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Found 9 results

  1. #NoTrayIcon #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Rainmeter Suspend #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=Rainmeter Suspend #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt("TrayAutoPause",0) while 1 sleep(5000) _IsFullScreen() WEnd Func _IsFullScreen () Local $hwnd = WinGetHandle ("[ACTIVE]") Local $aWinRect = WinGetPos ($hwnd) If ($aWinRect[2] >= _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics($SM_CXSCREEN)) OR ($aWinRect[3] >= _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics($SM_CYSCREEN)) Then _ProcessSuspend("rainmeter.exe") Else _ProcessResume("rainmeter.exe") EndIf EndFunc Func _ProcessSuspend($process) $processid = ProcessExists($process) If $processid Then $ai_Handle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x1f0fff, 'int', False, 'int', $processid) $i_sucess = DllCall("ntdll.dll","int","NtSuspendProcess","int",$ai_Handle[0]) DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'CloseHandle', 'ptr', $ai_Handle) If IsArray($i_sucess) Then Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 Endif Else SetError(2) Return 0 Endif EndFunc Func _ProcessResume($process) $processid = ProcessExists($process) If $processid Then $ai_Handle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x1f0fff, 'int', False, 'int', $processid) $i_sucess = DllCall("ntdll.dll","int","NtResumeProcess","int",$ai_Handle[0]) DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'CloseHandle', 'ptr', $ai_Handle) If IsArray($i_sucess) Then Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 Endif Else SetError(2) Return 0 Endif EndFunc I'm getting this error when running my script: "Error: Subscript used on non-accessible variable" I'm very confused because the script works 99% of the time and then I just get the random error. What am I missing?
  2. Is it possible to sign your script before compiling?
  3. Hello all I have a question please Is there a way to request the script for administrator privileges if a particular condition is met?? example local $path = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\test", "fullpath") if $fullPath = @scriptFullPath then Request for administrator privileges main() else main() endIf I hope to find a solution here Greetings to all
  4. Hi guys I have a question about the slider controle There is a problem with screen readers, wen we Using a screen reader We usually move between GUI controls using the tab key. But when you create a slider , beside to it there are buttons and check boxes or any other controls, When I move between the GUI controls using the tab key I can not find the slider. But if it were alone in the window, I would find it normally. Is there a solution to Solve this problem please? This is the code i tried #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <SliderConstants.au3> main() Func main() GUICreate("slider", 200, 200, -1, -1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("slider", 10, 10, 240, 50) Local $idSlider1 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(50, 30, 200, 20, BitOr($TBS_DOWNISLEFT, $TBS_BOTH)) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 0) ;GUIStartGroup("") Local $idButton = GUICtrlCreatebutton("Value?", 75, 70, 70, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlSetData($idSlider1, 10) while 1 switch GUIGetMsg() case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exit case $idButton MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "slider1", GUICtrlRead($idSlider1)) endSwitch Wend EndFunc [Click and drag to move]
  5. Hello, i have a problem, first i create two gui , first gui use Fuction Soundplay to play the music, if the music playing in the end, it auto change a new song like playlist on soundcloud, but the problem that while i press a button in gui 1 to open gui 2 , the song when it end it not change to a new song, wait for gui 2 close then begin change a new song, have anyway to make gui 1 still working while gui 2 is working too?
  6. Howdy! I've been reading through the OutLookEX documentation and examples for the past two days ( VERY well documented, very clear! ) https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/OutlookEX_UDF_-_General But I've had trouble locating information on specifying what user to use. My outlook is linked to two email accounts and I can only manipulate the main account's stuff. A simple script I've been playing with is this ; Include Functions #include <OutlookEX.au3> ; Connect to Outlook Global $oOutlook = _OL_Open() If @error <> 0 Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Connect to Outlook", "Error connecting to Outlook. @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) ;List the folders Global $aResult = _OL_FolderTree($oOutlook, "*") If @error <> 0 Then Exit MsgBox(16, "OutlookEX UDF: _OL_FolderTree Example Script", "Error accessing root folder. @error = " & @error) _ArrayDisplay($aResult, "OutlookEX UDF: _OL_FolderTree Example Script - All folders") It works like a charm but it only returns my main account's folders. I really hope I didn't overlook a wiki page or help file... Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! -Reiz
  7. Don't you just love it when a regular expression comes out on top?! I know I do.. Local $hTimer = 0 $hTimer = TimerInit() For $i = 1 To 10000 _IsSystemDrive_Test_1('C') Next ConsoleWrite(TimerDiff($hTimer) & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() For $i = 1 To 10000 _IsSystemDrive_Test_2('C') Next ConsoleWrite(TimerDiff($hTimer) & @CRLF) Func _IsSystemDrive_Test_1($sDrive) Local $aArray = [@HomeDrive, _ @ProgramFilesDir, _ @SystemDir, _ @WindowsDir] For $sFilePath In $aArray If StringLeft($sFilePath, 1) = $sDrive Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc ;==>_IsSystemDrive Func _IsSystemDrive_Test_2($sDrive) Return StringRegExp(@HomeDrive & '|' & @ProgramFilesDir & '|' & @SystemDir & '|' & @WindowsDir, '(?<=^|\|)(?:' & $sDrive & ')') = 1 EndFunc ;==>_IsSystemDrive I am no expert at regular expressions, but what I have managed to learn has proved very useful over the last couple of years.
  8. Could anyone please tell me how I get this application to write its information out to a notepad file? Thank you in advance. I had tried changing the code to reference "Untitled - Notepad" instead of the Product 2009 and I would think the send commands and references to buttons and specific pages would need to be removed also. For example I would like to set the $amount to say 100 and then have it write 000-00-0001, 000-00-0002 etc etc until the end of the count into the notepad file. #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <IE.au3> $me = GUICreate("Desktop Generator", 450, 200) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) ; background color $textbox1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 90, 430, 100) $Pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("image.jpg", 300, 1, 141, 42) $Labelnumberstart = GUICtrlCreateLabel("number Start", 10, 1, 60, 20) $Estart = GUICtrlCreateInput("000-00-", 75, 1, 45, 20) $Eend = (GUICtrlCreateInput("0000", 125, 1, 40, 20)) $LabelAnount = GUICtrlCreateLabel("# ", 10, 25, 60, 20) $amount = GUICtrlCreateInput("000", 75, 25, 30, 20) $newReturn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Create ", 10, 47, 151, 20) $helpButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Help", 10, 67, 151, 20) fRunGui() Func fRunGui() GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ; closes when red x is pressed ExitLoop Case $msg = $newReturn GUICtrlSetData($textbox1, "");deletes the text openRetrun() Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd EndFunc ;==>fRunGui Func openRetrun() $iCount = 0 For $count = 0 To GUICtrlRead($amount) - 1 Step 1 $numberEnd = GUICtrlRead($Eend) + $count While StringLen($numberEnd) < 4 $numberEnd = "0" & $numberEnd WEnd $number = GUICtrlRead($Estart) & $numberEnd fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, WinActivate("product 2009 :", "")) Send("^n") fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, WinWaitActive("Enter number", "", 10)) fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, ControlSetText("Enter number", "", "TMaskEdit3", $number)) fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, ControlSetText("Enter number", "", "TMaskEdit1", $number)) Send("{TAB}") If (WinExists("Confirm", "&Yes")) Then fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, WinActivate("Confirm", "&Yes")) fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, ControlClick("Confirm", "", "TButton1", "left", 1)) fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, WinWaitActive("Enter number", "", 10)) fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, ControlClick("Enter number", "", "TButton3", "left", 1)) GUICtrlSetData($textbox1, "- - - - The return " & $number & " already exists" & @CRLF, 1) Else fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, ControlClick("Enter number", "", "TButton4", "left", 1)) fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, WinWaitActive("product 2009 :", "pnlNavigation", 10)) Send("!f") Send("c") fThrowError(@ScriptLineNumber, WinWaitActive("product 2009 :", "homepage.htm", 10)) GUICtrlSetData($textbox1, "- - - - The return " & $number & " Created" & @CRLF, 1) $iCount = $iCount + 1 EndIf Next; end of for statement GUICtrlSetData($textbox1, "A total of " & $iCount & " returns were created" & @CRLF, 1) EndFunc ;==>openRetrun Func fThrowError($sMessage, $iZero) If ($iZero = 0) Then MsgBox(1, "Error", "Please restart tool" & $sMessage) fRunGui() Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>fThrowError Exit
  9. Im relative new to this awesome script language and every day Im mindblowed but what things I discover and didn't know about the au3 syntax but I have some questions : #1. What is ByRef and what it does/why to use it/where to use it #2. Is this really really true that the first character after the $ sign in the variable name means the type of the variable ??? :shocked: ( Like $iVar = int and $sVar = char types from C ? ) What about if I declare $Random instead ? If the above is true, then why all my created programs are working with random names without the correct specific type declared ? Like $pink = 5 + 5 does works despite the 'p' representing the pointer type ! #3. Why I need to unregister things or close any handles like DllClose after a DllOpen OR _GDIPlus_Shutdown() after my script exists ? #4. And last but not the least why this : #include <Misc.au3> ;Global declarations ;... Func () Func() ; the code Endfunc and not this instead : #include <Misc.au3> ;Global declarations ;... ; the code Will there be any problems whatsoever if the last variant ?
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