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FilaPath problem

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Hi there everyone...

I have a litle problem with the FileSelectFolder function.

I made a backup program that is asking you where you want to save the backup fiele. Everithing works great there.But when I chose a path like a USB key ex: F:\ it works ok.

If I chose the desktop for example I get ex: C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\BureauBACKUPFILE without the "\". If I want it to return the full path with the "\" I put a \ in front of my variable. Ok It works on the desktop but no more on the USB Key.. It gives me ex: F:\\BACKUPFILE

How can i check with StringRegExpReplace or StringRegExp to delete the \ if it exists ?

Here is the part of the scrypt:

Local $chemin = FileSelectFolder("Veuillez choisire l'endroit pour copier la sauvegarde","")

    If StringInStr($chemin,"\\") Then
        $Dest = $chemin & $backupName
        $Dest = $chemin & "\" & $backupName

Thanks a lot for your help

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Ok I found my problem and I dit'it like this

Local $chemin = FileSelectFolder("Veuillez choisire l'endroit pour copier la sauvegarde","")
    $Dest = $chemin & "\" & $backupName
    If StringInStr($Dest,"\\") Then
        $Dest = $chemin & $backupName
        $Dest = $chemin & "\" & $backupName

but how can I make'it simpler or use the StringRegExp

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Local $chemin, $Dest, $backupName = "BureauBACKUPFILE"
$chemin = FileSelectFolder("Veuillez choisire l'endroit pour copier la sauvegarde","")
If StringRight($chemin, 1) <> "\" Then $chemin &= "\"
$Dest = $chemin & $backupName


Local $chemin, $Dest, $backupName = "BureauBACKUPFILE"
$chemin = FileSelectFolder("Veuillez choisire l'endroit pour copier la sauvegarde","")
$chemin &= "\"
$Dest = StringReplace($chemin & $backupName, "\\", "\")
Edited by smashly
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