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  1. GetOpt.au3 v1.3 If you've ever dabbled in C (or Python, Perl etc) then you might have heard of getopt() (Wiki entry). Well, I wrote this UDF to get that functionality into AutoIt. Some searching around here on the forum did turn up some other UDFs in this direction, but I decided to write my own port anyway and parallel the implementation in the C library. It's still missing a few things but on a whole it does the job really well. It's now pretty much complete. And I want to share it with you all. So here it is. If you want to handle the command line options passed to your script or program like a master, then this is the UDF for you! Main features: Parses DOS style options as well as GNU style options alike.Handles both short and long options.Define options that must have arguments when used.Define and handle suboptions (-s=foo,bar=quux,baz).Supports + and /- option modifiers.Casts string arguments to AutoIt variants, e.g. -a=yes becomes True.Easy access to any passed operand that's not an option.Some examples of invoking scripts: Script.au3 -a -b=10 --long-option file.txt Script.au3 /A /B:10 /Long-Option file.txtAs you see you can use both styles on the command line (as a matter of fact, at this moment you could even mix them but that wouldn't be good practice). In your script you just set the options you want to detect with _GetOpt_Set() and then iterate through each option with _GetOpt(). The 'file.txt' is available through _GetOpt_Oper(). See GetOpt-Example.au3 below for a step-by-step walkthrough of using GetOpt.au3. The UDF: GetOpt.au3 (+43) GetOpt-Example.au3: A demo of GetOpt.au3 #include <GetOpt.au3> #include <Array.au3> ; For demo purposes only. If 0 = $CmdLine[0] Then ; Create our own example command line. Run(FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & ' ' & FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath) & ' -a=no -b=42 -c=0.5 /Windows:' & @OSVersion & ' -z --required -s=foo,bar=quux,baz +p /-M -- -w=ignored Hello World!') Exit EndIf _GetOpt_Demo() Func _GetOpt_Demo() Local $sMsg = @ScriptName & ' for GetOpt v' & $GETOPT_VERSION & '.' & @CRLF & 'Parsing: ' & _ArrayToString($CmdLine, ' ', 1) & @CRLF & @CRLF; Message. Local $sOpt, $sSubOpt, $sOper ; Options array, entries have the format [short, long, default value] Local $aOpts[9][3] = [ _ ['-a', '--a-option', True], _ ['-b', '--b-option', False], _ ['-c', '--c-option', 'c option argument'], _ ['/W', '/Windows', 'windows style argument'], _ ; For demo purposes styles are mixed. ['-r', '--required', $GETOPT_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], _ ; This option requires an argument. ['-s', '--suboption', $GETOPT_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], _ ; option with suboptions. ['-p', '--plus', Default], _ ['/M', '/Minus', Default], _ ['-h', '--help', True] _ ] ; Suboptions array, entries have the format [suboption, default value] Local $aSubOpts[2][2] = [ _ ['foo', 47], _ ['bar', True] _ ] _GetOpt_Set($aOpts) ; Set options. If 0 < $GetOpt_Opts[0] Then ; If there are any options... While 1 ; ...loop through them one by one. ; Get the next option passing a string with valid options. $sOpt = _GetOpt('abcwr:s:pmh') ; r: means -r option requires an argument. If Not $sOpt Then ExitLoop ; No options or end of loop. ; Check @extended above if you want better error handling. ; The current option is stored in $GetOpt_Opt, it's index (in $GetOpt_Opts) ; in $GetOpt_Ind and it's value in $GetOpt_Arg. Switch $sOpt ; What is the current option? Case '?' ; Unknown options come here. @extended is set to $E_GETOPT_UNKNOWN_OPTION $sMsg &= 'Unknown option: ' & $GetOpt_Ind & ': ' & $GetOpt_Opt $sMsg &= ' with value "' & $GetOpt_Arg & '" (' & VarGetType($GetOpt_Arg) & ').' & @CRLF Case ':' ; Options with missing required arguments come here. @extended is set to $E_GETOPT_MISSING_ARGUMENT $sMsg &= 'Missing required argument for option: ' & $GetOpt_Ind & ': ' & $GetOpt_Opt & @CRLF Case 'a', 'b', 'c', 'w', 'p', 'm' $sMsg &= 'Option ' & $GetOpt_Ind & ': ' & $GetOpt_Opt $sMsg &= ' with value "' & $GetOpt_Arg & '" (' & VarGetType($GetOpt_Arg) & ')' If $GETOPT_MOD_PLUS = $GetOpt_Mod Then $sMsg &= ' and invoked with plus modifier (+' & $GetOpt_Opt & ')' ElseIf $GETOPT_MOD_MINUS = $GetOpt_Mod Then $sMsg &= ' and invoked with minus modifier (/-' & $GetOpt_Opt & ')' EndIf $sMsg &= '.' & @CRLF Case 'r' $sMsg &= 'Option ' & $GetOpt_Ind & ': ' & $GetOpt_Opt $sMsg &= ' with required value "' & $GetOpt_Arg & '" (' & VarGetType($GetOpt_Arg) & ')' If $GETOPT_MOD_PLUS = $GetOpt_Mod Then $sMsg &= ' and invoked with plus modifier (+' & $GetOpt_Opt & ')' ElseIf $GETOPT_MOD_MINUS = $GetOpt_Mod Then $sMsg &= ' and invoked with minus modifier (/-' & $GetOpt_Opt & ')' EndIf $sMsg &= '.' & @CRLF Case 's' $sMsg &= 'Option ' & $GetOpt_Ind & ': ' & $GetOpt_Opt $sMsg &= ' with required suboptions:' & @CRLF While 1 ; Loop through suboptions. $sSubOpt = _GetOpt_Sub($GetOpt_Arg, $aSubOpts) If Not $sSubOpt Then ExitLoop ; No suboptions or end of loop. ; Check @extended above if you want better error handling. ; The current suboption is stored in $GetOpt_SubOpt, it's index (in $GetOpt_SubOpts) ; in $GetOpt_SubInd and it's value in $GetOpt_SubArg. Switch $sSubOpt ; What is the current suboption? Case '?' $sMsg &= ' Unknown suboption ' & $GetOpt_SubInd & ': ' & $GetOpt_SubOpt $sMsg &= ' with value "' & $GetOpt_SubArg & '" (' & VarGetType($GetOpt_SubArg) & ').' & @CRLF Case 'foo', 'bar' $sMsg &= ' Suboption ' & $GetOpt_SubInd & ': ' & $GetOpt_SubOpt $sMsg &= ' with value "' & $GetOpt_SubArg & '" (' & VarGetType($GetOpt_SubArg) & ').' & @CRLF EndSwitch WEnd If $GETOPT_MOD_PLUS = $GetOpt_Mod Then $sMsg &= 'And invoked with plus modifier (+' & $GetOpt_Opt & ').' ElseIf $GETOPT_MOD_MINUS = $GetOpt_Mod Then $sMsg &= ' and invoked with minus modifier (/-' & $GetOpt_Opt & ')' EndIf Case 'h' MsgBox(0, 'GetOpt.au3', 'GetOpt.au3 example.' & @CRLF & _ 'Just try out some options and find out what happens!') Exit EndSwitch WEnd Else $sMsg &= 'No options passed.' & @CRLF EndIf $sMsg &= @CRLF If 0 < $GetOpt_Opers[0] Then ; If there are any operands... While 1 ; ...loop through them one by one. $sOper = _GetOpt_Oper() ; Get the next operand. If Not $sOper Then ExitLoop ; no operands or end of loop. ; Check @extended above if you want better error handling. $sMsg &= 'Operand ' & $GetOpt_OperInd & ': ' & $sOper & @CRLF WEnd Else $sMsg &= 'No operands passed.' & @CRLF EndIf MsgBox(0, @ScriptName, $sMsg) ; Let's see what we've got. _ArrayDisplay($GetOpt_Opts, '$GetOpt_Opts') _ArrayDisplay($GetOpt_Opers, '$GetOpt_Opers') _ArrayDisplay($GetOpt_ArgV, '$GetOpt_ArgV') Exit EndFunc Version 1.3: + Added support for -- (marks end of options). + Added support for + option modifiers e.g. +x. + Added support for /- option modifiers e.g. /-X. + Added _GetOpt_Sub to iterate through comma-separated suboptions like -s=a=foo,b=bar. * Changed $GETOPT_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT from keyword Default to Chr(127), keyword can now be used as an option argument. * Standardized comments and function headers. * Tidy-ed up source code. Version 1.2: + Support for required arguments with options, e.g. _GetOpt('ab:c') where -b=foo is valid and -b will return an error. + Added support for /C:foo (colon) when using DOS style. + Added optional auto-casting of arguments from Strings to AutoIt variants, e.g. -a=yes on the CLI would set the $GetOpt_Arg to True and not 'yes'. See __GetOpt_Cast. * Private __GetOpt_DOSToGNU to simplify code. Version 1.1: * Initial public release. If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, requests or improvements, then please let me know. Happy coding!
  2. I'm attempting to capture the output from the command line tool PSEXEC. I'm using AutoIT to run an instance of PSEXEC against a remote PC to audit Local Admins in my environment using net.exe (C:\Windows\System32> net localgroup administrators). However the usual trick I use to capture command line output does not appear to work well with PSEXEC, as the bottom portion of the output is missing from the return. Any ideas or recommendations are greatly appreciated. Here is what I'm working with: ;This script will read from a list of hosts and report who has local admin privileges on the machine #RequireAdmin Global $fileName = @ScriptDir & '\test.txt' ;hostlist, one host per line readHostList() ;Read list of hosts Func readHostList() Local $file = FileOpen($fileName, 0) While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop ConsoleWrite($line & @CRLF) ;MsgBox(0,0,$line) getLocalAdmins($line) WEnd FileClose($file) EndFunc ;run PSEXEC to list local admins Func getLocalAdmins($remotePC) Local $testFile = @ScriptDir &'\test234.txt' FileOpen($testFile, 1) Local $psexec = 'psexec \\' & $remotePC & ' net localgroup administrators' FileWriteLine($testFile, _RunCmd($psexec) ) FileClose($testFile) EndFunc ;Used to return CLI output Func _RunCmd($sCommand) Local $nPid = Run(@Comspec & " /c" & $sCommand, @SystemDir, @SW_Hide, 8), $sRet = "" If @Error then Return "ERROR:" & @ERROR ProcessWait($nPid) While 1 $sRet &= StdoutRead($nPID) If @error Or (Not ProcessExists ($nPid)) Then ExitLoop WEnd Return $sRet EndFunc ## If i manually run the command on the remote PC via PSEXEC I will get the following output: PsExec v2.11 - Execute processes remotely Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com Starting net on PCNAME... on PCNAME... net exited on PCNAME with error code 0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- admin Administrator Alias name administrators Domain\Domain Admins Comment Administrators have complete and unrestricted access to the computer/domain Members The command completed successfully. ## The returned output from running the above script is as follows: PsExec v2.11 - Execute processes remotely Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com Alias name administrators Connecting to PCNAME... Starting PSEXESVC service on PCNAME... Connecting with PsExec service on PCName... Starting net on PCNAME.. net exited on PCNAME with error code 0. **Note to test this script PSEXEC must be in the system dir or the path in the script changed PSEXEC tool: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/psexec
  3. The nice ppl of voidtools created Everything Search Engine ( " Locate files and folders by name instantly. " ) And made a CLI program to search from the command line. They also gave the source code, and reading it, I see the IPC quite familiar. // // // source for CLI.H // Everything IPC test // revision 2: // fixed command line interpreting '-' as a switch inside text. // revision 3: // convert unicode to same code page as console. // revision 4: // removed write console because it has no support for piping. // revision 5: // added ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx (if available) for admin/user support. // compiler options #pragma warning(disable : 4311) // type cast void * to unsigned int #pragma warning(disable : 4312) // type cast unsigned int to void * #pragma warning(disable : 4244) // warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'LONG_PTR' to 'LONG', possible loss of data #pragma warning(disable : 4996) // deprecation #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "everything_ipc.h" #define COPYDATA_IPCTEST_QUERYCOMPLETEW 0 #define MSGFLT_RESET 0 #define MSGFLT_ALLOW 1 #define MSGFLT_DISALLOW 2 typedef struct tagCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT { DWORD cbSize; DWORD ExtStatus; } CHANGEFILTERSTRUCT, *PCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT; static void write(wchar_t *text); static void write_DWORD(DWORD value); static int wstring_to_int(const wchar_t *s); int sort = 0; EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST *sort_list; HMODULE user32_hdll = 0; BOOL (WINAPI *pChangeWindowMessageFilterEx)(HWND hWnd,UINT message,DWORD action,PCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT pChangeFilterStruct) = 0; int wstring_length(const wchar_t *s) { const wchar_t *p; p = s; while(*p) { p++; } return (int)(p - s); } // query everything with search string int sendquery(HWND hwnd,DWORD num,WCHAR *search_string,int regex,int match_case,int match_whole_word,int match_path) { EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY *query; int len; int size; HWND everything_hwnd; COPYDATASTRUCT cds; everything_hwnd = FindWindow(EVERYTHING_IPC_WNDCLASS,0); if (everything_hwnd) { len = wstring_length(search_string); size = sizeof(EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + len*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR); query = (EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,size); if (query) { query->max_results = num; query->offset = 0; query->reply_copydata_message = COPYDATA_IPCTEST_QUERYCOMPLETEW; query->search_flags = (regex?EVERYTHING_IPC_REGEX:0) | (match_case?EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHCASE:0) | (match_whole_word?EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHWHOLEWORD:0) | (match_path?EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHPATH:0); query->reply_hwnd = hwnd; CopyMemory(query->search_string,search_string,(len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); cds.cbData = size; cds.dwData = EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERY; cds.lpData = query; if (SendMessage(everything_hwnd,WM_COPYDATA,(WPARAM)hwnd,(LPARAM)&cds) == TRUE) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,query); return 1; } else { write(L"Everything IPC service not running.\n"); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,query); } else { write(L"failed to allocate "); write_DWORD(size); write(L" bytes for IPC query.\n"); } } else { // the everything window was not found. // we can optionally RegisterWindowMessage("EVERYTHING_IPC_CREATED") and // wait for Everything to post this message to all top level windows when its up and running. write(L"Everything IPC window not found, IPC unavailable.\n"); } return 0; } int compare_list_items(const void *a,const void *b) { int i; i = wcsicmp(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH(sort_list,a),EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH(sort_list,b)); if (!i) { return wcsicmp(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME(sort_list,a),EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME(sort_list,b)); } else if (i > 0) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } static void write(wchar_t *text) { DWORD mode; int wlen; DWORD numwritten; HANDLE output_handle; output_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); wlen = wstring_length(text); if (GetConsoleMode(output_handle,&mode)) { WriteConsoleW(output_handle,text,wlen,&numwritten,0); } else { char *buf; int len; len = WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleCP(),0,text,wlen,0,0,0,0); if (len) { buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,len); if (buf) { WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleCP(),0,text,wlen,buf,len,0,0); WriteFile(output_handle,buf,len,&numwritten,0); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,buf); } } } } static void write_DWORD(DWORD value) { wchar_t buf[256]; wchar_t *d; d = buf + 256; *--d = 0; if (value) { DWORD i; i = value; while(i) { *--d = '0' + (i % 10); i /= 10; } } else { *--d = '0'; } write(d); } void listresultsW(EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST *list) { DWORD i; if (sort) { sort_list = list; qsort(list->items,list->numitems,sizeof(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEM),compare_list_items); } for(i=0;i<list->numitems;i++) { if (list->items[i].flags & EVERYTHING_IPC_DRIVE) { write(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME(list,&list->items[i])); write(L"\r\n"); } else { write(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH(list,&list->items[i])); write(L"\\"); write(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME(list,&list->items[i])); write(L"\r\n"); } } PostQuitMessage(0); } // custom window proc LRESULT __stdcall window_proc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_COPYDATA: { COPYDATASTRUCT *cds = (COPYDATASTRUCT *)lParam; switch(cds->dwData) { case COPYDATA_IPCTEST_QUERYCOMPLETEW: listresultsW((EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST *)cds->lpData); return TRUE; } break; } } return DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); } void help(void) { write(L"-r Search the database using a basic POSIX regular expression.\n"); write(L"-i Does a case sensitive search.\n"); write(L"-w Does a whole word search.\n"); write(L"-p Does a full path search.\n"); write(L"-h --help Display this help.\n"); write(L"-n <num> Limit the amount of results shown to <num>.\n"); write(L"-s Sort by full path.\n"); } // main entry int main(int argc,char **argv) { WNDCLASSEX wcex; HWND hwnd; MSG msg; int ret; int q; wchar_t *search; wchar_t *d; wchar_t *e; wchar_t *s; int match_whole_word = 0; int match_path = 0; int regex = 0; int match_case = 0; int wasexename = 0; int matchpath = 0; int i; int wargc; wchar_t **wargv; DWORD num = EVERYTHING_IPC_ALLRESULTS; ZeroMemory(&wcex,sizeof(wcex)); wcex.cbSize = sizeof(wcex); if (!GetClassInfoEx(GetModuleHandle(0),TEXT("IPCTEST"),&wcex)) { ZeroMemory(&wcex,sizeof(wcex)); wcex.cbSize = sizeof(wcex); wcex.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); wcex.lpfnWndProc = window_proc; wcex.lpszClassName = TEXT("IPCTEST"); if (!RegisterClassEx(&wcex)) { write(L"failed to register IPCTEST window class\n"); return 1; } } if (!(hwnd = CreateWindow( TEXT("IPCTEST"), TEXT(""), 0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,GetModuleHandle(0),0))) { write(L"failed to create IPCTEST window\n"); return 1; } // allow the everything window to send a reply. user32_hdll = LoadLibrary(L"user32.dll"); if (user32_hdll) { pChangeWindowMessageFilterEx = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HWND hWnd,UINT message,DWORD action,PCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT pChangeFilterStruct))GetProcAddress(user32_hdll,"ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx"); if (pChangeWindowMessageFilterEx) { pChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(hwnd,WM_COPYDATA,MSGFLT_ALLOW,0); } } wargv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(),&wargc); search = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,65536); if (!search) { write(L"failed to allocate "); write_DWORD(65536); write(L" bytes for search buffer.\n"); if (user32_hdll) { FreeLibrary(user32_hdll); } return 1; } d = search; // allow room for null terminator e = search + (65536 / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1; wargc--; i = 0; for(;;) { if (i >= wargc) break; if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-r") == 0) { regex = 1; } else if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-i") == 0) { match_case = 1; } else if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-w") == 0) { match_whole_word = 1; } else if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-p") == 0) { match_path = 1; } else if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-s") == 0) { sort = 1; } else if ((wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-n") == 0) && (i + 1 < wargc)) { i++; num = wstring_to_int(wargv[i+1]); } else if (wargv[i+1][0] == '-') { // unknwon command help(); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,search); if (user32_hdll) { FreeLibrary(user32_hdll); } return 1; } else { // keep quotes ? q = 0; s = wargv[i+1]; while(*s) { if ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\t') || (*s == '\r') || (*s == '\n')) { q = 1; break; } s++; } if ((d != search) && (d < e)) *d++ = ' '; if (q) { if (d < e) *d++ = '"'; } // copy append to search s = wargv[i+1]; while(*s) { if (d < e) *d++ = *s; s++; } if (q) { if (d < e) *d++ = '"'; } } i++; } // null terminate *d = 0; if (!sendquery(hwnd,num,search,regex,match_case,match_whole_word,match_path)) { // send query reports error HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,search); if (user32_hdll) { FreeLibrary(user32_hdll); } return 1; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,search); // message pump loop: // update windows if (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,0)) { ret = (int)GetMessage(&msg,0,0,0); if (ret <= 0) goto exit; // let windows handle it. TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else { WaitMessage(); } goto loop; exit: if (user32_hdll) { FreeLibrary(user32_hdll); } return 0; } static int wstring_to_int(const wchar_t *s) { const wchar_t *p; int value; p = s; value = 0; while(*p) { if (!((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9'))) { break; } value *= 10; value += *p - '0'; p++; } return value; } // // // source for everything_ipc.h // Everything IPC #ifndef _EVERYTHING_IPC_H_ #define _EVERYTHING_IPC_H_ // C #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // 1 byte packing for our varible sized structs #pragma pack(push, 1) // WM_USER (send to the taskbar notification window) // SendMessage(FindWindow(EVERYTHING_IPC_WNDCLASS,0),WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_*,lParam) // version format: major.minor.revision.build // example: #define EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_MAJOR_VERSION 0 // int major_version = (int)SendMessage(hwnd,WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_MAJOR_VERSION,0); #define EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_MINOR_VERSION 1 // int minor_version = (int)SendMessage(hwnd,WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_MINOR_VERSION,0); #define EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_REVISION 2 // int revision = (int)SendMessage(hwnd,WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_REVISION,0); #define EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_BUILD_NUMBER 3 // int build = (int)SendMessage(hwnd,WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_BUILD,0); // find the everything window #define EVERYTHING_IPC_WNDCLASS TEXT("EVERYTHING_TASKBAR_NOTIFICATION") // find a everything search window #define EVERYTHING_IPC_SEARCH_WNDCLASS TEXT("EVERYTHING") // this global window message is sent to all top level windows when everything starts. #define EVERYTHING_IPC_CREATED TEXT("EVERYTHING_IPC_CREATED") // search flags for querys #define EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHCASE 0x00000001 // match case #define EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHWHOLEWORD 0x00000002 // match whole word #define EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHPATH 0x00000004 // include paths in search #define EVERYTHING_IPC_REGEX 0x00000008 // enable regex // item flags #define EVERYTHING_IPC_FOLDER 0x00000001 // The item is a folder. (its a file if not set) #define EVERYTHING_IPC_DRIVE 0x00000002 // The folder is a drive. Path will be an empty string. // (will also have the folder bit set) // the WM_COPYDATA message for a query. #define EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYA 1 #define EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYW 2 // all results #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ALLRESULTS 0xFFFFFFFF // all results // macro to get the filename of an item #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAMEA(list,item) (CHAR *)((CHAR *)(list) + ((EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA *)(item))->filename_offset) #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAMEW(list,item) (WCHAR *)((CHAR *)(list) + ((EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW *)(item))->filename_offset) // macro to get the path of an item #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATHA(list,item) (CHAR *)((CHAR *)(list) + ((EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW *)(item))->path_offset) #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATHW(list,item) (WCHAR *)((CHAR *)(list) + ((EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW *)(item))->path_offset) // // Varible sized query struct sent to everything. // // sent in the form of a WM_COPYDAYA message with EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERY as the // dwData member in the COPYDATASTRUCT struct. // set the lpData member of the COPYDATASTRUCT struct to point to your EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY struct. // set the cbData member of the COPYDATASTRUCT struct to the size of the // EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY struct minus the size of a CHAR plus the length of the search string in bytes plus // one CHAR for the null terminator. // // NOTE: to determine the size of this structure use // ASCII: sizeof(EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYA) - sizeof(CHAR) + strlen(search_string)*sizeof(CHAR) + sizeof(CHAR) // UNICODE: sizeof(EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYW) - sizeof(WCHAR) + wcslen(search_string)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR) // // NOTE: Everything will only do one query per window. // Sending another query when a query has not completed // will cancel the old query and start the new one. // // Everything will send the results to the reply_hwnd in the form of a // WM_COPYDAYA message with the dwData value you specify. // // Everything will return TRUE if successful. // returns FALSE if not supported. // // If you query with EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYW, the results sent from Everything will be Unicode. // typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYW { // the window that will receive the new results. HWND reply_hwnd; // the value to set the dwData member in the COPYDATASTRUCT struct // sent by Everything when the query is complete. ULONG_PTR reply_copydata_message; // search flags (see EVERYTHING_MATCHCASE | EVERYTHING_MATCHWHOLEWORD | EVERYTHING_MATCHPATH) DWORD search_flags; // only return results after 'offset' results (0 to return the first result) // useful for scrollable lists DWORD offset; // the number of results to return // zero to return no results // EVERYTHING_IPC_ALLRESULTS to return ALL results DWORD max_results; // null terminated string. arbitrary sized search_string buffer. WCHAR search_string[1]; }EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYW; // ASCII version typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYA { // the window that will receive the new results. HWND reply_hwnd; // the value to set the dwData member in the COPYDATASTRUCT struct // sent by Everything when the query is complete. ULONG_PTR reply_copydata_message; // search flags (see EVERYTHING_MATCHCASE | EVERYTHING_MATCHWHOLEWORD | EVERYTHING_MATCHPATH) DWORD search_flags; // only return results after 'offset' results (0 to return the first result) // useful for scrollable lists DWORD offset; // the number of results to return // zero to return no results // EVERYTHING_IPC_ALLRESULTS to return ALL results DWORD max_results; // null terminated string. arbitrary sized search_string buffer. CHAR search_string[1]; }EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYA; // // Varible sized result list struct received from Everything. // // Sent in the form of a WM_COPYDATA message to the hwnd specifed in the // EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY struct. // the dwData member of the COPYDATASTRUCT struct will match the sent // reply_copydata_message member in the EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY struct. // // make a copy of the data before returning. // // return TRUE if you processed the WM_COPYDATA message. // typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW { // item flags DWORD flags; // The offset of the filename from the beginning of the list structure. // (wchar_t *)((char *)everything_list + everythinglist->name_offset) DWORD filename_offset; // The offset of the filename from the beginning of the list structure. // (wchar_t *)((char *)everything_list + everythinglist->path_offset) DWORD path_offset; }EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW; typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA { // item flags DWORD flags; // The offset of the filename from the beginning of the list structure. // (char *)((char *)everything_list + everythinglist->name_offset) DWORD filename_offset; // The offset of the filename from the beginning of the list structure. // (char *)((char *)everything_list + everythinglist->path_offset) DWORD path_offset; }EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA; typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTW { // the total number of folders found. DWORD totfolders; // the total number of files found. DWORD totfiles; // totfolders + totfiles DWORD totitems; // the number of folders available. DWORD numfolders; // the number of files available. DWORD numfiles; // the number of items available. DWORD numitems; // index offset of the first result in the item list. DWORD offset; // arbitrary sized item list. // use numitems to determine the actual number of items available. EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW items[1]; }EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTW; typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTA { // the total number of folders found. DWORD totfolders; // the total number of files found. DWORD totfiles; // totfolders + totfiles DWORD totitems; // the number of folders available. DWORD numfolders; // the number of files available. DWORD numfiles; // the number of items available. DWORD numitems; // index offset of the first result in the item list. DWORD offset; // arbitrary sized item list. // use numitems to determine the actual number of items available. EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA items[1]; }EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTA; #ifdef UNICODE #define EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERY EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAMEW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATHW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEM EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTW #else #define EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERY EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAMEA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATHA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEM EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTA #endif // restore packing #pragma pack(pop) // end extern C #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _EVERYTHING_H_ so, the reason for this posting is: it can be implemented in AutoIt3 I personally can run es.exe and get the results from the command line, that is I, with my knowing, now, some of you can make a beautiful UDF ( and I say some of you, because, I would not know where to start ) I use everything for everything, very handy tool. If you ever get to see it work, you'll see how handy it is, mostly if you have many terabytes of files ( or just plain can't remember where a file is at )
  4. Hello, I have a console application that works with command line arguments which I don't have its source code, & I want to create a GUI for it to make it easier. My problem is how to make the GUI application calls the console application & handle its output results to display it in the GUI application with a progressbar or somthing ? Please look at the "X265 Command Line Options" https://x265.readthedocs.org/en/default/cli.html MeGUI is only a GUI app for the cli apps : http://sourceforge.net/p/meguimodproj/code/HEAD/tree/MeGUI Mod/ Help me please
  5. #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=internet-explorer.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=IP.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_SaveSource=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (beta) Author: Decipher Script Function: Simple CLI Tool to retrieve External IP from Remote Server API #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _RetrievePublicInfo() Func _RetrievePublicInfo($iRefresh = 0) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "IP: " & BinaryToString(InetRead('http://api.externalip.net/ip/', $iRefresh), 4) & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Hostname: " & BinaryToString(InetRead('http://api.externalip.net/hostname/', $iRefresh), 4) & @CRLF) EndFunc
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