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Found 2 results

  1. How do you perform a nested loop function with a multidimensional array from 2 lists. for i in list1 (open file) extract variable while open for i in list 2 (open file2) extract variable var1 + var2 = (search term) The list sizes will more than likely consist of different lengths. What is the best approach to accomplishing this method?
  2. ArrayWorkshop is what I like to think of as the 'Leibnitzian' approach to multidimensional arrays: formulaic beyond 3 dimensions. Most of the functions allow you to target the dimension in which you want processing to be done. It shouldn't take too long to figure out how this works after you've run some examples. _ArrayAttach treats multidimensional arrays as if they were lego bricks - any array can be attached regardless of bounds or dimensions. #include-once ; #INDEX# ====================================================================================================================== ; Title .........: ArrayWorkshop [version 1.0.1] ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Multidimensional array functions. ; Notes .........: In this library, an array region is defined as follows: ; 1. items within a one dimensional array ; 2. lists within a two dimensional array (rows or columns) ; 3. tables within a three dimensional array ; 4. cuboidal areas within a four dimension array ; 5. four dimensional cuboids within a five dimensional array ; etc... ; To reduce bloat, several functions access part of the script referred to (in the comments) as 'Remote Loops'. ; Arrays containing zero elements are not supported and will cause functions to return an error. ; Limiting the number of dimensions to single digits was a practical decision to simplify syntax. ; Credit must go to fellow AutoIt forum members whose code or suggestions have been influential in the ; development of these functions: Jos van der Zande, jguinch, jchd, LazyCoder, Tylo, Ultima, Melba23, BrewManNH ; The above list is not exhaustive, nor are the names in any particular order. ; Author(s) .....: czardas ; ============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ==================================================================================================================== ; _ArrayAttach [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _ArraySortXD [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _ArrayTransform [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _ArrayUniqueXD [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _DeleteDimension [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _DeleteRegion [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _ExtractRegion [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _InsertRegion [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _PreDim [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _ReverseArray [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _SearchArray [limit = 9 dimensions] ; _ShuffleArray [limit = 9 dimensions] ; ============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#=========================================================================================================== ; __AcquireExponent, __CreateTrac, __ExtractVector, __FindExact, __FindExactCase, __FindString, __FindStringCase, __FindWord, ; __FindWordCase __FloodFunc, ___FloodXD, ___FormatNum, __GetBounds, __HiddenIndices, ___Search1D, ___NewArray, ___NumCompare, ; __QuickSort1D, __QuickSortXD, __ResetBounds, ___Reverse1D, __Separate1D, __Separate256, __SeparateXD, __Shuffle1D, ; __ShuffleXD , __TagSortSwap, __TagSortSwapXD ; ============================================================================================================================== #Au3Stripper_Off Global $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME = True ; prevents certain processes from running when set to False [do not use in your script] Global Const $g__ARRWSHOP_SUB = ChrW(57344) ; [U+E000] ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ArrayAttach ; Description ...: Joins two arrays together. ; Syntax.........: _ArrayAttach($aTarget, $aSource [, $iDimension = 1]) ; Parameters.....; $aTarget - [ByRef] Target array to which the source array (or data) will be concatenated. ; $aSource - The array to attach to the target. ; $iDimension - [Optional] Integer value - the dimension in which concatenation occurs. Default = 1st dimension ; Return values .: Success - Returns the modified array ByRef. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 $aTarget is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 Dimension limit exceeded. ; |@error = 3 Arrays must contain at least one element. ; |@error = 4 Output array size exceeds AutoIt limits. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; This function is limited to arrays of up to nine dimensions. ; Extra dimensions are added to the target when: ; 1. the source array has more dimensions than the target [or] ; 2. the 3rd parameter ($iDimension) is greater than the number of dimensions available. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _ArrayAttach(ByRef $aTarget, $aSource, $iDimension = 1) If Not IsArray($aTarget) Then Return SetError(1) ; the target must be an array Local $aBoundSrc[1] If Not IsArray($aSource) Then ; convert $aSource into an array $aBoundSrc[0] = $aSource ; use $aBoundSrc as a temporary array to preserve memory $aSource = $aBoundSrc ; conversion by assignment EndIf $aBoundSrc = __GetBounds($aSource, 9) ; get the bounds of the source array If @error Then Return SetError(3) ; $aSource must contain at least one element Local $aBoundTgt = __GetBounds($aTarget, 9) ; get the bounds of the target array If @error Then Return SetError(3) ; $aTarget must contain at least one element $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) If $aBoundTgt[0] > 9 Or $aBoundSrc[0] > 9 Or $iDimension > 9 Or $iDimension < 1 Then Return SetError(2) ; dimension limit exceeded Local $iDim = ($aBoundSrc[0] > $aBoundTgt[0]) ? $aBoundSrc[0] : $aBoundTgt[0] ; minimum number of dimensions needed for the output If $iDimension > $iDim Then $iDim = $iDimension ; the specified dimension may not yet exist Local $aBoundNew[$iDim + 1] ; output bounds $aBoundNew[0] = $iDim ; element 0 contains the number of dimensions For $i = 1 To $iDim ; get the minimum bounds within all dimensions If $i <> $iDimension Then $aBoundNew[$i] = ($aBoundSrc[$i] > $aBoundTgt[$i]) ? $aBoundSrc[$i] : $aBoundTgt[$i] Else ; expansion within the explicit dimension is determined differently $aBoundNew[$i] = $aBoundSrc[$i] + $aBoundTgt[$i] ; add the number of sub-indices together EndIf $aBoundSrc[$i] -= 1 ; convert to the final index value in each dimension of the source array Next Local $iCount = 1 ; check output bounds remain within range For $i = 1 To $aBoundNew[0] $iCount *= $aBoundNew[$i] If $iCount > 16777216 Then Return SetError(4) ; output array size exceeds AutoIt limits Next _PreDim($aTarget, $iDim) ; add more dimensions if needed __ResetBounds($aTarget, $aBoundNew) ; ReDim the target to make space for more elements If $iDim = 1 Then ; [do not send to remote loop region] For $iRegion = $aBoundTgt[$iDimension] To $aBoundNew[$iDimension] - 1 ; to the new bounds of the [only] dimension $aTarget[$iRegion] = $aSource[$iRegion - $aBoundTgt[$iDimension]] Next Return EndIf Local $sTransfer = '$aSource' & __HiddenIndices($aBoundSrc[0], $iDimension), _ ; to access elements at their original indices $iFrom, $aFloodFill = __FloodFunc() $aBoundSrc[$iDimension] = 0 ; whichever loop this relates to must only run once on each encounter For $iRegion = $aBoundTgt[$iDimension] To $aBoundNew[$iDimension] - 1 ; to the new bounds of the specified dimension $iFrom = $iRegion - $aBoundTgt[$iDimension] ; adjusted to begin transfer from source element 0 $aFloodFill[$iDim]($aTarget, $aBoundSrc, $iDimension, $iRegion, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) ; flood the region Next EndFunc ;==>_ArrayAttach ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ArraySortXD ; Description ...: Sorts multidimensional arrays according to miscellaneous criteria. ; Syntax.........: _ArraySortXD($aArray [, $iDimension = 1 [, $iAlgorithm = 0 [, $iEnd = -1 [, $1 = 0 [, $2 = 0 ], etc... ]]]] ; Parameters.....; $aArray - [ByRef] The array to sort. ; $iDimension - [Optional] Integer value - the dimension in which sorting occurs. Default = 1st dimension ; $iAlgorithm - [Optional] Integer value - defines the sorting criteria. Default = lexical [see comments] ; $iEnd - [Optional] Integer value - final index to stop sorting (within the explicit dimension). Default = -1 ; $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 - [Optional] - start sub-indices within each dimension. [see comments] ; Return values .: Success - Returns the modified array ByRef. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 The first parameter is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 Array does not contain any elements. ; |@error = 3 Dimension does not exist. ; |@error = 4 Out of range start parameter detected. ; |@error = 5 Out of range $iEnd value detected. ; |@error = 6 Bad algorithm detected. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; The algorithm parameter is binary flag. You can combine any of the following values: ; $iAlgorithm = 0 - alphabetical (lexical - applies to all items including numbers) ; $iAlgorithm = 1 - descending (applies to sorted items only) ; $iAlgorithm = 2 - numeric (applies to numbers only) ; $iAlgorithm = 4 - alphanumeric (applies to all items - overrides flag 2) ; $iAlgorithm = 256 - sort decimal strings by magnitude (combine with flags 2 and 4) ; $iAlgorithm = 512 - maintain original sequence of non-numeric items (only applies to flag 2) ; You can combine the various flags using BitOR() or you can also add them together. ; When sorting with flag 2, numbers always appear before unsorted items. ; When sorting with flag 4, numbers appear before non-numeric items in ascending order. ; Flag 256 will be ignored if not combined with flags 2 or 4. ; Flag 512 will be ignored if not combined with flag 2. ; ----------------------------------------------------------- ; Optional start sub-indices; $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8 and $9; work as follows: ; In the explicit dimension the start index should be less than $iEnd. ; In all other dimensions start values also represent end values. [range = 1, not multi-regional within XD] ; This function works for arrays of up to nine dimensions. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _ArraySortXD(ByRef $aArray, $iDimension = 1, $iAlgorithm = 0, $iEnd = -1, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) ; $aArray must be an array Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) ; get the bounds of the array If @error Then Return SetError(2) ; $aArray must contain more than zero elements $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) If $iDimension > $aBound[0] Or $iDimension < 1 Then Return SetError(3) ; dimension limit exceeded Local $aParam = [$aBound[0], $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9] ; [$aParam can be oversized] For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aParam[$i] = ($aParam[$i] = Default) ? 0 : Int($aParam[$i]) If $aParam[$i] < 0 Or $aParam[$i] >= $aBound[$i] Then Return SetError(4) ; out of range start parameter was detected Next $iEnd = ($iEnd = -1 Or $iEnd = Default) ? $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 : Int($iEnd) Local $iStart = $aParam[$iDimension] If $iEnd <= $iStart Or $iEnd >= $aBound[$iDimension] Then Return SetError(5) ; meaningless $iEnd value $iAlgorithm = ($iAlgorithm = Default) ? 0 : Int($iAlgorithm) If BitAND(0xFFFFFCF8, $iAlgorithm) Then Return SetError(6) ; meaningless $iAlgorithm ; determine the type of algorithm Local $bNumeric = BitAND($iAlgorithm, 2) Or BitAND($iAlgorithm, 4), _ $bAlpha = BitAND($iAlgorithm, 4) Or Not $bNumeric, _ $bDecimals = $bNumeric And BitAND($iAlgorithm, 256), _ $bSequential = BitAND($iAlgorithm, 512) And BitAND($iAlgorithm, 2) And Not $bAlpha, _ $bReverse = Mod($iAlgorithm, 2) <> 0 Local $aTrac, $aVector, $iItems = 0 ; to count numeric elements [if needed] If $aBound[0] = 1 Then ; First deal with 1D arrays [optimized for algorithms 0, 2 and 4 without any other flags] If $bNumeric Then ; numeric [1D] If Not ($bDecimals Or $bSequential) Then ; tracking is not needed [conditional may require modification at some point to accomodate new algorithms] $iItems = __Separate1D($aArray, $iStart, $iEnd) ; place numbers before strings __QuickSort1D($aArray, $iStart, $iStart + $iItems - 1, 2) ; sort numbers numerically Else ; employ a track and trace mechanism $aTrac = __CreateTrac($aBound[$iDimension], $iStart, $iEnd) ; instead of sorting the array we will track migrating indices If $bDecimals Then $aVector = $aArray $iItems = __Separate256($aVector, $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) ; [numbers and decimal strings] __QuickSortXD($aVector, $aTrac, $iStart, $iStart + $iItems - 1, 256) ; pretend to sort the array but instead relocate indices in $aTrac $aVector = '' ; reduce memory usage ASAP Else ; [$bSequential = True] $iItems = __SeparateXD($aArray, $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) ; [numbers only] __QuickSortXD($aArray, $aTrac, $iStart, $iStart + $iItems - 1, 2) ; pretend to sort the array but instead relocate indices in $aTrac EndIf EndIf If $bAlpha Then If $bDecimals Then __QuickSortXD($aArray, $aTrac, $iStart + $iItems, $iEnd, 0) ; sort strings lexically Else __QuickSort1D($aArray, $iStart + $iItems, $iEnd, 0) ; sort strings lexically and finish If $bReverse Then ___Reverse1D($aArray, $iStart, $iEnd) ; descending Return ; finished EndIf ElseIf $bSequential Then __QuickSort1D($aTrac, $iStart + $iItems, $iEnd, 2) ; sort non-numeric element indices corrupted during separation ElseIf Not $bDecimals Then ; tracking was not used, so we are almost done here If $bReverse Then ___Reverse1D($aArray, $iStart, $iStart + $iItems - 1) ; descending Return ; finished EndIf If $bReverse Then ___Reverse1D($aTrac, $iStart, ($bAlpha ? $iEnd : $iStart + $iItems - 1)) ; reverse indices in $aTrac __TagSortSwap($aArray, $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) ; similar to the knight's tour problem Else ; lexical [1D] __QuickSort1D($aArray, $iStart, $iEnd, 0) If $bReverse Then ___Reverse1D($aArray, $iStart, $iEnd) ; descending EndIf Else ; multidimensional [XD] $aTrac = __CreateTrac($aBound[$iDimension], $iStart, $iEnd) ; used to track migrating indices $aVector = __ExtractVector($aArray, $iDimension, $aParam) ; first extract the vector to use for sorting (row or column etc...) ; now come similar arguments as for 1D If $bNumeric Then ; numeric [XD] $iItems = $bDecimals ? __Separate256($aVector, $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) : __SeparateXD($aVector, $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) __QuickSortXD($aVector, $aTrac, $iStart, $iStart + $iItems - 1, ($bDecimals ? 256 : 2)) ; relocate indices in $aTrac If $bAlpha Then __QuickSortXD($aVector, $aTrac, $iStart + $iItems, $iEnd, 0) ; sort strings lexically ElseIf $bSequential Then $aVector = '' ; free up memory __QuickSort1D($aTrac, $iStart + $iItems, $iEnd, 2) ; sort non-numeric element indices corrupted during separation EndIf $aVector = '' ; as above If $bReverse Then ___Reverse1D($aTrac, $iStart, ($bAlpha ? $iEnd : $iStart + $iItems - 1)) Else __QuickSortXD($aVector, $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd, 0) ; relocate indices in $aTrac $aVector = '' ; as above If $bReverse Then ___Reverse1D($aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) ; descending EndIf If $aBound[0] = 2 And $iDimension = 1 Then ; slightly more optimal method __TagSortSwapXD($aArray, $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) ; similar to the knight's tour problem Else $aParam = $aBound ; original parameters are no longer needed $aParam[$iDimension] = 1 Local $aRegion = ___NewArray($aParam) ; to store extracted regions For $i = 1 To $aParam[0] $aParam[$i] -= 1 Next Local $sIndices = __HiddenIndices($aBound[0], $iDimension), $fnFloodFill = __FloodFunc()[$aBound[0]], _ $iCurr, $iNext, $sTransfer = '$aSource' & $sIndices ; array syntax ; [now comes the knight's tour in 9 dimensions] ;) For $iInit = $iStart To $iEnd ; initialize each swap sequence If $aTrac[$iInit] <> $iInit Then ; regions will now be overwritten in accordance with tracking information $iCurr = $iInit ; set the current region as the start of the sequence $fnFloodFill($aRegion, $aParam, $iDimension, 0, $iInit, $aArray, $sTransfer) ; extract region $sTransfer = '$aTarget' & $sIndices ; array syntax Do $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aParam, $iDimension, $iCurr, $aTrac[$iCurr], '', $sTransfer) ; overwrite each region in the sequence $iNext = $aTrac[$iCurr] ; get the next index in the sequence $aTrac[$iCurr] = $iCurr ; set to ignore overwritten regions on subsequent encounters $iCurr = $iNext ; follow the trail as far as it goes [index could be higher or lower] Until $aTrac[$iCurr] = $iInit ; all sequences end at this juncture $sTransfer = '$aSource' & $sIndices ; now we know where to put the initial region we copied earlier $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aParam, $iDimension, $iCurr, 0, $aRegion, $sTransfer) $aTrac[$iCurr] = $iCurr ; set to ignore on subsequent encounters [as above] EndIf Next EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ArraySortXD ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ArrayTransform ; Description ...: Alters the shape of a multidimensional array without losing data. ; Syntax.........: _ArrayTransform($aArray [, $sShape = Default]) ; Parameters.....; $aArray - The array to modify. ; $sShape - [Optional] String or integer value - output dimension bounds sequence [See Comments] ; Return values .: Success - Returns the transformed array [ByRef]. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 The 1st parameter is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 Bad $sShape parameter. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......: The shape parameter must be a sequence of unique digits: each refering to a different dimension. ; For a 2D array the default shape parameter is '21', and for 3D it is '321' etc... ; The default output sequence transposes the array by reversing the dimension bounds ==> [7][8] becomes [8][7]. ; If you want a different output shape, change the dimension bounds sequence. ; eg. when $sShape = '2431', [1][2][3][4] will become [2][4][3][1] ; This function is limited to arrays of between two and nine dimensions. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _ArrayTransform(ByRef $aArray, $sShape = Default) ; [default shape = reverse sequence '987654321'] If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) ; not a valid array. Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) If @error Or $aBound[0] = 1 Or $aBound[0] > 9 Then Return SetError(1) If $sShape = Default Then $sShape = StringRight('987654321', $aBound[0]) If StringLen($sShape) <> $aBound[0] Or Not StringIsDigit($sShape) Then Return SetError(2) ; bad $sShape parameter Local $aTrac = StringSplit($sShape, ''), $sTransfer = '$aSource' For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] If Not StringInStr($sShape, $i) Then Return SetError(2) ; bad $sShape parameter [dimensions must already exist] $sTransfer &= '[$a[' & $aTrac[$i] & ']]' ; default ==> '$aSource[$a[9]][$a[8]][$a[7]][$a[6]][$a[5]] etc...' Next Local $aBoundNew = $aBound __TagSortSwap($aBoundNew, $aTrac, 1, $aBoundNew[0]) Local $aNewArray = ___NewArray($aBoundNew), $fnFloodFill = __FloodFunc()[$aBound[0]] For $i = 1 To $aBoundNew[0] $aBoundNew[$i] -= 1 Next $fnFloodFill($aNewArray, $aBoundNew, 0, 0, '', $aArray, $sTransfer) $aArray = $aNewArray EndFunc ;==>_ArrayTransform ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ArrayUniqueXD ; Description ...: Removes duplicate items from an array (or duplicate regions from a multidimensional array). ; Syntax.........: _ArrayUniqueXD($aArray [, $bCaseSense = False [, $iDimension = 1]]) ; Parameters.....; $aArray - The array containing duplicate regions to be removed. ; $bCaseSense - [Optional] Set to true for case sensitive matches. Default value = False ; $iDimension - [Optional] Integer value - the dimension to which uniqueness applies. Default = 1st dimension ; Return values .: Success - Returns the unique array [ByRef]. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 The 1st parameter is not an array. ; |@error = 2 The 1st parameter does not contain any elements. ; |@error = 3 The 3rd parameter is not a valid dimension. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; This function is limited to arrays of up to nine dimensions. ; All elements within a region must be duplicated (in juxtaposed positions) before removal takes place. ; Integers of the same magnitude are treated as duplicates regardless of data type. ; This function does not remove regions containing objects, DLLStructs or other arrays. ; Example .......; _ArrayUniqueXD($aArray, Default, 2) ; [$iDimension = 2] ; ==> deletes duplicate COLUMNS from a 2D array ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _ArrayUniqueXD(ByRef $aArray, $bCaseSense = Default, $iDimension = 1) If Not IsArray($aArray) Or UBound($aArray, 0) > 9 Then Return SetError(1) ; not a valid array Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray, 9) If @error Then Return SetError(2) ; array contains zero elements $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) If $iDimension < 1 Or $iDimension > $aBound[0] Then Return SetError(3) ; dimension does not exist If $aBound[$iDimension] < 2 Then Return ; the array is already unique For $i = 1 To 9 $aBound[$i] -= 1 ; set the max index in each dimension Next Local $sExpression = '$aArray' ; to access elements at their original indices For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] If $i <> $iDimension Then $sExpression &= '[$' & $i & ']' ; default expression = '$aArray[$iFrom][$2][$3][$4][$5] etc...' Else $sExpression &= '[$iFrom]' EndIf Next Local $sTransfer = '$aTarget' & __HiddenIndices($aBound[0], $iDimension), _ $fnFloodFill = __FloodFunc()[$aBound[0]], $iDim = $aBound[0], _ ; preserve this value $iItems = 0, $aFunction[1] = [0], $vElement, $iInt, $sName $aBound[0] = $aBound[$iDimension] ; the first loop will run to the bounds of the specified dimension $aBound[$iDimension] = 0 ; whichever loop this relates to must only run once on each encounter If $bCaseSense = Default Then $bCaseSense = False Local $oDictionary = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary") For $iFrom = 0 To $aBound[0] $sName = '' ; clear previous name For $9 = 0 To $aBound[9] For $8 = 0 To $aBound[8] For $7 = 0 To $aBound[7] For $6 = 0 To $aBound[6] For $5 = 0 To $aBound[5] For $4 = 0 To $aBound[4] For $3 = 0 To $aBound[3] For $2 = 0 To $aBound[2] For $1 = 0 To $aBound[1] $vElement = Execute($sExpression) ; get the data contained in each element ; use non-hexadecimal characters (other than x) as datatype identifiers and convert the data to hexadecimal where necessary Switch VarGetType($vElement) Case 'String' If Not $bCaseSense Then $vElement = StringUpper($vElement) ; generates a case insensitive name segment $sName &= 's' & StringToBinary($vElement, 4) ; UTF8 [$SB_UTF8] Case 'Int32', 'Int64' ; use decimal without conversion ; the minus sign of a negative integer is replaced with 'g': to distinguish it from the positive value $sName &= ($vElement < 0) ? 'g' & StringTrimLeft($vElement, 1) : 'i' & $vElement Case 'Double' ; may be an integer $iInt = Int($vElement) $sName &= ($vElement = $iInt) ? (($iInt < 0) ? 'g' & StringTrimLeft($iInt, 1) : 'i' & $iInt) : 'h' & Hex($vElement) Case 'Bool' ; True or False $sName &= ($vElement = True) ? 't' : 'v' Case 'Binary' $sName &= 'y' & $vElement Case 'Ptr' $sName &= 'p' & $vElement Case 'Keyword' ; Default or Null (other variable declarations are illegal) $sName &= ($vElement = Default) ? 'w' : 'n' Case 'Function', 'UserFunction' ; string conversion will fail For $k = 1 To $aFunction[0] ; unique functions are stored in a separate array If $vElement = $aFunction[$k] Then ; this function has been encountered previously $sName &= 'u' & $k ContinueLoop 2 EndIf Next $aFunction[0] += 1 If $aFunction[0] > UBound($aFunction) - 1 Then ReDim $aFunction[$aFunction[0] + 10] $aFunction[$aFunction[0]] = $vElement $sName &= 'u' & $aFunction[0] Case Else ; Array, Object, DLLStruct [or Map] $sName = False ; set to ignore ExitLoop 9 EndSwitch Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next If $sName Then If $oDictionary.Exists($sName) Then ContinueLoop ; this region has been seen previously $oDictionary.Item($sName) ; use $sName as key EndIf ; overwrite the next region (assumes that the first duplicate region will be found quite quickly) If $iDim = 1 Then $aArray[$iItems] = $aArray[$iFrom] Else $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aBound, $iDimension, $iItems, $iFrom, '', $sTransfer) ; access the remote loop region EndIf $iItems += 1 Next $aBound[0] = $iDim ; reset the number of dimensions For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] ; reset the bounds $aBound[$i] += 1 Next $aBound[$iDimension] = $iItems ; new bounds of the explicit dimension __ResetBounds($aArray, $aBound) ; remove the remaining duplicate array regions EndFunc ;==>_ArrayUniqueXD ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _DeleteDimension ; Description ...: Delete dimensions, or a range of dimensions, from a multidimensional array. ; Syntax.........: _DeleteDimension(ByRef $aArray, $iDimension, $iRange = 1) ; Parameters.....; $aArray - [ByRef] The array from which dimensions are deleted. ; $iDimension - Integer value - the dimension (or the first dimension) to delete. ; $iRange - [Optional] Integer value - the number of dimensions to delete. Default = 1 ; Return values .: Success - Returns the modified array ByRef. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 $aArray is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 Dimension limit exceeded. ; |@error = 3 Arrays must contain at least one element. ; |@error = 4 Meaningless range value [range must be greater than zero]. ; |@error = 5 Illegal operation - deleting all dimensions is not supported. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; Beware - deleting dimensions can have very destructive effect on the array's contents. ; Deletes all regions with indices greater than zero while removing each dimension. ; This function will not delete all the dimensions from an array. ; This function is limited to arrays of up to nine dimensions. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _DeleteDimension(ByRef $aArray, $iDimension, $iRange = 1) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) ; this parameter must be an array Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) If @error Then Return SetError(3) ; arrays must contain at least one element If $aBound[0] > 9 Then Return SetError(2) $iDimension = Int($iDimension) If $iDimension < 1 Or $iDimension > $aBound[0] Then Return SetError(2) ; check for dimension range overflow and set to ignore [subject to review] $iRange = ($iRange = Default) ? 1 : Int($iRange) If $iRange < 1 Then Return SetError(4) ; range must be greater than zero If $iDimension + $iRange - 1 >= $aBound[0] Then $iRange = 1 + $aBound[0] - $iDimension If $iRange = $aBound[0] Then Return SetError(5) ; illegal operation [deleting all dimensions is not an intended feature] Local $sTransfer = '$aSource', $iCount = 1, $aBoundNew[$aBound[0] - $iRange + 1] $aBoundNew[0] = $aBound[0] - $iRange For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] If $i < $iDimension Or $i > $iDimension + $iRange - 1 Then ; dimensions to keep $aBoundNew[$iCount] = $aBound[$i] ; assign the bounds of the new array $sTransfer &= '[$a[' & $iCount & ']]' $iCount += 1 Else ; dimensions to delete For $i = $iDimension To $iDimension + $iRange - 1 ; run through the range $sTransfer &= '[0]' ; delete / hide dimensions from the fill instructions Next $i -= 1 ; prevents incrementing the loop iteration count twice EndIf Next Local $aNewArray = ___NewArray($aBoundNew) For $i = 1 To $aBoundNew[0] $aBoundNew[$i] -= 1 ; maximum sub-index within each dimension Next Local $aFloodFill = __FloodFunc() $aFloodFill[$aBoundNew[0]]($aNewArray, $aBoundNew, 0, 0, '', $aArray, $sTransfer) ; flood the new array $aArray = $aNewArray EndFunc ;==>_DeleteDimension ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _DeleteRegion ; Description ...: Deletes a region from a multidimensional array. ; Syntax.........: _DeleteRegion($aArray, $iDimension [, $iSubIndex = 0 [, $iRange = 1]]) ; Parameters.....; $aArray - [ByRef] The array to delete the region from. ; $iDimension - [Optional] Integer value - the dimension used to define the region. Default = 1 ; $iSubIndex - [Optional] Integer value - the index, or start of, of the region to delete. Default = 0 ; $iRange - [Optional] Integer value - the size of the region to delete. Default = 1 ; Return values .: Success - Returns the modified array ByRef. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 $aArray is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 Dimension limit exceeded. ; |@error = 3 Dimension does not exist in the array. ; |@error = 4 Arrays must contain at least one element. ; |@error = 5 Sub-index does not exist in the dimension. ; |@error = 6 Invalid Range. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; This function is limited to arrays of up to nine dimensions. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _DeleteRegion(ByRef $aArray, $iDimension = 1, $iSubIndex = 0, $iRange = 1) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) ; get the bounds of each dimension If @error Then Return SetError(4) ; $aArray must contain at least one element If $aBound[0] > 9 Then Return SetError(2) ; nine dimension limit $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) If $iDimension > $aBound[0] Or $iDimension < 1 Then Return SetError(3) ; out of bounds dimension $iSubIndex = ($iSubIndex = Default) ? 0 : Int($iSubIndex) If $iSubIndex < 0 Or $iSubIndex > $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 Then Return SetError(5) ; sub-index does not exist in the dimension $iRange = ($iRange = Default) ? 1 : Int($iRange) If $iRange < 1 Then Return SetError(6) ; range must be greater than zero $iRange = ($iSubIndex + $iRange < $aBound[$iDimension]) ? $iRange : $aBound[$iDimension] - $iSubIndex ; corrects for overflow If $iRange = $aBound[$iDimension] Then Return SetError(6) ; deleting the whole region is not currently supported [give reason] $aBound[$iDimension] -= $iRange ; the size of the dimension in the new array If $aBound[0] = 1 Then For $iNext = $iSubIndex To $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 $aArray[$iNext] = $aArray[$iNext + $iRange] Next ReDim $aArray[$aBound[$iDimension]] Return EndIf Local $iMaxIndex = $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] -= 1 Next $aBound[$iDimension] = 0 ; set to loop once [one region at a time] Local $iFrom, $sTransfer = '$aTarget' & __HiddenIndices($aBound[0], $iDimension), $fnFloodFill = __FloodFunc()[$aBound[0]] For $iNext = $iSubIndex To $iMaxIndex $iFrom = $iNext + $iRange $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aBound, $iDimension, $iNext, $iFrom, '', $sTransfer) ; overwrite the final [untouched] region Next $aBound[$iDimension] = $iMaxIndex For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] += 1 Next __ResetBounds($aArray, $aBound) ; delete remaining indices EndFunc ;==>_DeleteRegion ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ExtractRegion ; Description ...: Extracts a region from a multidimensional array. ; Syntax.........: _ExtractRegion($aArray, $iDimension [, $iSubIndex = 0 [, $iRange = 1]]) ; Parameters.....; $aArray - The array from which to extract the region. ; $iDimension - Integer value - the dimension used to define the region. ; $iSubIndex - [Optional] Integer value - the index, or start of, of the region to extract. Default = 0 ; $iRange - [Optional] Integer value - the number of regions to extract. Default = 1 ; Return values .: Success - Returns a new array containing all the extracted regions within the defined range. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 $aArray is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 Dimension limit exceeded. ; |@error = 3 Dimension does not exist in the array. ; |@error = 4 Arrays must contain at least one element. ; |@error = 5 Sub-index does not exist in the dimension. ; |range must be greater than zero ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; This function is limited to arrays of up to nine dimensions. ; The extracted region will contain the same number of dimensions as the original array. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _ExtractRegion($aArray, $iDimension, $iSubIndex = 0, $iRange = 1) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) ; get the bounds of each dimension If @error Then Return SetError(4) ; $aArray must contain at least one element If $aBound[0] > 9 Then Return SetError(2) ; nine dimension limit $iDimension = Int($iDimension) If $iDimension > $aBound[0] Or $iDimension < 1 Then Return SetError(3) ; out of bounds dimension $iSubIndex = ($iSubIndex = Default) ? 0 : Int($iSubIndex) If $iSubIndex < 0 Or $iSubIndex > $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 Then Return SetError(5) ; sub-index does not exist in the dimension $iRange = ($iRange = Default) ? 1 : Int($iRange) If $iRange < 1 Then Return SetError(6) ; range must be greater than zero $iRange = ($iSubIndex + $iRange < $aBound[$iDimension]) ? $iRange : $aBound[$iDimension] - $iSubIndex $aBound[$iDimension] = $iRange ; the size of the dimension in the new array Local $aRegion = ___NewArray($aBound) ; create new array For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] -= 1 Next If $aBound[0] = 1 Then For $iNext = 0 To $iRange - 1 $aRegion[$iNext] = $aArray[$iNext + $iSubIndex] Next Return $aRegion EndIf $aBound[$iDimension] = 0 ; set to loop once [one region at a time] Local $iFrom, $sTransfer = '$aSource' & __HiddenIndices($aBound[0], $iDimension), $fnFloodFill = __FloodFunc()[$aBound[0]] For $iNext = 0 To $iRange - 1 $iFrom = $iNext + $iSubIndex $fnFloodFill($aRegion, $aBound, $iDimension, $iNext, $iFrom, $aArray, $sTransfer) ; extract region Next Return $aRegion EndFunc ;==>_ExtractRegion ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _InsertRegion ; Description ...: Inserts a multidimensional array into another multidimensional array. ; Syntax.........: _InsertRegion($aTarget, $aSource [, $iDimension = 1 [, $iSubIndex = 0]]) ; Parameters.....; $aTarget - The array to modify. ; $aSource - The array to insert. ; $iDimension - Integer value - the dimension in which insertion takes place. ; $iSubIndex - [Optional] Integer value - sub-index within the dimension where insertion occurs. Default = 0 ; Return values .: Success - Returns the target array ByRef. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 $aTarget is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 $aSource is not a valid array. ; |@error = 3 Arrays must contain at least one element. ; |@error = 4 Array bounds do not match. ; |@error = 5 Output array size exceeds AutoIt limits. ; |@error = 6 $iSubIndex is out of range. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; This function is limited to arrays of up to nine dimensions. ; The target array must contain the same number of dimensions as the source array. ; With the exception of $iDimension; the bounds of all other dimensions, in both arrays, must match. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _InsertRegion(ByRef $aTarget, $aSource, $iDimension = 1, $iSubIndex = 0) If Not IsArray($aTarget) Or UBound($aTarget, 0) > 9 Then Return SetError(1) If Not IsArray($aSource) Or UBound($aSource, 0) > 9 Then Return SetError(2) Local $aBoundTgt = __GetBounds($aTarget) If @error Then Return SetError(3) ; arrays must contain at least one element Local $aBoundSrc = __GetBounds($aSource) If @error Then Return SetError(3) ; arrays must contain at least one element $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) For $i = 1 To $aBoundTgt[0] If $aBoundTgt[$i] <> $aBoundSrc[$i] And $iDimension <> $i Then Return SetError(4) ; array bounds are inconsistent Next $iSubIndex = ($iSubIndex = Default) ? 0 : Int($iSubIndex) If $iSubIndex < 0 Or $iSubIndex > $aBoundTgt[$iDimension] Then Return SetError(5) ; $iSubIndex is out of range Switch $iSubIndex Case 0 _ArrayAttach($aSource, $aTarget, $iDimension) If @error Then Return SetError(6) ; output array size exceeds AutoIt limits $aTarget = $aSource Case $aBoundTgt[$iDimension] _ArrayAttach($aTarget, $aSource, $iDimension) If @error Then Return SetError(6) ; output array size exceeds AutoIt limits Case Else ; check output bounds remain within range before modifications begin $aBoundSrc[$iDimension] += $aBoundTgt[$iDimension] Local $iCount = 1 For $i = 1 To $aBoundSrc[0] $iCount *= $aBoundSrc[$i] If $iCount > 16777216 Then Return SetError(6) ; output array size exceeds AutoIt limits Next Local $aEnd = _ExtractRegion($aTarget, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, 16777216) ; out of bounds range values extract all remaining sub-indices within the dimension If @error Then Return SetError(@error) $aBoundTgt[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex __ResetBounds($aTarget, $aBoundTgt) _ArrayAttach($aTarget, $aSource, $iDimension) _ArrayAttach($aTarget, $aEnd, $iDimension) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_InsertRegion ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _PreDim ; Description ...: Changes the size of an array by adding, or removing, dimensions. ; Syntax.........: _PreDim($aArray, $iDimensions [, $iPush = False]) ; Parameters.....; $aArray - The original array. ; $iDimensions - The number of dimensions in the returned array. ; $bPush - [Optional] If set to True, new dimensions are created on, or removed from, the left [see comments]. ; Return values .: Returns the modified array ByRef. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 The first parameter is not an array. ; |@error = 2 The requested array has more than 9 dimensions. ; |@error = 3 The original array has more than 9 dimensions. ; |@error = 4 Arrays must contain at least one element. ; Author.........: czardas ; Comments ......; This function works for up to 9 dimensions. ; By default, new dimensions are added to the right in a standard sequence: $aArray[7][6] ==> $aArray[7][6][1] ; Dimensions are removed in reverse sequence: $aArray[7][6] ==> $aArray[7] ; When the $bPush parameter is set to True, the original array will be pushed to higher dimensions: ; $aArray[7][6] ==> $aArray[1][7][6], or the process reversed: $aArray[7][6] ==> $aArray[6] ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _PreDim(ByRef $aArray, $iDimensions, $bPush = False) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) $iDimensions = Int($iDimensions) If $iDimensions < 1 Or $iDimensions > 9 Then Return SetError(2) Local $iPreDims = UBound($aArray, 0) ; current number of dimensions If $iPreDims = $iDimensions Then Return ; no change If $iPreDims > 9 Then Return SetError(3) ; too many dimensions Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) ; get the size of each original dimension If @error Then Return SetError(4) ; $aArray must contain at least one element $aBound[0] = $iDimensions ; overwrite this value with the new number of dimensions Local $sTransfer = '[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]]' ; array syntax to be sent to the remote loop region If $bPush Then ; prefix dimensions, or delete from the left Local $iOffset = Abs($iDimensions - $iPreDims) If $iPreDims > $iDimensions Then ; lower dimensions get deleted For $i = 1 To $iDimensions ; shift elements to lower indices $aBound[$i] = $aBound[$i + $iOffset] Next $sTransfer = '$aSource' & StringLeft('[0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0]', $iOffset * 3) & StringLeft($sTransfer, $iDimensions * 7) Else ; lower dimensions are created ReDim $aBound[$iDimensions + 1] ; make space for more dimensions For $i = $iDimensions To $iOffset + 1 Step -1 ; shift elements to higher indices $aBound[$i] = $aBound[$i - $iOffset] Next For $i = 1 To $iOffset ; assign the size of each additional dimension [1][1][1]... etc... $aBound[$i] = 1 Next $sTransfer = '$aSource' & StringMid($sTransfer, 1 + $iOffset * 7, $iPreDims * 7) EndIf Else ; Default behaviour = append dimensions, or delete from the right ReDim $aBound[$iDimensions + 1] ; modify the number of dimensions [according to the new array] For $i = $iPreDims + 1 To $iDimensions ; assign the size of each new dimension ...[1][1][1] etc... $aBound[$i] = 1 Next $sTransfer = '$aSource' & StringLeft($sTransfer, $iPreDims * 7) EndIf ; add or remove dimensions Local $aNewArray = ___NewArray($aBound) For $i = 1 To $iDimensions $aBound[$i] -= 1 ; convert elements to the maximum index value within each dimension Next ; access the remote loop region Local $iSubIndex = 0, $aFloodFill = __FloodFunc() $aFloodFill[$iDimensions]($aNewArray, $aBound, 0, $iSubIndex, '', $aArray, $sTransfer) $aArray = $aNewArray EndFunc ;==>_PreDim ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ReverseArray ; Description ...: Reverses regions within a multidimensional array. ; Syntax.........: _ReverseArray($aArray [, $iDimension = 1 [, $iStart = 0 [, $iEnd = -1]]]) ; Parameters.....; $aArray - The array to modify. ; $iDimension - [Optional] Integer value - the dimension in which the array sub-indices (regions) are reversed. ; $iStart - [Optional] The start sub-index within the defined dimension. Default value = 0 ; $iEnd - [Optional] Integer value - The end sub-index within the defined dimension. Default value = -1 ; Return values .: Success - Returns the reversed array [ByRef]. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 The 1st parameter is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 The 1st parameter does not contain any elements. ; |@error = 3 The dimension does not exist. ; |@error = 4 Meaningless $iStart value. ; |@error = 5 Meaningless $iEnd value. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; This function is limited to arrays of up to nine dimensions. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _ReverseArray(ByRef $aArray, $iDimension = 1, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = -1) If Not IsArray($aArray) Or UBound($aArray, 0) > 9 Then Return SetError(1) ; not a valid array Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) If @error Then Return SetError(2) ; array contains zero elements $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) If $iDimension < 1 Or $iDimension > $aBound[0] Then Return SetError(3) ; dimension does not exist $iStart = ($iStart = Default) ? 0 : Int($iStart) If $iStart < 0 Or $iStart > $aBound[$iDimension] - 2 Then Return SetError(4) ; meaningless $iStart value $iEnd = ($iEnd = -1 Or $iEnd = Default) ? $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 : Int($iEnd) If $iEnd <= $iStart Or $iEnd >= $aBound[$iDimension] Then Return SetError(5) ; meaningless $iEnd value If $aBound[0] = 1 Then ___Reverse1D($aArray, $iStart, $iEnd) Else $aBound[$iDimension] = 1 Local $aRegion = ___NewArray($aBound) ; to store extracted regions For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] -= 1 Next Local $sIndices = __HiddenIndices($aBound[0], $iDimension), $fnFloodFill = __FloodFunc()[$aBound[0]], _ $sTransfer = '$aSource' & $sIndices ; array syntax While $iEnd > $iStart $fnFloodFill($aRegion, $aBound, $iDimension, 0, $iStart, $aArray, $sTransfer) ; extract the current start region $sTransfer = '$aTarget' & $sIndices $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aBound, $iDimension, $iStart, $iEnd, '', $sTransfer) ; overwrite the current start region $sTransfer = '$aSource' & $sIndices $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aBound, $iDimension, $iEnd, 0, $aRegion, $sTransfer) ; overwrite the current end region $iStart += 1 $iEnd -= 1 WEnd EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ReverseArray ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SearchArray ; Description ...: Searches through a multidimensional array. ; Syntax.........: _SearchArray($aArray, $vSearchTerm [, $bCaseSense = False [, $iDimension = 1]]) ; Parameters.....; $aArray - [ByRef] Target array to which the source array (or data) will be concatenated. ; $vSearchTerm - The string or data to search for. ; $bCaseSense - [Optional] Boolean value - case sensitive search. Default = False ; $iDimension - [Optional] Integer value - the dimension used to conduct the search. Default = 1st dimension ; $iAlgo - [Optional] Algorithm: 1 = exact match, 2 = find a string, 3 = find a word within text. [Default = 1] ; Return values .: Success - Returns an array of all regions containing the term searched for within the defined dimension. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 $aArray is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 Arrays must contain a minimum of one element. ; |@error = 3 Dimension limit exceeded. ; |@error = 4 Bad algorithm. ; |@error = 5 No matches found. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; This function is limited to arrays of up to nine dimensions. ; Searching through a 2D array in the first dimension returns an array of all rows containing the search term. ; Searching a 2D array in the second dimension will return an array of all columns containing the search term. ; Searching any array will return an array of regions containing the search term within the defined dimension. ; [$iAlgo = 3] A word may contain any characters. Word boundaries are defined by non-alphanumeric characters. ; May return FP matches if $iAlgo = 3, $vSearchTerm contains '\E' and $aArray contains the code point U+E000. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _SearchArray($aArray, $vSearchTerm, $bCaseSense = False, $iDimension = 1, $iAlgo = 1) ; [Exact Match] If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) ; this parameter must be an array Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) If @error Then Return SetError(2) ; arrays must contain at least one element If $aBound[0] > 9 Then Return SetError(3) ; dimension range exceeded $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) If $iDimension < 1 Or $iDimension > $aBound[0] Then Return SetError(3) $iAlgo = ($iAlgo = Default) ? 1 : Int($iAlgo) If $iAlgo < 1 Or $iAlgo > 3 Then Return SetError(4) If $aBound[0] = 1 Then ; 1D special case $aArray = ___Search1D($aArray, $vSearchTerm, $bCaseSense, $iAlgo) Return @error ? SetError(5) : $aArray EndIf For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] -= 1 ; maximum index value within each dimension Next Local $iItems = 0, $iMaxIndex = $aBound[$iDimension], $fnFloodFill = __FloodFunc()[$aBound[0]], $aFunc = ['__FindExact', '__FindString', '__FindWord'], _ $sTransfer = $aFunc[$iAlgo - 1] & ($bCaseSense ? 'Case' : '') & '($aTarget, $a, $aBound, $iFrom, "$aTarget' & _ __HiddenIndices($aBound[0], $iDimension) & '")' ; string to execute $aBound[0] = $vSearchTerm $aBound[$iDimension] = 0 ; this loop must only run once on each encounter For $iFrom = 0 To $iMaxIndex ; loop through sub-indices within the dimension $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aBound, $iDimension, $iItems, $iFrom, '', $sTransfer) ; overwrite the current region while searching If Not $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME Then ; a match halted the search during the overwrite $iItems += 1 ; set to overwrite the next region $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME = True ; resume searching on the next pass EndIf Next If $iItems = 0 Then Return SetError(5) ; no matches found $aBound[0] = UBound($aBound) - 1 ; reset all bounds For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] += 1 Next $aBound[$iDimension] = $iItems __ResetBounds($aArray, $aBound) ; remove mismatches Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>_SearchArray ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ShuffleArray ; Description ...: Shuffles multidimensional regions within an array, or items within multidimensional regions. ; Syntax.........: _ShuffleArray($aArray [, $iDimension = 1 [, $bFruitMachineStyle = False]]) ; Parameters.....; $aArray - The original array. ; $iDimension - [Optional] - The dimension used to define the regions to be shuffled. Default = 1 ; $bFruitMachineStyle - [Optional] Shuffle all items within regions defined by the dimension. Default = False ; Return values .: Returns the modified array ByRef. ; Failure sets @error as follows: ; |@error = 1 The first parameter is not a valid array. ; |@error = 2 The first parameter contains the wrong number of dimensions. ; |@error = 3 The second parameter does not relate to any of the dimensions available. ; |@error = 4 Arrays must contain at least one element. ; Author.........: czardas ; Comments ......; This function works for arrays of up to 9 dimensions. ; Setting $iDimension = 0 overrides the 3rd parameter and shuffles everything - anywhere within the array. ; Example .......; _ShuffleArray($aArray, 2, True) ; ==> This is a fruit machine! ; ============================================================================================================================== Func _ShuffleArray(ByRef $aArray, $iDimension = 1, $bFruitMachineStyle = False) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) ; get the bounds of each dimension If @error Then Return SetError(4) ; $aArray must contain at least one element If $aBound[0] > 9 Then Return SetError(2) ; nine dimension limit $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) If $iDimension > $aBound[0] Or $iDimension < 0 Then Return SetError(3) ; out of bounds dimension Local $aTemp = $aBound ; regional bounds For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] -= 1 Next Local $iSubIndex, $sTransfer, $aFloodFill = __FloodFunc() If $iDimension > 0 Then ; shuffle regions or elements within regions If $aBound[0] > 1 Then $aTemp[$iDimension] = 1 Local $aRegion = ___NewArray($aTemp) ; to store extracted regions Local $sIndices = __HiddenIndices($aBound[0], $iDimension) $aTemp = $aBound $aTemp[$iDimension] = 0 ; set to loop once [one region at a time] If $bFruitMachineStyle Then ; contents will be shuffled within each region $sTransfer = '$aSource' & $sIndices ; array syntax For $iSubIndex = 0 To $aBound[$iDimension] ; loop through all indices within the dimension $aFloodFill[$aBound[0]]($aRegion, $aTemp, $iDimension, 0, $iSubIndex, $aArray, $sTransfer) ; extract region __ShuffleXD($aRegion, $aTemp) ; shuffle the extracted region $aFloodFill[$aBound[0]]($aArray, $aTemp, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, 0, $aRegion, $sTransfer) ; reinsert the shuffled region Next Else ; regions will be shuffled within the dimension Local $iRandom $sTransfer = '$aSource' & $sIndices For $iSubIndex = 0 To $aBound[$iDimension] $aFloodFill[$aBound[0]]($aRegion, $aTemp, $iDimension, 0, $iSubIndex, $aArray, $sTransfer) ; extract each region $sTransfer = '$aTarget' & $sIndices $iRandom = Random(0, $aBound[$iDimension], 1) ; acquire a random index $aFloodFill[$aBound[0]]($aArray, $aTemp, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iRandom, $aArray, $sTransfer) ; replace the original region $sTransfer = '$aSource' & $sIndices $aFloodFill[$aBound[0]]($aArray, $aTemp, $iDimension, $iRandom, 0, $aRegion, $sTransfer) ; replace the extracted region at the acquired index Next EndIf Else ; not a multidimensional array __Shuffle1D($aArray) ; shuffle the contents EndIf Else ; totally random - ignoring dimension bounds __ShuffleXD($aArray, $aBound) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ShuffleArray #Region - Miscellaneous ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with numeric sort. Decimal strings should first be formatted with ___FormatNum() ; Author ........: czardas ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___AcquireExponent($vNum) Local $bString = IsString($vNum) If $bString Then $vNum = StringReplace($vNum, '-', '') ; the minus symbol must first be stripped Return $bString ? ((StringLeft($vNum, 1) = '.') ? StringLen(StringRegExpReplace($vNum, '\.0*', '')) - StringLen($vNum) : StringInStr($vNum, '.') - 2) : Number(StringRight(StringFormat('%.1e', $vNum / 1), 4)) EndFunc ;==>___AcquireExponent ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Return an array with a range of assigned index values (used to track migration patterns in __QuickSortXD). ; Author ........: czardas ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __CreateTrac($iBound, $iStart, $iEnd) Local $aTracker[$iBound] For $i = $iStart To $iEnd $aTracker[$i] = $i ; fill the (tracking) range with indices Next Return $aTracker EndFunc ;==>__CreateTrac ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Extract a vector (list) from any dimension within a multidimensional array. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __ExtractVector($aArray, $iDimension, $aIndices) $aIndices[$iDimension] = '$a[1]' ; $aIndices[$iDimension] is the remote loop count Local $sTransfer = '$aSource' ; the main array is the source For $i = 1 To $aIndices[0] $sTransfer &= '[' & $aIndices[$i] & ']' Next Local $iBound = UBound($aArray, $iDimension), $aVector[$iBound], $iSubIndex = 0, $aBound = ['', $iBound - 1] ___Flood1D($aVector, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, '', $aArray, $sTransfer) Return $aVector EndFunc ;==>__ExtractVector ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with _ArraySearch - non-case-sensitive comparison. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __FindExact($aTarget, $a, $aBound, $iFrom, $sSyntax) ; [default algorithm] $sSyntax = Execute($sSyntax) If $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME And $aBound[0] = $sSyntax Then $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME = False Return $sSyntax #forceref $aTarget, $a, $iFrom EndFunc ;==>__FindExact ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with _ArraySearch - case-sensitive comparison. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __FindExactCase($aTarget, $a, $aBound, $iFrom, $sSyntax) $sSyntax = Execute($sSyntax) If $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME And $aBound[0] == $sSyntax Then $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME = False Return $sSyntax #forceref $aTarget, $a, $iFrom EndFunc ;==>__FindExactCase ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with _ArraySearch - search within strings - non-case-sensitive comparison. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __FindString($aTarget, $a, $aBound, $iFrom, $sSyntax) $sSyntax = Execute($sSyntax) If $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME And StringInStr($sSyntax, $aBound[0]) Then $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME = False Return $sSyntax #forceref $aTarget, $a, $iFrom EndFunc ;==>__FindString ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with _ArraySearch - search within strings - case-sensitive comparison. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __FindStringCase($aTarget, $a, $aBound, $iFrom, $sSyntax) $sSyntax = Execute($sSyntax) If $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME And StringInStr($sSyntax, $aBound[0], 1) Then $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME = False Return $sSyntax #forceref $aTarget, $a, $iFrom EndFunc ;==>__FindStringCase ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with _ArraySearch - search between word boundaries - non-case-sensitive comparison. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __FindWord($aTarget, $a, $aBound, $iFrom, $sSyntax) $sSyntax = Execute($sSyntax) If $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME And StringRegExp(StringReplace($sSyntax, '\E', $g__ARRWSHOP_SUB, 0, 1), '(*UCP)(?i)(\A|[^[:alnum:]])(\Q' & StringReplace($aBound[0], '\E', $g__ARRWSHOP_SUB, 0, 1) & '\E)(\z|[^[:alnum:]])') Then $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME = False Return $sSyntax #forceref $aTarget, $a, $iFrom EndFunc ;==>__FindWord ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with _ArraySearch - search between word boundaries - case-sensitive comparison. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __FindWordCase($aTarget, $a, $aBound, $iFrom, $sSyntax) $sSyntax = Execute($sSyntax) If $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME And StringRegExp(StringReplace($sSyntax, '\E', $g__ARRWSHOP_SUB, 0, 1), '(*UCP)(\A|[^[:alnum:]])(\Q' & StringReplace($aBound[0], '\E', $g__ARRWSHOP_SUB, 0, 1) & '\E)(\z|[^[:alnum:]])') Then $g__ARRWSHOP_RESUME = False Return $sSyntax #forceref $aTarget, $a, $iFrom EndFunc ;==>__FindWordCase ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Return an array of functions used for populating multidimensional array elements. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __FloodFunc() Local $aFloodFunc = ['', ___Flood1D, ___Flood2D, ___Flood3D, ___Flood4D, ___Flood5D, ___Flood6D, ___Flood7D, ___Flood8D, ___Flood9D] Return $aFloodFunc EndFunc ;==>__FloodFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with numeric sort. ['\A[\+\-]?(\d*\.?\d+|d+\.)\z' only ==> 1.0 .01 0.] ; Author ........: czardas ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___FormatNum($sNum) If Not StringRegExp($sNum, '[1-9]') Then Return 0 $sNum = StringReplace($sNum, '+', '') ; get rid of plus symbol $sNum = StringRegExpReplace($sNum, "^-?\K(?=\.)", "0") ; add zeros [courtesy of jguinch] $sNum = StringRegExpReplace($sNum, "^-?\K0+(?=[1-9]|0\.?)|\.0*$|\.\d*[1-9]\K0+", "") ; strip zeros [courtesy of jguinch] If Execute($sNum) == $sNum Then Return Execute($sNum) ; return a number Return StringInStr($sNum, '.') ? StringRegExpReplace($sNum, '(\A\-?)(0)', '\1') : $sNum & '.' ; for fast comparison with floats [^^ StringCompare('1.', 1) > 0] EndFunc ;==>___FormatNum ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Get the bounds of each available dimension in a multidimensional array. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __GetBounds($aArray, $iHypothetical = 0) Local $iMaxDim = UBound($aArray, 0) Local $aBound[($iHypothetical ? $iHypothetical : $iMaxDim) + 1] ; [or ==> Local $aBound[9]] $aBound[0] = $iMaxDim For $i = 1 To $iMaxDim $aBound[$i] = UBound($aArray, $i) If $aBound[$i] = 0 Then Return SetError(1) Next If $iHypothetical Then For $i = $iMaxDim + 1 To $iHypothetical $aBound[$i] = 1 ; imaginary dimensions Next EndIf Return $aBound EndFunc ;==>__GetBounds ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Return a fragment of code which is the format for the $sTransfer parameter in ___FloodXD. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __HiddenIndices($iBound, $iDimension) Local $sSyntax = '' ; to access elements at their original indices For $i = 1 To $iBound If $i <> $iDimension Then $sSyntax &= '[$a[' & $i & ']]' ; default ==> '$aSource[$iFrom][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]] etc...' Else $sSyntax &= '[$iFrom]' EndIf Next Return $sSyntax EndFunc ;==>__HiddenIndices ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Create an array of between one and nine dimensions using predefined bounds. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___NewArray($aBound) Switch $aBound[0] Case 1 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]] Case 2 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]] Case 3 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]] Case 4 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]] Case 5 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]] Case 6 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]] Case 7 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]] Case 8 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]][$aBound[8]] Case 9 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]][$aBound[8]][$aBound[9]] EndSwitch Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>___NewArray ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with _SortArray() numeric comparison [str > num(?), num > str(?), str > str(?)] ; Author ........: czardas ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___NumCompare($vNum1, $vNum2) ; ($vNum1 > $vNum2) If IsNumber($vNum1) And IsNumber($vNum2) Then If $vNum1 = $vNum2 Then Return 0 Return ($vNum1 > $vNum2) ? 1 : -1 EndIf If $vNum1 == '1.#INF' Or $vNum2 == '-1.#INF' Then Return 1 ; these values interfere with the comparison below If $vNum1 == '-1.#INF' Or $vNum2 == '1.#INF' Then Return -1 ; ditto Local $bNeg1 = (StringLeft($vNum1, 1) = '-') If $bNeg1 <> (StringLeft($vNum2, 1) = '-') Then Return $bNeg1 ? -1 : 1 Local $iExp1 = ___AcquireExponent($vNum1), $iExp2 = ___AcquireExponent($vNum2) If $iExp1 <> $iExp2 Then Return (($iExp1 > $iExp2) ? 1 : -1) * ($bNeg1 ? -1 : 1) ; negative magnitude changes the result Local $bType1 = (VarGetType($vNum1) = 'Double'), $bType2 = (VarGetType($vNum2) = 'Double') If $bType1 Or $bType2 Then ; grab all 17 digits from the double $vNum1 = $bType1 ? StringLeft(StringReplace(StringFormat('%.17e', $vNum1), '.', ''), 17) : StringReplace($vNum1, '.', '') $vNum2 = $bType2 ? StringLeft(StringReplace(StringFormat('%.17e', $vNum2), '.', ''), 17) : StringReplace($vNum2, '.', '') EndIf Return StringCompare($vNum1, $vNum2) * ($bNeg1 ? -1 : 1) ; negative magnitude changes the result EndFunc ;==>___NumCompare ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __QuickSort1D [adaptation of __ArrayQuickSort1D] ; Description ...: Helper function for sorting 1D arrays ; Author ........: Jos van der Zande, LazyCoder, Tylo, Ultima ; Modified.......: czardas - replaced alphanumeric sort with separate lexical and numeric sorting algorithms. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __QuickSort1D(ByRef $aArray, $iStart, $iEnd, $iAlgorithm = 0) If $iEnd <= $iStart Then Return Local $vTmp ; InsertionSort (faster for smaller segments) If ($iEnd - $iStart) < 15 Then Switch $iAlgorithm Case 0 ; lexical For $i = $iStart + 1 To $iEnd $vTmp = $aArray[$i] For $j = $i - 1 To $iStart Step -1 If StringCompare($vTmp, $aArray[$j]) >= 0 Then ExitLoop $aArray[$j + 1] = $aArray[$j] Next $aArray[$j + 1] = $vTmp Next Return Case 2 ; numeric strict For $i = $iStart + 1 To $iEnd $vTmp = $aArray[$i] If IsNumber($vTmp) Then For $j = $i - 1 To $iStart Step -1 If $vTmp >= $aArray[$j] And IsNumber($aArray[$j]) Then ExitLoop $aArray[$j + 1] = $aArray[$j] Next $aArray[$j + 1] = $vTmp EndIf Next Return EndSwitch Return EndIf ; QuickSort Local $L = $iStart, $R = $iEnd, $vPivot = $aArray[Int(($iStart + $iEnd) / 2)] Do If $iAlgorithm = 0 Then ; lexical While StringCompare($aArray[$L], $vPivot) < 0 $L += 1 WEnd While StringCompare($aArray[$R], $vPivot) > 0 $R -= 1 WEnd ElseIf $iAlgorithm = 2 Then ; numeric strict While $aArray[$L] < $vPivot $L += 1 WEnd While $aArray[$R] > $vPivot $R -= 1 WEnd EndIf If $L <= $R Then ; Swap $vTmp = $aArray[$L] $aArray[$L] = $aArray[$R] $aArray[$R] = $vTmp $L += 1 $R -= 1 EndIf Until $L > $R __QuickSort1D($aArray, $iStart, $R, $iAlgorithm) __QuickSort1D($aArray, $L, $iEnd, $iAlgorithm) EndFunc ;==>__QuickSort1D ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __QuickSortXD [adaptation of __ArrayQuickSort1D] ; Description ...: Helper function for sorting multidimensional arrays ; Author ........: Jos van der Zande, LazyCoder, Tylo, Ultima ; Modified.......: czardas - to sort indices of an X-dimensional array vector, instead of overwriting complete regions or rows. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __QuickSortXD($aArray, ByRef $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd, $iAlgorithm = 0) If $iEnd <= $iStart Then Return Local $iTmp ; InsertionSort (faster for smaller segments) If ($iEnd - $iStart) < 15 Then Switch $iAlgorithm Case 0 ; lexical For $i = $iStart + 1 To $iEnd $iTmp = $aTrac[$i] For $j = $i - 1 To $iStart Step -1 If (StringCompare($aArray[$iTmp], $aArray[$aTrac[$j]]) >= 0) Then ExitLoop $aTrac[$j + 1] = $aTrac[$j] Next $aTrac[$j + 1] = $iTmp Next Case 2 ; (or 4) numeric strict [also applies to algorithm 4] For $i = $iStart + 1 To $iEnd $iTmp = $aTrac[$i] For $j = $i - 1 To $iStart Step -1 If $aArray[$iTmp] >= $aArray[$aTrac[$j]] Then ExitLoop $aTrac[$j + 1] = $aTrac[$j] Next $aTrac[$j + 1] = $iTmp Next Case 256 ; numeric [preprocessed; decimal string formatting required, see ___FormatNum] For $i = $iStart + 1 To $iEnd $iTmp = $aTrac[$i] For $j = $i - 1 To $iStart Step -1 If ___NumCompare($aArray[$iTmp], $aArray[$aTrac[$j]]) >= 0 Then ExitLoop $aTrac[$j + 1] = $aTrac[$j] Next $aTrac[$j + 1] = $iTmp Next EndSwitch Return EndIf ; QuickSort Local $L = $iStart, $R = $iEnd, $vPivot = $aArray[$aTrac[Int(($iStart + $iEnd) / 2)]] Do If $iAlgorithm = 0 Then ; lexical While StringCompare($aArray[$aTrac[$L]], $vPivot) < 0 $L += 1 WEnd While StringCompare($aArray[$aTrac[$R]], $vPivot) > 0 $R -= 1 WEnd ElseIf $iAlgorithm = 2 Then ; numeric strict [strings not allowed] While $aArray[$aTrac[$L]] < $vPivot $L += 1 WEnd While $aArray[$aTrac[$R]] > $vPivot $R -= 1 WEnd ElseIf $iAlgorithm = 256 Then ; numeric greedy [includes decimal strings] While ___NumCompare($aArray[$aTrac[$L]], $vPivot) < 0 $L += 1 WEnd While ___NumCompare($aArray[$aTrac[$R]], $vPivot) > 0 $R -= 1 WEnd EndIf If $L <= $R Then ; Swap $iTmp = $aTrac[$L] $aTrac[$L] = $aTrac[$R] $aTrac[$R] = $iTmp $L += 1 $R -= 1 EndIf Until $L > $R __QuickSortXD($aArray, $aTrac, $iStart, $R, $iAlgorithm) __QuickSortXD($aArray, $aTrac, $L, $iEnd, $iAlgorithm) EndFunc ;==>__QuickSortXD ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: ReDim arrays of different dimensions. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __ResetBounds(ByRef $aArray, $aBound) Switch $aBound[0] Case 1 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]] Case 2 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]] Case 3 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]] Case 4 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]] Case 5 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]] Case 6 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]] Case 7 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]] Case 8 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]][$aBound[8]] Case 9 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]][$aBound[8]][$aBound[9]] EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>__ResetBounds ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Helper function: reverses a 1D array. ; Author ........: czardas ; =============================================================================================================================== Func ___Reverse1D(ByRef $aArray, $iStart, $iStop) Local $vTemp While $iStop > $iStart $vTemp = $aArray[$iStart] $aArray[$iStart] = $aArray[$iStop] $aArray[$iStop] = $vTemp $iStart += 1 $iStop -= 1 WEnd EndFunc ;==>___Reverse1D ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with _ArraySearch - searches through a 1D array. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Search1D($aArray, $vSearchTerm, $bCaseSense, $iAlgo) Local $iItems = 0 Switch $iAlgo Case 1 ; find exact match If $bCaseSense Then ; case-sensitive For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 If $aArray[$i] == $vSearchTerm Then $aArray[$iItems] = $aArray[$i] $iItems += 1 EndIf Next Else ; optimal [using a second loop avoids using a conditional within the loop] For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 If $aArray[$i] = $vSearchTerm Then $aArray[$iItems] = $aArray[$i] $iItems += 1 EndIf Next EndIf Case 2 ; find a string within a string For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 If StringInStr($aArray[$i], $vSearchTerm, $bCaseSense) Then $aArray[$iItems] = $aArray[$i] $iItems += 1 EndIf Next Case 3 ; find a word within text Local $sPattern = $bCaseSense ? '(*UCP)(\A|[^[:alnum:]])(\Q' : '(*UCP)(?i)(\A|[^[:alnum:]])(\Q' For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 If StringRegExp(StringReplace($aArray[$i], '\E', $g__ARRWSHOP_SUB, 0, 1), $sPattern & StringReplace($vSearchTerm, '\E', $g__ARRWSHOP_SUB, 0, 1) & '\E)(\z|[^[:alnum:]])') Then $aArray[$iItems] = $aArray[$i] $iItems += 1 EndIf Next EndSwitch If Not $iItems Then Return SetError(1) ReDim $aArray[$iItems] Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>___Search1D ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with numeric sort. [numbers other than -1.#IND = OK] ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __Separate1D(ByRef $aArray, $iStart, $iEnd) Local $vTemp, $iItems = 0 For $i = $iStart To $iEnd If IsNumber($aArray[$i]) And Not ($aArray[$i] == '-1.#IND') Then $vTemp = $aArray[$iStart + $iItems] $aArray[$iStart + $iItems] = $aArray[$i] $aArray[$i] = $vTemp $iItems += 1 EndIf Next Return $iItems ; the number of numeric items EndFunc ;==>__Separate1D ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with numeric sort - separates numbers from strings. [numbers (!-1.#IND) = OK, decimal strings = OK] ; Author ........: czardas ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __Separate256(ByRef $aArray, ByRef $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) Local $vTemp, $iItems = 0 For $i = $iStart To $iEnd If (IsNumber($aArray[$aTrac[$i]]) And Not ($aArray[$aTrac[$i]] == '-1.#IND')) Or IsString($aArray[$aTrac[$i]]) * StringRegExp($aArray[$aTrac[$i]], '\A\h*[\+\-]?\h*(\d*\.?\d+|\d+\.)\h*\z') Then $vTemp = $aTrac[$iStart + $iItems] $aTrac[$iStart + $iItems] = $aTrac[$i] $aTrac[$i] = $vTemp If IsString($aArray[$aTrac[$iStart + $iItems]]) Then $aArray[$aTrac[$iStart + $iItems]] = ___FormatNum(StringStripWS($aArray[$aTrac[$iStart + $iItems]], 8)) ; format numeric strings ready for comparison $iItems += 1 EndIf Next Return $iItems ; the number of numeric items EndFunc ;==>__Separate256 ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: For use with numeric sort - separates numbers from strings. [numbers (! -1.#IND) = OK] ; Author ........: czardas ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __SeparateXD(ByRef $aArray, ByRef $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) Local $vTemp, $iItems = 0 For $i = $iStart To $iEnd If IsNumber($aArray[$aTrac[$i]]) And Not ($aArray[$aTrac[$i]] == '-1.#IND') Then $vTemp = $aTrac[$iStart + $iItems] $aTrac[$iStart + $iItems] = $aTrac[$i] $aTrac[$i] = $vTemp $iItems += 1 EndIf Next Return $iItems ; the number of numeric items EndFunc ;==>__SeparateXD ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Shuffle a one dimensional array. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __Shuffle1D(ByRef $aArray) Local $vTemp, $iRandom, $iBound = UBound($aArray) - 1 For $i = 0 To $iBound $iRandom = Random(0, $iBound, 1) $vTemp = $aArray[$i] $aArray[$i] = $aArray[$iRandom] $aArray[$iRandom] = $vTemp Next EndFunc ;==>__Shuffle1D ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Shuffle a multidimensional array. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func __ShuffleXD(ByRef $aArray, $aBound) ReDim $aBound[10] ; [could possibly be dealt with earlier by the call to _GetBounds] Local $vTemp, $R[10] ; [random indices] For $9 = 0 To $aBound[9] For $8 = 0 To $aBound[8] For $7 = 0 To $aBound[7] For $6 = 0 To $aBound[6] For $5 = 0 To $aBound[5] For $4 = 0 To $aBound[4] For $3 = 0 To $aBound[3] For $2 = 0 To $aBound[2] For $1 = 0 To $aBound[1] For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $R[$i] = Random(0, $aBound[$i], 1) Next Switch $aBound[0] Case 1 $vTemp = $aArray[$1] $aArray[$1] = $aArray[$R[1]] $aArray[$R[1]] = $vTemp Case 2 $vTemp = $aArray[$1][$2] $aArray[$1][$2] = $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]] $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]] = $vTemp Case 3 $vTemp = $aArray[$1][$2][$3] $aArray[$1][$2][$3] = $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]] $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]] = $vTemp Case 4 $vTemp = $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4] $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4] = $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]] $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]] = $vTemp Case 5 $vTemp = $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5] $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5] = $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]] $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]] = $vTemp Case 6 $vTemp = $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6] $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6] = $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]][$R[6]] $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]][$R[6]] = $vTemp Case 7 $vTemp = $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7] $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7] = $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]][$R[6]][$R[7]] $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]][$R[6]][$R[7]] = $vTemp Case 8 $vTemp = $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7][$8] $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7][$8] = $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]][$R[6]][$R[7]][$R[8]] $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]][$R[6]][$R[7]][$R[8]] = $vTemp Case 9 $vTemp = $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7][$8][$9] $aArray[$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7][$8][$9] = $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]][$R[6]][$R[7]][$R[8]][$R[9]] $aArray[$R[1]][$R[2]][$R[3]][$R[4]][$R[5]][$R[6]][$R[7]][$R[8]][$R[9]] = $vTemp EndSwitch Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next EndFunc ;==>__ShuffleXD ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Helper function for populating 1D arrays. [knight's tour type algorithm] ; Author ........: czardas ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __TagSortSwap(ByRef $aArray, ByRef $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) Local $vFirst, $i, $iNext For $iInit = $iStart To $iEnd ; initialize each swap sequence If $aTrac[$iInit] <> $iInit Then ; elements will now be swapped in a sequence $i = $iInit ; set the current index to the start of the sequence $vFirst = $aArray[$i] ; copy data [although we don't know where to put it yet] Do $aArray[$i] = $aArray[$aTrac[$i]] ; overwrite each element in the sequence $iNext = $aTrac[$i] ; get the next index in the sequence $aTrac[$i] = $i ; set to ignore overwritten elements on subsequent encounters $i = $iNext ; follow the trail as far as it goes [index could be higher or lower] Until $aTrac[$i] = $iInit ; all sequences end at this juncture $aArray[$i] = $vFirst ; now we know where to put the initial element we copied earlier $aTrac[$i] = $i ; set to ignore on subsequent encounters [as above] EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>__TagSortSwap ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Helper function for populating 2D arrays. [knight's tour type algorithm] ; Author ........: czardas ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __TagSortSwapXD(ByRef $aArray, ByRef $aTrac, $iStart, $iEnd) Local $iCols = UBound($aArray, 2), $aFirst[$iCols], $i, $iNext For $iInit = $iStart To $iEnd ; initialize each potential overwrite sequence [separate closed system] If $aTrac[$iInit] <> $iInit Then ; rows will now be overwritten in accordance with tracking information $i = $iInit ; set the current row as the start of the sequence For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $aFirst[$j] = $aArray[$i][$j] ; copy the first row [although we don't know where to put it yet] Next Do For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $aArray[$i][$j] = $aArray[$aTrac[$i]][$j] ; overwrite each row [following the trail] Next $iNext = $aTrac[$i] ; get the index of the next row in the sequence $aTrac[$i] = $i ; set to ignore rows already processed [may be needed once, or not at all] $i = $iNext ; follow the trail as far as it goes [indices could be higher or lower] Until $aTrac[$i] = $iInit ; all tracking sequences end at this juncture For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $aArray[$i][$j] = $aFirst[$j] ; now we know where to put the initial row we copied earlier Next $aTrac[$i] = $i ; set to ignore rows already processed [as above] EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>__TagSortSwapXD #EndRegion - Miscellaneous #Region - Remote Loops ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: ___Flood1D, ___Flood2D, ___Flood3D, ___Flood4D, ___Flood5D, ___Flood6D, ___Flood7D, ___Flood8D, ___Flood9D ; Description ...: Flood the region of a multidimensional array defined by the sub-index within the specified dimension. ; Syntax.........: ___FloodXD($aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) ; Parameters.....; $aTarget - Array to populate. ; $aBound - Array containing the bounds of each dimension. ; $iDimension - Integer value defining the dimension. ; $iSubIndex - Integer value of the sub-index within the dimension. ; $iFrom - [Hidden] Integer value defining a sub-index within $aSource. ; $aSource - [Hidden] Array containing data which may be used to populate the target array. ; $sTransfer - String of instructions used to acquire data. ; Return values .: [ByRef] The target array after the region has been flooded. ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; Using remote loops cuts out several hundred lines of duplicated code. ; Recursively targeting a custom function, whichever dimension, is straight forward and reasonably optimal. ; The approach may introduce a small circumstantial speed deficit, which seems a fair trade-off. ; The sequence of loops runs backwards: optimized for higher dimensions with less bounds. ; Only the elements associated with the specified sub-index within the defined dimension are overwritten. ; Setting $iDimension to 0 causes the functions to overwrite all the elements within the target array. ; The $sTransfer parameter must be runnable code. ; Unused hidden parameters should be passed as empty strings. ; $aBound[0] can also be used as a wild card. ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Flood1D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) ; [still experimental] #forceref $iDimension, $iFrom, $aSource ; $iDimension would normally not apply here (special case) Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ; loop iteration count [or indices of higher dimensions within the source array] For $a[1] = $iSubIndex To $aBound[1] ; from the start to the bounds of the 1st dimension (special case) ; only one operation is needed in this special case $aTarget[$a[1]] = Execute($sTransfer) ; hidden parameters may appear in the code being executed Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood1D ; ============================================================================================================================== ; the following functions are slightly different ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Flood2D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) #forceref $iFrom, $aSource ; hidden parameters Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ; loop iteration count [or indices of higher dimensions within the source array] For $a[2] = 0 To $aBound[2] For $a[1] = 0 To $aBound[1] $a[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex ; override the iteration count (fast method) - $a[0] has no influence $aTarget[$a[1]][$a[2]] = Execute($sTransfer) ; hidden parameters may appear in the code being executed Next Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood2D ; ============================================================================================================================== ; see previous description and comments ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Flood3D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) #forceref $iFrom, $aSource ; as above Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ; as above For $a[3] = 0 To $aBound[3] For $a[2] = 0 To $aBound[2] For $a[1] = 0 To $aBound[1] $a[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex ; as above $aTarget[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]] = Execute($sTransfer) ; as above Next Next Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood3D ; ============================================================================================================================== ; see previous description and comments ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Flood4D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) #forceref $iFrom, $aSource Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] For $a[4] = 0 To $aBound[4] For $a[3] = 0 To $aBound[3] For $a[2] = 0 To $aBound[2] For $a[1] = 0 To $aBound[1] $a[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex $aTarget[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]] = Execute($sTransfer) Next Next Next Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood4D ; ============================================================================================================================== ; see previous description and comments ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Flood5D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) #forceref $iFrom, $aSource Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] For $a[5] = 0 To $aBound[5] For $a[4] = 0 To $aBound[4] For $a[3] = 0 To $aBound[3] For $a[2] = 0 To $aBound[2] For $a[1] = 0 To $aBound[1] $a[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex $aTarget[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]] = Execute($sTransfer) Next Next Next Next Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood5D ; ============================================================================================================================== ; see previous description and comments ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Flood6D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) #forceref $iFrom, $aSource Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] For $a[6] = 0 To $aBound[6] For $a[5] = 0 To $aBound[5] For $a[4] = 0 To $aBound[4] For $a[3] = 0 To $aBound[3] For $a[2] = 0 To $aBound[2] For $a[1] = 0 To $aBound[1] $a[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex $aTarget[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]] = Execute($sTransfer) Next Next Next Next Next Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood6D ; ============================================================================================================================== ; see previous description and comments ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Flood7D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) #forceref $iFrom, $aSource Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] For $a[7] = 0 To $aBound[7] For $a[6] = 0 To $aBound[6] For $a[5] = 0 To $aBound[5] For $a[4] = 0 To $aBound[4] For $a[3] = 0 To $aBound[3] For $a[2] = 0 To $aBound[2] For $a[1] = 0 To $aBound[1] $a[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex $aTarget[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]] = Execute($sTransfer) Next Next Next Next Next Next Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood7D ; ============================================================================================================================== ; see previous description and comments ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Flood8D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) #forceref $iFrom, $aSource Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] For $a[8] = 0 To $aBound[8] For $a[7] = 0 To $aBound[7] For $a[6] = 0 To $aBound[6] For $a[5] = 0 To $aBound[5] For $a[4] = 0 To $aBound[4] For $a[3] = 0 To $aBound[3] For $a[2] = 0 To $aBound[2] For $a[1] = 0 To $aBound[1] $a[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex $aTarget[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]] = Execute($sTransfer) Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood8D ; ============================================================================================================================== ; see previous description and comments ; ============================================================================================================================== Func ___Flood9D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) #forceref $iFrom, $aSource Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] For $a[9] = 0 To $aBound[9] For $a[8] = 0 To $aBound[8] For $a[7] = 0 To $aBound[7] For $a[6] = 0 To $aBound[6] For $a[5] = 0 To $aBound[5] For $a[4] = 0 To $aBound[4] For $a[3] = 0 To $aBound[3] For $a[2] = 0 To $aBound[2] For $a[1] = 0 To $aBound[1] $a[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex $aTarget[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]] = Execute($sTransfer) Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood9D #EndRegion - Remote Loops #Au3Stripper_On This UDF and all examples can be downloaded in the zip archive below. ArrayWorkshop.7z Related Topics : https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/179779-_arraydeclarefromstring-_arraytodeclarationstring-_arrayshufflemultidim-_arraycompare-_arrayenumvalues-_arrayassign/ - some rather nice functions. Interesting link from @jchd : https://reference.wolfram.com/language/guide/ListManipulation.html - more stuff than I am ever likely to use.
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