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  1. Hi, I'm trying to write an formula to the excel, but it actually does not write anything into the cell, any ideas? $formula1="=MID(B"&$utakmice&",SEARCH("-",B"&$utakmice&")-1,1)" _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $formula1, "C"&$smth)
  2. Hey all, Ending day 2 of learning AutoIt, and I'm stumped. I wrote an extremely rudimentary script simulating keystrokes for reading/copying values from one excel spreadsheet and pasting them into another spreadsheet, line by line. It works, but it doesn't use any of the Excel UDFs and was just sloppy. So, I'm trying to re-write it using some Excel UDFs to not only optimize the script, but to also learn how to use the Excel UDFs. If the answer is in a help file, please explain as I'm sometimes having problems understanding the examples in the help files. I'm getting the error: "C:\Users\johndoe\Desktop\AutoIt Test\AutoIt_Read spreadsheet 1 - write spreadsheet 2-version2.au3" (25) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.: MsgBox(0,"Test","Test",$SourceEntry[1]) MsgBox(0,"Test","Test",^ ERROR >Exit code: 1 Time: 1.804 Here is the code: #include<Array.au3> #include<Excel.au3> ;-------------------Read from Source--------------------------- Local $oExcel_Source = _Excel_Open() Local $sWorkbook = "C:\Users\johndoe\Desktop\AutoIt Test\AutoIt_Testing_SOURCE.xlsx" Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel_Source,$sWorkbook) Local $SourceRow = 3 ;--eventually will be used to iterate through the rows, one at a time Local $SourceEntry[5] = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook,Default,"A"&$SourceRow&":E"&$SourceRow) _ArrayDisplay($SourceEntry, "1D Display") ;--Displays array values correctly MsgBox(0,"Test","Test",$SourceEntry[1]) ;--Gives error, for any index in the array I want to make sure I can read the values of the array individually, before I try putting them into another document. This is because I've got to add some checks against the values already existing in the destination spreadsheet before any manipulation. I've spent the last hour or more googling that error and reading multiple posts where that error is meaning many different things, so unsure EXACTLY what the problem is. Would greatly appreciate a fix and/or explanation as well as patience with my noob-ness. Thanks in advance
  3. I am working on a script that will turn all file names in a directory into an array, and then writes this Array to an Excel file. This in itself is working, but the RangeWrite function always puts the Array count in the first cell. How can i make sure this does not happen? I can of course just filter it out in Excel, but i am trying to keep all logic of filtering text in my script. This is what my script looks like: Local $Yesterday = _DateAdd('d', -1, _NowCalcDate()) Local $cDate = StringReplace($Yesterday, "/", "-") Local $aFileList = _FileListToArray(@WorkingDir & "/" & $cDate, "*") Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open() Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aFileList)
  4. Why is my code not writing X in cell D1? #include <Excel.au3> Global $r = 1,$oExcel Excel () Func Excel() While ProcessExists("EXCEL.EXE") $ms = MsgBox(5,"","Process error. You have an Excel sheet open. You must close it in order to let this program work. Please close it now.") If $ms=2 Then Exit WEnd Local $sExcelFile = FileOpenDialog("Choose/Create Excel File", @ScriptDir, "(*.xlsx)") If FileExists($sExcelFile) Then $oExcel = _Excel_Open () $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel,$sExcelFile) ;this will open the chosen xls file. Else $oExcel = _Excel_Open() $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel, 2);this is here to create the xls file if it does not exist. EndIf EndFunc Sleep (2000) _Excel_RangeWrite($oExcel,Default, "X", "D" & $r) Exit
  5. Hello all! I wrote a little script to automate some of my work (for which I'm greatfull). I have little problem now. My script get data of currency values from specified time period. The problem, if XY day is a holiday or something, then the bank doesn't have new values for that day, thus my script can ask for "till that date" if there is only data for "till that date-1". I should be done with this for tomorrow and I should learn for my test paper tomorrow, make a genetic algorhytm homework, and at least look at a ppt... So here is my code, pleas ask if you need more information! InternetRead2() ;Creating Date and Arfolyam arrays, using DateInterval read from above (_ArraysDisplayed and function is "tested") ;Calculate and write HUF*OSSZEG Do Local $SZAMLATELJOlvaso = _Excel_RangeRead($ExcelObject, Default, $SZAMLATELJoszlop & $CellaOlvasoSzamlalo) Local $Time = StringTrimRight($SZAMLATELJOlvaso, 6) $DateArrayTimeIndex = _ArraySearch($DateArray, $Time, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) ;MsgBox(64, "Értesítés", $DateArrayTimeIndex) If @error = 6 Then $DateArrayTimeIndex = _ArraySearch($DateArray, $Time-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) ;MsgBox(64, "Értesítés", $DateArrayTimeIndex) EndIf If @error = 6 Then $DateArrayTimeIndex = _ArraySearch($DateArray, $Time-2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) ;MsgBox(64, "Értesítés", $DateArrayTimeIndex) EndIf If @error = 6 Then $DateArrayTimeIndex = _ArraySearch($DateArray, $Time-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) ;MsgBox(64, "Értesítés", $DateArrayTimeIndex) EndIf If @error = 6 Then $DateArrayTimeIndex = _ArraySearch($DateArray, $Time-4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) ;MsgBox(64, "Értesítés", $DateArrayTimeIndex) EndIf $DateArrayTimeIndex = $DateArrayTimeIndex+1 ;Egyébként arraysearch -1et ad vissza, 0nál. Passz Sleep(200) If Not $SZAMLATELJOlvaso = "" Then _Excel_RangeWrite($ExcelObject, $ExcelObject.Activesheet, "=" & $OSSZEGoszlop & $CellaOlvasoSzamlalo & "*" & String($ArfolyamArray[$DateArrayTimeIndex]) & "", String($sHUFBeszurOszlop) & $CellaOlvasoSzamlalo) If @error Then _Excel_RangeWrite($ExcelObject, $ExcelObject.Activesheet, "=" & $OSSZEGoszlop & $CellaOlvasoSzamlalo & "*" & String($ArfolyamArray[$oXML_Node.Length]) & "", String($sHUFBeszurOszlop) & $CellaOlvasoSzamlalo) MsgBox(64, "Értesítés", "Valamilyen okból, nem találok az adott dátumhoz árfolyamot, a keresési idők közül a legutolsó árfolyammal töltöttem ki!" & @CRLF & Number($oXML_Node_Datum)) EndIf EndIf $CellaOlvasoSzamlalo = $CellaOlvasoSzamlalo + 1 Until $SZAMLATELJOlvaso = "" also my internetread2 function : Func InternetRead2() ;ezt használja az excelmove ;----------------------------------- ;Original Source: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/184884-solved-basic-com-help-working-on-string-returned-from-api-mi-doing-this-okey/ ;by Genius257 ;TO DO: Some error handling maybe: what if there is no $MinTime/$MaxTime? ;Read the returns in to array for future use --> Right now, 2 arrays one with the dates and one with the exchangerates ;----------------------------------- ;Globals decleared to avoid warnings Global $MinTime ;20160601000000 Global $MaxTime ;20160610000000 Global $MinTimeFormated = StringTrimRight($MinTime, 6) Global $MaxTimeFormated = StringTrimRight($MaxTime, 6) $oHTTP = ObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") If $MaxTimeFormated = "" and $MinTimeFormated = "" Then MsgBox(64, "Értesítés", "Nincsenek beolvasott dátumok a memóriában, dummy dátumokat adok meg!" & @CRLF & "20160901, 20160910") $MinTimeFormated = "20160901" $MaxTimeFormated = "20160905" EndIf $oHTTP.Open("GET", "http://api.napiarfolyam.hu/?bank=mnb&valuta=eur&datum="&$MinTimeFormated&"&datumend="&$MaxTimeFormated&"", False) $oHTTP.Send() $sXML = $oHTTP.responseText Global $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $oXML.loadXML( $sXML ) $oXML_Nodes = $oXML.SelectNodes("./arfolyamok/deviza/item") Global $ArfolyamArray[$oXML_Nodes.Length] ;MsgBox(64, "Title", "" & $oXML_Nodes.Length & "") ;_ArrayDisplay($ArfolyamArray) Global $DateArray[$oXML_Nodes.Length] For $i=0 To $oXML_Nodes.Length-1 Global $oXML_Node = $oXML_Nodes.Item($i) $oXML_Node_Bank = $oXML_Node.SelectNodes("./bank") $oXML_Node_Bank = $oXML_Node_Bank.Length>0?$oXML_Node_Bank.Item(0).text:"" Global $oXML_Node_Datum = $oXML_Node.SelectNodes("./datum") $oXML_Node_Datum = $oXML_Node_Datum.Length>0?$oXML_Node_Datum.Item(0).text:"" $oXML_Node_Penznem = $oXML_Node.SelectNodes("./penznem") $oXML_Node_Penznem = $oXML_Node_Penznem.Length>0?$oXML_Node_Penznem.Item(0).text:"" $oXML_Node_Kozeps = $oXML_Node.SelectNodes("./kozep") $oXML_Node_Kozep01 = $oXML_Node_Kozeps.Length>0?$oXML_Node_Kozeps.Item(0).text:"" $oXML_Node_Kozep02 = $oXML_Node_Kozeps.Length>1?$oXML_Node_Kozeps.Item(1).text:"" $ArfolyamArray[$i] = $oXML_Node_Kozep01 $DateArray[$i] = StringTrimRight(StringReplace($oXML_Node_Datum, "-", ""), 8) ConsoleWrite( "Match [" & StringFormat("%02i", $i+1) & "]:"&@CRLF& _ @TAB&"Bank: "&@TAB&$oXML_Node_Bank&@CRLF& _ @TAB&"Datum: "&@TAB&$oXML_Node_Datum&@CRLF& _ @TAB&"Penznem: "&@TAB&$oXML_Node_Penznem&@CRLF& _ @TAB&"Kozep01: "&@TAB&$oXML_Node_Kozep01&@CRLF& _ @TAB&"Kozep02: "&@TAB&$oXML_Node_Kozep02&@CRLF _ ) Next ;_ArrayDisplay($ArfolyamArray) ;_ArrayDisplay($DateArray) EndFunc My problem is that I have dates in my excel till 2016.10.30, but I only have dates till 28. (see the api, according to aoutit console, I have the same data: http://api.napiarfolyam.hu/?bank=mnb&valuta=eur&datum=20161001&datumend=20161030 ) My idea/goal (with the If @error then... after @SZAMLATELJolvaso part) is that if this happens, I want it to automaticly jump to the last date of the array (I will be able to write something more elaborate, but for now thats my goal, to save the sinking ship ) Thank yu for your help and insight!
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