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Button based on ini


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I am trying to create a script that generates a gui with 6 buttons based on the ini. Each button has a section in the ini. If you click on a button, i need it to launch mdi files depending on how many are in the ini. I know i can create a run command for each file but is there a way to have to it run through the ini and run each command based on what is there? (I know a little confusing). I attached the code i have now to give an idea but it is only based on one file being opened as oppsed to 6 per button



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I am trying to create a script that generates a gui with 6 buttons based on the ini. Each button has a section in the ini. If you click on a button, i need it to launch mdi files depending on how many are in the ini. I know i can create a run command for each file but is there a way to have to it run through the ini and run each command based on what is there? (I know a little confusing). I attached the code i have now to give an idea but it is only based on one file being opened as oppsed to 6 per button

I haven't downloaded or looked into your code. However, what you're asking should look something like this:

$Sections = IniReadSectionNames($File)
 For $I = 0 To UBound($Sections) - 1
    $Read = IniRead($File, $Sections[$I], "MyCommandKey", "-1")

$Read will now have the 'CommandKey' in each section. So that way, you can just test what $Read equals and do something off of it >_<

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