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  1. Ever wondered how to interact with your compiled .NET assembly and AutoIt script using COM? Then look no further, as I try to explain in simple terms the approach at which to achieve this. The code (AutoIt): As quite a few of you know, I am against the use of Global variables, as more often than not a simple approach such as encapsulating a Local Static variable in a wrapper function is just as good. Some may point out the use of the enumeration, but this is only for the purposes of doing away with "magic numbers", with the chances to expand in the future and not having to remember which number represents what etc... To create the .NET dll: In Visual Studio select a new project and class library. From there, go ahead and rename the namespace and class to something meaningful as you will need it later on when you connect to the COM interface of your .NET assembly. Add [ComVisible(true)] above the class declaration line << IMPORTANT. Once you've added all your wonderful C# related code, build the assembly and copy the .dll file to the location of your AutoIt script. Then it's just as simple as calling the _DotNet_Load() function with the filename of the .dll and voila, you have the power of AutoIt and .NET in one script. Example use of Functions: #include <File.au3> Global Const $DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX = 0, $DOTNET_REGASM_OK = 0 Global Enum $DOTNET_LOADDLL, $DOTNET_UNLOADDLL, $DOTNET_UNLOADDLLALL ; Enumeration used for the _DotNet_* functions. Global Enum $DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH, $DOTNET_PATHS_GUID, $DOTNET_PATHS_MAX ; Enumeration used for the internal filepath array. #cs NOTE: Don't forget to add [ComVisible(true)] to the top of the class in the class library. Otherwise it won't work. #ce Example() ; A simple example of registering and unregistering the AutoIt.dll Func Example() If _DotNet_Load('AutoIt.dll') Then ; Load the .NET compiled dll. Local $oPerson = ObjCreate('AutoIt.Person') ; Namespace.Class. If IsObj($oPerson) Then $oPerson.Name = "guinness" $oPerson.Age = Random(18, 99, 1) ConsoleWrite('Person''s age => ' & $oPerson.Age & @CRLF) $oPerson.IncreaseAge() ; A silly method to show the encapsulation of the object around the Age property. ConsoleWrite('Person''s new age => ' & $oPerson.Age & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite($oPerson.ToString() & @CRLF) ; Call the ToString() method which was overriden. Else ConsoleWrite('An error occurred when registering the Dll.' & @CRLF) EndIf Else ConsoleWrite('An error occurred when registering the Dll.' & @CRLF) EndIf ; The dll is automatically unloaded when the application closes. EndFunc ;==>Example ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _DotNet_Load ; Description ...: Load a .NET compiled dll assembly. ; Syntax ........: _DotNet_Load($sDllPath) ; Parameters ....: $sDllPath - A .NET compiled dll assembly located in the @ScriptDir directory. ; $bAddAsCurrentUser - [optional] True or false to add to the current user (supresses UAC). Default is False, all users. ; Return values .: Success: True ; Failure: False and sets @error to non-zero: ; 1 = Incorrect filetype aka not a dll. ; 2 = Dll does not exist in the @ScriptDir location. ; 3 = .NET RegAsm.exe file not found. ; 4 = Dll already registered. ; 5 = Unable to retrieve the GUID for registering as a current user. ; Author ........: guinness ; Remarks .......: With ideas by funkey for running under the current user. ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DotNet_Load($sDllPath, $bAddAsCurrentUser = Default) If $bAddAsCurrentUser = Default Then $bAddAsCurrentUser = False Local $bReturn = __DotNet_Wrapper($sDllPath, $DOTNET_LOADDLL, $bAddAsCurrentUser) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $bReturn) EndFunc ;==>_DotNet_Load ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _DotNet_Unload ; Description ...: Unload a previously registered .NET compiled dll assembly. ; Syntax ........: _DotNet_Unload($sDllPath) ; Parameters ....: $sDllPath - A .NET compiled dll assembly located in the @ScriptDir directory. ; Return values .: Success: True ; Failure: False and sets @error to non-zero: ; 1 = Incorrect filetype aka not a dll. ; 2 = Dll does not exist in the @ScriptDir location. ; 3 = .NET RegAsm.exe file not found. ; Author ........: guinness ; Remarks .......: With ideas by funkey for running under the current user. ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DotNet_Unload($sDllPath) Local $bReturn = __DotNet_Wrapper($sDllPath, $DOTNET_UNLOADDLL, Default) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $bReturn) EndFunc ;==>_DotNet_Unload ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _DotNet_UnloadAll ; Description ...: Unload all previously registered .NET compiled dll assemblies. ; Syntax ........: _DotNet_UnloadAll() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: Success: True ; Failure: False and sets @error to non-zero: ; 1 = Incorrect filetype aka not a dll. ; 2 = Dll does not exist in the @ScriptDir location. ; 3 = .NET RegAsm.exe file not found. ; 4 = Dll already registered. ; 5 = Unable to retrieve the GUID for registering as a current user. ; Author ........: guinness ; Remarks .......: With ideas by funkey for running under the current user. ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DotNet_UnloadAll() Local $bReturn = __DotNet_Wrapper(Null, $DOTNET_UNLOADDLLALL, Default) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $bReturn) EndFunc ;==>_DotNet_UnloadAll ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __DotNet_Wrapper ; Description ...: A wrapper for the _DotNet_* functions. ; Syntax ........: __DotNet_Wrapper($sDllPath, $iType) ; Parameters ....: $sDllPath - A .NET compiled dll assembly located in the @ScriptDir directory. ; $iType - A $DOTNET_* constant. ; Return values .: Success: True ; Failure: False and sets @error to non-zero: ; 1 = Incorrect filetype aka not a dll. ; 2 = Dll does not exist in the @ScriptDir location. ; 3 = .NET RegAsm.exe file not found. ; 4 = Dll already registered. ; 5 = Unable to retrieve the GUID for registering as current user. ; Author ........: guinness ; Remarks .......: ### DO NOT INVOKE, AS THIS IS A WRAPPER FOR THE ABOVE FUNCTIONS. ### ; Remarks .......: With ideas by funkey for running under the current user. ; Related .......: Thanks to Bugfix for the initial idea: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/129164-create-a-net-class-and-run-it-as-object-from-your-autoit-script/?p=938459 ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __DotNet_Wrapper($sDllPath, $iType, $bAddAsCurrentUser) Local Static $aDllPaths[Ceiling($DOTNET_PATHS_MAX * 1.3)][$DOTNET_PATHS_MAX] = [[0, 0]], _ $sRegAsmPath = Null If Not ($iType = $DOTNET_UNLOADDLLALL) Then If Not (StringRight($sDllPath, StringLen('dll')) == 'dll') Then ; Check the correct filetype was passed. Return SetError(1, 0, False) ; Incorrect filetype. EndIf If Not FileExists($sDllPath) Then ; Check the filepath exists in @ScriptDir. Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; Filepath does not exist. EndIf EndIf If $sRegAsmPath == Null Then $sRegAsmPath = RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework', 'InstallRoot') If @error Then $sRegAsmPath = '' ; Set to an empty string to acknowledge that searching for the path happened. Else Local $aFilePaths = _FileListToArray($sRegAsmPath, '*', $FLTA_FOLDERS), _ $sNETFolder = '' If Not @error Then For $i = UBound($aFilePaths) - 1 To 1 Step -1 If StringRegExp($aFilePaths[$i], '(?:[vV]4\.0\.\d+)') Then $sNETFolder = $aFilePaths[$i] ExitLoop ElseIf StringRegExp($aFilePaths[$i], '(?:[vV]2\.0\.\d+)') Then $sNETFolder = $aFilePaths[$i] ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf $sRegAsmPath &= $sNETFolder & '\RegAsm.exe' If FileExists($sRegAsmPath) Then OnAutoItExitRegister(_DotNet_UnloadAll) ; Register when the AutoIt executable is closed. Else $sRegAsmPath = '' ; Set to an empty string to acknowledge that searching for the path happened. EndIf EndIf EndIf If $sRegAsmPath == '' Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) ; .NET Framework 2.0 or 4.0 required. EndIf Switch $iType Case $DOTNET_LOADDLL Local $iIndex = -1 For $i = $DOTNET_PATHS_MAX To $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] If $sDllPath = $aDllPaths[$i][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] Then Return SetError(4, 0, False) ; Dll already registered. EndIf If $iIndex = -1 And $aDllPaths[$i][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] == '' Then $iIndex = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next If $iIndex = -1 Then $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] += 1 $iIndex = $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] EndIf Local Const $iUBound = UBound($aDllPaths) If $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] >= $iUBound Then ReDim $aDllPaths[Ceiling($iUBound * 1.3)][$DOTNET_PATHS_MAX] EndIf $aDllPaths[$iIndex][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] = $sDllPath $aDllPaths[$iIndex][$DOTNET_PATHS_GUID] = Null If $bAddAsCurrentUser Then ; Idea by funkey, with modification by guinness. Local $sTempDllPath = @TempDir & '\' & $sDllPath & '.reg' If Not (RunWait($sRegAsmPath & ' /s /codebase ' & $sDllPath & ' /regfile:"' & $sTempDllPath & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) = $DOTNET_REGASM_OK) Then Return SetError(5, 0, False) ; Unable to retrieve the GUID for registering as current user. EndIf Local Const $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sTempDllPath, BitOR($FO_READ, $FO_APPEND)) If $hFileOpen > -1 Then FileSetPos($hFileOpen, 0, $FILE_BEGIN) Local $sData = FileRead($hFileOpen) If @error Then $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] -= 1 ; Decrease the index due to failure. Return SetError(5, 0, False) ; Unable to retrieve the GUID for registering as current user. EndIf $sData = StringReplace($sData, 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT', 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes') FileSetPos($hFileOpen, 0, $FILE_BEGIN) If Not FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sData) Then $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] -= 1 ; Decrease the index due to failure. Return SetError(5, 0, False) ; Unable to retrieve the GUID for registering as current user. EndIf FileClose($hFileOpen) Local $aSRE = StringRegExp($sData, '(?:\R@="{([[:xdigit:]\-]{36})}"\R)', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If @error Then $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] -= 1 ; Decrease the index due to failure. Return SetError(5, 0, False) ; Unable to retrieve the GUID for registering as current user. EndIf $aDllPaths[$iIndex][$DOTNET_PATHS_GUID] = $aSRE[0] ; GUID of the registry key. RunWait('reg import "' & $sTempDllPath & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) ; Import to current users' classes FileDelete($sTempDllPath) EndIf Else Return RunWait($sRegAsmPath & ' /codebase ' & $sDllPath, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) = $DOTNET_REGASM_OK ; Register the .NET Dll. EndIf Case $DOTNET_UNLOADDLL For $i = $DOTNET_PATHS_MAX To $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] If $sDllPath = $aDllPaths[$i][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] And Not ($aDllPaths[$i][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] == Null) Then Return __DotNet_Unregister($sRegAsmPath, $aDllPaths[$i][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH], $aDllPaths[$iIndex][$DOTNET_PATHS_GUID]) EndIf Next Case $DOTNET_UNLOADDLLALL Local $iCount = 0 If $sDllPath == Null And $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] > 0 Then For $i = $DOTNET_PATHS_MAX To $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] If Not ($aDllPaths[$i][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] == Null) Then $iCount += (__DotNet_Unregister($sRegAsmPath, $aDllPaths[$i][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH], $aDllPaths[$iIndex][$DOTNET_PATHS_GUID]) ? 1 : 0) EndIf Next $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] = 0 ; Reset the count. Return $iCount == $aDllPaths[$DOTNET_PATHS_INDEX][$DOTNET_PATHS_FILEPATH] EndIf EndSwitch Return True EndFunc ;==>__DotNet_Wrapper Func __DotNet_Unregister($sRegAsmPath, ByRef $sDllPath, ByRef $sGUID) Local $bReturn = RunWait($sRegAsmPath & ' /unregister ' & $sDllPath, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) = $DOTNET_REGASM_OK ; Unregister the .NET Dll. If $bReturn Then If Not ($sGUID == Null) Then RegDelete('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\' & $sGUID) ; 32-bit path. RegDelete('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\' & $sGUID) ; 64-bit path. $sGUID = Null ; Remove item. EndIf $sDllPath = Null ; Remove item. EndIf Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>__DotNet_UnregisterI look forward to the comments and questions people have on this interesting subject, as well as any suggestions of improvement people might have. The ZIP file contains all related source code for both AutoIt and .NET. Dot-NET Assembly in AutoIt.zip
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