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  1. Good Morning Everyone, I want to say thank you to everyone here - you guys are fantastic at what you do and we all appreciate your help and hard work. All of IT has benefited from your hard work and knowledge. So thank you. Edited...
  2. Well, I've reached the loop point. I really don't know what to think or to do anymore Let me try to explain. This script I'll post below export the output of the the command "openfiles" on cmd, and it has an option to filter the logs to something that the analyst want to check in particular. For example. I wanna know how many guys are accessing the folder "X:folder1" or how many folders is the computer "Computer342312" accessing through the DFS. ;---------------------------------------------------------------INCLUDES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <Process.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <array.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <Date.au3> ;------------------------------------------------------------EXPORT-FOLDER-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "Export") Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "Export") EndIf ;------------------------------------------------------------ WHILE LOOP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $iNow = _NowCalc() Global $TimeOut = False While $TimeOut = False ;---------------------------------------------------------VARIABLES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $Date = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY Global $Hour = @HOUR & "-" & @MIN & "--" Global $FullDate = $Date & "_" & $Hour Global $ReportDir = @ScriptDir & "Export" ;----------------------------------------------------------INI_READ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $TimeFreq = IniRead("Config.ini", "Time", "Frequency", "60") Global $TimeDur = IniRead("Config.ini", "Time", "Duration", "24") Global $ReportOut = $FullDate & "_" & IniRead("Config.ini", "ReportOut", "ReportOut", "Report") Global $FilterExt = IniRead("Config.ini", "FilterExt", "FilterExt", "N") Global $FileExt = '"' & IniRead("Config.ini", "FileExt", "FileExt", "exe") & '"' Global $FormatOut = IniRead("Config.ini", "FormatOut", "FormatOut", "Table") ;-------------------------------------------------------ADVANCED VARIABLES----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $CommandCombo, $CommandFinal, $iDiff, $FreqDurMath $iTimeFreq = $TimeFreq * 60000 ; Turn to miliseconds $iTimeDur = $TimeDur ; Turn to minutes $FreqDurMath = ($TimeDur * 60) / $TimeFreq ;-------------------------------------------------------ERROR-TREATMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $iTimeFreq < 900000 Then MsgBox(4112, "Error", 'The parameter "FREQUENCY" at the config.ini file is set to a number below 15. 15 minutes is the minumum threshold', 5) Exit EndIf If $FreqDurMath < 1 Then If MsgBox(4116, "Error", 'The parameters "FREQUENCY" and "DURATION" at the config.ini file is set to a number which prevents it to loop more than once. Do you want to continue?', 10) = 7 Then Exit EndIf ;----------------------------------------------------------COMMAND BREED I------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $QueryCommand = "/query " & "/FO " & $FormatOut & " /V " & "/nh " Global $FindCommand = "| find /I " & $FileExt Global $ExportCommand = " > " & '"' & $ReportDir & $ReportOut & ".log" & '"' ;----------------------------------------------------------COMMAND BREED II------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If $FilterExt = "Y" Then $CommandCombo = $QueryCommand & $FindCommand & $ExportCommand Else $CommandCombo = $QueryCommand & $ExportCommand EndIf $CommandFinal = "openfiles " & $CommandCombo ;-------------------------------------------------------------OPTIONS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $FilterExt = "Y" Then If $FileExt <> "" Then TrayTip("Message from the " & @ScriptName & " Script: ", 'The command "' & $CommandFinal & '" is running in this server. Options enabled are the following:' & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Filter: " & '"' & $FilterExt & '"' & @CRLF & "Ext/String: " & $FileExt & @CRLF, 1, 1) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "" & "CommandOut.txt", $CommandFinal) Else TrayTip("Message from the " & @ScriptName & " Script: ", 'The command "' & $CommandFinal & '" is running in this server.', 1, 1) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "" & "CommandOut.txt", $CommandFinal) EndIf EndIf ;-----------------------------------------------------------MAIN COMMAND--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------MAIN COMMAND----------------------------------- _RunDOS($CommandFinal) ;--------MAIN COMMAND----------------------------------- $iDiff = _DateDiff('h', $iNow, _NowCalc()) Sleep($iTimeFreq) ;Frequency, If $iDiff > $iTimeDur Then $TimeOut = True EndIf If $TimeOut = True Then Exit WEnd ;==> While from line 20 The ini File is the following: [Time] # What frequency? (Minutes [minimum: 15 min) / How long? (Hours [Minimum: 1H) Frequency = 15 Duration = 1 [FilterExt] # GREP Extension/String? ( Y, N) FilterExt = Y [FileExt] # What's the extension or string combo to be matched? (.exe; .doc; .csv; Solidworks; Report, etc. (default: line commented by #) FileExt = C:Sharing [ReportOut] # LogFile Sufix ReportOut = Report [FormatOut] # LogFile Format: CSV or Table. (default: table) FormatOut = CSV So, It wasn't working. I tried to debug every line and it still didn't find anything wrong, so I created a filewriteline that writes down the SAME command that _RunDOS is running before it runs it. And if you copy and paste this command on the cmd line, it works, but the same command within _RunDOS generates a logfile with 0kb. To test it you must create a sharing in your computer, and access a file like a .doc or .xls from another computer, then use the filter on the .ini file. Check the the file in the EXPORT folder, it has 0kb. Delete it, and run on cmd the same exported command at scriptdir file "CommandOut.txt" and now, explain why it doesn't work. It makes 0 sense.
  3. Hello, fellows. I recently gave fingerbirth to a script that reports out the current files, and users opening those files currently. Also provides a filter for strings/extensions. Suggestions and improvements are welcome. #cs ---------------------------Script Start------------------------------------- | Author: DavidLago (Hellfrost) | Script Function: Reports out a logfile containing openfiles within a (file)server, configured under an ini file #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------INCLUDES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <Process.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <array.au3> #include <Date.au3> ;------------------------------------------------------------EXPORT-FOLDER-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Export") Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Export") EndIf ;------------------------------------------------------------ WHILE LOOP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $iNow = _NowCalc() Global $TimeOut = False While $TimeOut = False ;---------------------------------------------------------VARIABLES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $Date = @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @YEAR Global $Hour = @HOUR & "'" & @MIN & "''" Global $FullDate = $Date & "_" & $Hour Global $ReportDir = @ScriptDir & "\Export\" ;----------------------------------------------------------INI_READ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $MailFrom = IniRead("Config.ini", "Mail", "MailFrom", "Script_OpenFiles@AutoITScripting.net") Global $Mailto = IniRead("Config.ini", "Mail", "Mailto", "") Global $MailSubj = IniRead("Config.ini", "Mail", "MailSubj", "") Global $MailBody = IniRead("Config.ini", "Mail", "MailBody", "") Global $TimeFreq = IniRead("Config.ini", "Time", "Frequency", "60") Global $TimeDur = IniRead("Config.ini", "Time", "Duration", "24") Global $ReportOut = $FullDate & "_" & IniRead("Config.ini", "ReportOut", "ReportOut", "Report") Global $FilterExt = IniRead("Config.ini", "FilterExt", "FilterExt", "N") Global $FileExt = '"' & IniRead("Config.ini", "FileExt", "FileExt", "exe") & '"' Global $FormatOut = IniRead("Config.ini", "FormatOut", "FormatOut", "Table") ;-------------------------------------------------------MATH VARIABLES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $CommandCombo, $CommandFinal, $iDiff, $FreqDurMath $iTimeFreq = $TimeFreq * 60000 ; Turn to miliseconds $iTimeDur = $TimeDur ; Turn to minutes $FreqDurMath = ($TimeDur * 60) / $TimeFreq ;-------------------------------------------------------ERROR-TREATMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $iTimeFreq < 900000 Then MsgBox(4112, "Error", 'The parameter "FREQUENCY" at the config.ini file is set to a number below 15. 15 minutes is the minumum threshold', 5) $MailBody = 'The Script "' & @ScriptName & '" is reporting the following error: The parameter "FREQUENCY" at the config.ini file is set to a number below 15. ' & @CRLF & '15 minutes is the minumum threshold' SendMail($MailBody) Exit EndIf If $FreqDurMath < 1 Then $MailBody = 'The Script "' & @ScriptName & '" The parameters "FREQUENCY" and "DURATION" at the config.ini file is set to a number which prevents it to loop more than once. Do you want to continue?' SendMail($MailBody) If MsgBox(4116, "Error", 'The parameters "FREQUENCY" and "DURATION" at the config.ini file is set to a number which prevents it to loop more than once. Do you want to continue?', 10) = 7 Then Exit EndIf ;----------------------------------------------------------COMMAND BREED I------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $QueryCommand = "/query " & "/FO " & $FormatOut & " /V " & "/nh " Global $FindCommand = "| find /I " & $FileExt Global $ExportCommand = " > " & '"' & $ReportDir & $ReportOut & ".log" & '"' If $FilterExt = "Y" Then $CommandCombo = $QueryCommand & $FindCommand & $ExportCommand Else $CommandCombo = $QueryCommand & $ExportCommand EndIf $CommandFinal = "openfiles " & $CommandCombo ;-------------------------------------------------------------OPTIONS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $FilterExt = "Y" Then If $FileExt <> "" Then TrayTip("Message from the " & @ScriptName & " Script: ", 'The command "' & $CommandFinal & '" is running in this server. Options enabled are the following:' & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Filter: " & '"' & $FilterExt & '"' & @CRLF & "Ext/String: " & $FileExt & @CRLF, 1, 1) Else TrayTip("Message from the " & @ScriptName & " Script: ", 'The command "' & $CommandFinal & '" is running in this server.', 1, 1) EndIf EndIf ;--------MAIN COMMAND-----------------------------------################## _RunDOS($CommandFinal) ;--------MAIN COMMAND-----------------------------------################## $iDiff = _DateDiff('h', $iNow, _NowCalc()) Sleep($iTimeFreq) ; <-Frequency If $iDiff > $iTimeDur Then ; <-- Is time through? $TimeOut = True $MailBody = 'The script "' & @ScriptName & '", which was running at the server "' & @ComputerName & '", generated the requested logs successfully. Please, contact your Domain administrator to claim them' SendMail($MailBody) EndIf WEnd ;==> While from line 18 ;------------------------Function to send e-mail-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func SendMail($MailBody) $objEmail = ObjCreate("CDO.Message") $objEmail.From = $MailFrom $objEmail.To = $Mailto $objEmail.Subject = $MailSubj $objEmail.Textbody = $MailBody $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = _ "mail.domain.net" ; <----------------------------------------- Insert your mailserver here $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Update $objEmail.Send EndFunc ;==>SendMail Contents of the config.ini file: #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config. ini # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # OPENFILES REPORT: # Reports out a logfile containing openfiles within a server #--------------------------------------------------------------------# [Time] # What frequency? (Minutes [minimum: 15 min) / How long? (Hours [Minimum: 1H) Frequency = 15 Duration = 1 [FilterExt] # GREP Extension/String? ( Y, N) FilterExt = Y [FileExt] # What's the extension or string combo to be matched? (.exe; .doc; .csv; Solidworks; Report, etc. (default: line commented by #) FileExt = doc [ReportOut] # LogFile Sufix ReportOut = Report [FormatOut] # LogFile Format: CSV or Table. (default: table) FormatOut = CSV [Mail] MailFrom = Script_OpenFiles@AutoITScripts.com Mailto = hellfrost@hellfrost.info MailSubj = OpenFiles Alert Example MailBody = This message is an alert. It might be useful for a Domain admin someday.
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