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  1. All, I have decided to release my code for the automated clean install, set up and configuration of Mozilla Firefox with a Mozilla.cfg file included in my example as well. I seen an older version of this and decided to post mine on here. This is Windows 10 friendly. The whole process once compiled executes in about 15 seconds on my machine from start to finish as it is extremely fast. If you want to include your own Mozilla.cfg into the mix simply place Your Mozilla.cfg file in the same directory as the exe when it is run. If you do not wish to embed the Mozilla.cfg file into the script as a back up in case you forget you need to remove that line of code to embed it. I hope this helps some people esp those wanting to understand how to use a cfg file to set default settings for all users without having to do it by putting all those files and folders in the defaultapp data folders. #RequireAdmin #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=Clear-App-firefox.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=FirefoxUpdater(x64Stable)_x.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=Preformes a clean install of Firefox 64bit Stable version. Auto downloads latest version. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Updates to the Latest 64bit Stable #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1033 #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <InetConstants.au3> #include <EventLog.au3> #include <Inet.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <array.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <TrayConstants.au3> ; Required for the $TRAY_CHECKED and $TRAY_ICONSTATE_SHOW constants. If UBound(ProcessList(@ScriptName)) > 2 Then Exit TraySetToolTip("Firefox Updater") HotKeySet("^!m", "MyExit") ; ctrl+Alt+m kills program ( hotkey ) Opt("TrayMenuMode", 3) ; The default tray menu items will not be shown and items are not checked when selected. These are options 1 and 2 for TrayMenuMode. Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ; Enable TrayOnEventMode. TrayCreateItem("About") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "About") TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "ExitScript") TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOUBLE, "About") ; Display the About MsgBox when the tray icon is double clicked on with the primary mouse button. TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_SHOW) ; Show the tray menu. Local $sVersion, $CVersion, $ecode ;https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/developer/all/ ;https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/# ;https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/#en-US ;https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/beta/all/#en-US ;https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/48.0b1-candidates/build2/ ;https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/ getfiles() compare() killapps() uninstall() dlinstall() Exit Func killapps() ; kill firefox and plugin if running If FileExists("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\") Then $cmd = "taskkill.exe /im firefox.exe /f /t" RunWait('"' & @ComSpec & '" /c ' & $cmd, @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) Sleep(300) $cmd = "taskkill.exe /im plugin* /f /t" RunWait('"' & @ComSpec & '" /c ' & $cmd, @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) Sleep(300) Call("remcfg64") EndIf If FileExists("C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\") Then $cmd = "taskkill.exe /im firefox.exe /f /t" RunWait('"' & @ComSpec & '" /c ' & $cmd, @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) Sleep(300) $cmd = "taskkill.exe /im plugin* /f /t" RunWait('"' & @ComSpec & '" /c ' & $cmd, @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) Sleep(300) Call("remcfg32") EndIf EndFunc ;==>killapps Func remcfg64() ; delete existing config file if exist $SSlist = _FileListToArrayRec("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\", "*", $FLTAR_FILES, $FLTAR_RECUR, $FLTAR_NOSORT, $FLTAR_FULLPATH) For $i = 1 To UBound($SSlist) - 1 If StringInStr($SSlist[$i], "mozilla.cfg") > 1 Then FileDelete($SSlist[$i]) ElseIf StringInStr($SSlist[$i], "override.ini") > 1 Then FileDelete($SSlist[$i]) ElseIf StringInStr($SSlist[$i], "local-settings.js") > 1 Then FileDelete($SSlist[$i]) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>remcfg64 Func remcfg32() $SSlist = _FileListToArrayRec("C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\", "*", $FLTAR_FILES, $FLTAR_RECUR, $FLTAR_NOSORT, $FLTAR_FULLPATH) For $i = 1 To UBound($SSlist) - 1 If StringInStr($SSlist[$i], "mozilla.cfg") > 1 Then FileDelete($SSlist[$i]) ElseIf StringInStr($SSlist[$i], "override.ini") > 1 Then FileDelete($SSlist[$i]) ElseIf StringInStr($SSlist[$i], "local-settings.js") > 1 Then FileDelete($SSlist[$i]) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>remcfg32 Func uninstall() ; uninstall existing Firefox If FileExists("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe") Then ShellExecuteWait("helper.exe", " /S", "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall") EndIf If FileExists("C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe") Then ShellExecuteWait("helper.exe", " /S", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall") EndIf Sleep(1500) DirRemove("C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\", 1) DirRemove("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\", 1) EndFunc ;==>uninstall Func getfiles() ; get latest download Local $sTxt, $sTxt1 $xjs = "C:\windows\temp\xjs.tmp" $xjs1 = "C:\windows\temp\xjs1.tmp" ;$sSite = "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/beta/all/" $sSite = "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/" ;$sNotes = "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/beta/notes/" $sNotes = "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/notes/" SplashTextOn("Progress", "", 210, 75, -1, -1, 18, "Tahoma", 10) ControlSetText("Progress", "", "Static1", "Initializing", 2) $source = _INetGetSource($sSite) $sTxt = StringSplit($source, @LF) $q = 0 $i = 0 For $i = 1 To UBound($sTxt) - 1 ; is like saying read the line number ;GUIGetMsg();prevent high cpu usage If StringInStr($sTxt[$i], "=win64&amp;lang=en-US") > 1 Then $sActiveX1 = StringSplit($sTxt[$i], 'href="', 1) $sActiveX2 = StringSplit($sActiveX1[2], '"') Global $dia = $sActiveX2[1] $q = 1 EndIf If UBound($sTxt) - 1 = $i Then $ecode = '404' EventLog() Exit EndIf If $q = 1 Then ExitLoop EndIf Next ; FIND VERSION $source = _INetGetSource($sNotes) $sTxt1 = StringSplit($source, @LF) $q = 0 $i = 0 For $i = 1 To UBound($sTxt1) - 1 ; is like saying read the line number ;GUIGetMsg();prevent high cpu usage If StringInStr($sTxt1[$i], "<title>Firefox") > 1 Then $sActiveX1 = StringSplit($sTxt1[$i], '<title>Firefox', 1) $sActiveX2 = StringSplit($sActiveX1[2], ',') $sVersion = StringStripWS($sActiveX2[1], 3) $q = 1 EndIf If $sVersion = "" Then ; error correcting if mozilla changes page where version notes are located. $sVersion = "Current Version" EndIf If $q = 1 Then ExitLoop EndIf Next SplashOff() EndFunc ;==>getfiles Func dlinstall() ; download and install $Version = $sVersion & " - 64 bit" _webDownloader($dia, "FFInstall.exe", $Version) SplashTextOn("Progress", "", 210, 75, -1, -1, 18, "Tahoma", 10) ControlSetText("Progress", "", "Static1", "Installing Version " & $sVersion, 2) ShellExecuteWait("FFInstall.exe", " -ms", "C:\Windows\Temp\") If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\mozilla.cfg") Then FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\mozilla.cfg", "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\mozilla.cfg", 1) Else FileInstall("G:\Users\username\Documents\Project\FirefoxDefault\mozilla.cfg", "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\mozilla.cfg", 1) EndIf FileWrite("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\pref\local-settings.js", 'pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);' & @CRLF & 'pref("general.config.filename", "mozilla.cfg");' & @CRLF) FileWrite("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\override.ini", '[XRE]' & @CRLF & 'EnableProfileMigrator=false' & @CRLF) FileDelete("C:\windows\temp\" & "\FFInstall.exe") $CVersion = FileGetVersion('C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe', $FV_PRODUCTVERSION) SplashOff() EndFunc ;==>dlinstall Func _webDownloader($sSourceURL, $sTargetName, $sVisibleName, $sTargetDir = "C:\windows\temp", $bProgressOff = True, $iEndMsgTime = 2000, $sDownloaderTitle = "Mozilla Firefox") ; Declare some general vars Local $iMBbytes = 1048576 ; If the target directory doesn't exist -> create the dir If Not FileExists($sTargetDir) Then DirCreate($sTargetDir) ; Get download and target info Local $sTargetPath = $sTargetDir & "\" & $sTargetName Local $iFileSize = InetGetSize($sSourceURL) Local $hFileDownload = InetGet($sSourceURL, $sTargetPath, $INET_LOCALCACHE, $INET_DOWNLOADBACKGROUND) ; Show progress UI ProgressOn($sDownloaderTitle, "" & $sVisibleName) GUISetFont(8, 400) ; Keep checking until download completed Do Sleep(250) ; Set vars Local $iDLPercentage = Round(InetGetInfo($hFileDownload, $INET_DOWNLOADREAD) * 100 / $iFileSize, 0) Local $iDLBytes = Round(InetGetInfo($hFileDownload, $INET_DOWNLOADREAD) / $iMBbytes, 2) Local $iDLTotalBytes = Round($iFileSize / $iMBbytes, 2) ; Update progress UI If IsNumber($iDLBytes) And $iDLBytes >= 0 Then ProgressSet($iDLPercentage, $iDLPercentage & "% - Downloaded " & $iDLBytes & " MB of " & $iDLTotalBytes & " MB") Else ProgressSet(0, "Downloading '" & $sVisibleName & "'") EndIf Until InetGetInfo($hFileDownload, $INET_DOWNLOADCOMPLETE) ; If the download was successfull, return the target location If InetGetInfo($hFileDownload, $INET_DOWNLOADSUCCESS) Then ProgressSet(100, "Downloading '" & $sVisibleName & "' completed") If $bProgressOff Then Sleep($iEndMsgTime) ProgressOff() EndIf Return $sTargetPath ; If the download failed, set @error and return False Else Local $errorCode = InetGetInfo($hFileDownload, $INET_DOWNLOADERROR) ProgressSet(0, "Downloading '" & $sVisibleName & "' failed." & @CRLF & "Error code: " & $errorCode) If $bProgressOff Then Sleep($iEndMsgTime) ProgressOff() EndIf SetError(1, $errorCode, False) FileDelete("C:\windows\temp\" & "\FFInstall.exe") SplashOff() EndIf EndFunc ;==>_webDownloader Func compare() $CVersion = FileGetVersion('C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe', $FV_PRODUCTVERSION) If $sVersion = $CVersion Then $ecode = '411' MsgBox(64, "Firefox says:", 'You have the latest version ' & $CVersion , 5) EventLog() Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>compare Func EventLog() If $ecode = '404' Then Local $hEventLog, $aData[4] = [0, 4, 0, 4] $hEventLog = _EventLog__Open("", "Application") _EventLog__Report($hEventLog, 1, 0, 404, @UserName, @UserName & ' No "exe" found for Mozilla Firefox. The webpage and/or download link might have changed. ' & @CRLF, $aData) _EventLog__Close($hEventLog) EndIf If $ecode = '411' Then Local $hEventLog, $aData[4] = [0, 4, 1, 1] $hEventLog = _EventLog__Open("", "Application") _EventLog__Report($hEventLog, 0, 0, 411, @UserName, @UserName & " Mozilla Firefox " & "version " & $CVersion & " successfully installed." & @CRLF, $aData) _EventLog__Close($hEventLog) EndIf EndFunc ;==>EventLog Func MyExit() Exit EndFunc ;==>MyExit Func About() ; Display a message box about the AutoIt version and installation path of the AutoIt executable. MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Firefox Update Tool" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Version:" & @CRLF & _ "Firefox Updater by Carm0@Sourceforge" & @CRLF & "CTRL+ALT+m to kill", 5) ; Find the folder of a full path. EndFunc ;==>About Func ExitScript() Exit EndFunc ;==>ExitScript #comments-start http://superuser.com/questions/823530/change-some-default-settings-for-firefox-globally http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-release/source/browser/app/profile/firefox.js#387 http://smallbusiness.chron.com/change-default-homepage-users-54727.html https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Enterprise_deployment https://mike.kaply.com/2012/03/16/customizing-firefox-autoconfig-files/ https://wiki.mozilla.org/Installer:Command_Line_Arguments https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/971189 http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=2228066 http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2950829 ; updates auto http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2753795 http://superuser.com/questions/697018/how-to-disable-popups-in-firefox-without-add-ons http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/deploy-popup-allowed-sites-with-firefox deploy with certain opous enabled #ce Mozilla.cfg file: // pref("browser.search.geoSpecificDefaults", false); pref("browser.search.defaultenginename.US", "data:text/plain,browser.search.defaultenginename.US=Google"); //https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1034136 // set Firefox Default homepage defaultPref("browser.startup.homepage", "data:text/plain,browser.startup.homepage=https://www.startpage.com/do/mypage.pl?prf=381c658b828c3fe50ec7563137fef98f"); // Don't show WhatsNew on first run after every update pref("browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone","ignore"); // disables the 'know your rights' button from displaying on first run pref("browser.rights.3.shown", true); pref("browser.usedOnWindows10", true); pref("browser.rights.override", true); // Do not perform system default browser check on startup pref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false); // set all plugins to always activated - two settings pref("plugin.default.state", 2); // https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/982143 reference about click to play flash // set flash and silverlight always ask = 1 always activate = 2 defaultPref("plugin.state.flash", 2); // hide choose what i share which pops up at the bottom after a minute lockPref("datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionPolicyBypassNotification", true); // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.support.firefox/DRXvfTA6Hnc //disable the "Improve Firefox" suggestion pref("toolkit.telemetry.prompted", 2); //https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/898549 // do not block popups - can only be default or locked pref defaultPref("dom.disable_open_during_load", false); //http://superuser.com/questions/697018/how-to-disable-popups-in-firefox-without-add-ons //lockpref("privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs", true); // http://www.pcc-services.com/kixtart/firefox-lockdown.html //pref("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart", true); // prevent reader view from popping down at the top pref("reader.parse-on-load.enabled",false); // click to play - disabled so you are not prompted - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/934809 pref("plugins.click_to_play", false); // below will set the cache only to clear on exit, you need to tell it what to do with the reset of the data not just cache leave cache out. Just add a '\\' to whatever you want to clear on browser exit. //defaultPref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookies", false); defaultPref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.downloads", false); defaultPref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.formdata", false); defaultPref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.history", false); defaultPref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.sessions", false); defaultPref("privacy.sanitize.migrateClearSavedPwdsOnExit", false); defaultPref("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", true); //pref("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart", true); //prevent autoplay https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1103127 //defaultPref("media.autoplay.enabled", false); //https://wiki.mozilla.org/Electrolysis //pref("browser.tabs.remote.autostart", true); //pref("browser.tabs.remote.force-enable", true); // ref: http://www.itninja.com/question/firefox-22-for-enterprise-deployment-default-preferences // Prevent refresh message showing at the bottom if firefox is not used in a while - http://techdows.com/2016/05/firefox-reinstall-to-prompt-for-a-refresh.html https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1084402 pref("browser.disableResetPrompt", true); // disable plugin check - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/968056 //defaultPref("plugin.scan.plid.all",false); //defaultPref("plugins.update.url",""); // disable remember preferences //defaultPref("signon.rememberSignons", false); //https://twitter.com/HighTechDad/status/955916813178691584 //https://t.co/YTvSy9EBJ1 // defaultPref can also be lockPref defaultPref("privacy.donottrackheader.enabled", true); //defaultPref("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", true); lockPref("privacy.trackingprotection.introCount", 20);
  2. This code no longer works with the latest version of autoit . Why? $node = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $node.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath") $node.async = "false" $node.load(@TempDir & "rss.xml") $channel = $node.getElementsByTagName('channel' ).item(0) ;ERROR: $title = $channel.getElementsByTagName('title' ).item(0).firstChild.data $link = $channel.getElementsByTagName('link' ).item(0).firstChild.data $items = $channel.getElementsByTagName('item')
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