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Found 7 results

  1. Hello 🙂 I'd like to have some hints how to handle Win firewall rules. Found this UDF for Win Vista.. Has someone experience with it? Will it work well for Win 10/11? Is there an example how to get (filtered) rules as array? Thanx a lot 🙂
  2. Hi Virtual People, I'm trying to lock my screen in Windows 10 but to no avail. Has Windows 10 forbidden this feature? Send("#l") Above code does not work. Even sending Ctrl Alt Del does not work nor as an Admin. Note: I want to lock my screen, not log off. Thanks for been kind.
  3. An AUTOIT app just stopped running on several machines in our office after applying the recent Win10 1803 update. Here are the details: 1. The App is now failing the UDPBIND call with a 10022 error. 2. The App runs fine on machines which have NOT YET applied the 1803 Win10 update just released 3. The App fails on all machines to which the 1803 has been applied - but only if the app is loaded from a network share! 4. If the app is run from a LOCAL drive, it continues to run fine even after the 1803 update In summary: Something has changed with the Win10 1803 update which now prevents AutoIT apps from opening UDP ports (UDPBIND) if the Apps are being loaded/run off a network share! I have confirmed this by manually updating a workstation to 1803 and confirming this is what is causing the failure. (Worked fine immediately before - now fails immediately after) Also, I am not having issues running other Autoit network apps from network shares which DON'T use the UDPBIND call. (i.e. "DriveMapAdd" is still working under the same conditions) The share which we have been loading/running our apps from is running SMB v1.5 protocols (via Linux/Samba)
  4. This thread will focus on the scripts that write/execute bash scripts, and return the data (whereas my other thread is more just a spit sink). Currently you are relegated to piping to a file from the bash script, hopefully there are other options coming. This AutoIt script writes a bash script containing an fdupes command based off the Directory you want to search, and whether or not you want it to recurse. It writes the script in Temp, runs it, writes the stdout to a file in Temp, then parses that file and returns you an array. * You need to sudo apt-get install fdupes for this to work, btw. fdupes is stupid fast at what it does and being able to leverage linux features, not hunt down a windows equivalent, is great fun. #requireadmin #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> #include <Array.au3> _WinAPI_Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(FALSE) _ArrayDisplay(_fdupes("c:\Users\" & @UserName & "\Desktop" , 1)) Func _fdupes($DirToCheckForDupes , $Recurse = 0) $bashscript = "c:\Windows\Temp\PRODfdupes.txt" $bashoutput = "c:\Windows\Temp\PRODfdupes_STDOUT.txt" ;format Windows Dir name to linux Dir name - DUPESDIR $aDupesDir = stringsplit($DirToCheckForDupes , "\" , 2) $sDupesDir = "//mnt/" & stringleft($DirToCheckForDupes , 1) for $i = 1 to ubound($aDupesDir) - 1 $sDupesDir &= "/" & $aDupesDir[$i] Next ;format Windows Dir name to linux Dir name - ScriptDIR $aScriptDir = stringsplit($bashscript , "\" , 2) $sScriptDir = "//mnt/" & stringleft($bashscript , 1) for $i = 1 to ubound($aScriptDir) - 1 $sScriptDir &= "/" & $aScriptDir[$i] Next ;format Windows Dir name to linux Dir name - OUTDIR $aOutDir = stringsplit($bashoutput , "\" , 2) $sOutDir = "//mnt/" & stringleft($bashoutput , 1) for $i = 1 to ubound($aOutDir) - 1 $sOutDir &= "/" & $aOutDir[$i] Next FileDelete($bashscript) FileDelete($bashoutput) $ErrFileWrite = $Recurse = 0 ? FileWrite($bashscript , "fdupes " & $sDupesDir & " > " & $sOutDir) : FileWrite($bashscript , "fdupes -R " & $sDupesDir & " > " & $sOutDir) $iPID = runwait('cmd /c bash ' & $sScriptDir) $Finalarr = stringsplit(fileread($bashoutput) , chr("10") , 2) return $Finalarr EndFunc ;fdupes
  5. I have a working script that changes the core affinity and process priority of multiples of a specific application I have running. I have that part figured out. I would like to make a little modification to it. Windows10 introduced virtual desktops. I am trying to have different core affinity and priority of processes on the visible and non-visible desktops. What I need is a bool function that could be described as IsWindowOnCurrentDesktop($hWnd). I have searched the winAPI.au3 but I do not believe anything like that exists built it. I have searched multiple places before asking for help. I found a Microsoft supplied example of the function I need using C#, but I am unfamiliar with C# to a degree that I cannot port the system call over. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/winsdk/2015/09/10/virtual-desktop-switching-in-windows-10/ Help is appreciated but not expected. Thanks in advanced. In the meantime I will be learning C# syntax and class structure.
  6. Hi I need help. I have re-installed AutoIt, but the problem persists. My script uses an #include <tourney_mymain.a3x> which Scite fails to read. To be clear, as long as it is in .au3 format, it works. The moment I build it as .a3x, it fails. ;#include <tourney_mymain.a3x> #include <tourney_mymain.au3> _MyMainFunc() The file tourney_mymain.au3 exists in the same folder, and the header looks like this #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_type=a3x #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney_mymain.a3x #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** The error looks like this: >"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\AutoIt3.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney.au3" /UserParams +>16:13:57 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.16.306.1237.0 SciTE v. Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_10/ CPU:X64 OS:X64 Environment(Language:0409) CodePage:0 utf8.auto.check:4 # detect ascii high characters and if none found set default encoding to UTF8 and do not add BOM +> SciTEDir => C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE UserDir => C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper SCITE_USERHOME => C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE >Running Tidy (16.306.1237.0) from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\tidy +>16:13:57 Tidy ended.rc:0 >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3 input:C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney.au3 "C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney.au3"(55,13) : error: _MyMainFunc(): undefined function. _MyMainFunc() ~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney.au3 - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) !>16:13:57 AU3Check ended. Press F4 to jump to next error.rc:2 +>16:13:57 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished. >Exit code: 2 Time: 1.028 When I toggle back to the .au3 file and compile/run, it works. >"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\AutoIt3.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney.au3" /UserParams +>16:28:05 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.16.306.1237.0 SciTE v. Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_10/ CPU:X64 OS:X64 Environment(Language:0409) CodePage:0 utf8.auto.check:4 # detect ascii high characters and if none found set default encoding to UTF8 and do not add BOM +> SciTEDir => C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE UserDir => C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper SCITE_USERHOME => C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE >Running Tidy (16.306.1237.0) from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\tidy +>16:28:06 Tidy ended.rc:0 >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3 input:C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney.au3 +>16:28:06 AU3Check ended.rc:0 >Running:(\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney.au3" --> Press Ctrl+Alt+Break to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop I was here! +>16:28:06 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:0 +>16:28:06 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished. >Exit code: 0 Time: 1.066 Building the .a3x file, returns this: >"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\AutoIt3.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /NoStatus /prod /in "C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney_mymain.au3" +>16:29:01 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.16.306.1237.0 SciTE v. Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_10/ CPU:X64 OS:X64 Environment(Language:0409) CodePage:0 utf8.auto.check:4 # detect ascii high characters and if none found set default encoding to UTF8 and do not add BOM +> SciTEDir => C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE UserDir => C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper SCITE_USERHOME => C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE >Running Tidy (16.306.1237.0) from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\tidy +>16:29:01 Tidy ended.rc:0 >Running:(\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\aut2exe\aut2exe.exe /in "C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney_mymain.au3" /out "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\Aut2exe\~AUDA33.tmp.a3x" /nopack /comp 2 +>16:29:02 Aut2exe.exe ended.C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\Aut2exe\~AUDA33.tmp.a3x. rc:0 +>16:29:02 Created program:C:\AutoIt\tourney\tourney_mymain.a3x +>16:29:02 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished. >Exit code: 0 Time: 1.718 And the header of the contents of the .a3x file looks like this: £HK¾˜lJ©™LS †ÖH}AU3!EA06M¨ÿs$§<öz�ñg¬Á“çkCÊR¦­ á»:!¥)ãìç�˜.@½ášÞ€F±ï¿½k;!Ô±Öu:È=ÆÐ3÷�¯Ë�¢”���ˆþd•aç¶M�ø ,p~©=�ã™Õˆ ¬C�9˜ï¿½8öþ8_Yr©0h�d It looks like this in pure AutoIt: Func _MainFunc() ConsoleWrite("I was here!" & @CRLF) Local $sMainstatus = 'The database is empty' $Main = GUICreate("Roster", 640, 480) ; --- Top level menu Global $idHelpmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu(" Help ") I have a similar AutoIT installation running on Windows 7, no problem. The machine giving problems is Win 10. Any ideas would be appreciated. This is a new pet project of mine and this is just the start, so I am willing to zip ALL of it and send it along if anyone wants to see inside. Thanks. Skysnake
  7. Hi, long time since my last spot! I'm not sure if I should ask this in GH or here, but as I saw from the downloads my fav scripting language isnt yet compatible with win10? I can understand it, its a "fresh" thing (I try to say tht I'm not suprised, I only have a few questions about this) 1 If autoit will be comaptible with win10 I will be able to write scripts to older versions of windows right? Testing them would be pretty tricky, and I would like to test my script in the envirement they will run, but i could code in win10 then take my script to a win 7 or vista and use it (considering that of course i wrote the script to run on vista/win 8 for example), right? 2 When can we expect autoit to be running in win10? I see that last update was in July, and I'm not sure how much of a hassle it is to make it run on the new OS, but I would like to know if there is something of a notion of a compatable version (like next 2-8 months, or something) Thank you for your help, and keep up the good work!
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