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Some really basic scripting, I forgot how to do

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I am sorry I have to ask for help, even though it is very easy.

I had someone teach me autoit like 7 years ago, maybe 5, but I forgot the basics which is all I need today. I tried helpfile and examples but seems would take me hours to get the basic loop going.

Can someone do an example of (I will interpret this in human language)

1: promt to use or not use the script

2: wait 5 seconds

3: tab

4: (i got this part if i see how to do number 2) wait 1 second

5: enter

6: wait 1 second

7: loop *100 times*

8: that basic hot key command to stop the script when desired

This basic understanding will give me enough to just get by with what I need to do. Again I am sorry, I should know or at least be able to figure this out, but maybe it is sleep deprivation that I cannot :[

lol I know here it was good to show example scripts, but I am so lost, what I made is funny to me considering I have in the past made array search for change scripts with all kinds of functions.

I am so lost with this part alone

$answer = MsgBox(4, "AutoIt Example", "Run your little program?")

If $answer = 7 Then
    MsgBox(0, "AutoIt Example", "OK.  Bye!")
Edited by FuzzyShark
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HotKeySet("^x", "_Close")   ;exit on ctrl+x
Local $answer
For $i = 1 To 100
    $answer = MsgBox(4, "AutoIt Example", "Run your little program?")
    If $answer = 7 Then

Func _Close()

Note that I just coded this in notepad and I don't have AutoIt on the machine I'm currently using so there may be syntax errors. Just check it yourself.

Edited by omikron48
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ok it works well. It is almost 100% what is gonna work for me.

I tried to work this out but I get errors. I am trying to make it so I am only asked "Run your little program?" one time, then the loop starts. My bad, I should have indicated that between step 1 and 2 when I typed that in the first post. But you got what I asked for lol, I just asked a bit wrong xD

Thanks for your help, I am so lost lol

Edited by FuzzyShark
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If you only want to be prompted once, then just move the statement with MsgBox outside the For..Next loop.

Your algorithm was a bit unclear. I assumed you wanted to be promted every loop so I stuck the prompt code inside the For..Next loop.

Edited by omikron48
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you assumed correctly compared to what I typed. Thank you for helping me out.

This should get me able to write the basics I need for a good while. Alright thanks again.

thread served purpose, issue resolve. ty

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