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Found 6 results

  1. Hi All, I am trying to login into our application using AutoIT. When I launch the application a splash screen appears and the login screen goes behind it. At this point the script pauses and I loose control of everything. I have literally tried everything for the past two days but nothing has worked yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated. RunWait("\\mchsv411.siplaceworld.net\splmshare\int00\conf\start_apps\windows\start_nx110.bat en portal_client int00 tc112", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 200) Local $hWnd = WinWaitActive("Teamcenter Login") MouseClick("left", @DesktopWidth / 2, @DesktopHeight / 2) The splash screen has title "Teamcenter" and is static. I tried to click on the center to get control of login window. I have tried WinActivate, WinSetState, ControlCommand and a lot of other things.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    I have created a UDF that will allow you to easily create a customizable GUI with either a standard progress bar or a marquee style progress bar. You can change the size and back ground color of the GUI, as well as the font, font size, and color of the text. The function doesn't require any parameters to operate, but the default text is very generic so you probably would want to set that at the very least.
  3. MS Splash Screens The office 2016/17 office suite has made many people turn heads with its functions and especially their splash screen. I now present to you, the MS Style Splash Screen. For Rookies, Novices and anyone who wants a ready made splash screen for your gui application. You can now download it and also try it out yourself. You have three colors to choose from: Blue Red Green All three colours are from the famous programs. I also included the KODA form to you can have freedom with this splash screen. Note: the KODA form does not have the three colours as well as the correct blue. Have fun and enjoy. Note: Thanks to kaz for updating the side scrolling dots.
  4. Version 1.5.0


    A gui splash screen. Themed after the famous MS Office Suite. Three colours to choose from, Red, Blue and Green. You can change the labels to your own application. Animated side scrolling dots just like MS does. Also bundled with this is the KODA form. So you can open up and see the basic structure of this splash screen.
  5. Hi All, I know many newbies search for this feature. I decided to share this piece of code with everyone. Basically its a "splash screen" that has a transparent image. In a nutshell - Gui with a transparent gif. Enjoy... Download attachment.... Splash Screen GUI.zip
  6. Here a version of a splash text variant using GDI+. Requires AutoIt v3.3.12.0 or higher! Source code download: UDF: _SplashTextEx.au3 (previous downloads: 135) Example: Example1.au3 (previous downloads: 127) Might be useful for someone... Please report any bugs.
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