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Found 10 results

  1. Hi, I would like to create an message box with disabled buttons for specified amount of time after that period the buttons should be automatically enabled. Example code (but not working as desired): MsgBox(64, 'Sometitle', 'Please make sure to read this' & @CRLF & 'Are you sure want to continue ?') Sleep(5000) I'm wondering If such a thing could be achieved Waiting for your thoughts, thank you!
  2. ---------- edit: this is probably in the wrong place, can a moderator move it to wherever it belongs? ---------- is there any way to completely disable TCPTimeout and make TCPRecv() wait indefinitely? maybe setting it to 0 or -1 or something? the docs doesn't seem to mention any way to disable it - the underlying C code would set SO_RCVTIMEO to 0 , aka DWORD timeout=0; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
  3. Hi all, I was wondering if you can help me with the function called; InetRead(). My scripts are using this function a lot for several conditions and everything works fine! But sometimes when the server is a little bit buggy of simply not available my script is hanging. It takes about 90sec before this function returns a Timeout, when i adjust the parameter it still is hanging about 90sec. The following script is a example where the script is hanging for aprox. 90sec; ; Set Timeout to 2sec AutoItSetOption ("TCPTimeout", 2000) ; Read Website InetRead("http://www.geenverbinding.nl/",1) ; Show Msgbox before Ending Script. Msgbox(64,"","Finished") The following script is a example where the script show the Msgbox pretty fast; ; Set Timeout to 2sec AutoItSetOption ("TCPTimeout", 2000) ; Read Website InetRead("http://www.google.nl/",1) ; Show Msgbox before Ending Script. Msgbox(64,"","Finished") My question now is, what am i doing wrong and/or is there a other way to prevent Hanging the script? Thanks all
  4. I have automated an install process by using the below code. Func _WinWaitActivate($title,$text,$timeout=0) WinWait($title,$text,$timeout) If Not WinActive($title,$text) Then WinActivate($title,$text) WinWaitActive($title,$text,$timeout) EndFunc $win1 = "Text 1" $win2 = "Text 2" _WinWaitActivate($win1,"WARNING: This progra") Send("{ALTDOWN}n{ALTUP}");Send("{SPACE}") _WinWaitActivate($win1,"I DISAGREE and &do n") Send("{UP}n") _WinWaitActivate($win1,"Customer Information") Send("{ALTDOWN}n{ALTUP}");Send("{TAB}{TAB}n") _WinWaitActivate($win1,"Click Next to instal") Send("{ALTDOWN}n{ALTUP}");Send("n") _WinWaitActivate($win1,"This feature require") Send("{ALTDOWN}n{ALTUP}");Send("{TAB}n") _WinWaitActivate($win1,"Ready to Install the") Send("{ALTDOWN}i{ALTUP}");Send("i") _WinWaitActivate($win1,"The InstallShield Wi") Send("{ALTDOWN}f{ALTUP}");Send("f") _WinWaitActivate($win2,"You must restart you") Send("{ALTDOWN}n{ALTUP}");Send("n") Now if any new screen comes in the middle of installation, like some VC++ installation error or like that. The AutoIT is waiting in the background. Is there any way to skip the new screens with just "enter" and continue the installation??
  5. Hello, if an IP address is not reachable then TCPConnect lasts about 21 seconds for me the return with the error. Now I wrote a function using my socket_UDF to set a timeout if the IP address cannot be reached. Have fun. _TCPConnectTimeout example #include "socket_UDF.au3" Global $iTimerStart, $iSock Global $TestIP = "" Global $TestPort = 800 Global $ConnectionTimeout = 1000 _WSAStartup() Global $iTimerStart = TimerInit() $iSock = _TCPConnectTimeout($TestIP, $TestPort, $ConnectionTimeout) ConsoleWrite("_TCPConnectTimeout error: " & @error & " / new socket: " & $iSock & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Function lasts: " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimerStart), 3) & @LF) $iTimerStart = TimerInit() $iSock = TCPConnect($TestIP, $TestPort) ConsoleWrite("TCPConnect error: " & @error & " / new socket: " & $iSock & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Function lasts: " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimerStart), 3) & @LF) ; about 21 seconds for me _WSACleanup() Exit Func _TCPConnectTimeout($IP, $Port, $Timeout) Local Const $WSAEWOULDBLOCK = 10035 Local $iSocket, $iResult, $tTimeout, $tWrite, $tErr $iSocket = _socket() If $iSocket = $SOCKET_ERROR Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) $iResult = _ioctlsocket($iSocket, $FIONBIO, 1) ; nonblocking socket If $iResult <> 0 Then _closesocket($iSocket) Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf $iResult = _connect($iSocket, $IP, $Port) If $iResult = $SOCKET_ERROR Then If _WSAGetLastError() = $WSAEWOULDBLOCK Then $tWrite = DllStructCreate($tagFd_set) $tErr = DllStructCreate($tagFd_set) _FD_SET($iSocket, $tWrite) _FD_SET($iSocket, $tErr) $iResult = _selectEx(0, DllStructGetPtr($tWrite), DllStructGetPtr($tErr), $Timeout) If $iResult <= 0 Then _closesocket($iSocket) Return SetError(3, 0, -1) ;timeout Else If Not _FD_ISSET($iSocket, $tWrite) Then _closesocket($iSocket) Return SetError(4, 0, -1) ; $tErr must have been set EndIf EndIf Else _closesocket($iSocket) Return SetError(5, 0, -1) ; another WSA error EndIf EndIf $iResult = _ioctlsocket($iSocket, $FIONBIO, 0) ; blocking socket again If $iResult <> 0 Then _closesocket($iSocket) Return SetError(6, 0, -1) EndIf Return $iSocket EndFunc ;==>_TCPConnectTimeoutsocket_UDF #include-once ; Some socket functions ; Author: funkey ; Project start 2013.03.12 ; Actual project date 2013.08.27 Global Const $tagIN_ADDR = "ulong S_addr;" Global Const $tagSockAddr = "USHORT sa_family;char sa_data[14]" Global Const $tagSockAddr_In = "short sin_family;USHORT sin_port;ULONG sin_addr;char sin_zero[8]" Global Const $tagSockAddr_Storage = "short ss_family;char ss_pad1[6];INT64 ss_align;char ss_pad1[112]" Global Const $tagTimeVal = "long tv_sec;long tv_usec" Global Const $tagAddrInfo = "int ai_flags;int ai_family;int ai_socktype;int ai_protocol;uint ai_addrlen;ptr ai_canonname;ptr ai_addr;ptr ai_next" Global Const $FD_SETSIZE = 64 Global Const $tagFd_set = "UINT fd_count;UINT fd_array[" & $FD_SETSIZE & "]" Global Const $AF_UNSPEC = 0 Global Const $AF_UNIX = 1 Global Const $AF_INET = 2 Global Const $AF_IMPLINK = 3 Global Const $AF_PUP = 4 Global Const $AF_CHAOS = 5 Global Const $AF_IPX = 6 Global Const $AF_NS = 6 Global Const $AF_ISO = 7 Global Const $AF_OSI = $AF_ISO Global Const $AF_ECMA = 8 Global Const $AF_DATAKIT = 9 Global Const $AF_CCITT = 10 Global Const $AF_SNA = 11 Global Const $AF_DECnet = 12 Global Const $AF_DLI = 13 Global Const $AF_LAT = 14 Global Const $AF_HYLINK = 15 Global Const $AF_APPLETALK = 16 Global Const $AF_NETBIOS = 17 Global Const $AF_VOICEVIEW = 18 Global Const $AF_FIREFOX = 19 Global Const $AF_UNKNOWN1 = 20 Global Const $AF_BAN = 21 Global Const $AF_ATM = 22 Global Const $AF_INET6 = 23 Global Const $SOCKET_ERROR = -1 Global Const $INVALID_SOCKET = -1 Global Const $SOCK_STREAM = 1 Global Const $SOCK_DGRAM = 2 Global Const $SOCK_RAW = 3 Global Const $SOCK_RDM = 4 Global Const $SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5 Global Const $IPPROTO_IP = 0 Global Const $IPPROTO_ICMP = 1 Global Const $IPPROTO_IGMP = 2 Global Const $IPPROTO_GGP = 3 Global Const $IPPROTO_TCP = 6 Global Const $IPPROTO_PUP = 12 Global Const $IPPROTO_UDP = 17 Global Const $IPPROTO_IDP = 22 Global Const $IPPROTO_ND = 77 Global Const $IPPROTO_RAW = 255 Global Const $SOL_SOCKET = 0xFFFF ;SOL_SOCKET Socket Options ;http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms740532(v=vs.85).aspx Global Const $IP_OPTIONS = 1 Global Const $SO_DEBUG = 1 Global Const $SO_ACCEPTCONN = 2 Global Const $SO_REUSEADDR = 4 ; BOOLEAN Global Const $SO_KEEPALIVE = 8 Global Const $SO_DONTROUTE = 16 Global Const $SO_BROADCAST = 32 ;INT Global Const $SO_USELOOPBACK = 64 Global Const $SO_LINGER = 128 Global Const $SO_OOBINLINE = 256 Global Const $SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE = -5 ; BOOLEAN (~SO_REUSEADDR) Global Const $SO_DONTLINGER = -129 ; (~SO_LINGER) Global Const $SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001 Global Const $SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 Global Const $SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 Global Const $SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 Global Const $SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 ; DWORD Global Const $SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 ; DWORD Global Const $SO_ERROR = 0x1007 Global Const $SO_TYPE = 0x1008 Global Const $FIONBIO = 0x8004667E Global Const $FIONREAD = 0x4004667F Global Const $FIOASYNC = 0x8004667D Global Const $SIOCSHIWAT = 0x80047300 Global Const $SIOCGHIWAT = 0x80047301 Global Const $SIOCSLOWAT = 0x80047302 Global Const $SIOCGLOWAT = 0x80047303 Global Const $SIOCATMARK = 0x40047307 ;max backlog for listen() Global Const $SOMAXCONN = 0x7fffffff ;flags for send(to) Global Const $MSG_DONTROUTE = 4 Global Const $MSG_OOB = 1 Global $hDLL_WS2_32 = 0 Func _WSAStartup() If $hDLL_WS2_32 = 0 Then $hDLL_WS2_32 = DllOpen("ws2_32.dll") If $hDLL_WS2_32 = -1 Then $hDLL_WS2_32 = 0 Return 0 EndIf If TCPStartup() = 0 Then ;TCPStartup() is equal to WSAStartup function DllClose($hDLL_WS2_32) $hDLL_WS2_32 = 0 Return 0 EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_WSAStartup Func _WSACleanup() If $hDLL_WS2_32 <> 0 Then TCPShutdown() ;TCPShutdown() is equal to WSACleanup function DllClose($hDLL_WS2_32) $hDLL_WS2_32 = 0 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_WSACleanup Func _setsockopt($iSocket, $iLevel, $iOptName, $tOptVal) Local $iOptLen = DllStructGetSize($tOptVal) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "setsockopt", "uint", $iSocket, "int", $iLevel, "int", $iOptName, "struct*", $tOptVal, "int", $iOptLen) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_setsockopt Func _getsockopt($iSocket, $iLevel, $iOptName, ByRef $tOptVal) Local $iOptLen = DllStructGetSize($tOptVal) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "setsockopt", "uint", $iSocket, "int", $iLevel, "int", $iOptName, "struct*", $tOptVal, "int", $iOptLen) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_getsockopt Func _socket($AF = $AF_INET, $SocketType = $SOCK_STREAM, $Protocol = $IPPROTO_TCP) ; AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "socket", "int", $AF, "int", $SocketType, "int", $Protocol) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_socket Func _closesocket($iSocket) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "closesocket", "UINT", $iSocket) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_closesocket ;shutdown() allows you to cut off communication in a certain direction, or both ways (just like closesocket() does.) ;0 Further receives are disallowed ;1 Further sends are disallowed ;2 Further sends and receives are disallowed (like closesocket()) ;It's important to note that shutdown() doesn't actually close the file descriptor — it just changes ;its usability. To free a socket descriptor, you need to use closesocket(). Func _shutdown($iSocket, $iHow) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "shutdown", "UINT", $iSocket, "int", $iHow) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_shutdown Func _bind($iSocket, $sIP, $iPort) Local $tSockAddr_In = DllStructCreate($tagSockAddr_In) Local $pSockAddr_In = DllStructGetPtr($tSockAddr_In) Local $iSizeSockAddr_In = DllStructGetSize($tSockAddr_In) DllStructSetData($tSockAddr_In, "sin_family", $AF_INET) DllStructSetData($tSockAddr_In, "sin_port", _htons($iPort)) DllStructSetData($tSockAddr_In, "sin_addr", _inet_addr($sIP)) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "bind", "UINT", $iSocket, "struct*", $pSockAddr_In, "int", $iSizeSockAddr_In) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_bind Func _connect($iSocket, $sIP, $iPort) Local $tSockAddr_In = DllStructCreate($tagSockAddr_In) Local $iSizeSockAddr_In = DllStructGetSize($tSockAddr_In) DllStructSetData($tSockAddr_In, "sin_family", $AF_INET) DllStructSetData($tSockAddr_In, "sin_port", _htons($iPort)) DllStructSetData($tSockAddr_In, "sin_addr", _inet_addr($sIP)) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "connect", "UINT", $iSocket, "struct*", $tSockAddr_In, "int", $iSizeSockAddr_In) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_connect Func _listen($iSocket, $iBacklog = $SOMAXCONN) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "listen", "UINT", $iSocket, "int", $iBacklog) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_listen Func _accept($iSocket, ByRef $sIP, ByRef $iPort) Local $tAddr = DllStructCreate($tagSockAddr_In) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "UINT", "accept", "UINT", $iSocket, "struct*", $tAddr, "int*", DllStructGetSize($tAddr)) $iPort = _ntohs(DllStructGetData($tAddr, 2)) $sIP = _inet_ntoa(DllStructGetData($tAddr, 3)) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_accept Func _select(ByRef $tReadFds, $iTimeout) Local $tTimeout = DllStructCreate($tagTimeVal) DllStructSetData($tTimeout, "tv_sec", Floor($iTimeout / 1000)) DllStructSetData($tTimeout, "tv_usec", ($iTimeout - DllStructGetData($tTimeout, "tv_sec") * 1000) * 1000) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "select", "int", 0, "struct*", $tReadFds, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "struct*", $tTimeout) Return $aRet[0] ;-1 = error; 0 = timeout; else data! EndFunc ;==>_select Func _selectEx($pReadFds, $pWriteFds, $pExceptFds, $iTimeout) Local $tTimeout = DllStructCreate($tagTimeVal) DllStructSetData($tTimeout, "tv_sec", Floor($iTimeout / 1000)) DllStructSetData($tTimeout, "tv_usec", ($iTimeout - DllStructGetData($tTimeout, "tv_sec") * 1000) * 1000) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "select", "int", 0, "ptr", $pReadFds, "ptr", $pWriteFds, "ptr", $pExceptFds, "struct*", $tTimeout) Return $aRet[0] ;-1 = error; 0 = timeout; else data! EndFunc ;==>_selectEx Func _FD_ZERO(ByRef $tFd_set) DllStructSetData($tFd_set, "fd_count", 0) EndFunc ;==>_FD_ZERO Func _FD_SET($iSock, ByRef $tFd_set) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($tFd_set, "fd_count") For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1 If DllStructGetData($tFd_set, "fd_Array", $i + 1) = $iSock Then ExitLoop EndIf Next If $i = $iCount Then If $iCount < $FD_SETSIZE Then DllStructSetData($tFd_set, "fd_array", $iSock, $i + 1) DllStructSetData($tFd_set, "fd_count", $iCount + 1) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FD_SET Func _FD_CLR($iSock, ByRef $tFd_set) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($tFd_set, "fd_count") For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1 If DllStructGetData($tFd_set, "fd_array", $i + 1) = $iSock Then While ($i < $iCount - 1) DllStructSetData($tFd_set, "fd_array", DllStructGetData($tFd_set, "fd_array", $i + 2), $i + 1) $i += 1 WEnd EndIf DllStructSetData($tFd_set, "fd_count", $iCount - 1) ExitLoop Next EndFunc ;==>_FD_CLR Func _FD_ISSET($iSock, ByRef $tFd_set) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "__WSAFDIsSet", "UINT", $iSock, "struct*", $tFd_set) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_FD_ISSET Func _send($iSocket, ByRef $tBuffer, $iFlags = 0) Local $iLen = DllStructGetSize($tBuffer) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "send", "int", $iSocket, "struct*", $tBuffer, "int", $iLen, "int", $iFlags) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_send Func _sendto($iSocket, ByRef $tBuffer, ByRef $tTo, $iFlags = 0) Local $iLen = DllStructGetSize($tBuffer) Local $iLenTo = DllStructGetSize($tTo) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "sendto", "int", $iSocket, "struct*", $tBuffer, "int", $iLen, "int", $iFlags, "struct*", $tTo, "int", $iLenTo) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_sendto Func _recv($iSocket, ByRef $tBuffer, $iFlags = 0) Local $iLen = DllStructGetSize($tBuffer) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "recv", "uint", $iSocket, "struct*", $tBuffer, "int", $iLen, "int", $iFlags) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_recv Func _recvfrom($iSocket, ByRef $tBuffer, ByRef $tFrom, $iFlags = 0) Local $iLen = DllStructGetSize($tBuffer) Local $iLenFrom = DllStructGetSize($tFrom) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "recvfrom", "uint", $iSocket, "struct*", $tBuffer, "int", $iLen, "int", $iFlags, "struct*", $tFrom, "int", $iLenFrom) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_recvfrom Func _inet_addr($sIP) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "ULONG", "inet_addr", "str", $sIP) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_inet_addr Func _inet_ntoa($pIn_Addr) ;only IPv4 (deprecated) --> use _inet_ntop() instead Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "str", "inet_ntoa", "ptr", $pIn_Addr) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_inet_ntoa Func _inet_ntop($pIn_Addr, $iFamily = $AF_INET) ;IPv4 and IPv6 --> Vista and above Local $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[46]") ;16 for IPv4, 46 for IPv6 Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "str", "inet_ntop", "int", $iFamily, "ptr", $pIn_Addr, "struct*", $tBuffer, "int", DllStructGetSize($tBuffer)) Return DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1) EndFunc ;==>_inet_ntop ;host byte order to network byte order (double) Func _htond($value) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "UINT64", "htond", "double", $value) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_htond ;host byte order to network byte order (float) Func _htonf($value) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "UINT", "htonf", "float", $value) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_htonf ;host byte order to network byte order (long) Func _htonl($value) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "ULONG", "htonl", "ULONG", $value) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_htonl ;host byte order to network byte order (long long) Func _htonll($value) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "UINT64", "htonll", "UINT64", $value) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_htonll ;host byte order to network byte order (short) Func _htons($iPort) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "USHORT", "htons", "USHORT", $iPort) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_htons ;network byte order to host byte order (double) Func _ntohd($value) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "double", "ntohd", "UINT64", $value) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_ntohd ;network byte order to host byte order (float) Func _ntohf($value) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "float", "ntohf", "UINT", $value) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_ntohf ;network byte order to host byte order (long) Func _ntohl($iNetLong) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "ULONG", "ntohl", "ULONG", $iNetLong) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_ntohl ;network byte order to host byte order (long long) Func _ntohll($value) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "UINT64", "ntohll", "UINT64", $value) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_ntohll ;network byte order to host byte order (short) Func _ntohs($iNetShort) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "USHORT", "ntohs", "USHORT", $iNetShort) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_ntohs Func _WSAGetLastError() Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "WSAGetLastError") Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_WSAGetLastError Func _GetLocalPort($iSocket) ;funkey Local $tagIN_ADDR = "ulong S_addr;" Local $tagSockAddr_In = "short sin_family;ushort sin_port;ptr sin_addr;char sin_zero[8];" Local $tIn_Addr = DllStructCreate($tagIN_ADDR) Local $tName = DllStructCreate($tagSockAddr_In) DllStructSetData($tName, "sin_addr", DllStructGetPtr($tIn_Addr)) Local $aRes = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "getsockname", "uint", $iSocket, "struct*", $tName, "int*", 512) Local $aRes2 = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "ushort", "ntohs", "ushort", DllStructGetData($tName, 2)) Return $aRes2[0] EndFunc ;==>_GetLocalPort Func _getsockname($iSocket) Local $tIn_Addr = DllStructCreate($tagIN_ADDR) Local $tName = DllStructCreate($tagSockAddr_In) DllStructSetData($tName, "sin_addr", DllStructGetPtr($tIn_Addr)) Local $aRes[2] Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "getsockname", "uint", $iSocket, "struct*", $tName, "int*", 512) If Not @error And $aRet[0] = 0 Then $aRes[0] = _inet_ntoa(DllStructGetData($tName, "sin_addr")) ;IP address $aRes[1] = _ntohs(DllStructGetData($tName, "sin_port")) ;IP port ;~ $aRes[2] = DllStructGetData($tName, "sin_family") ; always AF_INET !? Return $aRes EndIf Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_getsockname ;More than TCPNameToIP(), returns an array of IP addresses Func _getaddrinfo($sNodeName) Local $pResult, $tAddrInfo, $sIP Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "getaddrinfo", "str", $sNodeName, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", 0) $pResult = $aRet[4] Do $tAddrInfo = DllStructCreate($tagAddrInfo, $pResult) Local $tName = DllStructCreate($tagSockAddr_In, DllStructGetData($tAddrInfo, "ai_addr")) $sIP &= _inet_ntoa(DllStructGetData($tName, "sin_addr")) & ";" $pResult = DllStructGetData($tAddrInfo, "ai_next") Until $pResult = 0 _freeaddrinfo($aRet[4]) Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sIP, 1), ";", 2) EndFunc ;==>_getaddrinfo Func _freeaddrinfo($pAddrInfo) DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "none", "freeaddrinfo", "ptr", $pAddrInfo) EndFunc ;==>_freeaddrinfo Func _ioctlsocket($iSocket, $iCmd, $iArg) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_WS2_32, "int", "ioctlsocket", "uint", $iSocket, "long", $iCmd, "ULONG*", $iArg) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_ioctlsocket Func _TCPConnectEx($sIP, $iRemPort, $iRcvTimeOut = 0, $iSendTimeOut = 0, $iLocPort = -1) Local $tTimeVal, $iSockError, $iBind, $iConnect, $aIP[1] Local $iSock = _socket($AF_INET, $SOCK_STREAM, $IPPROTO_TCP) If $iRcvTimeOut > 0 Then $tTimeVal = DllStructCreate("DWORD timeout") DllStructSetData($tTimeVal, "timeout", $iRcvTimeOut) $iSockError = _setsockopt($iSock, $SOL_SOCKET, $SO_RCVTIMEO, $tTimeVal) If $iSockError Then _closesocket($iSock) Return SetError(1, _WSAGetLastError(), 0) EndIf EndIf If $iSendTimeOut > 0 Then $tTimeVal = DllStructCreate("DWORD timeout") DllStructSetData($tTimeVal, "timeout", $iSendTimeOut) $iSockError = _setsockopt($iSock, $SOL_SOCKET, $SO_SNDTIMEO, $tTimeVal) If $iSockError Then _closesocket($iSock) Return SetError(2, _WSAGetLastError(), 0) EndIf EndIf If $iLocPort >= 0 Then $iBind = _bind($iSock, @IPAddress1, $iLocPort) If $iBind Then _closesocket($iSock) Return SetError(3, _WSAGetLastError(), 0) EndIf EndIf If _IsValidIP($sIP) Then $aIP[0] = $sIP Else $aIP = _getaddrinfo($sIP) EndIf $iConnect = _connect($iSock, $aIP[0], $iRemPort) If $iConnect Then _closesocket($iSock) Return SetError(4, _WSAGetLastError(), 0) EndIf Return $iSock EndFunc ;==>_TCPConnectEx Func _IsValidIP($sIP) Local $aIP = StringSplit($sIP, ".") If $aIP[0] <> 4 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) For $x = 1 To $aIP[0] If $aIP[$x] < 0 Or $aIP[$x] > 255 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_IsValidIP TCPConnectTimeout & socket UDF.rar
  6. Hi everyone I'll explain what I'm trying to achieve briefly: I run several websites and am running pilots for a new framework on a few server. I have a certain script set us like a bunch of checkboxes, one of which checks a URL for it's status response set to a $ClientURL variable. So I have something like the following: Set includes Set variables (one of which is $ClientURL = ("www.example.com"). Start loop Main script If $ClientURL = ("www.example.com") Then $ClientURL = ("www.a.com") If $ClientURL = ("www.a.com") Then $ClientURL = ("www.b.com") ElseIf $ClientURL = ("www.b.com") Then $ClientURL = ("www.c.com") ElseIf $ClientURL = ("www.c.com") Then $ClientURL = ("www.d.com") ElseIf $ClientURL = ("www.c.com") Then $ClientURL = ("www.example.com") Sleep until the script restarts the loop. End loop This only uses one main script and changes the variables needed to run in by the following value every time. My problem is this... Everything runs smoothly, but if a webserver takes too long to respond, the program will timeout. This doesn't give a certain status, so it doesn't get logged by the script so it can move on to the next one. It just freezes and crashes on it eventually. Is there a way to add a certain timeout to a line? Lets say something like this: Func A () $oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1") $oHTTP.Open("GET", $ClientURL, False) $oHTTP.Send() If the time it takes = >10 seconds Move on to the next line Else Do nothing EndFunc I thought about making a variable that tracks the system time in seconds that has passed by and resets it at the beginning of every new function, but I was hoping there'd be something more efficient... Thanks in advance guys!
  7. Edit 2: Complete rewrite of the function, simplified version using a single function and without use of GUICtrlSetOnEvent or AutoItSetOption. Correct centering of message. Edit 1: Updated function to correct possible misbehaving AutoItSetOption. MsgBox with Visual CountDown Self-explanatory I guess... GreenCan MsgBox_CountDown.au3 (Previous downloads: 53)
  8. Hi All, I went searching for something to speed up checking for files on the network (UNC Paths) Most examples were rather complicated but someones multi-threaded solution gave me an idea. Hope it is useful to someone. Seems to work well so far. Func _FileExistsTimeout($sPath, $iTimeout = 1000) Local $hTimer = TimerInit() ; Begin the timer and store the handle in a variable. Local $iPID = Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine "ConsoleWriteError(FileExists(""' & $sPath & '""))"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD) Local $sOutput = "" Local $iDiff = 0 While $iDiff < $iTimeout $iDiff = TimerDiff($hTimer) $sOutput &= StderrRead($iPID) If @error Then ; Exit the loop if the process closes or StderrRead returns an error. ExitLoop EndIf WEnd ProcessClose($iPID) Switch StringStripWS($sOutput, 8) Case 1 Return True Case Else Return False EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_FileExistsTimeout
  9. We have several servers and I'm writing a server status monitor. I am trying to quickly determine if I can FTP to each of our local servers. When I successfully do an _FTP_Open(), then call _FTP_Connect(), the _FTP_Connect takes around 45 seconds to time out. I want to make the 'FTP-ability' test to take no more than 1 or 2 seconds. Is there a way to change the _FTP_Connect() timeout? Perhaps there is another call I could use? Here is my sample code (with my server credentials removed). #include <FTPEx.au3> #include <array.au3> _Main() Exit (0) Func _Main() Local $server, $uname, $pwd, $hSession, $iID, $bRet $server = "xxxxx" $uname = "xxxxx" $pwd = "xxxx" $hSession = _FTP_Open('MyFTP') If $hSession <> 0 Then $iID = _FTP_Connect($hSession, $server, $uname, $pwd, 1, 21) ConsoleWrite("Can connect OK" & @CRLF) If ($iID <> 0) Then Else ConsoleWrite("Connect FAILED" & @CRLF) EndIf _FTP_Close($hSession) Else ConsoleWrite("+++: Openfailed" & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Main
  10. Hi, When I use traytip with timeout 20 secs, sometimes it stays for 20secs or more, but sometimes it fades away fast (less than 5 secs). What is the reason for this. Is there any work around. TrayTip("Title", "Text", 20) Sleep(30000) Roshith
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