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Retrieve External Process' current/working directory

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When writing a script, I can retrieve the script's working directory by using the following macro:


When launching an application from within a script, I can set its initial working directory by using the following syntax for the 'Run' function:


The question is:

How do I retrieve the working directory of an application that was already started when my script began execution?

I looked in the PSAPI documentation in MSDN, the Win32_Process WMI class, as well as multiple forum searches for variations on 'current/working directory existing/running process' without positive results... Any help getting this working would be greatly appreciated...

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When writing a script, I can retrieve the script's working directory by using the following macro:


When launching an application from within a script, I can set its initial working directory by using the following syntax for the 'Run' function:


The question is:

How do I retrieve the working directory of an application that was already started when my script began execution?

I looked in the PSAPI documentation in MSDN, the Win32_Process WMI class, as well as multiple forum searches for variations on 'current/working directory existing/running process' without positive results... Any help getting this working would be greatly appreciated...

This _ProcessListProperties function by PsaltyDS might help.
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That UDF uses the Win32_Process WMI class, which does not provide the working directory.

I know it's possible, since Technet's Process Explorer can do it, but it seems like something that would be documented/known... (i.e. don't feel like setting up a reverse engineering setup to dig up a single API call)...

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TMXOD, The only way I know of doing this is to open and read the process memory - there's a pointer in the PEB block to 'Process Parameters' where you can read Current directory, DLL search path pattern, full exe path, Command line, Invokation method, and a number of other interesting strings. Doing this unfortunately means you'll need to have proper privileges to open a handle to read the process memory.

I have code for it, but its not very pretty and has limited error checking, but I just thought I'd try pointing you in the right direction

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