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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, Ich hab ein Script für Windows Updates, dass nach dem OOBE aufgerufen werden soll. Run/RunOnce ist daher nicht möglich. Stattdessen möchte ich das Script in den Autostart schreiben lasse. Wenn die OOBE beendet wird und der Administrator angemeldet wird, soll das Update-Script einmalig aufgerufen werden und sich anschl. selbst löschen. Lang rede, kurzer Sinn: Wie kann ich folgendes Script in den Autostart schreiben? RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File C:\UA\Scripts\win-updates.ps1 -MaxUpdatesPerCycle 100 -RestartRequired 1", "") Ich würde ungern eine BAT oder EXE reinkopieren, da ich es unsauber finde. Die müsste ja auch zusätzlich irgendwo liegen. Danke Eggsplorer
  2. I'm trying to use #OnAutoItStartRegister to modify the Global variable, but it seems it doesn't work, is that on purpose, that those callback functions cannot modify anything except in their own scope?
  3. Hi Guys, I have and autoit exe file that i want to be executed every time IE is opened. How can i accomplish this ? The exe file automates website data. I want to be sure that the exe file is executed every time IE is Opened automatcally.
  4. Well, I am pretty sure this is possible. I have seen many solutions for this, but I couldn't understand how to configurate it. I have a Minecraft CraftBukkit server, but I want to automatize it a bit. Something like this: 10:00: Wake up pc from hybernating, and start 2 servers (they have both this CMD "gui"). After starting: Type 'save-all' (without the quotes) in both CMD's every 15 minutes until 13:00 13:00: Type 'broadcast Restarting server!' in both CMD's 13:02: Type 'stop' in both CMD's 13:04: Press the ENTER button in both CMD's, wait 5 seconds and restart the pc. After restart: Start both servers. After starting: Type 'save-all' in both CMD's every 15 minutes until 16:00 16:00: Type 'broadcast Restarting server!' in both CMD's 16:02: Type 'stop' in both CMD's 13:04: Press the ENTER button in both CMD's, wait 5 seconds and restart the pc. After restart: Start both servers. After starting: Type 'save-all' in both CMD's every 15 minutes until 20:00 20:00 Type 'broadcast Restarting server!' in both CMD's 20:02 Type 'stop' in both CMD's 20:04: Press the ENTER button in both CMD's, wait 5 seconds and restart the pc. After restart: start both servers. After starting: Type 'save-all' every 15 minutes in both CMD's until 01:00 01:00 Type 'broadcast STOPPING SERVER!' in both CMD's 01:02 Type 'stop' in both CMD's 01:04 Press the ENTER button in both CMD's, wait 5 seconds and set the pc to hybernate, and repeat the sequence (the pc wakes up at 10:00 again). What I would like, is a clear optin/config in the beginning of the file or something where I can set when the server should start and stop (e.g $start=10:00; $stop=01:00) and when it should restart (e.g $restart=13:00;16:00;20:00) if that is possible. If anyone can make a script like that for me, then I would be very happy. I have never used AutoIt before, I was just recommended by a friend about it. -CasterAnd
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