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finding words in a mysql line in a db

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Hi there Comunity :)

i need to do something (fast) with autoit, wich i have no clue on how i can do it although i've searched for a while in the forum and haven't found what i need, even using search, so i'm sorry if there is already a post about this and i haven't found.

So, what i need to do is this:


I have a game server running in one of my computers and the server keep a realtime log from the general chat i can read them with navicat and all because its in mysql db.

So firstly I need the script to check the last line of the 4th column of the log db looking for a "key" word and if the word whas present in the line, he should get that player's name (actually is for filtering help requests from players), and paste the name in a pre-configured command line in the chat of the game as if i, the game admin would tipe that command, then register that name in a ini file so next time script can compare the name he found and if he find a match, he skip the command line and keep checkig (refreching) the last line os the chat log.

The line in the mysql db look like this:

Name : text of the player

(notice that there is a space before and after the ":")

I'm so sorry and embarrassed for having to ask help in this... but i really dont know how to do it and maybe with a even small exemple, i could understand this better and figure out how can it be done.

Ty and Cheers all :)

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An SQL DB doesn't have "lines" exactly. Did you already export the table to a text file, or are you reading records through and MySQL ADO driver, or what?


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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ty for you reply :)

i have done nothing yet... i don't even know where to start... I'm reading what i find about mysql and autit, but i suppose i should have also some bases on mysql, witch i don't and i was hoping i could find a script that i could take example from... I'm adding a pic of the db to show you why i call it "lines" when i look at he pic, it seems like something easy to do (and maybe it is), but i know nothing about mysql and/or finding words and strings in a text. i'm trying... trying.... but just cant understand some of the examples i've seen. sorry :) please help.



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You'll have to learn some basics and work up to it. Even if you get a working example that does something else in MySQL, you won't be able to customize it without learning some AutoIt and SQL basics first.

Since you seem have a MySQL driver installed, then you can use ADO connections to access the DB and select records and fields.

I don't know how you can expect to it "fast" if you don't know any AutoIt, ADO connections, or SQL yet.


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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