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How reliable is PixelChecksum ?


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I ask because, I have ran it on a seemingly Identical region of the screen but produced two different checksums.

The region is quite small 12x2 pixels, would this cause unreliability ?

I captured the exact region of checksum using Screencapture_Capture, and examined them as many times as my eyes will allow.

Autoit windows info tool reports each pixel as the same colour, in both images.

Has anyone encountered this, I would appreciate your insight.

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Yes, it was a bit strange.

My script was meant to look at an area on the screen, perform a checksum of it, and then save a screencapture of it and save to file, with its pixelchecksum return being the name of the file.

It performs this function at given intervals, and only saves a new file if the checksum has changed.

I found 2 files with different names, compared them to find the differenc and they where the same.

I can only assume picelchecksum detected a change, but by the time screencapture got it the change was gone.

I have to assume this, if just for my sanitys sake.

Thanks for your reply.

AutoIt Absolute Beginners    Require a serial    Pause Script    Video Tutorials by Morthawt   ipify 

Monkey's are, like, natures humans.

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