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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I face an Excel related error right after doing an _Excel_BookOpen. This is an EXCEL worksheet with filters defined, quite simple sheet. Once a week at Friday there is a scheduled task running on the file server "printing" the content to a PDF file for documentation puposes. As this is running 100% unattended it's a show stopper, if such dialog boxes show up. Already when I did that script a month ago I faced the issue, that to dialog boxes showed up telling something about a "name conflict", once for "_FilterDatabase", and a 2nd time for "PrintingArea" (maybe _PrintingArea). When some new name is entered, the script is going on with the PDF creation. But the autoit script is hanging with the _Excel_BookOpen, so I would need to start a 2nd. script to look for such bogus name conflict message boxes. While trying do track down what's going on in detail, the issue vanished again, I answerd the two boxes with "xxxx" and "yyyy" for new fiel names, the file seems to have been saved by me myself without intention (or automatically by EXCEL.AU3?) several other postings point into the direction of "this is an Excel Bug", seems to be not strictly Autoit related. Facts: Windows 7 Pro x64 Office 2010 SP2 32bit Localization = German (Win & Office) Autoit v3.3.14.5 Excel Workbook with three sheets without any Macros: "TBx Projektliste.xlsx", just 82 kByte Export-Excel-to-PDF-Projektstatus.au3 Any suggestions howto take care, that these "name conflicts" cannot occure?
  2. Gurus, I'm getting @error = 3 on _Excell_BookOpen on an AutoIt Version 3.0 console app and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I haven't found any working examples of just reading through an existing spreadsheet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's an Excel 365 spreadsheet on Windows 10. Here is my code sample: #include <Excel.au3> $sourceFile = "Duplicates.xlsx" If Not FileExists($sourceFile) Then ConsoleWrite("Oops, don't see '" & $sourceFile & "'" & @LF) Exit EndIf $oExcel = _Excel_Open();False,False,False,False,False) ; hidden instance If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Failed to open spreadsheet") Exit EndIf $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel,$sourceFile,True,False) ; readonly If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Excel UDF: _Excel_BookOpen, Error opening '" & $sourceFile & "'." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) Exit EndIf Doing a Test Run or running the commandline compiled exe I get What am I doing wrong? MP1454
  3. I'm wondering if there's a known bug with the _Excel_BookOpen function? I'm using Excel to automate reports. In short, this program will read through spreadsheets, copy the data from those opened then paste to a master workbook for a remote site. There are 5 remote sites right now that we need to run these reports on. I have a function that will read the name of the report, then dump the data into the master workbook.sheets("report name"), concatenate, copy that data to the Users sheet, remove all duplicates and sort, then copy to the Master List sheet in that workbook. Essentially showing who at that site has access using embedded Excel formulas. There could be anywhere from 5-20 reports per site. Regardless of how I set this up, I'm running into the same error: "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\Excel.au3" (227) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".: $oExcel.Windows($oWorkbook.Name).Visible = $bVisible $oExcel.Windows($oWorkbook.Name)^ ERROR This is pointing back to the _Excel_BookOpen function, however, I cannot find a way around this. Initially, I thought this may be due to the workbook I was attempting to open, but it is not. I tested this theory by calling the same function with the same parameters multiple times and received the exact same output. It will run through for the first 3 function calls, but when it gets to Site4, it fails 3 reports in. Memory usage and processor usage are normal and are not spiking and nomenclatures are correct. I am also clearing the clipboard in between calls. I have included a snippet of the code, but due to company policy, I cannot include any of the excel documents. I know this is long winded, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. reports.au3
  4. Hello dear users! I have a bit of a problem with my excel script I try to make. My goal is that my script would read through an excelfile's columns and rows, identifiying key words, then I would like to reorganize the rows and colums in the a specified "way", "format" (we get different kind of excels in and i wish to produce a uniform excels from them, the data is the same, so I know that there is an XY column somewhere, I just have to find it, and put it in the right place) Now I can read values from cells (or range of cells) but only if I know the exact file name and path. Can I make autoit to somehow attach to the already opened excel? This way I would be able to make the script, so the user just open the excel which he/she wants to format, clicks on go, and viola. Instead now I'm thinking adding 2 textboxes to my GUI so the user can write down the filename and file path, which isnt that ideal. My original idea, was to make the script find the "borders" of the filled out excel form, copy it away to the right, delete the original data, reorganize it the way it should be (to the area which it cleared), and thats it. The user can then quickly check if everything is okey, and he/she can delete the copied original data set if its needed. So in short my problem is, how to connect my script to an excel thats presumaby already opened, without knowing the filename and path? Thank you for your help! (and sorry if there is already a post about this I havent found it)
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