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  1. Here is a UDF to easily apply that "snappy edge" effect to your GUI that you have probably seen on many programs. "Snappy" meaning anytime the boarder of your gui gets close to another windows boarder, or the desktop edges, your gui will automatically snap and align itself to that boarder. It is a very nice feature when it comes to aligning and resizeing your GUIs side by side. One problem that I still have to hammer out is what Style you use for your GUI. If you choose to make the GUI non sizeable, it will still work but you'll see the edges will overlap a little bit. There is some invisible boarder there that isnt acounted for when I get the gui width and height. I need to look at Getsystemmetrics. Im pretty sure the answer is there. Anyway plz take a look and tell me what you think. I love feed back or any new ideas. Thanks Updated 9/17/11: Automatic alignment to ALL visible windows now. Not just other Autoit windows. Also removed _WinSnap_RegisterMsgs() as it is not nessasary. Windows Msgs are automatically registered on startup. See UDF header for more details. Updated 5/31/11: Added new function _WinSnap_SetStyle() to configure what the window snaps to and to be able to enable/disable then snaps. Needed if you want to lock a window to another. WinSnap.html Previous Download:122 Note: The .html link is just to help me keep track of downloads. Open the .html file and a download dialog will display. Examples: UDF: #region Header ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: WinSnap ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Functions for making windows have "snap to" edges ; Author(s) .....: Beege ; Remarks........: This UDF registers windows msgs WM_MOVING, WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE, WS_WM_SIZING. If any of these msgs ; are registered in your script, your function must pass the msgs on to this UDF. Below are examples of the calls ; you will need to add if this is the case: ; ; Func WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ; WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ; ;USER CODE; ; EndFunc ;==>WM_SIZING; ; ; Func WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ; WS_WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ; ;USER CODE; ; EndFunc ;==>WM_SIZING; ; ; Func WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ; WS_WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ; ;USER CODE; ; EndFunc ;==>WM_SIZING; ; ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ; _WinSnap_Set ; _WinSnap_SetStyle ; =============================================================================================================================== #include-once #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StructureConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #endregion Header #region Global Varialbes ;~ Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Global Enum $g_iHwnd, $g_iStyle Global $g_aSnapGUIs[1][2] = [[0, 0]] #cs $g_aSnapGUIs[$i][$g_iHwnd] = Handle to window $g_aSnapGUIs[$i][$g_iStyle] = Style Flag #ce Global $g_iMouseDistancetoX, $g_iMouseDistancetoY Global $g_iDesktopHeight Global $g_bMovingStarted = False Global $g_iMonitorTotal Global Const $WS_WM_MOVING = 0x0216 Global Const $WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = 0x0231 GUIRegisterMsg($WS_WM_MOVING, "WS_WM_MOVING") GUIRegisterMsg($WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE, 'WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE') GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SIZING, 'WS_WM_SIZING') #endregion Global Varialbes #region Public functions ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinSnap_Set ; Description....: Sets window to have "snap to" edges ; Syntax.........: _WinSnap_Set($hGUI) ; Parameters.....: $hGUI - handle to window ; Return values..: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @error ; Author.........: Beege ; Remarks........: None ; =============================================================================================================== Func _WinSnap_Set($hGUI) $g_aSnapGUIs[0][0] += 1 ReDim $g_aSnapGUIs[$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0] + 1][2] $g_aSnapGUIs[$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0]][$g_iHwnd] = $hGUI $g_aSnapGUIs[$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0]][$g_iStyle] = 3 Local $tRectMoving = DllStructCreate($tagRECT) _WinAPI_SystemParametersInfo(0x0030, 0, DllStructGetPtr($tRectMoving), 0);SPI_GETWORKAREA If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $g_iDesktopHeight = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') $g_iMonitorTotal = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(80);SM_CMONITORS If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_WinSnap_Set ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinSnap_SetStyle ; Description....: Sets what the window will snap to. Desktop edges or Window edges ; Syntax.........: _WinSnap_SetStyle($hGUI, $iFlag) ; Parameters.....: $hGUI - Handle to window to set style ; $iFlag - Style Value: ; | 0 = No Snap at all ; | 1 = Snap to Desktop Edges ; | 2 = Snap to Other Autoit Windows ; | 3 = Snap to all (Defualt) ; Return values..: Success - Returns the value of the previous setting ; Failure - 0 and set @error to 1 ; Author.........: Beege ; =============================================================================================================== Func _WinSnap_SetStyle($hGUI, $iFlag) Local $iIndex = _GetIndex($hGUI) If Not $iIndex Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iLast = $g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle] $g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle] = $iFlag Return $iLast EndFunc ;==>_WinSnap_SetStyle #endregion Public functions #region internel functions ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _GetIndex ; Description....: returns array index for handle ; Syntax.........: _GetIndex($hGUI) ; Parameters.....: $hGUI - handle to window ; Return values..: Success - array index for gui handle ; Failure - 0 ; Author.........: Beege ; =============================================================================================================== Func _GetIndex($hGUI) For $i = 1 To $g_aSnapGUIs[0][0] If $hGUI = $g_aSnapGUIs[$i][$g_iHwnd] Then Return $i Next Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_GetIndex ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE ; Description....: Called when window begins to move. ; Syntax.........: WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ; Return values..: None ; Author.........: Beege ; =============================================================================================================== Func WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam Local $pGUI1 = WinGetPos($hWndGUI) Local $aMousePos = MouseGetPos() $g_bMovingStarted = False $g_iMouseDistancetoX = $aMousePos[0] - $pGUI1[0] $g_iMouseDistancetoY = $pGUI1[1] - $aMousePos[1] EndFunc ;==>WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: WS_WM_MOVING ; Description....: Called when a window is being moved ; Syntax.........: WS_WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ; Return values..: None ; Author.........: Beege ; =============================================================================================================== Func WS_WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam Static $iStartW, $iStartH Local $iIndex = _GetIndex($hWndGUI) If Not $iIndex Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG Local $tRectMoving = DllStructCreate($tagRECT, $lParam) If Not $g_bMovingStarted Then $g_bMovingStarted = True $iStartW = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') $iStartH = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') EndIf ;If window is snaped we need to monitor how much the mouse has moved ;from is original drag point position on the title bar. Local $aMousePos = MouseGetPos() Local $iChangeinX = Abs($aMousePos[0] - (DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $g_iMouseDistancetoX)) Local $iChangeinY = Abs((DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') - $aMousePos[1]) - $g_iMouseDistancetoY) Local $iTopMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') Local $iLeftMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') #region Check if near desktop edges ;Check if style includes snaping to desktop edges If BitAND($g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle], 1) Then For $i = 1 To $g_iMonitorTotal If _IsClose($iRightMoving, (@DesktopWidth * $i)) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * $i)) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - $iStartW) EndIf Next For $i = 0 To $g_iMonitorTotal - 1 If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, (@DesktopWidth * $i)) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', (@DesktopWidth * $i)) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW) EndIf Next If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH) EndIf If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH) EndIf If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, @DesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', @DesktopHeight) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH) EndIf ;Here we check if the mouse has moved from original drag point. if it has we unsnap the window If $iChangeinX > 20 Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $aMousePos[0] - $g_iMouseDistancetoX) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW) EndIf If $iChangeinY > 15 Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $aMousePos[1] + $g_iMouseDistancetoY) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH) EndIf EndIf #endregion Check if near desktop edges #region Check if window in near other Autoit Windows Local $aWinlist = WinList() ;Check if style of window includes other Autoit Windows If BitAND($g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle], 2) Then For $i = 1 To $aWinlist[0][0] If $aWinlist[$i][0] = '' Or $aWinlist[$i][1] = $hWndGUI Or Not _IsVisible($aWinlist[$i][1]) Then ContinueLoop Local $tRectNonMoving = _WinAPI_GetWindowRect($aWinlist[$i][1]) Local $iTopNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Bottom') Local $iLeftNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Right') If $iTopMoving <= ($iBottomNonMoving + 5) And ($iBottomMoving + 5) >= $iTopNonMoving Then ;Gui1Right to Gui2Right If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - $iStartW) EndIf ;Gui1Left to Gui2left If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW) EndIf ;Gui1Left to Gui2Right If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW) EndIf ;Gui1Right to Gui2Left If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - $iStartW) EndIf EndIf If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then ;gui1top to gui2top If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH) EndIf ;~ gui1top to gui2bottom If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH) EndIf ;gui1bottom to gui2bottom If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH) EndIf ;gui1bottom to gui2top If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH) EndIf EndIf ;Here we check if the mouse has moved from original drag point. if it has we unsnap the window If $iChangeinX > 20 Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $aMousePos[0] - $g_iMouseDistancetoX) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW) EndIf If $iChangeinY > 15 Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $aMousePos[1] + $g_iMouseDistancetoY) DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH) EndIf Next EndIf #endregion Check if window in near other Autoit Windows Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WS_WM_MOVING ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: WS_WM_SIZING ; Description....: Called when a window is being sized ; Syntax.........: WS_WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ; Return values..: None ; Author.........: Beege ; =============================================================================================================== Func WS_WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam If Not _GetIndex($hWndGUI) Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG Local $tRectMoving = DllStructCreate($tagRECT, $lParam) Local $iLeftMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') Local $iTopMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') #region check if resizing near desktop edge Switch $wParam Case 6; bottom edge If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight) Case 7; bottom Left corner If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight) If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', @DesktopWidth) If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', 0) Case 1; left If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', @DesktopWidth) If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', 0) Case 2; right If _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', @DesktopWidth) ElseIf _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth * 2) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * 2)) EndIf Case 8; bottom right If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight) If _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', @DesktopWidth) ElseIf _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth * 2) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * 2)) EndIf Case 3; top If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0) Case 4; top left If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0) If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', @DesktopWidth) Case 5; top right If _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', @DesktopWidth) ElseIf _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth * 2) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * 2)) EndIf If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0) EndSwitch #endregion check if resizing near desktop edge #region Check if resizing near other windows Local $aWinlist = WinList() For $i = 1 To $aWinlist[0][0] If $aWinlist[$i][0] = '' Or $aWinlist[$i][1] = $hWndGUI Or Not _IsVisible($aWinlist[$i][1]) Then ContinueLoop Local $tRectNonMoving = _WinAPI_GetWindowRect($aWinlist[$i][1]) Local $iLeftNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Right') Local $iTopNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Bottom') Switch $wParam Case 6; bottom edge If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving) EndIf Case 7; bottom Left corner If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving) EndIf Case 1; left If $iTopMoving <= ($iBottomNonMoving + 5) And ($iBottomMoving + 5) >= $iTopNonMoving Then If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving) EndIf Case 2; right If $iTopMoving <= ($iBottomNonMoving + 5) And ($iBottomMoving + 5) >= $iTopNonMoving Then If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving) EndIf Case 8; bottom right If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving) EndIf Case 3; top If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving) EndIf Case 4; top left If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving) If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', 0) EndIf Case 5; top right If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving) If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving) EndIf EndSwitch Next #endregion Check if resizing near other windows Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WS_WM_SIZING ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IsClose ; Description....: Tests if Position a is near Postion b ; Syntax.........: _IsClose($a, $b) ; Parameters.....: $a - Position 1 ; $b - Position 2 ; Return values..: True/False ; Author.........: Beege ; =============================================================================================================== Func _IsClose($a, $b) Return (Abs($a - $b) < 15) EndFunc ;==>_IsClose #endregion internel functions Func _IsVisible($handle) Return (BitAND(WinGetState($handle), 2) = 2) EndFunc ;==>_IsVisible
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