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Help with problem - mousemove being weird.


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If UBound($ucheck)>1 Then

ToolTip(" blah blah ", 400, 3)




ToolTip(" blah blah ", 400, 3)

$coord = PixelSearch( 783, 175, 1003, 611, 0x733C9E, 10 )

If Not @error Then

; pixel found - do ur thing

;MsgBox(0, "X and Y are:", $coord[0] & "," & $coord[1])

MouseClick("right", $coord[0] , $coord[1])


MouseClick("left", $coord[0] , $coord[1] +23)


MouseClick("right", $coord[0] , $coord[1])


MouseMove("right", $coord[0] , $coord[1] +100) ; <-- problem is here, this worked as MouseClick but stopped working as MouseMove


MouseClick("right", $coord[0] -100 , $coord[1] +100)




I have a problem with this code, it all worked fine until I changed MouseMove("right", $coord[0] , $coord[1] +100). This used to be a MouseClick, but I don't want it to click, I just want it to move the mouse there. My issue is the mouse is not moved to the correct position when using the mousemove function, instead it just moves to the botton left of the screen, every time. I tried adding MouseCoordMode 0 and that didn't fix the problem either. Can someone help?

Edited by Popeye1
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Hint: Since you're moving, not clicking now, you don't want to specify the "right" button anymore, right?


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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