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  1. This "cow" seems funny to me, At this link (https://dodona.ugent.be/en/activities/1605325419/#) a brief rough description of what this script can do (sorry for the laziness, but that description may be fine). You can use the _CowSayWin() function to display a message formatted in a comic along with an ascii art figure in a standalone window, or you can use _String_CowSay() function to format a plain string in a comic along with an ascii art figure and have it returned in a string for your own purposes, you will probably use it in Consolewrite () or whatever ... The script makes use of the _StringSize() function written by @Melba23 (thanks Melba) of the StringSize.au3 udf that you can extract from the zip file located at this link: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/114034-stringsize-m23-new-version-16-aug-11/. You have to save that udf file in the same directory along with this script. It also makes use of the _WinSetClientSize() function written by @KaFu. (thanks kafu) This function is already built into the main script. I hope you have fun #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WinAPISys.au3> #include <array.au3> #include <String.au3> #include "StringSize.au3" ; <-- https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/114034-stringsize-m23-new-version-16-aug-11/ _Example() Func _Example() SRandom(@SEC) Local $hCowWin, $aMsg = 0 Local $sMessage, $iWidth, $iClipart, $iTextAlig Local $aMessages[] = ["Bottled water companies don’t produce water, they produce plastic bottles.", _ "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.", _ "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. " & _ "Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking.", _ "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results", _ "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."] For $i = 1 To 6 $sMessage = $aMessages[Random(0, UBound($aMessages) - 1, 1)] $iWidth = Random(21, 90, 1) $iClipart = Random(0, 3, 1) $iTextAlign = 1 ; Random(0, 2, 1) Left and right alignments are a bit ugly. ; they are allowed however if you need them ; ; You can use the _CowSayWin() function to create the "cowsay" message in a window $hCowWin = _CowSayWin($sMessage, $iWidth, $iClipart, $iTextAlign) ; ; or you can use the _String_CowSay() function to get a string of the "cowsay ascii clipart" ; so that you can use it however you like, probably in a Consolewrite () for example ... ConsoleWrite(_String_CowSay($sMessage, $iWidth, $iClipart, $iTextAlign) & @CRLF) While 1 $aMsg = GUIGetMsg($GUI_EVENT_ARRAY) Switch $aMsg[1] Case $hCowWin Switch $aMsg[0] Case -3 ; $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete(HWnd($hCowWin)) Next EndFunc ;==>_Example ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _CowSayWin ; Description ...: Display a message in a standalone windows formatted in a balloon along with an ascii art figure ; Syntax ........: _CowSayWin($sMsg[, $iBoxLen = 21[, $iShape = 0[, $iAlign = 1]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sMsg - a string value. The message to display (in a single line without @cr and or @lf) ; $iBoxLen - [optional] an integer value. Default is 21. ; The wanted width of the Box contining the message ; $iShape - [optional] an integer value. Default is 0. ; The index of the ascii art figure to be displayed along with the message. ; Available values are: ; 0 -> a cow ; 1 -> a sandwich-man ; 2 -> the penguin Tux ; 3 -> a hanging monkey ; ..... to be continued (maybe) ; $iAlign - [optional] an integer value. Default is 1. ; How to justify the string within the frame, that is: ; 0 -> left justified ; 1 -> center justified (default) ; 2 -> right justified ; Return values .: The handle of the created window ; Author ........: Gianni Addiego (Chimp) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _CowSayWin($sMsg, $iBoxLen = 21, $iShape = 0, $iAlign = 1) If $iBoxLen < 21 Then $iBoxLen = 21 Local $iSize = 12 Local $iWeight = $FW_NORMAL Local $iAttrib = $GUI_FONTNORMAL Local $sFont = "Courier new" Local $sSay = _String_CowSay($sMsg, $iBoxLen, $iShape, $iAlign) Local $aMsgReturn = _StringSize($sSay, $iSize, $iWeight, $iAttrib, $sFont) Local $iXpos = (@DesktopWidth - $aMsgReturn[2]) / 2 If $iXpos < 0 Then $iXpos = 0 Local $iYpos = (@DesktopHeight - $aMsgReturn[3]) / 2 If $iYpos < 0 Then $iYpos = 0 Local $hCow = GUICreate("Cowsay", -1, -1, $iXpos, $iYpos, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) ;0x94C803C5, 0x00010101) ; , $WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME) ;0x94C803C5, 0x00010101) ; Style & ExStyle same as msgbox GUISetFont($iSize, $FW_NORMAL, $GUI_FONTNORMAL, $sFont) _WinSetClientSize($hCow, $aMsgReturn[2], $aMsgReturn[3]) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sSay, 0, 0, $aMsgReturn[2], $aMsgReturn[3]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hCow) #cs While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case -3 ; $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd #ce Return $hCow EndFunc ;==>_CowSayWin ; By kafu ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/201524-guicreate-and-wingetclientsize-mismatch/?do=findComment&comment=1446141 Func _WinSetClientSize($hWnd, $iW, $iH) Local $aWinPos = WinGetPos($hWnd) Local $sRect = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int;") DllStructSetData($sRect, 3, $iW) DllStructSetData($sRect, 4, $iH) _WinAPI_AdjustWindowRectEx($sRect, _WinAPI_GetWindowLong($hWnd, $GWL_STYLE), _WinAPI_GetWindowLong($hWnd, $GWL_EXSTYLE)) WinMove($hWnd, "", $aWinPos[0], $aWinPos[1], $aWinPos[2] + (DllStructGetData($sRect, 3) - $aWinPos[2]) - DllStructGetData($sRect, 1), $aWinPos[3] + (DllStructGetData($sRect, 4) - $aWinPos[3]) - DllStructGetData($sRect, 2)) EndFunc ;==>_WinSetClientSize ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _StringToColumn ; Description ...: passing a (long) string and a value, it returns that same string ; formatted in a column as wide as the value (string is split by @CRs). ; Whenever possible, it tries not to break the words but to split ; lines in between two words ; Syntax ........: _StringToColumn($sString[, $x = 21]) ; Parameters ....: $sString - a string value. The string to format ; $iColumnWidth - [optional] an integer value. Default is 21. ; The wanted width of the text column ; Return values .: The string formatted as required ; Author ........: Gianni Addiego (Chimp) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _StringToColumn($sString, $iColumnWidth = 21) If $iColumnWidth < 1 Then $iColumnWidth = 1 Local $iPreviousSplit = 1 Local $i = $iColumnWidth While $i <= StringLen($sString) $iSplitPoint = StringInStr($sString, " ", 0, -1, $i + 1) If $iSplitPoint = 0 Or $iSplitPoint <= $iPreviousSplit Then $iSplitPoint = $i $sString = StringLeft($sString, $iSplitPoint) & @CR & StringMid($sString, $iSplitPoint + 1) $i = $iSplitPoint + 1 Else $sString = StringReplace($sString, $iSplitPoint, @CR) $i = $iSplitPoint EndIf $iPreviousSplit = $iSplitPoint $i += $iColumnWidth WEnd If StringRight($sString, 1) = @CR Then $sString = StringTrimRight($sString, 1) Return $sString EndFunc ;==>_StringToColumn ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _StringToFrame ; Description ...: places borders only to the left and to the right of the passed string block ; Syntax ........: _StringToFrame($sStr, $iFrameWidth[, $iAlign = 1[, $sV = "|"]]) ; Parameters ....: $sStr - The string to format; multiline string must be splitted by a @cr. ; $iFrameWidth - wanted Width of the frame ; If the desired width is less than the length of the string, the exceeding part is cut off ; If the desired width is wider than the length of the string, spaces are added ; $iAlign - [optional] an integer value. Default is 1. ; The string is justified within the frame based on the value of the $iAlign variable, that is: ; 0 -> left justified ; 1 -> center justified (default) ; 2 -> right justified ; $sV - [optional] a string value. Default is "|". ; This is the character used to draw the two vertical edges ; Return values .: The formatted string ; Author ........: Gianni Addiego (Chimp) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _StringToFrame($sStr, $iFrameWidth, $iAlign = 1, $sV = "|") ; $iAlign: 0=Left; 1=Center; 2=Right If $iFrameWidth < 1 Then $iFrameWidth = 1 Local $a = StringSplit($sStr, @CR, 2) ; 2 = $STR_NOCOUNT For $i = 0 To UBound($a) - 1 Switch $iAlign Case 1 ; Center string $a[$i] = $sV & _StringSetLen(_StringCenter($a[$i], $iFrameWidth), $iFrameWidth) & $sV Case 2 ; Align to right $a[$i] = $sV & _StringSetLen($a[$i], $iFrameWidth * -1) & $sV Case Else ; otherwise Align to left $a[$i] = $sV & _StringSetLen($a[$i], $iFrameWidth) & $sV EndSwitch Next Return _ArrayToString($a, @CR) EndFunc ;==>_StringToFrame ; passing a string and a value it returns that string with a len as required ; By Gianni Addiego Func _StringSetLen($sString, $iWantedLen = 1, $sFillChr = " ") If $iWantedLen = 0 Then Return "" Local $iLen = StringLen($sString) Local $iKeepLeft = $iWantedLen > 0 ; else keep the right side of the string $iWantedLen = Abs($iWantedLen) If $iLen >= $iWantedLen Then ; reduce the string length If $iKeepLeft Then Return StringLeft($sString, $iWantedLen) Else Return StringRight($sString, $iWantedLen) EndIf Else ; add chars to the string to reach the wanted len If $iKeepLeft Then Return $sString & _StringRepeat($sFillChr, $iWantedLen - $iLen) Else Return _StringRepeat($sFillChr, $iWantedLen - $iLen) & $sString EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_StringSetLen ; place a string in the middle of a given space ; By Gianni Addiego Func _StringCenter($sString, $iSpace) Local $iLen = StringLen($sString) $iHloc = Int($iSpace / 2) - Int($iLen / 2) If $iHloc < 0 Then Return StringMid($sString, Abs($iHloc) + 1, $iSpace) Else Return _StringRepeat(" ", $iHloc) & $sString EndIf EndFunc ;==>_StringCenter ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _String_CowSay ; Description ...: Formats a string in a balloon along with an ascii art figure ; Syntax ........: _String_CowSay($sMsg[, $iBoxLen = 21[, $iShape = 0[, $iAlign = 1]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sMsg - a string value. The String to format (in a single line without @cr and or @lf) ; $iBoxLen - [optional] an integer value. Default is 21. ; The wanted width of the Box contining the message ; $iShape - [optional] an integer value. Default is 0. ; The index of the ascii art figure to be displayed along with the message. ; Available values are: ; 0 -> a cow ; 1 -> a sandwich-man ; 2 -> the penguin Tux ; 3 -> a hanging monkey ; ..... to be continued (maybe) ; $iAlign - [optional] an integer value. Default is 1. ; How to justify the string within the frame, that is: ; 0 -> left justified ; 1 -> center justified (default) ; 2 -> right justified ; Return values .: The passed string formatted in the required format. ; Author ........: Gianni Addiego (Chimp) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _String_CowSay($sMsg, $iBoxLen = 21, $iShape = 0, $iAlign = 1) ; minimum $iBoxLen is 21 If $iBoxLen / 2 = Int($iBoxLen / 2) Then $iBoxLen += 1 If $iBoxLen < 22 Then $x = 0 Else $x = Ceiling(($iBoxLen - 21) / 2) EndIf Local $sS = _StringRepeat(" ", $x), $sT = _StringRepeat("~", $x) Local $sHeader, $sFooter Switch $iShape Case 1 $sHeader = _ $sS & " \|||/" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " (o o)" & @CRLF & _ "," & $sT & "oo0~~~~~~(_)~~~~~~~~~" & $sT & "," & @CRLF ; header $sFooter = _ "'" & $sT & "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oo0" & $sT & "'" & @CRLF & _ ; footer $sS & " |__|__|" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " || ||" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " oo0 0oo" Case 2 $sHeader = _ "," & $sT & "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" & $sT & "," & @CRLF ; header $sFooter = _ "'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" & $sT & $sT & "'" & @CRLF & _ " \ .--." & @CRLF & _ " \ |o_o |" & @CRLF & _ " |:_/ |" & @CRLF & _ " // \ \" & @CRLF & _ " (| | )" & @CRLF & _ " /'\_ _/`\" & @CRLF & _ " \___)=(___/" Case 3 $sHeader = _ "," & $sT & "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" & $sT & "," & @CRLF ; header $sFooter = _ "'" & $sT & "oo0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0oo" & $sT & "'" & @CRLF & _ ; footer $sS & " \\ //" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " > \ \\|||// / <" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " > \ _ _ / <" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " > \ / \ / \ / <" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " > \\_o_o_// <" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " > ( (_) ) <" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " >| |<" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " / |\___/| \" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " / (_____) \" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " / o \" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " ) ___ (" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " / / \ \" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " ( / \ )" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " >< ><" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " ///\ /\\\" & @CRLF & _ $sS & " ''' '''" Case Else $sHeader = _ "," & $sT & "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" & $sT & "," & @CRLF ; header $sFooter = _ "'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" & $sT & $sT & "'" & @CRLF & _ " \ ^__^" & @CRLF & _ " \ (oo)\_______" & @CRLF & _ " (__)\ )\/\" & @CRLF & _ " ||----w |" & @CRLF & _ " || ||" EndSwitch Return $sHeader & _StringToFrame(_StringToColumn($sMsg, $iBoxLen), $iBoxLen, $iAlign) & @CRLF & $sFooter EndFunc ;==>_String_CowSay
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