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TCP client to client data send


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I found this TCP UDF made by Kip, and I would like to know how to send a file (like a screenshot) via TCP.

Also, I tried to start making the server. But I have no idea how this stuff works, this is my first time using TCP. Could anyone make a basic server example? Much appreciated.


Read next post.

Edited by AlmarM


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I kind of managed to make a server with 2 clients, now what I would love to know, how to send a string (for example: Hai!) to the other connected client?


#include "TCP.au3"

$hServer = _TCP_Server_Create(1337, @IPAddress1)

ToolTip("SERVER: Server Created.", 0, 0)
_TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_NEWCLIENT, "NewClient")
_TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnect")
While 1
Func NewClient($hSocket, $iError)
    ToolTip("SERVER: Client connected.", 0, 0)
Func Disconnect($hSocket, $iError)
    ToolTip("SERVER: Client disconnected.", 0, 0)

Client 1

#include "TCP.au3"

$hClient = _TCP_Client_Create(@IPAddress1, 1337)

ToolTip("CLIENT1: Connected.", 0, 30)

_TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "Received")
_TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnected")

While 1

Func Received($hSocket, $sReceived, $iError)
    ToolTip("CLIENT1: Received: " & $sReceived, 0, 60)

Func Disconnect($hSocket, $iError)

Client 2

#include "TCP.au3"

$hClient = _TCP_Client_Create(@IPAddress1, 1337)

ToolTip("CLIENT2: Connected.", 0, 60)

_TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "Received")
_TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnected")

While 1

Func Received($hSocket, $sReceived, $iError)
    ToolTip("CLIENT2: Received: " & $sReceived, 0, 60)

Func Disconnect($hSocket, $iError)

AlmarM :)

Edited by AlmarM


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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personaly i'm not familiar with Kip's UDF... though...

TCPSend ($Socket,$Data)

will send it.. and

TCPRecv ($Socket,$MaxLen)

Kip's UDF simplifies it ALOT, but if you want to learn, i have TCP examples in my Sig, using Multiclient method WITHOUT kip's UDF...

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Yeah, but I want to know how to send a string from Client 1 to Client 2, im totally new to this O_O


My 1,000th post, :)

Edited by AlmarM


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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*tries to bump*

Noone knows how to send a string like "hello" from a connected client to another connected client?

Edited by AlmarM


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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Almar... i will take a look through TCP.au3 and try to figure it out and give an example of how.



Use _TCP_RegisterEvent() to register an event. These are the possible events to register:

$TCP_SEND - When you send something.

$TCP_RECEIVE - If something is received.

$TCP_CONNECT - When you connect to the server. (Client only)

$TCP_DISCONNECT - When a connection is closed.

$TCP_NEWCLIENT - When a new client connects to the server. (Server only)

now, im not positive but this may be what your looking for

_TCP_Server_Create($iPort, $sIP="")






_TCP_Client_Create($sIP , $iPort)


_TCP_Send($hSocket, $sText) ;to send!!

_TCP_RegisterEvent($hSocket, $iEvent, $sFunction);make a function when there is Data being recieved.

Edited by CodyBarrett
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Almar... i will take a look through TCP.au3 and try to figure it out and give an example of how.



now, im not positive but this may be what your looking for

_TCP_Server_Create($iPort, $sIP="")






_TCP_Client_Create($sIP , $iPort)


_TCP_Send($hSocket, $sText) ;to send!!

_TCP_RegisterEvent($hSocket, $iEvent, $sFunction);make a function when there is Data being recieved.

Aah, I think I've got it. First Client1 (or 2, w/e) sends data to the server, then when it comes to the server, it broadcasts it and then send it to Client 2.

I'll play some with this, ill let you guys when im having a problem. Thanks! :)


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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