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This is for those pages that seem to load when you use _FFOpenURL(), but they have a text saying "please wait while we load your page..." but according to _FFOpenURL() the page has loaded. An example seen in popular sites is the Cloudflare page saying "Checking your browser before...". It's the opposite of pausing a script until an element is visible on a page. It takes Elements in the form of id, xpath or text search. Global $BrowserPort = 4242 Global $TimeOut = 60000 Global $LocalHost = "" Func _FFWaitWhileElement($thiselement, $elementtype = "xpath", $timeoutms = 60000) _FFConnect($LocalHost, $BrowserPort, $TimeOut) Local $Element Local $ElementFound = 1 Local $TimeoutCountdown = 0 While $ElementFound <> 0 And $TimeoutCountdown < $timeoutms If $elementtype = "xpath" Then $Element = _FFXPath($thiselement) EndIf If $elementtype = "id" Then Local $ConstructXPath = ".//*[@id='" & $thiselement & "']" $Element = _FFXPath($ConstructXPath) EndIf ; MsgBox(0, "", $Element) Local $ElementXPathTextContent = _FFCmd("FFau3.xpath.textContent") ; MsgBox(0, "", $ElementXPathTextContent) Local $ElementXPathInnerHTML = _FFCmd("FFau3.xpath.innerHTML") ; MsgBox(0, "", $ElementXPathInnerHTML) If $ElementXPathTextContent = "_FFCmd_Err" Or $ElementXPathInnerHTML = "_FFCmd_Err" Then $ElementFound = 0 Else $ElementFound = 1 EndIf If $elementtype = "text" Then $ElementFound = _FFSearch($thiselement) ; MsgBox(0, "", $ElementFound) EndIf $TimeoutCountdown += 1000 _FFDisConnect() _FFConnect($LocalHost, $BrowserPort, $TimeOut) WEnd Return $ElementFound EndFunc _FFConnect($LocalHost, $BrowserPort, $TimeOut) _FFOpenURL("", True) _FFWaitForElement("Please Wait...","text", 60000) MsgBox(0,"","Page finished loading") It's pretty simple, hope it helps some of you who are working with FF.au3 :)
Hi guys, I am very much a newbie, but I am slowly learning by writting simple scripts. #include <Clipboard.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Msgboxconstants.au3> Const $test_url = "" Const $hFileOpen = FileOpen(@WorkingDir & "\TEMP.txt",$FO_OVERWRITE) ; Open FIREFOX at ShellExecute("firefox.exe",$test_url) Sleep(60000) ; Allow the page to open - no rush Send("^a") ; Select ALL text Sleep(1000) ; Pause for 1 second Send("^c") ; CTRL + C to copy text Sleep(1000) ; Pause for 1 second ; Write Data to File FileWrite($hFileOpen,_ClipBoard_GetData ($CF_UNICODETEXT)) ; Close Temp File FileClose($hFileOpen) MsgBox(262144,"Completed","Data Written To File") The above code basically just copies text on a webpage and outputs it to a file. Works well. I understand AutoIT a little more now. However, Send() doesn't work when my screen lock is on. :-( Is there a simple tweak which I can do so that it does work when my screen is locked, bearing in mind that I am not a guru like most users yet. I read somewhere the ControlSend works, but requires the browser "handle". Thanks in advance. Best regards, Pete
Hi. I have the below script that I used the FF.au3 to control Firefox. However now I can't get MozRepl installed since it's no longer supported. I've got about 50 scripts like this for different website that I need to rewrite to control Firefox. I also connect to Lotus Notes to update some docs with the results of searches I do on these website. Does anyone have a good suggestion on what I can use to accomplish what I need done? I would love a way to temporarily get MozRepl back running because this is causing my team a lot of work at the moment. In the long run, I need something that will work on the newest version of windows and the newest web browsers. As you can see, I open an Excel spreadsheet, read 1 name at a time and put them into fields on a website to search. This is just part of my script. Any help on what direction to go would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Jason #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <FF.au3> #Include <Date.au3> Global $sCellValueL Global $sCellValueF Global $RecordNumber Global $Session = ObjCreate("Notes.NotesSession") Global $Search_db = $Session.GetDatabase($serverName, "system\center.nsf") Global $Search_view = $Search_db.GetView("BGRPT") Global $sXlsFile = @ScriptDir & "\TX_DALLAS_CRI.xls" Global $sCheck Global $testStr1 Global $testCode Global $sHTML $URLstr = "" _FFstart() _FFConnect() If _FFIsConnected() Then _FFOpenUrl($URLstr) _FFLoadWait() $sHTML = _FFReadText() $testCode = StringRegExp($sHTML, "Any unauthorized use or misuse of the site or the sites information by Visitor", 0) if $testCode = 1 Then Enter_Code() EndIf EndIf $oExcel = _ExcelBookOpen($sXlsFile) ; Gets an array of MasterNumbers from the Excel file $INDEX = 1 $sCellValueL = (_ExcelReadCell($oExcel,"A" & $INDEX)) $sCellValueF = (_ExcelReadCell($oExcel,"B" & $INDEX)) $RecordNumber = (_ExcelReadCell($oExcel,"F" & $INDEX)) do $oTextL = _FFObjGet("lastName", "name") $oTextF = _FFObjGet("firstName", "name") _FFObj($oTextL, "value", $sCellValueL) _FFObj($oTextF, "value", $sCellValueF) ; _FFFormCheckBox("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_CheckBoxList2_1", False, 0, "id") ; , "Criminal Cases", "name") ; $subButton = _FFObjGet("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Button1", "id") _FFFormSubmit() _FFLoadWait()
hello! can anybody tell me is there any working udf for firefox? because the .15 version cant communicate with firefox. the first statement does not work . i know it worked because i tested it few months ago, but now its dead. after refresh firefox 2 weeks ago. is there any tip?