0, $Last_Opened, $GUI_Workstation) $Last_Opened = StringTrimLeft($f_save_script, StringInStr($f_save_script, "\", $STR_NOCASESENSE, -1)) Local $f_script = GUICtrlRead($GUI_Workstation_WorkArea) If FileExists($f_save_script) Then FileDelete($f_save_script) _FileCreate($f_save_script) Local $f_save_script_Open = FileOpen($f_save_script, $FO_APPEND) FileWrite($f_save_script_Open, $f_script) FileClose($f_save_script_Open) EndFunc Func GUI_Run_x86() Local $f_script = GUICtrlRead($GUI_Workstation_WorkArea) If FileExists($FILE_TEMP_EXE) Then FileDelete($FILE_TEMP_EXE) If FileExists($FILE_TEMP) Then FileDelete($FILE_TEMP) _FileCreate($FILE_TEMP) Local $FILE_TEMP_Open = FileOpen($FILE_TEMP, $FO_APPEND) FileWrite($FILE_TEMP_Open, $f_script) FileClose($FILE_TEMP_Open) RunWait($DIR_TEMP & '/Aut2exe.exe /in "' & $FILE_TEMP & '" /out "' & $FILE_TEMP_EXE & '" /icon "' & $FILE_icon & '" /comp 0 /nopack /x86') FileDelete($FILE_TEMP) Run($FILE_TEMP_EXE) EndFunc Func GUI_Run_x64() Local $f_script = GUICtrlRead($GUI_Workstation_WorkArea) If FileExists($FILE_TEMP_EXE) Then FileDelete($FILE_TEMP_EXE) If FileExists($FILE_TEMP) Then FileDelete($FILE_TEMP) _FileCreate($FILE_TEMP) Local $FILE_TEMP_Open = FileOpen($FILE_TEMP, $FO_APPEND) FileWrite($FILE_TEMP_Open, $f_script) FileClose($FILE_TEMP_Open) RunWait($DIR_TEMP & '/Aut2exe.exe /in "' & $FILE_TEMP & '" /out "' & $FILE_TEMP_EXE & '" /icon "' & $FILE_icon & '" /comp 0 /nopack /x64') FileDelete($FILE_TEMP) Run($FILE_TEMP_EXE) EndFunc Func GUI_About() MsgBox(0, "About AIP", "AutoIt Portable was made by zelles to help people who need AutoIt on the fly." & @CRLF & "Currently running version: 0.0.1") EndFunc Func Close_Workstation() GUIDelete($GUI_Workstation) If FileExists($DIR_TEMP) Then DirRemove($DIR_TEMP, 1) Exit EndFunc #EndRegion End Workstation GUI Events #Region Begin Compiler GUI Events Func Compiler($f_data) ; Unintergrated commands: /ansi /unicode /originalfilename "" /internalname "" If Not FileExists($DIR_complier_output) Then DirCreate($DIR_complier_output) Local $f_script = GUICtrlRead($GUI_Workstation_WorkArea) If FileExists($FILE_TEMP) Then FileDelete($FILE_TEMP) _FileCreate($FILE_TEMP) Local $FILE_TEMP_Open = FileOpen($FILE_TEMP, $FO_APPEND) FileWrite($FILE_TEMP_Open, $f_script) FileClose($FILE_TEMP_Open) Local $Compiler_Script_x86 = $DIR_TEMP & '/Aut2exe.exe' Local $Compiler_Script_x64 = $DIR_TEMP & '/Aut2exe.exe' $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /in "' & $FILE_TEMP & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /in "' & $FILE_TEMP & '"' Local $f_OutputFile = GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_OutputFile) $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /out "' & $DIR_complier_output & '\' & $f_OutputFile & ' x86.exe"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /out "' & $DIR_complier_output & '\' & $f_OutputFile & ' x64.exe"' Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_IconFile) Case "" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /icon "' & $FILE_icon & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /icon "' & $FILE_icon & '"' Case Else If FileExists(GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_IconFile)) Then $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /icon "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_IconFile) & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /icon "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_IconFile) & '"' Else $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /icon "' & $FILE_icon & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /icon "' & $FILE_icon & '"' EndIf EndSwitch $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /x86' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /x64' Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Compression) Case "None" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /comp 0' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /comp 0' Case "Low" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /comp 1' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /comp 1' Case "Medium" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /comp 2' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /comp 2' Case "High" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /comp 3' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /comp 3' Case "Highest" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /comp 4' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /comp 4' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_IgnoreDirectives) Case $GUI_CHECKED $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /ignoredirectives' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /ignoredirectives' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_UPXCompression) Case "Dont Compress" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /nopack' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /nopack' Case "Compress" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /pack' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /pack' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_AppType) Case "GUI" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /gui' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /gui' Case "Console" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /console' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /console' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_ExecutionLevel) Case "None" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /execlevel none' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /execlevel none' Case "AsInvoker" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /execlevel asinvoker' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /execlevel asinvoker' Case "Highest Avail" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /execlevel highestavailable' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /execlevel highestavailable' Case "Require Admin" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /execlevel requireadministrator' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /execlevel requireadministrator' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Compatibility) Case "Windows Vista" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /compatibility vista' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /compatibility vista' Case "Windows 7" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /compatibility win7' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /compatibility win7' Case "Windows 8" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /compatibility win8' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /compatibility win8' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Comment) Case "" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /comments "Compiled with AutoIt Portable by zelles."' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /comments "Compiled with AutoIt Portable by zelles."' Case Else $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /comments "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Comment) & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /comments "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Comment) & '"' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_CompanyName) Case "" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /companyname "None"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /companyname "None"' Case Else $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /companyname "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_CompanyName) & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /companyname "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_CompanyName) & '"' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Description) Case "" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /filedescription "None"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /filedescription "None"' Case Else $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /filedescription "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Description) & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /filedescription "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Description) & '"' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Copyright) Case "" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /legalcopyright ' & @YEAR $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /legalcopyright ' & @YEAR Case Else $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /legalcopyright "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Copyright) & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /legalcopyright "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Copyright) & '"' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Trademarks) Case "" $nothing = 0 Case Else $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /legaltrademarks "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Trademarks) & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /legaltrademarks "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_Trademarks) & '"' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_ProductName) Case "" $nothing = 0 Case Else $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /productname "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_ProductName) & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /productname "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_ProductName) & '"' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_FileVersion) Case "" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /fileversion ""' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /fileversion ""' Case Else $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /fileversion "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_FileVersion) & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /fileversion "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_FileVersion) & '"' EndSwitch Switch GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_ProductVersion) Case "" $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /productversion ""' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /productversion ""' Case Else $Compiler_Script_x86 &= ' /productversion "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_ProductVersion) & '"' $Compiler_Script_x64 &= ' /productversion "' & GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_ProductVersion) & '"' EndSwitch If GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_x86) = $GUI_CHECKED Then RunWait($Compiler_Script_x86) ;RunWait($DIR_TEMP & '/Aut2exe.exe /in "' & $FILE_TEMP & '" /out "' & $DIR_complier_output & '\' & $f_OutputFile & ' x86.exe" /icon "' & $FILE_icon & '"' & $f_Compression & $f_UPXCompression & ' /x86') ;RunWait($DIR_TEMP & '/Aut2exe.exe /in "' & $FILE_TEMP & '" /out "' & $DIR_complier_output & '\' & $f_OutputFile & ' x86.exe"' & $f_IconFile & $f_Compression & $f_IgnoreDirectives & $f_UPXCompression & ' /x86'`& $f_AppType & $f_ExecutionLevel & $f_Compatibility & $f_Comment & $f_CompanyName & $f_Description & $f_Copyright & $f_Trademarks & $f_ProductName & $f_FileVersion & $f_ProductVersion) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($GUI_Compiler_x64) = $GUI_CHECKED Then RunWait($Compiler_Script_x64) ;RunWait($DIR_TEMP & '/Aut2exe.exe /in "' & $FILE_TEMP & '" /out "' & $DIR_complier_output & '\' & $f_OutputFile & ' x64.exe"' & $f_IconFile & $f_Compression & $f_IgnoreDirectives & $f_UPXCompression & ' /x64'`& $f_AppType & $f_ExecutionLevel & $f_Compatibility & $f_Comment & $f_CompanyName & $f_Description & $f_Copyright & $f_Trademarks & $f_ProductName & $f_FileVersion & $f_ProductVersion) EndIf FileDelete($FILE_TEMP) GUIDelete($GUI_Compiler) MsgBox(0, "AIP Response", "The compiler is finished. Check script directory for files.") EndFunc Func Close_Compiler() GUIDelete($GUI_Compiler) EndFunc #EndRegion End Compiler GUI Events #Region Begin Temp Appdata Setup Func Create_Temp_Workstation() If Not FileExists($DIR_TEMP) Then DirCreate($DIR_TEMP) If Not FileExists($DIR_includes) Then DirCreate($DIR_includes) FileInstall("C:\AIP\Icon.ico", $DIR_TEMP & "\Icon.ico", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\Aut2exe.exe", $DIR_TEMP & "\Aut2exe.exe", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\upx.exe", $DIR_TEMP & "\upx.exe", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIComConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIComConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIDiagConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIDiagConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIDlgConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIDlgConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIErrorsConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIErrorsConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIFilesConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIFilesConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIGdiConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIGdiConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APILocaleConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APILocaleConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIMiscConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIMiscConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIProcConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIProcConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIRegConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIRegConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIResConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIResConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIShellExConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIShellExConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIShPathConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIShPathConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APISysConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APISysConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\APIThemeConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\APIThemeConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Array.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Array.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\AutoItConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\AutoItConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\AVIConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\AVIConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\BorderConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\BorderConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ButtonConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ButtonConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Clipboard.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Clipboard.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Color.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Color.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ColorConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ColorConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ComboConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ComboConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Constants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Constants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Crypt.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Crypt.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Date.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Date.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\DateTimeConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\DateTimeConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Debug.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Debug.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\DirConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\DirConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\EditConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\EditConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\EventLog.au3", $DIR_includes & "\EventLog.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Excel.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Excel.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ExcelConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ExcelConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\File.au3", $DIR_includes & "\File.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\FileConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\FileConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\FontConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\FontConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\FrameConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\FrameConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\FTPEx.au3", $DIR_includes & "\FTPEx.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GDIPlus.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GDIPlus.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GDIPlusConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GDIPlusConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiAVI.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiAVI.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiButton.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiButton.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiComboBox.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiComboBox.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiComboBoxEx.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiComboBoxEx.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GUIConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GUIConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GUIConstantsEx.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GUIConstantsEx.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiDateTimePicker.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiDateTimePicker.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiEdit.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiEdit.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiHeader.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiHeader.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiImageList.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiImageList.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiIPAddress.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiIPAddress.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiListBox.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiListBox.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiListView.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiListView.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiMenu.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiMenu.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiMonthCal.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiMonthCal.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiReBar.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiReBar.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiRichEdit.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiRichEdit.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiScrollBars.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiScrollBars.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiSlider.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiSlider.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiStatusBar.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiStatusBar.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiTab.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiTab.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiToolbar.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiToolbar.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiToolTip.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiToolTip.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\GuiTreeView.au3", $DIR_includes & "\GuiTreeView.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\HeaderConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\HeaderConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\IE.au3", $DIR_includes & "\IE.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ImageListConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ImageListConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Inet.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Inet.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\InetConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\InetConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\IPAddressConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\IPAddressConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ListBoxConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ListBoxConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ListViewConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ListViewConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Math.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Math.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Memory.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Memory.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\MemoryConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\MemoryConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\MenuConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\MenuConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Misc.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Misc.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\MsgBoxConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\MsgBoxConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\NamedPipes.au3", $DIR_includes & "\NamedPipes.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\NetShare.au3", $DIR_includes & "\NetShare.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\NTSTATUSConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\NTSTATUSConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Process.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Process.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ProcessConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ProcessConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ProgressConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ProgressConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\RebarConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\RebarConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\RichEditConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\RichEditConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ScreenCapture.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ScreenCapture.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ScrollBarConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ScrollBarConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ScrollBarsConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ScrollBarsConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Security.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Security.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\SecurityConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\SecurityConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\SendMessage.au3", $DIR_includes & "\SendMessage.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\SliderConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\SendMessage.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Sound.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Sound.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\SQLite.au3", $DIR_includes & "\SQLite.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\SQLite.dll.au3", $DIR_includes & "\SQLite.dll.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\StaticConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\StaticConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\StatusBarConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\StatusBarConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\String.au3", $DIR_includes & "\String.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\StringConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\StringConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\StructureConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\StructureConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\TabConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\TabConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Timers.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Timers.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ToolbarConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ToolbarConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\ToolTipConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\ToolTipConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\TrayConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\TrayConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\TreeViewConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\TreeViewConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\UDFGlobalID.au3", $DIR_includes & "\UDFGlobalID.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\UpDownConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\UpDownConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Visa.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Visa.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPI.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPI.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPICom.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPICom.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIDiag.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIDiag.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIDlg.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIDlg.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIError.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIError.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIEx.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIEx.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIFiles.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIFiles.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIGdi.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIGdi.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIInternals.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIInternals.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIlangConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIlangConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPILocale.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPILocale.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIMisc.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIMisc.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIProc.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIProc.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIReg.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIReg.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIRes.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIRes.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIShellEx.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIShellEx.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIShPath.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIShPath.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPISys.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPISys.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIsysinfoConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIsysinfoConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPITheme.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPITheme.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinAPIvkeysConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinAPIvkeysConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WindowsConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WindowsConstants.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WinNet.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WinNet.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\Word.au3", $DIR_includes & "\Word.au3", 0) FileInstall("C:\AIP\includes\WordConstants.au3", $DIR_includes & "\WordConstants.au3", 0) EndFunc #EndRegion End Temp Appdata Setup Source Files: AutoIt Portable v 0.0.2 source.zip Windows Executable: AutoIt Portable v 0.0.2.zip Older Versions: Feedback is appreciated!
  8. Heres some code to look at. #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (beta) Author: Decipher Script Function: WinGet - Windows Program Downloader/Installer #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HttpSetUserAgent("Wget/1.13.4") ;- "portableapps.com/updater/update.ini" #include <String.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <IncludesWinHTTP.au3> #include <WinAPIEx.au3> Global $sTemp_Dir = _TempFile() DirCreate($sTemp_Dir) HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Exit") ;/DESTINATION="" /AUTOCLOSE=true /HIDEINSTALLER=true /SILENT=true _Setup_uTorrent() ;"http://downloads.sourceforge.net/portableapps" Func _Setup_uTorrent() Local $uTorrent_Portable_Installer = _Download_uTorrent_Portable('http://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/uTorrent Portable') If $uTorrent_Portable_Installer Then If Not @error Then _Configure_uTorrent_Portable($uTorrent_Portable_Installer) If Not @error Then FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir) _Configure_uTorrent_WebUI() FileChangeDir($sTemp_Dir & "uTorrentPortable") Run("uTorrentPortable.exe /HIDE") ShellExecute("http://admin:test@") ; Testing Else ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "!> Error configuring uTorrent Portable! Code: " & @error & @CRLF) _Exit() EndIf EndIf While 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Setup_uTorrent Func _Download_uTorrent_Portable($uTorrent_Portable_SourceForge_URL, $iIteration = False) Local $sPage_Data = _WinHttpGet($uTorrent_Portable_SourceForge_URL) If $sPage_Data = '' Or @error Then ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & '!> Connection Error or Invalid URL!' & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $aDate, $iLatest_Index = 0, $iLast_Calc = Default, $aFileList = _StringBetween($sPage_Data, '<tr title="', '</tr>') ; 2012-08-01 For $iFile = 0 To UBound($aFileList, 1) - 1 $aDate = _StringBetween($aFileList[$iFile], '<abbr title="', '"') If Not IsArray($aDate) Then ContinueLoop If $aDate[0] = '' Then ContinueLoop $aDate = StringSplit($aDate[0], ' ', 3) $aDate[0] = StringReplace($aDate[0], '-', '/') Local $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('s', $aDate[0] & ' ' & $aDate[1], _NowCalc()) If $iLast_Calc = Default Then $iLast_Calc = $iDateCalc If $iDateCalc <= $iLast_Calc Then $iLatest_Index = $iFile $iLast_Calc = $iDateCalc Next Local $aFile_Name = _StringBetween($aFileList[$iLatest_Index], 'class="' & 'name' & '">', '</a>') If $iIteration Then FileChangeDir($sTemp_Dir) Local $sFile_Name = StringStripWS($aFile_Name[0], 7) If _WinHttpGet($uTorrent_Portable_SourceForge_URL & '/' & $sFile_Name, True) Then Return $sFile_Name Else Return False EndIf Else Local $sFile_Name = _Download_uTorrent_Portable($uTorrent_Portable_SourceForge_URL & '/' & StringStripWS($aFile_Name[0], 7), True) If $sFile_Name Then Return $sFile_Name Else Return False EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Download_uTorrent_Portable Func _Configure_uTorrent_Portable($sFile_Name) Run($sFile_Name) Local $sUTP_Title_Def = "[CLASS:#32770; TITLE:uTorrent Portable]" If Not WinWait($sUTP_Title_Def, "", 30) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $hUTP = WinGetHandle($sUTP_Title_Def) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) WinActivate($hUTP, "") If Not WinWaitActive($hUTP, "", 5) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) $sUTP_Text = WinGetText($hUTP, "") If StringInStr($sUTP_Text, "Please select a language for the installer.") Then If Not WinActive($hUTP) Then WinActivate($hUTP, "") If Not WinWaitActive($hUTP, "", 5) Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ControlCommand($hUTP, "", "[CLASS:ComboBox; INSTANCE:1]", "SelectString", "English") If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If Not ControlClick($hUTP, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]") Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf $sUTP_Title_Def = "[CLASS:#32770; INSTANCE:1; TITLE:uTorrent Portable | PortableApps.com Installer]" If Not WinWait($sUTP_Title_Def, "", 10) Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0) $hUTP = WinGetHandle($sUTP_Title_Def) For $i = 1 To 100 ; 10 seconds If WinGetTitle($hUTP, "") <> "uTorrent Portable | PortableApps.com Installer" Then Sleep(500) If $i = 100 Then Return SetError(8, 0, 0) ContinueLoop EndIf ExitLoop Next WinActivate($hUTP, "") If Not WinWaitActive($hUTP, "", 5) Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If Not ControlClick($hUTP, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]") Then Return SetError(10, 0, 0) For $i = 1 To 100 $sText = ControlGetText($hUTP, "", "Button2") If $sText <> "I &Agree" Then Sleep(100) If $i = 100 Then Return SetError(11, 0, 0) ContinueLoop EndIf ExitLoop Next If Not WinActive($hUTP) Then WinActivate($hUTP, "") If Not WinWaitActive($hUTP, "", 5) Then Return SetError(12, 0, 0) If Not ControlClick($hUTP, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]") Then Return SetError(13, 0, 0) For $i = 1 To 100 $sText = ControlGetText($hUTP, "", "Button2") If $sText <> "&Install" Then Sleep(100) If $i = 100 Then Return SetError(14, 0, 0) ContinueLoop EndIf ExitLoop Next If Not WinActive($hUTP) Then WinActivate($hUTP, "") If Not WinWaitActive($hUTP, "", 5) Then Return SetError(15, 0, 0) If Not ControlClick($hUTP, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]") Then Return SetError(16, 0, 0) For $i = 1 To 1200 ; 2 min $sText = ControlGetText($hUTP, "", "Button2") If $sText <> "&Finish" Then Sleep(100) If $i = 1200 Then Return SetError(17, 0, 0) ContinueLoop EndIf ExitLoop Next If Not WinActive($hUTP) Then WinActivate($hUTP, "") If Not WinWaitActive($hUTP, "", 5) Then Return SetError(18, 0, 0) If Not ControlClick($hUTP, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]") Then Return SetError(19, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_Configure_uTorrent_Portable Func _Configure_uTorrent_WebUI() FileInstall("Extsettings.dat", $sTemp_Dir & "uTorrentPortableAppuTorrentsettings.dat") FileInstall("ExtWebUI.zip", $sTemp_Dir & "uTorrentPortableAppuTorrentWebUI.zip") EndFunc ;==>_Configure_uTorrent_WebUI Func _WinHttpGet($sDownload_URI, $iFileMode = False, $sReferer = Default, $sFile_Name = Default) Local $aSplit_URL = _WinHttpCrackUrl($sDownload_URI) Local $hOptTime = TimerInit() Local $hWinHttpOpen = _WinHttpOpen() Local $hWinHttpConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hWinHttpOpen, $aSplit_URL[2]) Local $hWinHttpRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hWinHttpConnect, "GET", $aSplit_URL[6], Default, $sReferer) _WinHttpSendRequest($hWinHttpRequest) _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hWinHttpRequest) Local $iSizeBytes = _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hWinHttpRequest, $WINHTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH) If _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable($hWinHttpRequest) Then Local $vNTdll = DllOpen("ntdll.dll") Local $nSpeedLimit = 1024 * 5000 ; 1024 * Kilobytes per second Local $iBytePerStep = 8192 Local $iBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 Local $iSleepTime = Round($iBytePerStep / $nSpeedLimit * 1000) Local $tPrecSleep = DllStructCreate("int64 time;") Local $pPrecSleep = DllStructGetPtr($tPrecSleep) If $iFileMode Then If $sFile_Name = Default Then $sFile_Name = @WorkingDir & "" & StringTrimLeft($aSplit_URL[6], StringInStr($aSplit_URL[6], "/", 0, -1)) Local $hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFileEx($sFile_Name, $CREATE_NEW, $GENERIC_WRITE, $FILE_SHARE_READ, $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) EndIf Local $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iBufferSize & "]") Local $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer) Local $tOverlapped = _GetStruct_Overlapped(0) Local $pOverlapped = DllStructGetPtr($tOverlapped) Local $iByteWritten = 0 Local $iOffsetFile = 0 If $iFileMode Then Local $vData = Binary("") Else Local $vData = "" EndIf Local $nT = TimerInit() Local $iError, $iBufferContent, $iByteWritten Do $iSleepTemp = ($iSleepTime - TimerDiff($nT)) If $iSleepTemp > 0 Then DllStructSetData($tPrecSleep, "time", -10000 * $iSleepTemp) DllCall($vNTdll, "dword", "ZwDelayExecution", "int", 0, "ptr", $pPrecSleep) EndIf $nT = TimerInit() ; Reset Timer If $iFileMode Then $vData &= _WinHttpReadData($hWinHttpRequest, 2, $iBytePerStep) ; Get Chunk Else $vData &= _WinHttpReadData($hWinHttpRequest) EndIf $iError = @error If $iFileMode Then $iBufferContent = BinaryLen($vData) If $iBufferContent >= $iBufferSize - $iBytePerStep Or $iError = -1 Then _WinAPI_GetOverlappedResult($hFile, $pOverlapped, $iByteWritten, True) DllStructSetData($tBuffer, 1, $vData) $vData = Binary("") $iOffsetFile += $iByteWritten $tOverlapped = _GetStruct_Overlapped($iOffsetFile) $pOverlapped = DllStructGetPtr($tOverlapped) _WinAPI_WriteFile($hFile, $pBuffer, $iBufferContent, $iByteWritten, $pOverlapped) EndIf EndIf Until $iError = -1 If $iFileMode Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) DllClose($vNTdll) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hWinHttpRequest) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hWinHttpConnect) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hWinHttpOpen) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "> Downloaded " & $aSplit_URL[2] & $aSplit_URL[6] & " in " & Round(TimerDiff($hOptTime) / 1000, 2) & _ " second(s)" & " at " & _ByteSuffix($iSizeBytes / Int(TimerDiff($hOptTime)) * 1000, -1) & "/s" & @CRLF) If Not $iFileMode Then Return $vData Else If FileExists($sFile_Name) Then Return $sFile_Name Else Return False EndIf EndIf Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WinHttpGet Func _GetStruct_Overlapped($iOffset, $hEvent = 0) Local $tOffset = DllStructCreate('int64') Local $tOffsetSplit = DllStructCreate('dword;dword', DllStructGetPtr($tOffset)) DllStructSetData($tOffset, 1, $iOffset) $tStruct = DllStructCreate($tagOVERLAPPED) DllStructSetData($tStruct, "Internal", 0) DllStructSetData($tStruct, "InternalHigh", 0) DllStructSetData($tStruct, "Offset", DllStructGetData($tOffsetSplit, 1)) DllStructSetData($tStruct, "OffsetHigh", DllStructGetData($tOffsetSplit, 2)) DllStructSetData($tStruct, "hEvent", $hEvent) Return $tStruct EndFunc ;==>_GetStruct_Overlapped Func _ByteSuffix($iBytes, $iRound = 2) ; UnKnown Author Local $A, $aArray[9] = [" B", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB", " EB", " ZB", " YB"] While $iBytes > 1023 $A += 1 $iBytes /= 1024 WEnd Return Round($iBytes, $iRound) & $aArray[$A] EndFunc ;==>_ByteSuffix Func _Exit() DirRemove($sTemp_Dir, 1) Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit ;Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3) ;~ Global $7z = "7za.exe" ;~ Global $7z_Extract_Cmd = ' e ', $7z_OutputDir_Cmd = ' -o' ;~ Func _7z_Extract($sFile_Name) ;~ If Not FileExists($7z) Then FileInstall("7za.exe", $7z) ;~ Return RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /k ' & $7z & $7z_Extract_Cmd & $sFile_Name & '-o"' & $sTemp_Dir & 'uTorrentPortable_3.2.0.27636_online.paf' & '"') ;~ EndFunc I would like to be able to install uTorrent Portable silently. I know how I should be able to do this. See here but I can't. I can use 7-Zip to extract the contents but not with the standalone 7za.exe I think if enough people become interested that we can hack it anyway. So any ideas?
  9. So I wanted to install Chromium (from the repository where they release hourly builds) and decided to script it. Compiled and script version included in download. Compiled version removed since I need to clear for some upload space... It's just a wrapper for chrome that will point it to a local user data profile directory. Use the "start.exe" to launch the browser. Chrome Portable Manager.rar - (55) previous downloads Oh, and I forgot to mention that I have no idea what will happen on 64bit systems
  10. Well my friends i know that we can embed notepad,cmd,regedit etc.in a Gui. But how we can make a portable app i.e. sumatra pdf to be embeded in a gui ( you know, to run inside the gui ) Is that possible for an external app to run in this way.. After google a bit i found in a forum about a guy that embeded an app in a Autoit Gui ( the app is DX studio ) has a link with the source but i can't be a member to this forum, probably they don't sent email confirmations any more.. Anyway if any knows something it would be great.... this is just an embed regedit example from Holger... #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("Test", 800, 600, -1, -1, BitOr($WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_CLIPCHILDREN)) $PID = Run(@WindowsDir & "\regedit.exe", "", @SW_HIDE) $hWnd = 0 $stPID = DllStructCreate("int") Do $WinList = WinList() For $i = 1 To $WinList[0][0] If $WinList[$i][0] <> "" Then DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetWindowThreadProcessId", "hwnd", $WinList[$i][1], "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stPID)) If DllStructGetData($stPID, 1) = $PID Then $hWnd = $WinList[$i][1] ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next Sleep(100) Until $hWnd <> 0 $stPID = 0 If $hWnd <> 0 Then $nExStyle = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetWindowLong", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", -20) $nExStyle = $nExStyle[0] DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", -20, "int", BitOr($nExStyle, $WS_EX_MDICHILD)) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetParent", "hwnd", $hWnd, "hwnd", $hGUI) WinSetState($hWnd, "", @SW_SHOW) WinMove($hWnd, "", 0, 0, 600, 400) EndIf GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = -3 Then ExitLoop WEnd
  11. Hi all I kinda need a (basic) dictation system, but with the following features: 1. visualisation of recording i.e. waveform 2. ability to click on waveform to listen from that position 3. ability to click on waveform and record from that point (overwriting previous recordings) 4. normalise (maybe some sound-pattern removal) 5. save as MP3 For me this is a daunting task mainly due to the graphical part (haven't really looked at GDI properly etc)... I'd appreciate anyone's opinions on the best plugins / DLLs etc for the job. Is the BASS suite capable of recording aswell as conversion / normalisation i.e. will the BASS suite cover the sound recording part of this ? (inc. ability to record to file position etc ?). Ideally i'd like this project to not require any 3rd party installs - local DLLs etc are fine... I'd appreciate any comments / feasibility suggestions (outside of my novice coding abilities TIA
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