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AutoIt and Mutex


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There is function in AutoIt with a great potential it would seem.

From documentation:

#Include <Misc.au3>
_Singleton($sOccurenceName[, $iFlag = 0])

"You can place the object in a namespace by prefixing your object name with either "Global\" or "Local\". "Global\" objects combined with the flag 2 are useful in multi-user environments."

So it should look like?:

Script 1:

#Include <Misc.au3>
_Singleton("Global\test", 2)
$a = 1;
While $a

Script 2:

#Include <Misc.au3>
_Singleton("Global\test", 2)
$a = 0;

Logicaly running script 2 while script 1 is running it should set $a to 0 and let the first script exit.

Not working... Where am I wrong?

Edited by dexto
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Indeed, but you can't set the variable of AutoIt from another process this way. You need to use process communication using WM_COPYDATA, SendMessage, MemoryMappedFile, etc...

I guess that the main usage of this function is to substantially identify if your process is running more than once in the case the user has renamed the filename, changed the window name, title, and more. If you need to notify your other application that another application is running you can use _SendMessage() and _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage() to send your own message to it notifying it about events or process communication. If you require to pass data other than integers, i.e. pointers you need to use the aforementioned process communication methods.

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