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  1. I will try to maintain this topic by inserting links in the first post (here) to the snippets to keep track of the snippets. My examples are using AndyG's AssembleIt UDF / AssembleIt2 UDF which is here: AssembleIt.au3 (needs FASM.au3 -> see link below (ward)) ;AssembleIt by Andy @ www.autoit.de ;BIG thx to progandy for the "Buttons" in the debugger ;see examples how to call _AssembleIt() ;Listview changed in Debugger 12.05.2012 ;SSE-Register are nor in the right direction (bitwise from right to left) 20.02.2012 ;Debugger included 07.04.2011 ;modified by UEZ 05.03.2015 #include-once #include "FASM.au3" #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> ;#include <GUIListBox.au3> #include <GuiStatusBar.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <array.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> ;Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) If @AutoItX64 Then MsgBox(0, "_AssembleIt Error", "Sorry, 64Bit is not supported. Program will be terminated!") Exit EndIf Global $_ASSEMBLEIT_FLAG = 1 Global $Fasm = FasmInit() If @error Then MsgBox(0, "_AssembleIt Error", "Not able to FasmInit! Program will be terminated!") Exit EndIf ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _AssembleIt() ; Description ...: "Wrapper" for the FASM.au3 by Ward ; Syntax ........: _AssembleIt($Returntype, $sFunc, $Type1 = "type", $Param1 = 0, $Type2 = "type", $Param2 = 0.... ; Parameters ....: $Returntype - Data type returned by the assembled program ; $sFunc - Name of the function, in which the Assemblercode is contained ; $sType1 - DataType of Parameter1 ; $sParam1 - Parameter1 ; $sType2 - DataType of Parameter2 ; $sParam2 - Parameter2.....and so on, you can pass up to 20 parameters ; ; Return values .: Success depends on $Returntype @error=0 ; Failure @error = -2 FasmReset has failed ; Failure @error = -3 Error in Assemblercode detected by Fasm ; Failure @error = -4 Function with Assemblercode doesn´t exist (i.e. wrong functionname) ; Failure @error = -5 Error while executing MemoryFuncCall ; ; Author ........: Andy @ www.autoit.de ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: _AssembleIt() instructs MemoryFuncCall with cdecl-convention, so only a RET is necessary at the end of the ASM-code ; If $_ASSEMBLEIT_FLAG = 0 is set before calling AssembleIt(), an AutoIt-code to call the opcodes without the need of FASM.au3 is created ; Related .......: Fasm.au3 by Ward http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=111613&view=findpost&p=782727 ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; ================================================================================================= Func _AssembleIt($Returntype, $sFunc, $Type1 = "int", $Param1 = 0, $Type2 = "int", $Param2 = 0, $Type3 = "int", $Param3 = 0, $Type4 = "int", $Param4 = 0, $Type5 = "", $Param5 = 0, $Type6 = "", $Param6 = 0, $Type7 = "", $Param7 = 0, $Type8 = "", $Param8 = 0, $Type9 = "", $Param9 = 0, $Type10 = "", $Param10 = 0, $Type11 = "", $Param11 = 0, $Type12 = "", $Param12 = 0, $Type13 = "", $Param13 = 0, $Type14 = "", $Param14 = 0, $Type15 = "", $Param15 = 0, $Type16 = "", $Param16 = 0, $Type17 = "", $Param17 = 0, $Type18 = "", $Param18 = 0, $Type19 = "", $Param19 = 0, $Type20 = "", $Param20 = 0) ;assembles the code FasmReset($Fasm) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "_AssembleIt Error", "Error in Function FasmReset()") Return SetError(-2, 0, "ERROR -2") EndIf If $sFunc <> "" Then Call($sFunc) ;extract Assemblercode from function $sFunc() If @error = 0xDEAD Then MsgBox(0, "_AssembleIt Error", "The called function " & $sFunc & " doesn´t exist or contains errors!") Return SetError(-4, 0, "ERROR -4") EndIf Local $bytecode = FasmGetBinary($Fasm) ;assemble ASM-code to opcodes If @extended Then ;shows errors during assembling Local $Error = FasmGetLastError() ;gets errors MsgBox(0, "FASM-ERROR in function " & $sFunc & "()", "Error Code:" & $Error[0] & _ @CRLF & "Error Message:" & $Error[1] & @CRLF & "Error Line:" & $Error[2] & @CRLF) Return SetError(-3, 0, "ERROR -3") Else ;no errors during assembling the code FileDelete("asm_test.bin") ;creates binary file with opcodes, in the case that someone wants to use an external debugger^^ FileWrite("asm_test.bin", BinaryToString(String(FasmGetBinary($Fasm)))) ; ConsoleWrite($bytecode & @CRLF) ;opcodes, can easily be copied and inserted somewhere.... If $_ASSEMBLEIT_FLAG = 0 Then ;if less then 4 parameters, CallWindowProcW is possible If @NumParams > 10 Then ;only a maximum of 4 parameters in CallWindowProcW posssible MsgBox(0, "_AssembleIt Error", "The $_ASSEMBLEIT_FLAG is set to 0, but more than 4 Parameters are used in the Function " & $sFunc & @CRLF & _ "Please reduce the number of parameters to a maximum of 4 if you want an AutoItscript with a CallWindowProcW-call!") Exit Else ;all is ready to create an AutoItscript which can execute the opcodes without FASM.au3 Local $scriptstring = 'Local $iRet, $tCodeBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte ASM[' & StringLen($bytecode) / 2 - 1 & ']") ;reserve memory for ASM opcodes' & @CRLF & _ '$tCodeBuffer.ASM = "' & $bytecode & '" ;write opcodes into memory (struct)' & @CRLF $scriptstring &= '$iRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "' & $Returntype & '", "CallWindowProcW", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tCodeBuffer)' Local $n = 1 For $i = 3 To 9 Step 2 ;CallWindowProcW must be called with 4 parameters... $scriptstring &= ', "' & Eval("Type" & $n) & '", ' If Eval("Param" & $n) <> 0 Or Eval("Param" & $n) <> "" Then $scriptstring &= "Param" & $n Else $scriptstring &= '0' EndIf $n += 1 Next $scriptstring &= ')' & @CRLF ClipPut($scriptstring) ;puts the AutoItcode into Clipboard MsgBox(0, "_AssembleIt() Info!", "The following code was created and written into the Clipboard:" & _ @CRLF & @CRLF & $scriptstring & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "This code can now be inserted into an AutoIt-Script, please adapt the parameters in the Dll-call to the used AutoIt-variables!" & _ @CRLF & "The Program will be terminated!") FasmExit($Fasm) Exit EndIf ElseIf $_ASSEMBLEIT_FLAG = 2 Then $scriptstring = '$tCodeBuffer.ASM = "' & $bytecode & '" ;write opcodes into memory (struct) / length: ' & StringLen($bytecode) / 2 - 1 ClipPut($scriptstring) MsgBox(0, "_AssembleIt() Info!", "ONLY the byte code line was created and written into the Clipboard:" & _ @CRLF & @CRLF & $scriptstring) FasmExit($Fasm) Exit EndIf ;MemoryFuncCall Local $scriptstring = 'MemoryFuncCall("' & $Returntype & ':cdecl",' & FasmGetFuncPtr($Fasm) ;cdecl instructs the function to clean the stack, only a simple RET at the end is necessary ;Local $scriptstring = 'MemoryFuncCall("' & $Returntype & '",' & FasmGetFuncPtr($Fasm) ;if "compatible" mode to existing programs is required, please commend out this line Local $n = 1 For $i = 3 To @NumParams Step 2 ;all parameters $scriptstring &= ',"' & Eval("Type" & $n) & '", $Param' & $n $n += 1 Next $scriptstring &= ')' Local $a = Execute($scriptstring) ;do the MemoryFuncCall, execute the opcodes If @error Then MsgBox(0, "_AssembleIt Error", "Error executing the MemoryFuncCall!") Return SetError(-5, 0, "ERROR -5") EndIf ;_arraydisplay($a) Return SetError(0, 0, $a[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_AssembleIt Func _($str) ;short version of Fasmadd Fasmadd($Fasm, $str) EndFunc ;==>_ ;debug-Fenster Dim $_DBG_LABEL[170] Global $hwnd_weiterbutton, $_DBG_closebutton Global $_DBG_firstcall = True, $_DBG_buttonID Global $_DBG_GUI = GUICreate("AssembleIt Debug-Info 1.0", 670, 550, 10, 10, 0, $WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME) Global $_DBG_winpos = WinGetPos($_DBG_GUI) Global $_DBG_Window_posold_x = $_DBG_winpos[0] ;fensterposition merken Global $_DBG_Window_posold_y = $_DBG_winpos[1] + $_DBG_winpos[3] ;$WM_MOVING = 0x0216 Global $_DBG_BUTTONSGUI = -1 GUIRegisterMsg(0x0216, "_DBG_WM_MOVING") ; $WM_MOVING GUIRegisterMsg(0x0232, "_DBG_WM_MOVING") ; $WM_EXITSIZEMOVE GUIRegisterMsg($WM_MOVE, "_DBG_WM_MOVING") ;~ GUIRegisterMsg($WM_MOVING, "_DBG_WM_MOVING") ;~ GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SIZE, "_DBG_WM_SIZE") ;GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "_DBG_WM_COMMAND") $_DBG_LABEL[18] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("FPU-Register showed as DOUBLE!", 10, 175, 290, 16) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 4) ;GUICtrlSetResizing ( -1, 32+ 2 ) $_DBG_LABEL[17] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("EFlags", 580, 16, 102, 16) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 4) $_DBG_LABEL[38] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("CF =", 580, 32 + 16 * 0, 30, 16);CF $_DBG_LABEL[59] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("DF =", 580, 32 + 16 * 1, 30, 16) $_DBG_LABEL[39] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("PF =", 580, 32 + 16 * 2, 30, 16) $_DBG_LABEL[68] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("OF =", 580, 32 + 16 * 3, 30, 16) $_DBG_LABEL[48] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("AF =", 580, 32 + 16 * 4, 30, 16) $_DBG_LABEL[49] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ZF =", 580, 32 + 16 * 6, 30, 16) $_DBG_LABEL[58] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("SF =", 580, 32 + 16 * 7, 30, 16) For $i = 0 To 7 $_DBG_LABEL[10 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ST" & $i & " = ", 10 + Mod($i, 2) * 180, 195 + 16 * Int($i / 2), 30, 16) $_DBG_LABEL[80 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 50 + Mod($i, 2) * 180, 195 + 16 * Int($i / 2), 100, 16) $_DBG_LABEL[30 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("XMM" & $i & " = ", 10, 400 + 15 * $i, 40, 16);XMM0-XMM7 $_DBG_LABEL[90 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 60, 400 + 15 * $i, 300, 16);XMM $_DBG_LABEL[40 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 60, 32 + 16 * $i, 400, 16);hex $_DBG_LABEL[50 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 150, 32 + 16 * $i, 400, 16);int $_DBG_LABEL[60 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 230, 32 + 16 * $i, 300, 16);float $_DBG_LABEL[70 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 320, 32 + 16 * $i, 240, 16);bin $_DBG_LABEL[100 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 610, 32 + 16 * $i, 40, 16) ;eflags $_DBG_LABEL[110 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 280, 400 + 15 * $i, 250, 16);XMM-2xdouble $_DBG_LABEL[120 + $i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 440, 400 + 15 * $i, 250, 16);XMM-4xfloat Next GUICtrlSetPos($_DBG_LABEL[105], 590, 32 + 16 * 5, 1, 1) ;platz machen für ungenutztes label $_DBG_LABEL[20] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("FPU-Flags", 10, 270, 55, 16) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 4) $_DBG_LABEL[21] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("CO= C1= C2=", 520, 200, 135, 20) $_DBG_LABEL[25] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Stack", 370, 175, 130, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 4) $_DBG_LABEL[26] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("HEX", 450, 175, 130, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 4) $_DBG_LABEL[27] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("INT", 550, 175, 130, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 4) For $i = 40 To 0 Step -4 $_DBG_LABEL[129 + $i / 4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(StringFormat("[esp %+02.2d]", 40 - $i), 370, 195 + 16 * $i / 4, 50, 16);129-140 $_DBG_LABEL[141 + $i / 4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 450, 195 + 16 * $i / 4, 100, 16);141-152 $_DBG_LABEL[155 + $i / 4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 550, 195 + 16 * $i / 4, 100, 16);155-161 Next $_DBG_LABEL[108] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("SSE-Register HEX", 10, 375, 150, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 4) $_DBG_LABEL[109] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("2x Double", 280, 375, 100, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 4) $_DBG_LABEL[118] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("4x Float", 450, 375, 100, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 4) ;GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "MyWM_COMMAND") Global $listviewitem_reg32[8] Global $reg_32[8] = ["EAX", "EBX", "ECX", "EDX", "ESI", "EDI", "ESP", "EBP"] Global $Listview_reg32 = GUICtrlCreateListView("REG32|HEX|INT|FLOAT|BIN [BIT31....Bit0]", 10, 2, 560, 172, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_LISTVIEW, $LVS_NOSORTHEADER));,$GUI_BKCOLOR_LV_ALTERNATE ) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, -1, -1) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Listview_reg32, 0xF0f0f0) ; Grau GUICtrlSetBkColor($Listview_reg32, $GUI_BKCOLOR_LV_ALTERNATE) _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($Listview_reg32) For $i = 0 To 7 $listviewitem_reg32[$i] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($reg_32[$i] & "|0xDDDDDDDD|88888888888|9.99999999E999|00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ", $Listview_reg32) GUICtrlSetBkColor($listviewitem_reg32[$i], 0xFFFFFF) ; weiss Next For $i = 0 To 4 _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($Listview_reg32, $i, $LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER);$LVSCW_AUTOSIZE) Next _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($Listview_reg32) ;thx progandy für den "button" ! Global Const $tagDLGTEMPLATE = "align 2 ;DWORD style; DWORD dwExtendedStyle; WORD cdit; short x; short y; short cx; short cy;" Global Const $tagDLGITEMTEMPLATE = "align 2 ;DWORD style; DWORD dwExtendedStyle; short x; short y; short cx; short cy; WORD id;" Global $_DBG_noshowflag = 0 Global $dlgproc = DllCallbackRegister("_DlgProc", "bool", "hwnd;uint;wparam;lparam") Global $_DBG_ = DllCallbackRegister("_DBG_MSGBOX", "dword", "dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword") ;speicher reservieren für datenbereich Global $ptr_dbgmem = Number(_MemGlobalAlloc(600, 0)) ;512 byte + 8 byte weil nur 8byte-align Local $mod = Mod($ptr_dbgmem, 16) ;benötigt wird für SSE-Register abe 16-byte-align If $mod <> 0 Then $ptr_dbgmem += (16 - $mod) ;16 byte align EndIf Global $_dbg_string[100], $_DBG_nr = 0, $_DBG_command[2] Global $struct_FXSAVE = DllStructCreate("byte[512]", $ptr_dbgmem);platz für Daten aus FXSAVE Global $struct_STACK = DllStructCreate("dword[11]", $ptr_dbgmem + 520);platz für Daten aus STACK [esp-20] bis [esp+20] Global $ptr_STACK = DllStructGetPtr($struct_STACK) ;http://siyobik.info/index.php?module=x86&id=128 ;ob ich diese flags noch einbaue, weiss ich nicht Local $struct = DllStructCreate("" & _ "word FCW;" & _ ;FPU control word 0+1 "word FSW;" & _ ;FPU statusword 2+3 "byte FTW;" & _ ;FPU ag word 4 "byte;" & _ ;reserved 5 "word FOP;" & _ ;FPU opcode 6+7 "dword FIP;" & _ ;FPU instruction pointer 8-11 "word CS;" & _ ; 12-13 "word ;" & _ ;reserved 14-15 "dword FDP;" & _ ; 16-19 "word DS;" & _ ; 20+21 "word ;" & _ ;reserved 22-23 "dword MXCSR;" & _ ;MXCSR 24-27 "dword MXCSR_MASK;" & _ ;MXCSR_MASK 28-31 "byte[10] ST0;") ;ST0 32-41 Global $struct_double = DllStructCreate("double[8]") ;platz für 8 doubles der FPU register st0-st7 Global $struct_128SSE = DllStructCreate("byte[128]", Ptr($ptr_dbgmem + 160));platz für 16 byte SSE Global $struct_EFLAGS = DllStructCreate("dword EFLAGS", Ptr($ptr_dbgmem + 512));platz 32 bit eflags Global $ptr_SSE = DllStructGetPtr($struct_128SSE) ;pointer Global $ptr_EFLAGS = DllStructGetPtr($struct_EFLAGS) Global $struct_SSE64x2int = DllStructCreate("uint64[16]", $ptr_SSE) ;platz für 2x 64byte SSE Global $struct_SSE32x4int = DllStructCreate("uint[32]", $ptr_SSE) ;platz für 4x 32byte SSE Global $struct_SSE16x8int = DllStructCreate("word[64]", $ptr_SSE) ;platz für 8x 16byte SSE Global $struct_SSE64x2dbl = DllStructCreate("double[16]", $ptr_SSE) ;platz für 2x 64byte DOUBLE SSE Global $struct_SSE32x4flt = DllStructCreate("float[32]", $ptr_SSE) ;platz für 4x 32byte FLOAT SSE ;debug-funktion, aus dem asmcode per call an die callback-adresse aufgerufen Func _DBG_MSGBOX($anz, $edi, $esi, $ebp, $esp, $ebx, $edx, $ecx, $eax);aus asm übergebene register If $_DBG_noshowflag = 1 Then Return 0 GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $_DBG_GUI) _WinAPI_UpdateWindow($_DBG_GUI) ;_DBG_WM_SIZE($_DBG_GUI,0,0,0) Dim $reg[8] = [$eax, $ebx, $ecx, $edx, $esi, $edi, $esp, $ebp] _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($Listview_reg32) For $i = 0 To 7 ;fenster mit Werten füllen GUICtrlSetData($listviewitem_reg32[$i], "|" & Ptr($reg[$i]) & "|" & _ String($reg[$i]) & "|" & _ StringFormat(" %2.6G", int2float($reg[$i])) & "|" & int2bin($reg[$i])) ;hex GUICtrlSetData($_DBG_LABEL[$i + 80], DllStructGetData($struct_double, 1, $i + 1));FPU st0-st7 ;SSE $struct_temp = DllStructCreate("byte[16]", $ptr_SSE + 16 * $i) $struct = DllStructCreate("byte[16]") For $z = 1 To 16 DllStructSetData($struct, 1, DllStructGetData($struct_temp, 1, 17 - $z), $z) Next GUICtrlSetData($_DBG_LABEL[$i + 90], DllStructGetData($struct, 1)) GUICtrlSetData($_DBG_LABEL[$i + 100], BitAND(2 ^ $i, DllStructGetData($struct_EFLAGS, 1)) / (2 ^ $i));eflags $struct = DllStructCreate("double[2]", $ptr_SSE + 16 * $i); 2x 64byte DOUBLE SSE GUICtrlSetData($_DBG_LABEL[$i + 110], StringFormat("%6s %6s", DllStructGetData($struct, 1, 2), DllStructGetData($struct, 1, 1))) $struct = DllStructCreate("float[4]", $ptr_SSE + 16 * $i); 4x 32byte FLOAT SSE GUICtrlSetData($_DBG_LABEL[$i + 120], StringFormat("%10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f", DllStructGetData($struct, 1, 4), DllStructGetData($struct, 1, 3), DllStructGetData($struct, 1, 2), DllStructGetData($struct, 1, 1))) Next GUICtrlSetData($_DBG_LABEL[101], BitAND(2 ^ 10, DllStructGetData($struct_EFLAGS, 1)) / (2 ^ 10));eflags DF GUICtrlSetData($_DBG_LABEL[103], BitAND(2 ^ 11, DllStructGetData($struct_EFLAGS, 1)) / (2 ^ 11));eflags OF For $i = 0 To 10 ;stack GUICtrlSetData($_DBG_LABEL[141 + $i], Ptr(DllStructGetData($struct_STACK, 1, $i + 1)));stack hex GUICtrlSetData($_DBG_LABEL[155 + $i], Int(DllStructGetData($struct_STACK, 1, $i + 1)));stack int Next _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($Listview_reg32) If $anz = 0 Or Execute($_dbg_string[$anz]) Then Switch __GET_MSGBOX_BUTTON() Case 0, 1 Case 2 $_DBG_noshowflag = True Case 3 DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "ExitProcess", "int", 0xDEADBEEF) EndSwitch EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_DBG_MSGBOX Func __GET_MSGBOX_BUTTON() Local Static $tDLG, $aOldPos[4] = [0, 0, -1, -1] Local $pos_DBB_Window = WinGetPos($_DBG_GUI) ;Positionsdaten der GUI holen If $aOldPos[0] <> $pos_DBB_Window[0] Or $aOldPos[1] <> $pos_DBB_Window[1] Or $aOldPos[2] <> $pos_DBB_Window[2] Or $aOldPos[2] <> $pos_DBB_Window[2] Then $aOldPos = $pos_DBB_Window Local $x = Int($pos_DBB_Window[0] / 2) Local $y = Int(($pos_DBB_Window[1] + $pos_DBB_Window[3]) / 2) ;es folgen die Daten für den "...NEXT"-Button, der muss ein modales Fenster sein, wer da eine andere Idee hat, bitte melden Local $w = Int($pos_DBB_Window[2] / 2) ;breite Button Local $h = 30 ;höhe Button Local $bTitle = StringToBinary("Next....", 2) ;text Button Local $bXY = BinaryMid(Binary($x), 1, 2) & BinaryMid(Binary($y), 1, 2);Buttondaten Local $bWH = BinaryMid(Binary($w), 1, 2) & BinaryMid(Binary($h), 1, 2) Local $bWhalfH = BinaryMid(Binary(Int($w / 2 - 15)), 1, 2) & BinaryMid(Binary($h), 1, 2) Local $bDIALOG = Binary("0x00000090400000040300") & $bXY & $bWH & Binary("0x000000000000") & Binary("0x000000500000000000000000") & $bWhalfH & Binary("0x0100FFFF8000") & $bTitle & Binary("0x0000") & Binary("0x0000") ; |Style ||ExStyl||cdit| |Empty "Arrays"| |Style ||ExStyl||x ||y | |id||BUTTON| |Chr0| |irgend welche anderen Arrays $x = Mod(BinaryLen($bDIALOG), 4) If $x Then $bDIALOG &= BinaryMid(Binary("0x000000"), 1, $x) $bTitle = StringToBinary("End Debugging", 2) ;text Button $bDIALOG &= Binary("0x0000005000000000") & BinaryMid(Int($w / 2 - 15), 1, 2) & Binary("0x0000") & $bWhalfH & Binary("0x0200FFFF8000") & $bTitle & Binary("0x0000") & Binary("0x0000") $x = Mod(BinaryLen($bDIALOG), 4) If $x Then $bDIALOG &= BinaryMid(Binary("0x000000"), 1, $x) $bTitle = StringToBinary("Kill", 2) ;text Button $bDIALOG &= Binary("0x0000005000000000") & BinaryMid(Int($w - 30), 1, 2) & Binary("0x0000") & BinaryMid(30, 1, 2) & BinaryMid($h, 1, 2) & Binary("0x0300FFFF8000") & $bTitle & Binary("0x0000") & Binary("0x0000") $tDLG = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($bDIALOG) & "]") DllStructSetData($tDLG, 1, $bDIALOG) ;Button-Daten in struct schreiben EndIf Local $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DialogBoxIndirectParamW", "ptr", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDLG), "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($dlgproc), "lparam", 0) If @error Then Return 0 Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>__GET_MSGBOX_BUTTON ;Alle Register, Flags, Stack usw werden in einen Speicherbereich geschrieben und von dort mit ;der Funktion _DBG_MSGBOX() ausgelesen Func _asmdbg_($_DBG_command = "") ;Register _("push dword[esp+40]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK & "]") _("push dword[esp+36]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 4 & "]") _("push dword[esp+32]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 8 & "]") _("push dword[esp+28]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 12 & "]") _("push dword[esp+24]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 16 & "]") _("push dword[esp+20]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 20 & "]") _("push dword[esp+16]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 24 & "]") _("push dword[esp+12]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 28 & "]") _("push dword[esp+08]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 32 & "]") _("push dword[esp+04]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 36 & "]") _("push dword[esp+00]") ;stack in memory _("pop dword[" & $ptr_STACK + 40 & "]") _("pushfd") ;eflags sichern _("pop dword[" & Ptr($ptr_EFLAGS) & "]") ;eflags speichern in struct _("pushfd") ;eflags sichern _("push eax") _("mov eax," & $ptr_dbgmem) ;alle FPU+SSE Registerinhalte und flags sichern _("FXSAVE [eax]") _("fstp qword[" & DllStructGetPtr($struct_double) & "]") ;alle FPU-Register sichern _("fstp qword[" & DllStructGetPtr($struct_double) + 8 & "]") _("fstp qword[" & DllStructGetPtr($struct_double) + 16 & "]") _("fstp qword[" & DllStructGetPtr($struct_double) + 24 & "]") _("fstp qword[" & DllStructGetPtr($struct_double) + 32 & "]") _("fstp qword[" & DllStructGetPtr($struct_double) + 40 & "]") _("fstp qword[" & DllStructGetPtr($struct_double) + 48 & "]") _("fstp qword[" & DllStructGetPtr($struct_double) + 56 & "]") ; _("fwait") _("pop eax") _("pushad") ;alle Register sichern _("pushad") ;auf den stack für für die msgbox If $_DBG_command <> "" Then ;falls kein Befehl übergeben wurde $_DBG_nr += 1 $_dbg_string[$_DBG_nr] = $_DBG_command _("push " & Ptr($_DBG_nr)) ;anzahl der Else _("push " & Ptr(0)) EndIf _("call " & DllCallbackGetPtr($_DBG_)) ;in autoit-callbackroutine springen _("mov eax," & $ptr_dbgmem) ;alle FPU+SSE registerinhalte und flags restore _("FXRSTOR [eax]") ;restore alle FPU-Register ; _("fwait") _("popad") ;alle register wieder zurücksetzen _("popfd") ;eflags setzen EndFunc ;==>_asmdbg_ Func bin2ascii($bin_string) ;string aus nullen und einsen in 8-bit-ascii text string umwandeln Local $step = 8 ;8-Bit ASCII Buchstaben Local $ascii_string = "" ;Rückgabestring For $f = 1 To StringLen($bin_string) Step $step ;string von Vorne nach hinten 8-bitweise durchsuchen Local $t = StringMid($bin_string, $f, $step) ; 8-Bit-Wort, ein ASCII-Buchstabe Local $bin = 0 ;startwert für For $i = 1 To $step ;jedes Bit suchen If StringMid($t, $i, 1) = "1" Then $bin += (2 ^ ($step - $i)) ;wenn Bit=1 dann binärzahl=binärzahl+2^(8-Bitposition) Next $ascii_string &= Chr($bin) Next Return $ascii_string EndFunc ;==>bin2ascii Func int2bin($integer) ;32Bit in binärstring darstellen Local $bin_string = "" For $i = 31 To 0 Step -1 ;asciicode in bits If Mod($i + 1, 8) = 0 Then $bin_string &= " " If BitAND($integer, 2 ^ $i) Then $bin_string &= "1" Else $bin_string &= "0" EndIf Next Return $bin_string EndFunc ;==>int2bin Func int2float($integer) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("int") Local $struct2 = DllStructCreate("float", DllStructGetPtr($struct)) DllStructSetData($struct, 1, $integer) Local $ret = DllStructGetData($struct2, 1) $struct = 0 $struct2 = 0 Return $ret EndFunc ;==>int2float Func _DlgProc($hwnd, $uMsg, $wParam, $lParam) ;thx to progandy! If $uMsg = $WM_INITDIALOG Then $_DBG_BUTTONSGUI = $hwnd ElseIf $uMsg = $WM_CLOSE Then DllCall("user32.dll", "bool", "EndDialog", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int_ptr", 0) Return True ElseIf $uMsg = $WM_COMMAND Then DllCall("user32.dll", "bool", "EndDialog", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int_ptr", BitAND($wParam, 0xFFFF)) Return True ElseIf $uMsg = $WM_DESTROY Then $_DBG_BUTTONSGUI = -1 EndIf Return False EndFunc ;==>_DlgProc Func _DBG_WM_MOVING($hwnd, $uMsg, $wParam, $lParam) If $hwnd = $_DBG_GUI And IsHWnd($_DBG_BUTTONSGUI) Then Local $pos = WinGetPos($hwnd) WinMove($_DBG_BUTTONSGUI, "", $pos[0], $pos[1] + $pos[3]) EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>_DBG_WM_MOVING Func _DBG_WM_SIZE($hwnd, $message, $wParam, $lParam);fenstergrösse wird verändert Local $posgui = WinGetPos($_DBG_GUI) $_DBG_Window_posold_x = $posgui[0] ;fensterposition merken $_DBG_Window_posold_y = $posgui[1] ;WinMove($hwnd_weiterbutton, "", $pos[0], $pos[1] + $pos[3], 200, 60);buttonposition anpassen WinMove($hwnd_weiterbutton, "", $posgui[0], $posgui[1] + $posgui[3], $posgui[2], 60);fensterposition anpassen WinMove($_DBG_GUI, "", $posgui[0], $posgui[1], $posgui[2], $posgui[3]);fensterposition anpassen _WinAPI_SetWindowPos($_DBG_buttonID, 0, 0, 0, $posgui[2], 60, 0x0020);buttonpos im fenster resze EndFunc ;==>_DBG_WM_SIZE You can use also different inline assembler UDFs, e.g. Extended Flat Assembler (by Beege) or the originaly by Ward The Embedded Flat Assembler (FASM) UDF Without the help of AndyG and Eukalyptus I wouldn't be able to create ASM code - many thanks!!! Many thanks dudes - you rock! I'm a novice in assembler coding - please don't blame me. Feel free to post your snippets here! Categories String _ASM_StringLFCharCount (counts the line feeds within a string) _ASM_StringReplaceWChar (replaces a unicode char within a string) _StringReverse / _StringReverse2 (reverse a string coded by AndyG) Graphic _ASM_DrawRectFilled (draws a filled rectangle) _ASM_ImageInvert (inverts (negative) an image) _ASM_BitmapCreateBitmapWithAlpha (merges an image with an alpha blend image) _ASM_ImageCreateNegativeMMX (inverts (negative) an image using MMX) _ASM_DrawLineUsingGDIPlus (draws a line using the GDIPlus lib) _ASM_BitCompareBitmapsMMX (bitwise bitmap compare) _ASM_BitmapGetAverageColorValue / _ASM64_BitmapGetAverageColorValue.au3 (gets the average color of a bitmap)
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