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  1. Here a little script to load a TGA image file and create a GDI+ bitmap. Currently supported TGA formats are 1/8/15/16/24 and 32-bit. As v0.85 is written completely in AutoIt, it might take some time to convert larger 8/15/16/24/32-bit images. ☕ _GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile.au3 UDF v0.85 without assembler acceleration code but with RLE support: ;Coded by UEZ #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile ; Description ...: Loads a TGA compressed (RLE) / uncompressed image file (1/8/15/16/24/32-bit) and converts it to a GDI+ bitmap format. ; Syntax ........: _GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile($sFile[, $bPrintInfo = False.]) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - TGA file name to load from disk. ; $bPrintInfo - [optional] Prints some information about the TGA image to console. Default is False. ; Return values .: Success: GDI+ bitmap handle ; Failure: error 1 - file cannot be opened ; error 2 - TGA image is not in one of these formats: 1/8/15/16/24/32-bit ; error 3 - unsupported TGA image type ; error 4 - unable to read file to struct ; error 5 - unknown TGA pixel depth ; error 6 - return bitmap cannot be created ; Version .......: v0.85 build 2019-11-08 beta ; Author ........: UEZ ; Remarks .......: 8/15/16/24/32-bit images might be slow on converting ^^ ; Related .......: _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromScan0, _GDIPlus_ImageRotateFlip, DllStructCreate, _WinAPI_CreateFile, _WinAPI_SetFilePointer ; Link ..........: https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000180.shtml, http://www.fileformat.info/format/tga/egff.htm ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile($sFile, $bPrintInfo = False) Local Const $hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($sFile, 2, 2) If Not $hFile Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local Const $tagTGAHeader = "align 1;byte idLength;byte colormapType;byte imageType;word firstEntryIndex;word colormapLength;byte colormapEntrySize;word xOrigin;word yOrigin;word width;word height;byte pixelDepth;byte imageDescriptor" Local Const $tagTGAFooter = "dword extAreaOffset;dword devDirOffset;byte imageID[18]" Local Const $tagTGAExtention = "align 1;word extSize;byte authorName[41];byte authorComments[324];word timeM;word timeD;word timeY;word timeHr;word timeMin;word timeSec;byte jobName[41];word jobTimeHr;word jobTimeMin;word jobTimeSec;byte swID[41];word swVersionNr;byte swVersionLetter;long keyColor;word pxAspectRatioNum;word pxAspectRatioDom;word gammaNum;word gammaDom;dword colCorrOffset;dword postStampOffset;dword scanLineOffset;byte attribType" Local Const $tTGAHeader = DllStructCreate($tagTGAHeader) Local $tTGAFooter = DllStructCreate($tagTGAFooter) Local Const $tTGAExtention = DllStructCreate($tagTGAExtention) Local $dwBytesRead, $tTGAImageID, $tagTGAImageID, $iColorValuesStartPos = 0 _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tTGAHeader, DllStructGetSize($tTGAHeader), $dwBytesRead) $iColorValuesStartPos += $dwBytesRead If $tTGAHeader.idLength > 0 Then $tagTGAImageID = "byte imageID[" & $tTGAHeader.idLength & "]" $tTGAImageID = DllStructCreate($tagTGAImageID) _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tTGAImageID, $tTGAHeader.idLength, $dwBytesRead) $iColorValuesStartPos += $dwBytesRead EndIf Local Const $iPxDepth = $tTGAHeader.pixelDepth If Not BitOR($iPxDepth = 32, $iPxDepth = 24, $iPxDepth = 16, $iPxDepth = 15, $iPxDepth = 8, $iPxDepth = 1) Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf #cs ImageType Image Data Type Colormap Encoding 0 No image data included in file No No 1 Colormapped image data Yes No 2 Truecolor image data No No 3 Monochrome image data No No 9 Colormapped image data Yes Yes 10 Truecolor image data No Yes 11 Monochrome image data No Yes #ce If Not BitOR($tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x01, $tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x02, $tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x03, $tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x09, $tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x0A, $tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x0B) Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Local $iW = $tTGAHeader.width, $iH = $tTGAHeader.height, $colorwidth = $tTGAHeader.colormapEntrySize / 8, _ $colorTblSize = $tTGAHeader.colormapLength * $colorwidth Local $dwBufferSize = FileGetSize($sFile) Local $tSrcBmp = DllStructCreate("ubyte color[" & $dwBufferSize & "]") _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tSrcBmp, $dwBufferSize, $dwBytesRead) _WinAPI_SetFilePointer($hFile, -26, $FILE_END) _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tTGAFooter, 26, $dwBytesRead) Local $sFooter = StringTrimRight(BinaryToString($tTGAFooter.imageID), 1), $iOffset = 0, $iOffset2, $iOffset3 If Not StringCompare($sFooter, "TRUEVISION-XFILE.") Then ;read extension information to struct if available $iOffset = $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset _WinAPI_SetFilePointer($hFile, $iOffset, $FILE_BEGIN) _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tTGAExtention, 0x01EF, $dwBytesRead) Else $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset = 0 EndIf _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) If $dwBytesRead = 0 Then Return SetError(4, _WinAPI_GetLastError(), 0) Local $bRLE = BitOR($tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x09, $tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x0A, $tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x0B) If $bPrintInfo Then ConsoleWrite("idLength: " & $tTGAHeader.idLength & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("colormapType: " & $tTGAHeader.colormapType & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("imageType: " & $tTGAHeader.imageType & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("firstEntryIndex: " & $tTGAHeader.firstEntryIndex & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("colormapLength: " & $tTGAHeader.colormapLength & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("colormapEntrySize: " & $tTGAHeader.colormapEntrySize & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("xOrigin: " & $tTGAHeader.xOrigin & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("yOrigin: " & $tTGAHeader.yOrigin & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("width: " & $tTGAHeader.width & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("height: " & $tTGAHeader.height & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("pixelDepth: " & $iPxDepth & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("imageDescriptor: " & $tTGAHeader.imageDescriptor & @CRLF) If $tTGAHeader.idLength > 0 Then ConsoleWrite("ImageID: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAImageID.imageID) & @CRLF) If $iOffset Then ConsoleWrite("authorName: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAExtention.authorName) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("authorComments: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAExtention.authorComments) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("jobName: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAExtention.jobName) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("swID: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAExtention.swID) & @CRLF) EndIf ConsoleWrite("RLE packed: " & $bRLE & @CRLF) EndIf Local Static $tDestBmp ;must be static otherwise bitmap data might get corrupted or in worst case script will crash Local $stride, $iPixelFormat Switch $iPxDepth Case 1 ;1-bit $iPixelFormat = $GDIP_PXF01INDEXED $stride = BitAND(($iW * 1) + 1, BitNOT(1)) $tDestBmp = DllStructCreate("uint color[" & $stride * $iH & "];") Case 8, 24 $iPixelFormat = $GDIP_PXF24RGB $stride = BitAND(($iW * 3) + 3, BitNOT(3)) $tDestBmp = DllStructCreate("ubyte color[" & $stride * $iH & "];") Case 15, 16 $iPixelFormat = $GDIP_PXF16RGB555 $stride = BitAND(($iW * 2) + 2, BitNOT(2)) $tDestBmp = DllStructCreate("ubyte color[" & $stride * $iH & "];") Case 32 $iPixelFormat = $GDIP_PXF32ARGB $stride = $iW * 4 $tDestBmp = DllStructCreate("ubyte color[" & $stride * $iH & "];") Case Else Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndSwitch If Mod($stride, 4) <> 0 Then $stride += 4 - Mod($stride, 4) Local Const $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromScan0($iW, $iH, $iPixelFormat, $stride, $tDestBmp) If @error Or Not $hBitmap Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) Local $c, $q, $x, $y, $t1, $t2, $t3, $t4, $col, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha, $iLen, $iStart, $iEnd, $iLength, $iWW Local Const $hDLL = DllOpen("msvcrt.dll") Switch $iPxDepth Case 1 ;1-bit For $y = 0 To $iH - 1 $t1 = $y * $stride DllCall($hDLL, "ptr:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDestBmp) + $t1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tSrcBmp) + BitShift($t1, 3), "uint", $stride) Next Case 8 ;8-bit ;if a color table is available, just use it If $tTGAHeader.colormapType = 1 Then Local $tMapColorTbl = DllStructCreate("ubyte bgr[" & $colorTblSize & "]", DllStructGetPtr($tSrcBmp, "color") + $tTGAHeader.firstEntryIndex) Switch $bRLE Case 0 For $y = 0 To ($iH - 1) $iOffset = $y * $iW + $colorTblSize $iOffset2 = $y * $stride For $x = 0 To ($iW - 1) $t1 = $iOffset2 + $x * 3 $t2 = $tSrcBmp.color($iOffset + $x + 1) * $colorwidth Switch $colorwidth Case 3, 4 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $tMapColorTbl.bgr($t2 + 1) $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $tMapColorTbl.bgr($t2 + 2) $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = $tMapColorTbl.bgr($t2 + 3) Case 2 ;convert from RGB555 to RGB $col = BitOR(BitShift($tMapColorTbl.bgr($t2 + 2), -8), $tMapColorTbl.bgr($t2 + 1)) ;RGB555 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x001F), -3) ;B $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x03E0), 5), -3) ;G $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x7C00), 10), -3) ;R EndSwitch Next Next Case Else ;RLE encoded TGA images $c = 0 $x = 0 $y = 0 $iOffset = $colorTblSize + 1 $iStart = Int($iColorValuesStartPos + $colorTblSize) $iEnd = $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset > 0 ? $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset : $dwBufferSize $iLength = $iEnd - $iStart - 1 $iWW = $iW - 1 $t3 = $colorwidth = 2 ? 2 : 3 While $c <= $iLength $iOffset2 = Int($tSrcBmp.color($iOffset + $c)) $iLen = BitAND($iOffset2, 0x7F) + 1 If BitAND($iOffset2, 0x80) Then ; check for packet format ;run length packet format $c += 1 $iOffset3 = Int($tSrcBmp.color($iOffset + $c)) * $t3 $t2 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $t1 = $t2 + $x * 3 Switch $colorwidth Case 3, 4 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 1) $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 2) $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = $tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 3) Case 2 ;convert from RGB555 to RGB $col = BitOR(BitShift($tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 2), -8), $tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 1)) ;RGB555 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x001F), -3) ;B $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x03E0), 5), -3) ;G $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x7C00), 10), -3) ;R EndSwitch $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride EndIf Next $c += 1 Else ;raw packet format $c += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $iOffset3 = Int($tSrcBmp.color($iOffset + $c)) * $t3 $t1 = $t2 + $x * 3 Switch $colorwidth Case 3, 4 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 1) $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 2) $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = $tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 3) Case 2 ;convert from RGB555 to RGB $col = BitOR(BitShift($tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 2), -8), $tMapColorTbl.bgr($iOffset3 + 1)) ;RGB555 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x001F), -3) ;B $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x03E0), 5), -3) ;G $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x7C00), 10), -3) ;R EndSwitch $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride EndIf $c += 1 Next EndIf WEnd EndSwitch Else ;convert it to grayscale Switch $bRLE Case 0 For $y = 0 To $iH - 1 $iOffset = $y * $iW + $colorTblSize $iOffset2 = $y * $stride For $x = 0 To $iW - 1 $t1 = $iOffset + $x - 2 $t2 = $iOffset2 + $x * 3 $blue = $tSrcBmp.color($t1 + 1) $green = $tSrcBmp.color($t1 + 2) $red = $tSrcBmp.color($t1 + 3) $col = $red $col = $col < 0 ? 0 : $col > 255 ? 255 : $col $tDestBmp.color($t2 + 1) = $col $tDestBmp.color($t2 + 2) = $col $tDestBmp.color($t2 + 3) = $col Next Next Case Else $c = 0 $x = 0 $y = 0 $iOffset = $colorTblSize + 1 $iStart = Int($iColorValuesStartPos + $colorTblSize) $iEnd = $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset > 0 ? $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset : $dwBufferSize $iLength = $iEnd - $iStart - 1 $iWW = $iW - 1 While $c <= $iLength $iOffset2 = Int($tSrcBmp.color($iOffset + $c)) $iLen = BitAND($iOffset2, 0x7F) + 1 If BitAND($iOffset2, 0x80) Then ; check for packet format ;run length packet format $c += 1 $iOffset3 = Int($tSrcBmp.color($iOffset + $c)) * 3 $blue = $iOffset3 $green = $iOffset3 + 1 $red = $iOffset3 + 2 $col = ($red + $green + $blue) / 9 $col = $col < 0 ? 0 : $col > 255 ? 255 : $col $t2 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $t1 = $t2 + $x * 3 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $col $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $col $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = $col $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride EndIf Next $c += 1 Else ;raw packet format $c += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $iOffset3 = Int($tSrcBmp.color($iOffset + $c)) * 3 $blue = $iOffset3 $green = $iOffset3 + 1 $red = $iOffset3 + 2 $col = ($red + $green + $blue) / 9 $col = $col < 0 ? 0 : $col > 255 ? 255 : $col $t1 = $t2 + $x * 3 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $col $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $col $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = $col $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride EndIf $c += 1 Next EndIf WEnd EndSwitch EndIf Case 15, 16, 24, 32 ;15/16/24/32-bit, as the bitmap format is the same we can use memcpy to copy the pixel data directly to the memory. ;Exeptions are 15/16/24-bit images whose width is not a divider of 4! If BitOR($iPxDepth = 15, $iPxDepth = 16, $iPxDepth = 24) Then If BitOR(Mod($iW, 4), $bRLE) Then Switch $iPxDepth Case 15, 16 Switch $bRLE Case 0 $t4 = $iW * 2 For $y = 0 To ($iH - 1) $iOffset = $y * $t4 $iOffset2 = $y * $stride For $x = 0 To ($iW - 1) $t3 = $x * 2 $t1 = $iOffset + $t3 $t2 = $iOffset2 + $t3 ;RGB555 $tDestBmp.color($t2 + 1) = $tSrcBmp.color($t1 + $colorTblSize + 1) $tDestBmp.color($t2 + 2) = $tSrcBmp.color($t1 + $colorTblSize + 2) Next Next Case Else $c = 0 $x = 0 $y = 0 $iStart = Int($iColorValuesStartPos + $colorTblSize) $iEnd = $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset > 0 ? $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset : $dwBufferSize $iLength = $iEnd - $iStart - 1 $iWW = $iW - 1 While $c <= $iLength $iOffset2 = Int($tSrcBmp.color($colorTblSize + $c + 1)) $iLen = BitAND($iOffset2, 0x7F) + 1 If BitAND($iOffset2, 0x80) Then ; check for packet format ;run length packet format $c += 1 $t3 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $t1 = $t3 + $x * 2 $t2 = $colorTblSize + $c $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $tSrcBmp.color($t2 + 1) $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $tSrcBmp.color($t2 + 2) $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t3 = $y * $stride EndIf Next $c += 2 Else ;raw packet format $c += 1 $t3 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $t1 = $t3 + $x * 2 $t2 = $colorTblSize + $c $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $tSrcBmp.color($t2 + 1) $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $tSrcBmp.color($t2 + 2) $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t3 = $y * $stride EndIf $c += 2 Next EndIf WEnd EndSwitch Case 24 Switch $bRLE Case 0 $t4 = $iW * 3 For $y = 0 To $iH - 1 $iOffset = $y * $t4 $iOffset2 = $y * $stride For $x = 0 To ($iW - 1) $t3 = $x * 3 $t1 = $iOffset + $t3 $blue = $tSrcBmp.color($t1 + 1) $green = $tSrcBmp.color($t1 + 2) $red = $tSrcBmp.color($t1 + 3) $t2 = $iOffset2 + $t3 $tDestBmp.color($t2 + 1) = $blue $tDestBmp.color($t2 + 2) = $green $tDestBmp.color($t2 + 3) = $red Next Next Case Else $c = 0 $x = 0 $y = 0 $iStart = Int($iColorValuesStartPos + $colorTblSize) $iEnd = $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset > 0 ? $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset : $dwBufferSize $iLength = $iEnd - $iStart - 1 $iWW = $iW - 1 While $c <= $iLength $iOffset2 = Int($tSrcBmp.color($c + 1)) $iLen = BitAND($iOffset2, 0x7F) + 1 If BitAND($iOffset2, 0x80) Then ; check for packet format ;run length packet format $c += 1 $blue = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 1) $green = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 2) $red = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 3) $t2 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $t1 = $t2 + $x * 3 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $blue $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $green $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = $red $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride EndIf Next $c += 3 Else ;raw packet format $c += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $blue = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 1) $green = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 2) $red = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 3) $t1 = $t2 + $x * 3 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $blue $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $green $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = $red $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride EndIf $c += 3 Next EndIf WEnd EndSwitch EndSwitch Else For $y = 0 To $iH - 1 $t1 = $y * $stride DllCall($hDLL, "ptr:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDestBmp) + $t1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tSrcBmp) + $t1, "uint", $stride) Next EndIf Else Switch $bRLE Case 0 For $y = 0 To $iH - 1 $t1 = $y * $stride DllCall($hDLL, "ptr:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDestBmp) + $t1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tSrcBmp) + $t1, "uint", $stride) Next Case Else $c = 0 $x = 0 $y = 0 $iStart = Int($iColorValuesStartPos + $colorTblSize) $iEnd = $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset > 0 ? $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset : $dwBufferSize $iLength = $iEnd - $iStart - 1 $iWW = $iW - 1 While $c <= $iLength $iOffset2 = Int($tSrcBmp.color($c + 1)) $iLen = BitAND($iOffset2, 0x7F) + 1 If BitAND($iOffset2, 0x80) Then ; check for packet format ;run length packet format $c += 1 $blue = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 1) $green = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 2) $red = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 3) $alpha = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 4) $t2 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $t1 = $t2 + $x * 4 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $blue $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $green $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = $red $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 4) = $alpha $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride EndIf Next $c += 4 Else ;raw packet format $c += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride For $q = 1 To $iLen $blue = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 1) $green = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 2) $red = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 3) $alpha = $tSrcBmp.color($c + 4) $t1 = $t2 + $x * 4 $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 1) = $blue $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 2) = $green $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 3) = $red $tDestBmp.color($t1 + 4) = $alpha $x += 1 If $x > $iWW Then $x = 0 $y += 1 $t2 = $y * $stride EndIf $c += 4 Next EndIf WEnd EndSwitch EndIf EndSwitch DllClose($hDLL) ;TGA image is stored bottom up in file. Need to flip it. If BitAND($tTGAHeader.imageDescriptor, 0x30) <> 0x20 Then _GDIPlus_ImageRotateFlip($hBitmap, $GDIP_Rotate180FlipX) $tSrcBmp = 0 Return $hBitmap EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: RemoveNullChars ; Description ...: Converts a null terminated binary string to a string ; Author ........: UEZ ; =============================================================================================================================== Func RemoveNullChars($bin) Local $a = StringRegExp($bin, "[[:xdigit:]+]{2}", 3), $s, $i If @error Then Return $s For $i = 0 To UBound($a) - 1 If $a[$i] = "00" Then ExitLoop $s &= Chr(Dec($a[$i])) Next Return $s EndFunc ;==>RemoveNullChars ;------------- Example ------------- Global $sFile = FileOpenDialog("Select a TGA file", "", "TGA image(*.tga)") If @error Then Exit _GDIPlus_Startup() Global $endtime, $timer = TimerInit() Global $hImage = _GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile($sFile, True) If @error Then ConsoleWrite(@error & " / " & @extended & @CRLF) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndIf $endtime = TimerDiff($timer) ;~ _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage, @ScriptDir & "\Converted.png") ;~ ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\Converted.png") Global $iW = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage), $iH = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage) Global $hGui = GUICreate("TGA Image Loader by UEZ", $iW, $iH) GUISetState() Global $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hGui) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphics, $hImage, 0, 0, $iW, $iH) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit Case $GUI_EVENT_RESTORE _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphics, $hImage, 0, 0, $iW, $iH) EndSwitch WEnd v0.80 with assembler acceleration (thanks to AndyG for Assembleit2) but without RLE support yet: ;Coded by UEZ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compile_Both=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <Memory.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile ; Description ...: Loads an uncompressed TGA image file (1/8/15/16/24/32-bit) and converts it to a GDI+ bitmap format. ; Syntax ........: _GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile($sFile[, $bPrintInfo = False.]) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - TGA file name to load from disk. ; $bPrintInfo - [optional] Prints some information about the TGA image to console. Default is False. ; Return values .: Success: GDI+ bitmap handle ; Failure: error 1 - file cannot be opened ; error 2 - TGA image is not in one of these formats: 1/8/15/16/24/32-bit ; error 3 - unsupported TGA image type ; error 4 - unable to read file to struct ; error 5 - unknown TGA pixel depth ; error 6 - return bitmap cannot be created ; Version .......: v0.80 build 2019-10-23 beta ; Author ........: UEZ - thanks to AndyG for Assembleit2 ; Remarks .......: No RLE compressed TGA image support yet! ; Related .......: _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromScan0, _GDIPlus_ImageRotateFlip, DllStructCreate, _WinAPI_CreateFile, _WinAPI_SetFilePointer ; Link ..........: https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000180.shtml, http://www.fileformat.info/format/tga/egff.htm ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile($sFile, $bPrintInfo = False) Local Const $hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($sFile, 2, 2) If Not $hFile Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local Const $tagTGAHeader = "align 1;byte idLength;byte colormapType;byte imageType;word firstEntryIndex;word colormapLength;byte colormapEntrySize;word xOrigin;word yOrigin;word width;word height;byte pixelDepth;byte imageDescriptor" Local Const $tagTGAFooter = "dword extAreaOffset;dword devDirOffset;byte imageID[18]" Local Const $tagTGAExtention = "align 1;word extSize;byte authorName[41];byte authorComments[324];word timeM;word timeD;word timeY;word timeHr;word timeMin;word timeSec;byte jobName[41];word jobTimeHr;word jobTimeMin;word jobTimeSec;byte swID[41];word swVersionNr;byte swVersionLetter;long keyColor;word pxAspectRatioNum;word pxAspectRatioDom;word gammaNum;word gammaDom;dword colCorrOffset;dword postStampOffset;dword scanLineOffset;byte attribType" Local Const $tTGAHeader = DllStructCreate($tagTGAHeader) Local Const $tTGAFooter = DllStructCreate($tagTGAFooter) Local Const $tTGAExtention = DllStructCreate($tagTGAExtention) Local $dwBytesRead, $tTGAImageID, $tagTGAImageID _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tTGAHeader, DllStructGetSize($tTGAHeader), $dwBytesRead) If $tTGAHeader.idLength > 0 Then $tagTGAImageID = "byte imageID[" & $tTGAHeader.idLength & "]" $tTGAImageID = DllStructCreate($tagTGAImageID) _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tTGAImageID, $tTGAHeader.idLength, $dwBytesRead) EndIf Local Const $iPxDepth = $tTGAHeader.pixelDepth If Not BitOR($iPxDepth = 32, $iPxDepth = 24, $iPxDepth = 16, $iPxDepth = 15, $iPxDepth = 8, $iPxDepth = 1) Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf #cs ImageType Image Data Type Colormap Encoding 0 No image data included in file No No 1 Colormapped image data Yes No 2 Truecolor image data No No 3 Monochrome image data No No 9 Colormapped image data Yes Yes 10 Truecolor image data No Yes 11 Monochrome image data No Yes #ce If Not BitOR($tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x01, $tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x02, $tTGAHeader.imageType = 0x03) Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Local $iW = $tTGAHeader.width, $iH = $tTGAHeader.height, $bytesPerPixel = $iPxDepth / 8, $colorwidth = $tTGAHeader.colormapEntrySize / 8, _ $colorTblSize = $tTGAHeader.colormapLength * $colorwidth If $tTGAHeader.colormapEntrySize < 24 Then $bytesPerPixel = 4 Local Const $dwBufferSize = FileGetSize($sFile) Local $tSrcBmp = DllStructCreate("ubyte color[" & $dwBufferSize + $colorTblSize & "]") _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tSrcBmp, $dwBufferSize + $colorTblSize, $dwBytesRead) _WinAPI_SetFilePointer($hFile, -26, $FILE_END) _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tTGAFooter, 26, $dwBytesRead) Local $sFooter = StringTrimRight(BinaryToString($tTGAFooter.imageID), 1), $iOffset = 0, $iOffset2 If Not StringCompare($sFooter, "TRUEVISION-XFILE.") Then ;read extension information to struct if available $iOffset = $tTGAFooter.extAreaOffset _WinAPI_SetFilePointer($hFile, $iOffset, $FILE_BEGIN) _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $tTGAExtention, 0x01EF, $dwBytesRead) EndIf _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) If $dwBytesRead = 0 Then Return SetError(4, _WinAPI_GetLastError(), 0) If $bPrintInfo Then ConsoleWrite("idLength: " & $tTGAHeader.idLength & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("colormapType: " & $tTGAHeader.colormapType & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("imageType: " & $tTGAHeader.imageType & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("firstEntryIndex: " & $tTGAHeader.firstEntryIndex & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("colormapLength: " & $tTGAHeader.colormapLength & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("colormapEntrySize: " & $tTGAHeader.colormapEntrySize & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("xOrigin: " & $tTGAHeader.xOrigin & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("yOrigin: " & $tTGAHeader.yOrigin & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("width: " & $tTGAHeader.width & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("height: " & $tTGAHeader.height & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("pixelDepth: " & $iPxDepth & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("imageDescriptor: " & $tTGAHeader.imageDescriptor & @CRLF) If $tTGAHeader.idLength > 0 Then ConsoleWrite("ImageID: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAImageID.imageID) & @CRLF) If $iOffset Then ConsoleWrite("authorName: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAExtention.authorName) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("authorComments: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAExtention.authorComments) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("jobName: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAExtention.jobName) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("swID: " & RemoveNullChars($tTGAExtention.swID) & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf Local Static $tDestBmp ;must be static otherwise bitmap data might get corrupted or in worst case script will crash Local $stride, $iPixelFormat Switch $iPxDepth Case 1 ;1-bit $iPixelFormat = $GDIP_PXF01INDEXED $stride = BitAND(($iW * 1) + 1, BitNOT(1)) $tDestBmp = DllStructCreate("uint color[" & $stride * $iH + 1 & "];") Case 8, 24 $iPixelFormat = $GDIP_PXF24RGB $stride = BitAND(($iW * 3) + 3, BitNOT(3)) $tDestBmp = DllStructCreate("uint color[" & $stride * $iH + 1 & "];") Case 15, 16 $iPixelFormat = $GDIP_PXF16RGB555 $stride = BitAND(($iW * 2) + 2, BitNOT(2)) $tDestBmp = DllStructCreate("uint color[" & $stride * $iH + 1 & "];") Case 32 $iPixelFormat = $GDIP_PXF32ARGB $stride = $iW * 4 $tDestBmp = DllStructCreate("uint color[" & $stride * $iH + 1 & "];") Case Else Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndSwitch If Mod($stride, 4) <> 0 Then $stride += 4 - Mod($stride, 4) Local Const $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromScan0($iW, $iH, $iPixelFormat, $stride, $tDestBmp) If @error Or Not $hBitmap Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) Local $fTimer = TimerInit() Local $x, $x1, $y, $t1 Local Const $hDLL = DllOpen("msvcrt.dll") Local Const $tagParam = "ptr tSrcBmp;ptr tDestBmp;dword strideSrc;dword strideDest;dword w;dword h;dword colorTblSize;dword t1;dword t2" Local $tParam If @AutoItX64 Then $tParam = _DLLStructCreate64($tagParam) Else $tParam = DLLStructCreate($tagParam) EndIf $tParam.tSrcBmp = DllStructGetPtr($tSrcBmp) $tParam.tDestBmp = DllStructGetPtr($tDestBmp) $tParam.strideDest = $stride $tParam.w = ($iW - 1) $tParam.h = ($iH - 1) $tParam.colorTblSize = $colorTblSize Switch $iPxDepth Case 1 ;1-bit For $y = 0 To $iH - 1 $t1 = $y * $stride DllCall($hDLL, "ptr:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDestBmp) + $t1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tSrcBmp) + BitShift($t1, 3), "uint", $stride) Next Case 8 ;8-bit ConsoleWrite("Using Assembler code to speed-up..." & @CRLF) ;if a color table is available, just use it If $tTGAHeader.colormapType = 1 Then Local $tMapColorTbl = DllStructCreate("ubyte bgr[" & $colorTblSize & "]", DllStructGetPtr($tSrcBmp, "color") + $tTGAHeader.firstEntryIndex) Local $tParam2, $tagParam2 = "align 1;ptr tSrcBmp;ptr tDestBmp;ptr colormap;dword strideSrc;dword strideDest;dword w;dword h;dword colorTblSize;dword colorwidth;dword t1;dword t2;byte r5;byte g5;byte b5;" If @AutoItX64 Then $tParam2 = _DLLStructCreate64($tagParam2) Else $tParam2 = DllStructCreate($tagParam2) EndIf $tParam2.tSrcBmp = DllStructGetPtr($tSrcBmp) $tParam2.tDestBmp = DllStructGetPtr($tDestBmp) $tParam2.colormap = DllStructGetPtr($tMapColorTbl) $tParam2.strideSrc = $iW $tParam2.strideDest = $stride $tParam2.colorwidth = $colorwidth $tParam2.w = ($iW - 1) $tParam2.h = ($iH - 1) $tParam2.colorTblSize = $colorTblSize Switch @AutoItX64 Case False Local Const $bBinASM8cm_x86 = Binary("0x608B7C242431C990909090909090909089C8F7670C03471C89472489C8F7671089472831DB8B472401D8030789C231C08A02F767208B570801C28B32B803000000F7E303472803470489C5837F200275476689F26683E21F66C1E20388572E6689F26681E2E00366C1EA0566C1E20388572D6689F26681E2007C66C1EA0A66C1E20388572C31C00A472CC1E0080A472DC1E0080A472E89C6897500433B5F147684413B4F180F8665FFFFFF61C20400") Local $tBinASM8cm_x86 = DllStructCreate("ubyte asm[" & BinaryLen($bBinASM8cm_x86) & "]") $tBinASM8cm_x86.asm = $bBinASM8cm_x86 DllCallAddress("none", DllStructGetPtr($tBinASM8cm_x86), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParam2)) Case Else Local Const $bBinASM8cm_x64 = Binary("0x575653554989CF41BE000000009090904489F041F7671841034728418947304489F041F7671C418947344531ED418B47304401E84903074889C24831C08A0241F7672C498B57104801C2448B0A4831C048C7C00300000041F7E541034734490347084989C041837F2C02755A4831D2664489CA6683E21F66C1E2034188573A4831D2664489CA6681E2E00366C1EA0566C1E203418857394831D2664489CA6681E2007C66C1EA0A66C1E2034188573831C0410A4738C1E008410A4739C1E008410A473A4189C145890841FFC5453B6F200F8657FFFFFF41FFC6453B77240F862DFFFFFF5D5B5E5FC20800") Local $tBinASM8cm_x64 = _DLLStructCreate64("ubyte asm[" & BinaryLen($bBinASM8cm_x64) & "]") $tBinASM8cm_x64.asm = $bBinASM8cm_x64 DllCallAddress("none", DllStructGetPtr($tBinASM8cm_x64), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParam2)) EndSwitch Else ;convert it 1:1 directly Switch @AutoItX64 Case False $tParam.strideSrc = $iW $tParam.colorTblSize -= 2 Local Const $bBinASM8_x86 = Binary("0x8B7C2404BB00000000B900000000909089C8F7670889471C89C8F7670C8947208B471C01D8034718030789C252B803000000F7E30347200347045A8B328930433B5F1076DB31DB413B4F1476C3C20400") Local $tBinASM8_x86 = DllStructCreate("ubyte asm[" & BinaryLen($bBinASM8_x86) & "]") $tBinASM8_x86.asm = $bBinASM8_x86 DllCallAddress("none", DllStructGetPtr($tBinASM8_x86), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParam)) Case Else $tParam.strideSrc = $iW Local Const $bBinASM8_x64 = Binary("0x575653554989CF49836F2002BB00000000B9000000009090909090909090909089C841F767104989C289C841F767144989C34D89D04901D84D0347204D030748C7C00300000048F7E34C01D8490347084D8B08448908FFC3413B5F1876D44831DBFFC1413B4F1C76B75D5B5E5FC20800") Local $tBinASM8_x64 = _DLLStructCreate64("ubyte asm[" & BinaryLen($bBinASM8_x64) & "]") $tBinASM8_x64.asm = $bBinASM8_x64 DllCallAddress("none", DllStructGetPtr($tBinASM8_x64), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParam)) EndSwitch EndIf Case 15, 16, 24, 32 ;15/16/24/32-bit, as the bitmap format is the same we can use memcpy to copy the pixel data directly to the memory. ;Exeptions are 15/16/24-bit images whose width is not a divider of 4! If BitOR($iPxDepth = 15, $iPxDepth = 16, $iPxDepth = 24) And Mod($iW, 4) Then ConsoleWrite("Using Assembler code to speed-up..." & @CRLF) Switch $iPxDepth Case 15, 16 $tParam.strideSrc = $iW * 2 Switch @AutoItX64 Case False Local Const $bBinASM1516_x86 = Binary("0x8B7C2404BB00000000B900000000909089C8F7670889471C89C8F7670C894720B802000000F7E35003471C034718030789C2580347200347048B32668930433B5F1076DC31DB413B4F1476C4C20400") Local $tBinASM1516_x86 = DllStructCreate("ubyte asm[" & BinaryLen($bBinASM1516_x86) & "]") $tBinASM1516_x86.asm = $bBinASM1516_x86 DllCallAddress("none", DllStructGetPtr($tBinASM1516_x86), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParam)) Case Else Local Const $bBinASM1516_x64 = Binary("0x575653554989CFBB00000000B90000000090909090909090909090909090909089C841F767104989C189C841F767144989C25389D8D1E04C89D24801C2490357084D89C84901C04D0347204D0307498B00488902FFC3FFC3413B5F1876D55BFFC1413B4F1C76B95D5B5E5FC20800") Local $tBinASM1516_x64 = _DLLStructCreate64("ubyte asm[" & BinaryLen($bBinASM1516_x64) & "]") $tBinASM1516_x64.asm = $bBinASM1516_x64 DllCallAddress("none", DllStructGetPtr($tBinASM1516_x64), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParam)) EndSwitch Case 24 $tParam.strideSrc = $iW * 3 Switch @AutoItX64 Case False Local Const $bBinASM24_x86 = Binary("0x8B7C2404BB00000000B900000000909089C8F7670889471C89C8F7670C894720B803000000F7E35003471C034718030789C2580347200347048B328930433B5F1076DD31DB413B4F1476C5C20400") Local $tBinASM24_x86 = DllStructCreate("ubyte asm[" & BinaryLen($bBinASM24_x86) & "]") $tBinASM24_x86.asm = $bBinASM24_x86 DllCallAddress("none", DllStructGetPtr($tBinASM24_x86), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParam)) Case Else Local Const $bBinASM24_x64 = Binary("0x575653554989CF4831C990909090909089C841F767104989C189C841F767144989C24831DB48C7C00300000048F7E34C89D24801C2490357084D89C84901C04D0347204D0307498B00488902FFC3FFC3413B5F1876CFFFC1413B4F1C76B25D5B5E5FC20800") Local $tBinASM24_x64 = _DLLStructCreate64("ubyte asm[" & BinaryLen($bBinASM24_x64) & "]") $tBinASM24_x64.asm = $bBinASM24_x64 DllCallAddress("none", DllStructGetPtr($tBinASM24_x64), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParam)) EndSwitch EndSwitch Else For $y = 0 To $iH - 1 $t1 = $y * $stride DllCall($hDLL, "ptr:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDestBmp) + $t1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tSrcBmp) + $t1, "uint", $stride) Next EndIf EndSwitch ConsoleWrite(TimerDiff($fTimer) & " ms" & @CRLF) DllClose($hDLL) ;TGA image is stored bottom up in file. Need to flip it. If BitAND($tTGAHeader.imageDescriptor, 0x30) <> 0x20 Then _GDIPlus_ImageRotateFlip($hBitmap, $GDIP_Rotate180FlipX) $tSrcBmp = 0 Return $hBitmap EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: RemoveNullChars ; Description ...: Converts a null terminated binary string to a string ; Author ........: UEZ ; =============================================================================================================================== Func RemoveNullChars($bin) Local $a = StringRegExp($bin, "[[:xdigit:]+]{2}", 3), $s, $i If @error Then Return $s For $i = 0 To UBound($a) - 1 If $a[$i] = "00" Then ExitLoop $s &= Chr(Dec($a[$i])) Next Return $s EndFunc ;==>RemoveNullChars ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _DLLStructCreate64 ; Description ...: Creates a struct for x64 assembler code execution ; Author ........: AndyG ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DLLStructCreate64($struct) ;align auf 16-byte Adresse Local $temp = DllStructCreate($struct) Local $tempsize = DllStructGetSize($temp) + 64 Local $ptr = DllStructGetPtr($struct) Local $a1 = Mod(Number($ptr), 64) Local $temp = 0 Local $mem = _MemVirtualAlloc($ptr + $a1, $tempsize, $MEM_COMMIT, $PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) Local $mem_dllstructcreate64_internal = $mem Local $a2 = Mod(Number($mem), 64) ;rest div 16 adresse = offset Local $sstruct = DllStructCreate($struct, (Number($mem) - $a2 + 64)) Return $sstruct ;auf 16 alingned pointer EndFunc ;==>_DLLStructCreate64 Global $sFile = FileOpenDialog("Select a TGA file", "", "TGA image(*.tga)") If @error Then Exit _GDIPlus_Startup() Global $hImage = _GDIPlus_TGAImageLoadFromFile($sFile, True) If @error Then ConsoleWrite(@error & " / " & @extended & @CRLF) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndIf ;save result ;~ _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage, @ScriptDir & "\Converted.png") ;~ ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\Converted.png") Global $iW = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage), $iH = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage) Global $hGui = GUICreate("TGA Image Loader by UEZ", $iW, $iH) GUISetState() Global $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hGui) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphics, $hImage, 0, 0, $iW, $iH) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit Case $GUI_EVENT_RESTORE _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphics, $hImage, 0, 0, $iW, $iH) EndSwitch WEnd Here my rookie assembler code ^^: #cs _ASM8cm_x86 use32 define tSrcBmp dword[edi] define tDestBmp dword[edi + 04] define colortable dword[edi + 08] define strideSrc dword[edi + 12] define strideDest dword[edi + 16] define w dword[edi + 20] define h dword[edi + 24] define colorTblSize dword[edi + 28] define colorwidth dword[edi + 32] define iOffset dword[edi + 36] define iOffset2 dword[edi + 40] define r5 byte[edi + 44] define g5 byte[edi + 45] define b5 byte[edi + 46] pushad ;~ _ASMDBG_() mov edi, dword[esp + 36] ;pointer to the struct xor ecx, ecx; y = 0 align 16 _y: mov eax, ecx mul strideSrc add eax, colorTblSize mov iOffset, eax ;iOffset = y * $strideSrc + $colorTblSize mov eax, ecx mul strideDest mov iOffset2, eax ;iOffset2 = y * $strideDest xor ebx, ebx ;x = 0 _x: mov eax, iOffset add eax, ebx ;iOffset + x add eax, tSrcBmp mov edx, eax ;edx = iOffset + x + tSrcBmp xor eax, eax mov al, byte[edx] ;get index from color table mul colorwidth ;multiply it with colorwidth -> eax = index of the color table mov edx, colortable add edx, eax mov esi, dword[edx] ;get the color from the color table mov eax, 3 mul ebx ; add eax, iOffset2 ; add eax, tDestBmp ;$x * 3 + iOffset2 + tDestBmp = t1 mov ebp, eax cmp colorwidth, 2 jne _col_rgb mov dx, si ;BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x001F), -3) ;B and dx, 0x001F shl dx, 3 mov b5, dl mov dx, si ;BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x03E0), 5), -3) ;G and dx, 0x03E0 shr dx, 5 shl dx, 3 mov g5, dl mov dx, si ;BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x7C00), 10), -3) ;R and dx, 0x7C00 shr dx, 10 shl dx, 3 mov r5, dl xor eax, eax ;eax = 0 or al, r5 ;generate rgb value from rgb555 shl eax, 8 or al, g5 shl eax, 8 or al, b5 mov esi, eax _col_rgb: mov dword[ebp], esi ;write to destination inc ebx cmp ebx, w jbe _x inc ecx cmp ecx, h jbe _y ;~ _ASMDBG_() popad ret ;4 #ce _ASM8cm_x86 #cs _ASM8cm_x64 use64 define tSrcBmp qword[r15] define tDestBmp qword[r15 + 08] define colortable qword[r15 + 16] define strideSrc dword[r15 + 24] define strideDest dword[r15 + 28] define w dword[r15 + 32] define h dword[r15 + 36] define colorTblSize dword[r15 + 40] define colorwidth dword[r15 + 44] define iOffset dword[r15 + 48] define iOffset2 dword[r15 + 52] define r5 byte[r15 + 56] define g5 byte[r15 + 57] define b5 byte[r15 + 58] define x r13d define y r14d push rdi push rsi push rbx push rbp mov qword r15, rcx mov y, 0 align 16 _y: mov eax, y mul strideSrc add eax, colorTblSize mov iOffset, eax ;iOffset = y * $strideSrc + $colorTblSize mov eax, y mul strideDest mov iOffset2, eax ;iOffset2 = y * $strideDest xor x, x ;x = 0 _x: mov eax, iOffset add eax, x ;iOffset + x add rax, tSrcBmp mov rdx, rax ;edx = iOffset + x + tSrcBmp xor rax, rax mov al, byte[rdx] ;get index from color table mul colorwidth ;multiply it with colorwidth -> eax = index of the color table mov rdx, colortable add rdx, rax mov r9d, dword[rdx] ;get the color from the color table xor rax, rax mov rax, 3 mul x ; add eax, iOffset2 ; add rax, tDestBmp ;$x * 3 + iOffset2 + tDestBmp = t1 mov r8, rax cmp colorwidth, 2 jne _col_rgb xor rdx, rdx mov dx, r9w ;BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x001F), -3) ;B and dx, 0x001F shl dx, 3 mov b5, dl xor rdx, rdx mov dx, r9w ;BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x03E0), 5), -3) ;G and dx, 0x03E0 shr dx, 5 shl dx, 3 mov g5, dl xor rdx, rdx mov dx, r9w ;BitShift(BitShift(BitAND($col, 0x7C00), 10), -3) ;R and dx, 0x7C00 shr dx, 10 shl dx, 3 mov r5, dl xor eax, eax ;eax = 0 or al, r5 ;generate rgb value from rgb555 shl eax, 8 or al, g5 shl eax, 8 or al, b5 mov r9d, eax _col_rgb: mov dword[r8], r9d ;write to destination inc x cmp x, w jbe _x inc y cmp y, h jbe _y pop rbp pop rbx pop rsi pop rdi ret 8 #ce #cs _ASM8_x86 use32 pushad mov edi, dword[esp + 36] ;pointer to the struct define tSrcBmp dword[edi] define tDestBmp dword[edi + 04] define strideSrc dword[edi + 08] define strideDest dword[edi + 12] define w dword[edi + 16] define h dword[edi + 20] define colorTblSize dword[edi + 24] define iOffset dword[edi + 28] define iOffset2 dword[edi + 32] mov ecx, 0 ; y align 16 _y: mov eax, ecx mul strideSrc add eax, colorTblSize mov iOffset, eax ;iOffset = y * $strideSrc + $colorTblSize mov eax, ecx mul strideDest mov iOffset2, eax ;iOffset2 = y * $strideDest xor ebx, ebx ;x = 0 _x: mov ebp, iOffset sub ebp, 2 add ebp, ebx add ebp, tSrcBmp ;ebp = t1 mov eax, 3 mul ebx add eax, iOffset2 add eax, tDestBmp ;eax = t2 mov esi, dword[ebp] ;get the color from source bitmap mov dword[eax], esi ;write to destination inc ebx cmp ebx, w jbe _x inc ecx cmp ecx, h jbe _y popad ret ;4 #ce _ASM8_x86 #cs _ASM8_x64 use64 push rdi push rsi push rbx push rbp define tSrcBmp qword[r15] define tDestBmp qword[r15 + 08] define strideSrc [r15 + 16] define strideDest [r15 + 20] define w [r15 + 24] define h [r15 + 28] define colorTblSize [r15 + 32] define iOffset [r15 + 36] define iOffset2 [r15 + 40] mov qword r15, rcx sub qword colorTblSize, 2 mov ebx, 0 ;w - 1 mov ecx, 0 ;h - 1 align 16 _y: mov eax, ecx mul dword strideSrc mov r10, rax ;r10 = y * $strideSrc mov eax, ecx mul dword strideDest mov r11, rax ;r11 = y * $strideDest _x: mov r8, r10 add r8, rbx add r8, colorTblSize add r8, tSrcBmp ;r8 = t1 mov rax, 3 mul rbx add rax, r11 add rax, tDestBmp ;eax = t2 mov r9, [r8] ;get the color from source bitmap mov dword[rax], r9d ;write to destination inc ebx cmp ebx, w jbe _x xor rbx, rbx inc ecx cmp ecx, h jbe _y pop rbp pop rbx pop rsi pop rdi ret 8 #ce _ASM8_x64 #cs _ASM1516_x86 use32 mov edi, dword[esp + 4] ;pointer to the struct define tSrcBmp ptr[edi] define tDestBmp ptr[edi + 04] define strideSrc dword[edi + 08] define strideDest dword[edi + 12] define w dword[edi + 16] define h dword[edi + 20] define colorTblSize dword[edi + 24] define iOffset dword[edi + 28] define iOffset2 dword[edi + 32] mov ebx, 0 ; x mov ecx, 0 ; y align 16 _y: mov eax, ecx mul strideSrc mov iOffset, eax ;iOffset = y * $strideSrc mov eax, ecx mul strideDest mov iOffset2, eax ;iOffset2 = y * $strideDest _x: mov eax, 2 mul ebx ;x * 2 push eax add eax, iOffset add eax, colorTblSize add eax, tSrcBmp mov edx, eax ;edx = t1 pop eax ;restore x * 2 add eax, iOffset2 add eax, tDestBmp ;eax = t2 mov esi, dword[edx] ;get the color from source bitmap mov word[eax], si ;write to destination inc ebx cmp ebx, w jbe _x xor ebx, ebx inc ecx cmp ecx, h jbe _y ret ;4 #ce _ASM1516_x86 #cs _ASM1516_x64 use64 ;~ define tSrcBmp dword[r15 + 0] ;~ define tDestBmp dword[r15 + 8] ;~ define strideS dword[r15 + 16] ;~ define strideD dword[r15 + 20] ;~ define width dword[r15 + 24] ;~ define height dword[r15 + 28] ;~ define colorTblSize dword[r15 + 32] ;~ define t1 dword[r15 + 36] ;not needed ;~ define t2 dword[r15 + 40] ;not needed push rdi push rsi push rbx push rbp mov qword r15, rcx mov ebx, 0 ;dword[r15 + 24] ;ebx = w - 1 mov ecx, 0 ;dword[r15 + 28] ;ecx = h - 1 align 16 _y: mov eax, ecx mul dword[r15 + 16] mov r9, rax mov eax, ecx mul dword[r15 + 20] mov r10, rax push rbx _x: mov eax, ebx shl eax, 1 mov rdx, r10 add rdx, rax add rdx, [r15 + 8] mov r8, r9 add r8, rax add r8, [r15 + 32] add r8, [r15] mov rax, [r8] mov [rdx], rax inc ebx inc ebx cmp ebx, dword[r15 + 24] jbe _x pop rbx inc ecx cmp ecx, dword[r15 + 28] jbe _y pop rbp pop rbx pop rsi pop rdi ret 8 #ce _ASM1516_x64 #cs _ASM24_x86 use32 mov edi, dword[esp + 4] ;pointer to the struct define tSrcBmp dword[edi] define tDestBmp dword[edi + 04] define strideSrc dword[edi + 08] define strideDest dword[edi + 12] define w dword[edi + 16] define h dword[edi + 20] define colorTblSize dword[edi + 24] define iOffset dword[edi + 28] define iOffset2 dword[edi + 32] mov ebx, 0 ; x mov ecx, 0 ; y align 16 _y: mov eax, ecx mul strideSrc mov iOffset, eax ;iOffset = y * $strideSrc mov eax, ecx mul strideDest mov iOffset2, eax ;iOffset2 = y * $strideDest _x: mov eax, 3 mul ebx ;x * 3 push eax add eax, iOffset add eax, colorTblSize add eax, tSrcBmp mov edx, eax ;edx = t1 pop eax ;restore x * 3 add eax, iOffset2 add eax, tDestBmp ;eax = t2 mov esi, dword[edx] ;get the color from source bitmap mov dword[eax], esi ;write to destination inc ebx cmp ebx, w jbe _x xor ebx, ebx inc ecx cmp ecx, h jbe _y ret ;4 #ce _ASM24_x86 #cs _ASM24_x64 use64 ;~ define tSrcBmp dword[r15 + 0] ;~ define tDestBmp dword[r15 + 8] ;~ define strideS dword[r15 + 16] ;~ define strideD dword[r15 + 20] ;~ define width dword[r15 + 24] ;~ define height dword[r15 + 28] ;~ define colorTblSize dword[r15 + 32] ;~ define t1 dword[r15 + 36] ;not needed ;~ define t2 dword[r15 + 40] ;not needed push rdi push rsi push rbx push rbp mov qword r15, rcx xor rcx, rcx align 16 _y: mov eax, ecx mul dword[r15 + 16] mov r9, rax mov eax, ecx mul dword[r15 + 20] mov r10, rax xor rbx, rbx _x: mov rax, 3 mul rbx mov rdx, r10 add rdx, rax add rdx, [r15 + 8] mov r8, r9 add r8, rax add r8, [r15 + 32] add r8, [r15] mov rax, [r8] mov [rdx], rax ;copy 64 bits inc ebx inc ebx cmp ebx, dword[r15 + 24] jbe _x inc ecx cmp ecx, dword[r15 + 28] jbe _y pop rbp pop rbx pop rsi pop rdi ret 8 #ce _ASM24_x64 If you find a TGA image which is in scope of this script but doesn't convert it properly, please report it here. Thanks.
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