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Control GUI for different Desktop Resolutions


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I been searching the topics but haven't come across what I'm looking for. I have a GUI and I want to control how it looks on various desktop resolutions. On most it is fine, but some people have text at 150% and such things. Is there anything I can do?

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Not sure exactly what you are after but you can do something like this:

GUICreate("title", @DesktopWidth-100, @DesktopHeight-100) ;control the GUI Width/Height based on screen resolution
GUISetFont(8, "", "", "Verdana") ;set a static font for the overall GUI

GUICtrlCreateLabel("hello", 10, 10, 100, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, "", "", "Verdana") ;set a static for a specific controlID
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I been searching the topics but haven't come across what I'm looking for. I have a GUI and I want to control how it looks on various desktop resolutions. On most it is fine, but some people have text at 150% and such things. Is there anything I can do?

Take a look at this:


Maybe that would help.

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Are talking about the size of the controls and the gui? If so, then your best bet would be to make the coordinates of the gui as a percentage of the desktop width and height and the coordinates of the controls as a percentage of the gui. For example:

Global Const $DW = @DesktopWidth
Global Const $DH = @DesktopHeight

$GUI = GUICreate("GUI", $DW * 0.5, $DH * 0.65)
$ClientSize = WinGetClientSize($GUI)
GUICtrlCreateButton("Button", ($ClientSize[0] - ($ClientSize[0] * 0.5)) / 2, ($ClientSize[1] - ($ClientSize[1] * 0.5)) / 2, $ClientSize[0] * 0.5, $ClientSize[1] * 0.5)
;GUICtrlCreateButton("Button", (GUIWidth - ButtonWidth) * 0.5, (GUIHeight - ButtonHeight) * 0.5, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight)
;this button will be half the width and height of the gui and will be centered on the gui in any screen resolution

While 1
    $Msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $Msg
        Case -3
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This sounds like the label width is not long enough and is cutting off the text, I recommend setting a temporary background color to the label to assist in seeing the width and height etc. it will make it alot easier to position as well.

GUICtrlCreateLabel("here is some text", 10, 10, 100, 20)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x00ff00) ;green background
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