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Combat Arms Automated Server Bot

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Is this possible to do with combat arms? Typically the servers are all non-dedicated, and I just want something that will work as a mediator for the players to manage the servers while I'm not playing. So basically, could auto-it recognize user input?

I would like to create a bot or automated program that manages user input and game data. This would allow me to run a dedicated server.

1. Map Voting.

Something to the effect of : "Say '1': Two Towers

Say '2': Wave Rider

Say '3': Cold Storage

Say '4': Snow Valley


2. Automaticaly booting hackers or black listed players from the room. (Only Elite Moderator).

Or either informing others of the player when he enters the room.

3. KDR Ranking / Statistics - This would allow me to track stats for the room, and update them realtime to the users if they initiate a command on the server, and would also allow me to post leaderboards on my website.

4. Custom kicking / banning / warning system - Elite moderators could have their own kicking system : /votekick 'name'. Which would allow anyone from either side vote to kick. Known hackers, exploiters, or 'bad' players could be automaticaly black listed from your server.

5. Automatic OPK Kicking - Over saturated screen process / name analyzer for a particular amount of time could automaticaly detect and ban opk players. If someone is in protest, they could post on the website to be unbanned.

6. Restrictions - Analyzing weapon icons during kill scenarios which would allow you to initiate kicks (if elite moderator) for players who use a certain weapon. EX. (Spec Ops Weapons, or OP guns, based upon hosts discretion.)

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Basicly thats not very hard to do,Server side. But by what means would you want your players to communicate to the bot?

It would give the players options, because the games vote kick system is shoddy, and there is no map voting system.

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