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_stringbetween (Someone find the obvious error)


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<TS Value="1253666728883"/>

<T Value="nothing usable in this box lololollol"/>

<NT Value="541"/>

<NS Value="0"/>

<NC Value="196"/>

<NP3 Value="WBP"/>

<NP1 Value="Friendlyperson"/>

<TT Value="-1"/>

<PX Value="-1.0"/>

<PY Value="-1.0"/>

<PZ Value="-1.0"/>



I have this above file and this code to grab from it

$file = FileOpen("tester.xml", 0)

$gui = FileRead($file)

$entry = _StringBetween($gui,'<Entry1> ','</Entry1>')

The problem is, $entry is ALWAYS equal to zero no matter what I tweak - It's pretty late but I have no idea why this is the case

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<TS Value="1253666728883"/>

<T Value="nothing usable in this box lololollol"/>

<NT Value="541"/>

<NS Value="0"/>

<NC Value="196"/>

<NP3 Value="WBP"/>

<NP1 Value="Friendlyperson"/>

<TT Value="-1"/>

<PX Value="-1.0"/>

<PY Value="-1.0"/>

<PZ Value="-1.0"/>



I have this above file and this code to grab from it

$file = FileOpen("tester.xml", 0)

$gui = FileRead($file)

$entry = _StringBetween($gui,'<Entry1> ','</Entry1>')

The problem is, $entry is ALWAYS equal to zero no matter what I tweak - It's pretty late but I have no idea why this is the case


i'm having the same problem and didn't find a solution with _StringBetween.

If your xml file always look like above, i would do it like this:

$file = FileOpen("c:\temp\test.xml", 0)
$text = FileRead($file)
FileClose ($file)
$entry = StringTrimRight (StringTrimLeft ($text,9), 11)
MsgBox (0,"",$entry)


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Here are a couple of ways.

;==== This way ========================================================
#include <string.au3>

$file = "test.xml"
$text = FileRead($file)
ConsoleWrite($text & @CRLF)
$entry = _StringBetween($text, "<Entry1>" & @CRLF, @CRLF & "</Entry1>")
MsgBox(0, "_StringBetween Result", $entry[0])

; Or this way
$text = FileRead("test.xml")
$entry = StringRegExpReplace($text, "(?:<Entry1>\v+)(?s)(.*?)(\v+</Entry1>)", "\1")
MsgBox(0, "StringRegExpReplace Result", $entry)
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Here are a couple of ways.

;==== This way ========================================================
#include <string.au3>

$file = "test.xml"
$text = FileRead($file)
ConsoleWrite($text & @CRLF)
$entry = _StringBetween($text, "<Entry1>" & @CRLF, @CRLF & "</Entry1>")
MsgBox(0, "_StringBetween Result", $entry[0])

; Or this way
$text = FileRead("test.xml")
$entry = StringRegExpReplace($text, "(?:<Entry1>\v+)(?s)(.*?)(\v+</Entry1>)", "\1")
MsgBox(0, "StringRegExpReplace Result", $entry)


thanks for opening eyes. I should have read helpfile better. Such a shame :D

Success: A 0 based $array[0] contains the first found string.



Edited by 99ojo
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Please try the files I have attached. You'll find that the space was the error.


i think he did the same mistake as me:

Msgbox (0,"",$entry) instead of

Msgbox (0,"",$entry [0])



Edited by 99ojo
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Nope, still fails just the same without that - in fact i added it to try and trick it into working


Look at this answer from him, just after your tip with the blank.

So i think, he means "" and not 0.

But in fact, your right if $entry would be really zero, _StringBetween failed.



Edited by 99ojo
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