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Listview with multiple entries


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I am trying to create a small program that basically runs an xcopy command from one directory to another when the button is pressed. I want the output of the files that were copied to appear in the listview I created. There are about 20 files being copied but they are all showing in the listview box on the same line so you can't see any other than the first. How can I get them to list down?

#include <GuiConstants.au3>


GuiCreate("MyGUI", 392, 316,(@DesktopWidth-392)/2, (@DesktopHeight-316)/2 ,

$Button_1 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Copy Files", 130, 70, 130, 30)


$Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Please click on the button below to synchronize subtitle

files", 50, 35, 300, 25)

$list= GUICtrlCreateListView ("Files Copied ", 80, 125, 220, 150)



While 1

$msg = GuiGetMsg()


Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Case Else





;--------------- Functions ---------------

Func Copy()

RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'xcopy c:\complete\*.* c:\complete1

/S/E/Y/D>c:\Filecopy.txt',"c:\", @SW_HIDE)

$fc = FileRead("c:" & "\Filecopy.txt", FileGetSize("c:" & "\Filecopy.txt"))

FileDelete("c:" & "\Filecopy.txt")

GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($fc, $list)


Func OnExit()



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$fc = FileRead("c:" & "\Filecopy.txt", FileGetSize("c:" & "\Filecopy.txt"))

FileDelete("c:" & "\Filecopy.txt")

GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($fc, $list)


Change your fileread to _FileReadToArray then step through each element in the array greating a different listviewitem for each element.

There are probably about twenty other ways to do it too, but this way should be fairly easy.

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