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DDE Client Help!


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I have tried to modify the SampleDDEClient.au3 found on this forum to execute commands and request data from an application I have that runs a DDE service. I know that I can connect to the server because I get the message "Failed to connect service execute" when the application is not running. When the application is running the script does not display the previous message and does execute the ddeclientTransaction function, however the DDE commands that I try to send do not seem to work. The server is "CASCON", the Topic can be SYSTEM (for XTYP_EXECUTE) or UUT for request.


DDE server


topic; type XTYP_EXECUTE

syntax: <command> [ONTOP!] [<parameters>]

Use parameter ONTOP! to activate CASCON window.

The following command set is defined for <command>. You will need a pre-set UUT and perhaps a selected test. Please refer to the following chapters for detailed information about single activities.




SELECT_UUT (old syntax)


[<projectname>] [,<batchname>] [,<devicename>] [,<testname>] (project name is 4800A-001_merge)

* (i.e., the selection is not changed) or an empty string (none was selected) can be given for each of the three names.

any help would be appreciated



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I was able to get the XTYP_REQUEST working. It was a problem with $CF_UNICODETEXT, changed it to $CF_TEXT and it works. I am not sure if it is a similar problem with the XTYP_EXECUTE. If it is I am not quite sure how to send the command as $CF_TEXT.

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Does anyone have any comments, suggestions, opinions? I seem to be going in circles now, can't seem to figure out what is wrong with the command execute portion of this. I have tried using some of the other commands in the DDEMLCLIENT.au3 UDF. The two calls to the request functions work but the execute function still does not work.




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