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StringTrimRight giving weird results

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I have a line of text and when I try to trim the right it gives weird results.


$sPath = "C:\scripts\autoit\mypath\morescripts\file.exe"

When I do this

$nPath = StringTrimRight($sPath,StringInStr($sPath,"\",0, -1))

It returns something weird like C:\scripts\autoit\mypath\mores

Instead of C:\scripts\autoit\mypath\morescripts\

What am I doing wrong cause my brain must be fried right now.

Edited by EndFunc
EndFuncAutoIt is the shiznit. I love it.
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Your StringInStr is returning position of the rightmost "\" starting from the left side which is like the 37th character. So 37 characters are being trimmed from the right side of the string.


Something like this could work...

$nPath = StringTrimRight($sPath,StringLen($sPath) - StringInStr($sPath,"\",0, -1))
Edited by MrMitchell
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Reread the definition of StringInStr output, then the definition of StringTrimRight second parameter.

Then realize that the result of the former can't be (in your case) used directly by the latter!

Edit: I was diverted and overtaken!


$nPath = StringLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath,"\",0, -1))

Edited by jchd

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Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
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SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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StringLeft will give the answer you are looking for.

$sPath = "C:\scripts\autoit\mypath\morescripts\file.exe"
$nPath = StringLeft($sPath,StringInStr($sPath,"\",0, -1))
Edited by Bowmore

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."- Rick Cook

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MrMitchell pointed out what you needed with StringTrimRight ... You could have used StringLeft to achieve the same results the way you originally had it though:

$nPath = StringLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath,"\",0, -1))


As Bowmore showed :mellow:


And as jchd presented in his edit :P:party:

Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Your StringInStr is returning position of the rightmost "\" starting from the left side which is like the 37th character. So 37 characters are being trimmed from the right side of the string.


Something like this could work...

$nPath = StringTrimRight($sPath,StringLen($sPath) - StringInStr($sPath,"\",0, -1))

Ahh,doh.. :mellow: That makes sense. I guess I was confusing myself.

Thanks for the help and setting me straight.

EndFuncAutoIt is the shiznit. I love it.
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MrMitchell pointed out what you needed with StringTrimRight ... You could have used StringLeft to achieve the same results the way you originally had it though:

$nPath = StringLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath,"\",0, -1))


As Bowmore showed :mellow:

Thanks SmOke_N, that is actually what I was trying to do because I had done it before but couldn't understand why it wasn't working. Wrong function. lol I should try and find my old scripts as reference.
EndFuncAutoIt is the shiznit. I love it.
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