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distance between moving object and 2 targets


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So something like this but how would I tell it to store multiple targets so I would be able to pick one under my case. like click target a. click target b.

$target = _ImageSearchArea("target.gif", 1, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $a1, $b1, 35)
    $shiptarget = _ImageSearchArea("ship.gif", 1, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $sx1, $sy1, 35)
    $distance = Sqrt((Abs($a1 - $sx1)) ^ 2 + (Abs($b1 - $sy1)) ^ 2)
    Case $distance >= 800
    sleep (15000)
    Case $distance >= 400
    Case Else
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So something like this but how would I tell it to store multiple targets

1. while-loop,  detect the positions of all possible targets

2. store these positions into an $array[$target_type][$posx;$posy]   ;maybe you do not have to do so if you have only one target_type

3. in a for/to-loop, check the distance between ship and all targets (which were stored in the array)

4. if the distance between the ship and one of the targets < critical_distance then do something depends of target_type

5. wend  ;goto 1

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