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Basic PID Reading


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#include <NomadMemory.au3>

SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1)

$pid = _MemoryOpen(ProcessExists("notepad.exe"))
MsgBox(0, "PID", $pid)

Hey all, I'm pretty new to AutoIT but a fast learner :mellow:

I've been trying to figure out memory reading and starting off by simple trying to get the PID from the current notepad.exe process.

Running the above code presents a blank msgbox, I've tried everything I can think of but its either the code or the fact im running Windows 7 x64.

Any replys would be much appreiciated and I apologise if its a really really simple mistake!.

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Solved :mellow:

I was trying to read the memoryopen+pid value which of course is useless!

After some carefull thinking / research I came up with the following code which proberly demonstrates the basic memory reading with AutoITv3

#include <NomadMemory.au3>

SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1)

$pid = ProcessExists("MyProgram.exe") ;get process ID
$mem_Open = _MemoryOpen($pid) ;open memory for read/write
$mem_Read = _MemoryRead("0x63043C", $Mem_Open) ;read the memory
MsgBox(0, "Output", $mem_Read) ;display memory
_MemoryClose($mem_Open) ;close the memory
Edited by Falkor
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Always i use this way too:(Additional Method :mellow: )

;WMIC PROCESS WHERE handle="definehandlehere" get name  ;you can get name of Proc

;Proc name to pid
Run("cmd.exe /c " & "notepad.exe",@WindowsDir,@SW_HIDE)
RunWait("cmd.exe /c " & "WMIC PROCESS WHERE Name='notepad.exe' get handle >>"&@TempDir&"\proc4.txt",@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE)
MsgBox(64,"","pid for notepad.exe Process Name = > " & FileRead(@TempDir&"\proc4.txt"))
[size="5"] [/size]
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Well, congratulations :mellow: Next time try to think a bit harder before posting though, as you solved your own problem in +- 1 hour :(

I will persist longer in future but I hope my post becomes some use to someone else in the future thats just starting out.

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It is good that you are learning. Ignore the trolls. Feel free to ask questions here. There are plenty of friendly people that are happy to help.

Are you implying I'm a troll? Quite strange as I always try to help people. I just think it is odd if people post a question and an hour later post the solution. To me it seems that they didn't actually try to solve it themselves in the first place, I think it's fair enough to point that out. Edited by d4ni
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Are you implying I'm a troll? Quite strange as I always try to help people. I just think it is odd if people post a question and an hour later post the solution. To me it seems that they didn't actually try to solve it themselves in the first place, I think it's fair enough to point that out.

I'm was implying (but being very clumsy about it) your response was a bit harsh to the OP. Some people figure out soon after posting their question and respond that they figured it out. Usually they will just make a new post instead of editing the original post. The fact he figured it out & saying he did - it helps others in not trying to do the work themselves. Thanks for helping though. Helping others in the forum is always welcomed.

Sorry about the troll comment. That was a bit harsh on my part. Moving on...

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