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whats wrong?

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Hiho guys

I'm pretty new to autoit and have a question about a script.

So what I try to do is:

A small image is appearing randomly on a homepage. If it's there, click on it, if not, click

on the link "home".

Here's the script:

if  (isElementPresent(("//img[contains(@src,'http://img.lokalisten.de/lokiimg/lokalisten/schnitzeljagd/schnitzel.png')]")) Then
    click   ("//img[contains(@src,'http://img.lokalisten.de/lokiimg/lokalisten/schnitzeljagd/schnitzel.png')]")));


    click   ("link=home");

I'm sorry if this is a noob question but I would be thankful if u could correct it or tell me

another script that works.

Thank you

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There is sooo much wrong here.

First you need to wait until the page fully loads

maybe _IELoadWait

Next, checking if your image is there (link inside)

_IEPropertyGet might be helpful or _INetGetSource with a StringInStr search to see if the link exists

then _IEImgClick if it does exist or _IELinkClickByText if it does not.

All these functions can be found in the help file

And if you use the _IE functions add #include <IE.au3> to the top of your script.

Also if the INet function is used add also #include <INet.au3> to the top.



My Android cat and mouse game

We're gonna need another Timmy!

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ok, I got this now:

#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate ("http://www.lokalisten.de/web/showHome.do")
_IELoadWait ($oIE)

#include <IE.au3>
_IEImgClick ($oIE, "http://img.lokalisten.de/lokiimg/lokalisten/schnitzeljagd/schnitzel.png")
#include <IE.au3>
_IELinkClickByText ($oIE, "home")

But how exactly can I get it to check for the image after the site loaded?

Like: Check for image --> click image --> home --> check for image --> home etc....

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You only need the #include <IE.au3> once in your script.

As for your question, maybe something like:



If $string=0 Then

IELinkClickByText ($oIE, "home")

ElseIf $string<>0 Then

_IEImgClick ($oIE, "http://img.lokalisten.de/lokiimg/lokalisten/schnitzeljagd/schnitzel.png")




My Android cat and mouse game

We're gonna need another Timmy!

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hmm, it opens the page and clicks on home when the pic is not there. Ok, but even when it's there, it clicks on home and not on the pic.

And how can I make it repeat it? Do I have to put a loop in it?

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To have it repeat, yes you will have to put it in a loop. (unless you close your web page each time, do not put the _IECreate in the loop or you will end up with a new IE opening for each loop (which could end up being thousands))

Maybe StrInStr is not finding the text.

I like to use MsgBox to see what an actual value of a variable is if something is not working right.

In your case, I would put a


right after


and if it still pops up 0 even when the image exists I would then add


So I could see what text it's getting.



My Android cat and mouse game

We're gonna need another Timmy!

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