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  1. I use _ClipPutHTML UDF function My problem is that I am not able to write characters with accets. When I paste this code to an Mail program the accent characters will be Chinese characters or '???' characters. Here is a snippet of my code: #include <_ClipPutHTML.au3> $sHTMLStr='<html><head>'&@CRLF & " <title>Page Title</title>"&@CRLF & _ ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">'&@CRLF & _ "</head>"&@CRLF & "<body>"&@CRLF & "<h1>Headline Text</h1>"&@CRLF & _ "<p>" & "ófiéááéllááéáéá:" & Chr(225) & BinaryToString("á",4) &@CRLF & _ '<a href="http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=96556">_ClipPutHTML() functions</a>.'&@CRLF& _ " The regular modifiders, such as <strong>bold</strong>, <i>italics</i>, and <u>underlines</u> work as usual,"&@CRLF& _ " just like all other HTML formatting.</p>"&@CRLF & "<p>&nbsp;</p>"&@CRLF & _ "<p><strong>Here's an example list:</strong></p>"&@CRLF & "<ul>"&@CRLF & _ " <li>List <i>itemü</i> #1.</li>"&@CRLF & _ " <li>List <i>itemá</i> #2.</li>"&@CRLF & _ ' <li>List <i>itemé</i> #3 with a <a href="http://www.google.com">Hyperlink</a></li>'&@CRLF & _ "</ul>"&@CRLF & "</body>"&@CRLF & "</html>" $sPlainTextStr="Headline Text"&@CRLF&@CRLF& _ "ófigyeljáéáéá" & Chr(225) & "_ClipPutHTML() functions."& _ "The regular modifiders, such as bold, italics, and underlines work as usual, just like all other HTML formatting."&@CRLF&@CRLF& _ "Here's an example list:"&@CRLF& _ " * List itemü #1."&@CRLF& _ " * List itemá #2."&@CRLF& _ " * List itemé #3 with a Hyperlink"&@CRLF ;I have tired this way, but it does not work. ;$UTF8HTML = BinaryToString($sHTMLStr,4) ;ConsoleWrite($UTF8HTML) ;$sUTF8String=BinaryToString($sPlainTextStr,4) ConsoleWrite($sUTF8String) _ClipPutHTML($UTF8HTML,$sUTF8String) ; Special Unicode text call ;_ClipPutHyperlink("http://www.google.co.jp/",ChrW(0x30B0)& ChrW(0x30FC)& ChrW(0x30B0)& ChrW(0x30EB)& " (Japanese Google)") ; Regular text ;_ClipPutHyperlink("http://www.google.com","itt")
  2. Greetings, I need write a command line to run an .exe with parameters, one this parameters is a password with special characters like: [ ] \ " etc. The password is write between double cotes too. When run this command line, catch error. I buid this function, sometimes run ok, others show error. Someone can any idea? Best ragards #include <Array.au3> Global $G_AIX_DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "******" Func Scape_Word_To_MSDOS($var = "") ;~ https://www.robvanderwoude.com/escapechars.php Local $aCharacters[][2] = [ _ ["%", "%%"], _ ["^", "^^"], _ ["&", "^&"], _ ["<", "^<"], _ [">", "^>"], _ ["|", "^|"], _ ["'", "^'"], _ ["`", "^`"], _ [",", "^,"], _ [";", "^;"], _ ["=", "^="], _ ["(", "^("], _ [")", "^)"], _ ["!", "^^!"], _ ["\", "\\"], _ ["[", "\["], _ ["]", "\]"], _ ['"', '\"""'], _ [".", "\."], _ ["*", "\*"], _ ["?", "\?"] _ ] Local $iSearch $var = StringSplit($var, "", $STR_NOCOUNT) Local $iSize = UBound($var, $UBOUND_ROWS) - 1 For $ii = 0 To $iSize $iSearch = _ArraySearch($aCharacters, $var[$ii]) If $iSearch >= 0 Then $var[$ii] = $aCharacters[$iSearch][1] Next Return _ArrayToString($var, "") EndFunc ;==>Scape_Word_To_MSDOS Local $password = "-Dk5iFB2UjOt[-x|""" & "" Local $password_scape = Scape_Word_To_MSDOS($password) ConsoleWrite("[" & $password & "]" & @LF) ConsoleWrite("[" & $password_scape & "]" & @LF)
  3. Hey guys Can anyone help me explain this? $szFile = "test.htm" $szText = FileRead($szFile) $szText = StringReplace($szText, "hello", "ö") FileDelete($szFile) FileWrite($szFile,$szText) If the file "test.htm" has it's text changed into something containing non US characters, in this example "ö", the output is " ö " when shown in a browser. If i manually change the text in the "test.htm" file to "ö" - the output in the browser is "ö" ! In both cases, if the htm file is opened in notepad, the content is just "ö" - but the one changed from the script, still opens as " ö " in a browser. How weird is this? I am aware that I can replace the text to " &ouml;" , which is the HTML code for "ö" - then the output is correct in the browser, but this is just dumb when there are a lot of characters to be changed Does anyone know why this happens, and how to solve it in a more simple way?
  4. Hello all! I'm trying to make a little script that sends a message over TCP. An example payload would be: MY_PAYLOAD#<ATTRS><ATTR><NAME>MAILSERVER</NAME><OPERATION>set_value(ServiceStatus)</OPERATION><VALUE><![CDATA["Not Running"]]></VALUE><TIMESTAMP>1349297031</TIMESTAMP></ATTR></ATTRS>Note how the payload contains special characters, and how the CDATA contains a SPACE (i.e. "Not Running") My compiled AU3 script expects exactly two command line arguments: 1) destination server/port expressed as 2) the payload I want to send to my server application (which may have multiple ATTRs, this example only has one ATTR) MyApp.exe "MY_PAYLOAD#<ATTRS><ATTR><NAME>MAILSERVER</NAME><OPERATION>set_value(ServiceStatus)</OPERATION><VALUE><![CDATA["Not Running"]]></VALUE><TIMESTAMP>1349297031</TIMESTAMP></ATTR></ATTRS>" My problems (plural) are with parsing of the second argument: 1) If I don't wrap second argument in double-quotes, then Windows bails out before even launching EXE with "< was unexpected at this time" 2) If I DO wrap second argument in double-quotes, then two problems can arise when my EXE parses the arguments: aa) The double-quotes are stripped from the CDATA value. ["Running"] is stored in the array as [Running] bb) If CDATA value DOES have a space, such as ["Not Running"], then I get an extra unwanted $CmdLine[3] because the SPACE between Not and Running is treated as a separator. My second argument is thus split into two separate arguments, [2] and [3] instead of being treated as one arg stored in [2] cc) Additionally, my script exits because it has an "IF $CmdLine[0] <>2 THEN Exit (1)" to validate the command line args. I've tried launching the EXE with the second argument wrapped and escaped in a multitude of ways. Double double-quotes, triple double-quotes, single-quotes on the outside with double-quotes inside (i.e. '"ETC"'), starting the second arg with a caret (i.e. ^"ETC") and one of three things happens: 1) "< was unexpected at this time" 2) my CDATA value is stripped of its double-quotes 3) my payload argument gets split at the space in the CDATA value and the script bails out due to the unexpected 3rd argument. Any ideas? How can I preserve the second argument literally, including all special characters, quotes and spaces? I tried adding some string manipulation code to grab the 2nd argument from $CmdLineRaw and it works (preserves the "Not Running" with quotes), but my number of arguments is still 3 instead of 2 if there is a space in the CDATA value. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
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